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NOVEMBER 20, 2022

Gospel of the Day:

Luke 23, 35-43

Name of the Presiding Priest: Rev. Fr. Ricardo “Charles” Capinpin, Jr.

Three insights you get from the Homily

Most people associate royalty or kingship with power or exalted position, not with crucifixion. Jesus’ crucifixion does
not qualify him to be a King. However, in God’s eyes, human standards are always flawed. People are aware of Jesus’
identity but chose to reject him on their own volition
1. Jesus is merciful. Regardless of how big our sins are, he is willing to bring us to salvation as soon as we accept
king of our 27,
lives. He even forgave those who crucified him because they know not what they do. God’s mercy
and grace are abundantly available, but how can we receive it if we are not humble enough to admit our need of
2. Jesus is King, but not like any other king who rules guns, goons, and gold. He rules with compassion and justice.
But, his kingship is not yet visible in this world because many people reject his law from their hearts. He also reigns
with patience. And he is waiting for everyone to open their hearts to accept his kingship. May we all be humble
enough to acknowledge him as king in all aspects of our lives.
3. We all have our different perspectives in what it means to be a king or a leader. Jesus wants to end this separation
by inviting us to learn from him about how he exercised his kingship. A kingship based on obedience, humility,1and
service to his people even to the point of death.
NOVEMBER 27, 2022

Gospel of the Day:

Matthew 24, 37-44

Name of the Presiding Priest: Rev. Fr. Jefferson Agustin

Three insights you get from the Homily

Jesus is coming again and He is coming whether we are ready or not. we must be prepared to meet him when he
comes while we still have the opportunity, which is right now.
1. Stay awake - To be ready, one must be awake. That doesn't mean we don't sleep. We should be aware of his
presence in our lives at all times. We should glorify God in everything we do, whether we are working, resting or
eating and drinking. When we do this we live in love and ask for his forgiveness for our sins on a regular basis.
2. If Jesus may appear at any time and take away my last breath, it is better that every moment is spent loving God
and the people around me. There is no time to waste on storing grudges in my heart. I learn to let go of everything
because I know my life is short and that I would rather forgive and love others before it is too late. I will now guard
my happy and loving moments from the enemy (the thief).
3. We are reminded about the uncertainty of life. It may end anytime that's why we must seriously hear God's
message for us to repent and walk away from evil and sins and embrace goodness, forgiveness and love.

DECEMBER 4, 2022

Gospel of the Day:

Matthew 3, 1-12

Name of the Presiding Priest: Rev. Fr. Jefferson Agustin

Three insights you get from the Homily

1. With him, nothing is impossible. All he asks of us, his chosen people is that we repent. What better way to show
repentance than to be baptized, like John did in the Jordan River. This is because water has a cleansing property.
2. John genuinely desires a change of heart. Being baptized is not enough for us to be called children of Abraham.
To truly prepare for Jesus' return, there must be a metanoia, a change of heart, a true conversion from within.
3. According to the Bible, God is symbolized by fire because it is connected to love, power, and purification. It
means that, aside from water we must be baptized with fire to burn away any impurities and kindle in us God's love.
Fire has the ability to destroy. As the light of the world, Jesus has the power to barnish darkness and destroy evil. We
share in the light of God when we are baptized, and it is also our mission to barnish darkness and destroy evil. And
those who refuse to accept the light will be consumed by it throughout eternity.

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