Students Should Be Required To Stay in School Until The Age of 18

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Students should be required to stay in school until the age of 18.


Some people believe students must stay in school until the age of eighteen. Likewise, parents usually
want to send their children to school as they are not willing to care about their children every moment.
To me, I disagree with this belief due to some reasons which are restriction and individuality.

Restriction is a serious issue for children who go to school. When children go to school, they waste a lot
of time. Thus, students cannot attend some activities such as traveling the world or enjoyable activities
on weekdays because of limitation of school. Furthermore, they might not spend time for the other
basic needs in life. For instance, students may have a love life, but they might not give attention to their
partners, or they might not go to vocation with their girlfriend or boyfriend.,

The other significant reason is individuality. Majority of schools depend on an ideology or education
system. Therefore, students cannot be original because they need to work on the system. In the same
way, students might not follow their dreams. According to the researchers, if children start to learn on
early age, information will become permanent. Moreover, children live in a complex life until the age of
eighteen because of some hormones and family pressure.

To sum up, a lot of parents want to send their children to school until the age of eighteen. However,
they do not know some bad impacts of school such as restriction and reducing originality. In my opinion,
parents should encourage their children and they should break their mold about going to school. When
they do those, students will follow their dreams on early age.

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