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Good afternoon everyone! Today we have a new tutorial in Adobe Illustrator: Draw a basket of flowers. The author of the
lesson, Alekks-all, is one of the winners of the competition for the best banner , a beginner microstocker and
blogger. There are many more cool Adobe Illustrator tutorials on his Good Pictures blog !

If during the course of the lesson you have questions about working with this or that tool, you can look for a hint in the
free course "Learn Adobe illustrator in 30 days" . You can also take an online consultation on Adobe Illustrator via Skype.

How to draw a basket of flowers Let's start with the basket and draw the bottom first. To do this, use the Elipse

(Ellipse) and using the held down Shift key draw an even circle. Next, draw a rectangle above the circle : Rectangle
tool. Next, select both objects (circle and rectangle) and using the Pathfinder menu (which is initially located in the
Window section), subtract the rectangle from the circle: Pathfinder > Subtract from shape area - and press Expand (to
fix the properties) This is the future base of the basket. Next, using the Pen tool, draw the following. Would you like to
draw with a pen ?! This shape can be drawn using the Pathfinder menu . To do this, draw a rectangle with the Rectangle
tool and an oval with the Elipse tool.
And using Pathfinder> Subtract from shape area, subtract the oval from the rectangle. Click Expand.
We get the following: Then select the resulting object and, using the Alt key held down, drag it slightly to the side (thus
copying), at the moment drag it down. After that, select both objects and using the option Pathfinder> Subtract from
shape area, subtract the second object from the first and get such a shape. It's simple. Drag the resulting shape onto
the previously created semicircle and use the Elipse tool to draw another oval. The base of the basket is now
complete. Now with the Pen tool draw a pen. Now that the basket is ready, draw the flowers. To do this, we will use the
Poligon tool . We click on the working area of the picture and in the menu that appears, set the number of corners equal
to 10. We have got such a polygon. Select the resulting polygon and using Filter (or Effect)> Distort> Pucker & Bloat,
inflate the corners of the polygon - in the window that appears, set 40%. It turns out here is such an object. Now add a
circle to the center of this object - Elipse tool, color it: Right Panel> Color. Select the resulting flower and group it with
the right mouse button and the Group option. Using this principle, draw more flowers, changing the number of petals by
the number of corners of the polygon, and bloating with the percentage of Filter> Distort> Pucker & Bloat.
Copy them with the Alt key held down and fill the basket.

By the way, it may happen that when filling the basket with flowers, the handle will not be visible due to the flowers. To
prevent this from happening, change the position of the finished objects relative to each other: select the object> right
mouse button> Arrange> Send backward, thus moving them to the front (or background) relative to each other. So, our
basket of flowers is ready. I wish you every success. By the way, I painted objects using a gradient. How to do it, see
here . Alekka-all ____________________ And I wish you a good mood ! Anna Volkova

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