Taking Care of Common Problems of Elderly

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Caring for others is not only about helping and

putting the needs of others before our personal
interests,but also it is also the ability to
hear,understand and recognize others needs
and feelings . this skill is beneficial for others
and for ourselves.
The number of older people with unmet care
and support needs is increasing substantially
due to the challenges facing the formal and
informal care system .Addressing these unmet
needs is becoming one of the urgent public
health priorities .In order to develop effective
solutions to address some of these needs,it is
important first to understand the care and
support needs of older people. Older people
living with chronic conditions have unmet
care and needs related to their physical and
psychological health ,social life ,as well as the
environment in which they live and interact.
Findings of this review also emphasized the
importance of developing care models ans
support services based around the needs of
older people.
Taking care of skin and
The skin becomes
thinner ,dry ,pale ,fragile ,rough ,less
elastic with less sweat glands and fat.
The older person my get these
problems as a result of these changes.
1.skin tears , thin and fragile skin.
2.skin breakdown and pressure ulcers, the
skin is thin, dry fragile and has less cushion
as the person ages.
3. skin cancer and sunburns. The pale and
fragile makes the person prone to sun
burns and skin cancer.
5.rashes and infections like contact allergies
from some soap and shingles.
6. less able to cope with heat and cold- the
person may get too cold because they have
less fat tissue. The person may also get too
hot because they have less ‘cooling off’
sweat glands.
7. pressure ulcers- pressure ulcer occur
when people are not up and walking.
patients and residents with a poor diet are
at risk for pressure ulcer. People that do not
have a normal sense of pain and physical
ability to turn and remain in one position
for a long time unless someone else turns
them. If a patient stay in on in position for a
long time they get a pressure ulcer. Friction
occur when a patient or resident is pulled
up in the bed or in the chair.
GDA taking care of elderly
1. Dry skin care- skin lotion and mild soap
should be used
2. Skin tears and other skin break downs
the older person must not be gripped
forcefully during a transfer. this can
lead to a skin tear. People on bed rest
are most at risk developing pressure
ulcer. and gentle strokes with a soft
wash cloth when giving a bath to a
resident or patient . rinse the skin well
and then pat in dry with a soft towel
use a bland lotion to help dry skin .
3. Keep the skin clean and dry-
immediately remove all wet or dirty
linens briefs and clothing .
4. Anticipate the patients need to use the
commode or bathroom. Follow the
patients bowel and bladder training
programme if it is ordered .
5. Do not drag a persons body along
bedsheets . lifting device and sheets
lower friction and shear .they also
prevent patient and staff injury .
How to achieve optimum
elderly care
1. Active advocacy at various levels of
planning .
2. Need for reorganization of the facilities
and approach.
3. Efforts to be made to revive cultural
values and reinforce the traditional
practice of independence along
generations .
4. Surveillance of the ongoing
programmes and evaluate for
. taking care of bones
1. Make sure they get enough calcium
and vitamin d.
2. Encourage them to perform daily
exercise include both active and
passive range of motion exercises.
3. Encourage the person to walk and get
out of bed.
4. Prevent falls
5. Nurses and other people that work in
homes ,hospitals, and nursing
homes,must assess aresident or
patient at risk .
6. Regular rest and sleep .
7. Provide patient with a good diet .
Common health problems
1. Parkinsonism-characterized by
tremor ,rigidity , slowness of
movement .
2. Alzheimer disease –loss of short term
memory , deterioration in behavior
and slowness of thought .
3. Dementia – it is a chronic or persistent
disorder of behavior and higher
intellectual function due to organic
brain disease .
4. Depression ,anxiety.
5. Sleep disturbance

1. www.ucop.edu.com
2. www.slideshare.net.com
Neglected problems of

1. Visit them every now and then .

2. Check if they are taking their
medicine at time .
3. Revamp their living space .
4. Hire help
5. Do things they love
6. Keep them active
7. Create a schedule
8. Take care of yourself

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