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The Frontal Matter

 Cover page
 Title page
 Acknowledgements
 Students declaration
 Supervisors declaration
 Abstract
 Dedication (if any)
 Table of contents
 List of Tables (if any)
 List of figures (if any)
Cover page: This page begins with the name of the University at the top of the
page. Next you have the title of the report, followed by the name of the author.
The month and year of submitting the report appear below your name.
Information on the cover page appears in centered capital letters.
Title page: This page begins with the title of the study at the top of the page.
Next, you have the name of the author, followed by the statement that reads “a
research report submitted to the Department of……at the University of……in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the bachelor of…. Degree
in…. Studies.” the month and year of submitting the report appear below the
statement. Information on the title page appears in inverted pyramid formatting
style and title case centered capital letters.
Acknowledgements: you may wish to acknowledge the help you received from
people in conducting your study and preparing your report. If so,
acknowledgements and thanks come after the title page.

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