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PROGRAMACIÓN NO LINEAL. Código: 182. Créditos: 2.
Profesor: Eduyn Ramiro López Santana (
Actualizado: lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023

Taller en Clase
El siguiente taller en clase se desarrollará en grupos de tres personas y será entregado el martes 17-octubre de 2023
(en horario de clase).


Jim Matthews, Vice President for Marketing of the J. R. Nickel Company, is planning advertising campaigns for
two unrelated products. These two campaigns need to use some of the same resources. Therefore, Jim knows that
his decisions on the levels of the two campaigns need to be made jointly after considering these resource constraints.
Each unit invested in the campaign 1 requires four hours and one hour of resource 1 and 2, respectively. Likewise,
the campaign 2 requires one hour and four hours of resource 1 and 2, respectively. Currently, 20 hours for resource
1 and 20 hours for resource 2 are available.

In facing these decisions, Jim is well aware that there is a point of diminishing returns when raising the level of an
advertising campaign too far. At that point, the cost of additional advertising becomes larger than the increase in
net revenue (excluding advertising costs) generated by the advertising. After careful analysis, he and his staff
estimate that the net profit from the first product (including advertising costs) when conducting the first campaign
at level 𝑥1 would be 3𝑥1 − (𝑥1 − 1)2 in millions of dollars. The corresponding estimate for the second product is
3𝑥2 − (𝑥2 − 2)2 .

a) Formulate a QPP (quadratic programming problem) to maximize J. R. Nickel Company’s profit.

b) Obtain the KKT conditions for this problem.
c) You are given the information that the optimal solution does not lie on the boundary of the feasible region.
Use this information to derive the optimal solution from the KKT conditions.
d) Now suppose that this problem is to be solved by the modified simplex method. Formulate the linear
programming problem that is to be addressed explicitly, and then identify the additional complementarity
constraint that is enforced automatically by the algorithm.
e) Apply the Griffith-Stewart Algorithm to solve the original problem.
f) Apply the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm to solve the original problem. Compare your obtained results in part e).
g) Now Suppose that the objective consists of maximizing the productivity of resources like the profit per
hour. Propose an approximation to solve by fractional lineal programming.

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