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Which of the following is not a potential advantage of having Health and Family Life
Education integrated into the school curriculum?

a. Encouraging the adoption of healthy lifestyle choices

b. Strengthening Interpersonal and Communication Capabilities
c. Minimizing the risk of substance abuse and harmful behaviours
d. Limiting students’ understanding of self and interpersonal relationships

Answer: d

2. The role of an HFLE teacher is best described by which of the following?

a. A teacher who specializes in physical education

b. A teacher who focuses solely on academic achievements
c. A teacher who focuses on educating students about making healthy lifestyle
d. A teacher who aids with providing financial planning for students

Answer: c

3. What is one important consideration that should guide the delivery of HFLE?

a. Confidentiality and privacy

b. Fostering discrimination
c. Ignoring cultural differences
d. Promoting personal beliefs

Answer: a

4. Understanding cultural diversity thoroughly and being able to apply it to their

instruction are not essential skills for HFLE teachers.

True or False

Answer: False

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