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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.

Release Notes
EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022

This document is written for and on behalf of Schneider Electric and is supplied on the express terms that it is to be treated as
confidential and that it may not be copied, used or disclosed to others except as authorized in writing by this Company. This
document is intended for internal use only.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

About This Release

The EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 Release v4.0.1 Release Notes document includes
information about the new release as well as some general information about the EcoStruxure
Building Operation products.

This version of EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 Release provides new features and
enhancements. It also includes fixes for several previously reported field defects.

This EBO software release is fully compatible with SpaceLogic IP Controller firmware v4.00.01
and therefore this document should be read in conjunction with the SpaceLogic IP Controller
v4.00.01 release note.

Important note:

In this release we end support for following legacy field buses.

• Enterprise Server: INET, Micronet and Sigma
• Automation Server: INET, Micronet and NW8000

In the release we end support for Report Server solution.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Table of contents
ABOUT THIS RELEASE ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

1. ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION 2022 RELEASE V4.0.1 AVAILABILITY ...................................................... 7

1.1 Upgrade options ...................................................................................................................................... 7

1.2 New features summary ......................................................................................................................... 10

2. NEW FEATURES IN ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION V4.0.1 RELEASE .................................................... 11

2.1 Connected Room Solution (CRS) in this Release .............................................................................. 11

2.2 Spacelogic IP Controller and Spacelogic Servers ............................................................................. 11

2.3 Legacy Obsoletion - Devices and Protocols no longer in EBO 2022................................................ 11

2.4 Legacy Obsoletion – Report Server .................................................................................................... 12

2.5 Engineering Enhancements ................................................................................................................. 12

2.5.1 Object creation process ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 TGML Improvements ....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.3 i2 and b3 Application folders and standard objects .......................................................................................... 15
2.5.4 Improvement in permissions ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.5.5 Possibility to merge Extended Trend Logs back into original Trend Logs for Timescale DB setups .................. 16
2.5.6 Improvements in the binding view .................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.7 Session notifications ........................................................................................................................................ 18
2.5.8 WorkStation SDK ............................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5.9 Content Types Rules – List view layout............................................................................................................ 20

2.6 Visual Programming – Builder for Function Block............................................................................. 21

2.7 Zoning Presets ...................................................................................................................................... 22

2.8 MQTT Subscribe .................................................................................................................................... 23

2.8.1 General improvements..................................................................................................................................... 23
2.8.2 MQTT Subscription .......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.3 Azure MQTT Client .......................................................................................................................................... 25
2.8.4 Google MQTT client......................................................................................................................................... 26

2.9 Federated Authentication – SAML authentication (Single Sign on) ................................................. 26

2.9.1 Global switch ................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.9.2 Domain and Group configuration ..................................................................................................................... 27
2.9.3 SAML Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 27

2.10 Custom Types and other information about types ............................................................................ 28

2.10.1 Nested custom type ......................................................................................................................................... 28
2.10.2 Imported device type ....................................................................................................................................... 29
2.10.3 Detect tampering of user-defined type in export file ......................................................................................... 29

2.11 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................. 29

2.11.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
2.11.2 Engineering of Semantic .................................................................................................................................. 31
2.11.3 Semantic Navigation and Filtering in WorkStation ............................................................................................ 33
2.11.4 Semantics in WebStation ................................................................................................................................. 34
2.11.5 Semantics in EWS ........................................................................................................................................... 36

2.12 Secure Boot AS ..................................................................................................................................... 36

2.13 Scalable AS Software............................................................................................................................ 37

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

2.14 Software Assurance AS ........................................................................................................................ 37

2.15 Zigbee Support ...................................................................................................................................... 37

2.15.1 Device Support ................................................................................................................................................ 38
2.15.2 Support for Enrolment under SE8000 .............................................................................................................. 38

2.16 Security Enhancements........................................................................................................................ 39

2.16.1 Support for IEEE802.1x ................................................................................................................................... 39
2.16.2 Support for TLS 1.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 39
2.16.3 Property level permissions – decide down to property level who has access ................................................... 40
2.16.4 Policy for prevention of alarm batch operations ................................................................................................ 40
2.16.5 CA Certificate Management ............................................................................................................................. 40
2.16.6 Policy for prevention of credentials autofill ....................................................................................................... 41
2.16.7 Certificate validation for SMTP ......................................................................................................................... 41

2.17 WebStation Enhancements .................................................................................................................. 41

2.17.1 New view for viewing/editing multiple schedules simultaneously ...................................................................... 41
2.17.2 New interactive alarms and event statistics widget in dashboards .................................................................... 42
2.17.3 More intuitive Forcing UI – same as in workstation .......................................................................................... 42
2.17.4 Alarm attachment popups ................................................................................................................................ 42
2.17.5 More options for setting up trend logs – all settings are available when creating .............................................. 43
2.17.6 Rezoning UI Improvements ............................................................................................................................. 43
2.17.7 More WebStation improvements ...................................................................................................................... 43

2.18 Smart Connector ................................................................................................................................... 44

2.19 BACnet Enhancements......................................................................................................................... 44

2.19.1 Duplicate BACnet network alarm suppression ................................................................................................. 44
2.19.2 BACnet configuration to disable automatic alarm queries ................................................................................ 45
2.19.3 Ignore Unhosted Devices................................................................................................................................. 45
2.19.4 Extended Online Poll Interval ........................................................................................................................... 45
2.19.5 COV Increment Localization ............................................................................................................................ 46
2.19.6 Integer Value Object ........................................................................................................................................ 46
2.19.7 Signed Out of Range Alarm ............................................................................................................................. 47
2.19.8 Port Selection UI .............................................................................................................................................. 48

2.20 BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) ................................................................................................ 48

2.21 I/A Series WorkPlace Tech Editor support for Visio vsdx format application files ......................... 48

2.22 MP-V automatic velocity pressure offset calibration ......................................................................... 49

2.22.1 Recalibrate Offset Command ........................................................................................................................... 49
2.22.2 Recalibrate Offset Property .............................................................................................................................. 49

2.23 NW8000 server objects binding globalization .................................................................................... 49

2.24 Event driven scripts in EBO servers ................................................................................................... 50

3. KNOWN DEFECTS IN ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION RELEASE V4.0.1 ................................................. 51


5. CYBERSECURITY VULNERABILITY DISCLOSURES ................................................................................................ 80

5.1 Issues Fixed in EBO .............................................................................................................................. 80

5.2 Known Issues in EBO ........................................................................................................................... 80

5.3 Known Issues in Continuum ................................................................................................................ 80

5.4 Known Issues in TAC Vista and Xenta ................................................................................................ 80

5.5 Mitigation Strategies for Known Issues .............................................................................................. 80

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

6. IMPORTANT ENGINEERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 82

6.1 General Engineering ............................................................................................................................. 82

6.2 Backup ................................................................................................................................................... 83

6.2.1 Backup validation ............................................................................................................................................ 83
6.2.2 How to activate full validation of historical data ................................................................................................ 83

6.3 Automation Server ................................................................................................................................ 83

6.4 WorkStation ........................................................................................................................................... 84

6.5 WebStation ............................................................................................................................................ 84

6.5.1 Graphics Viewer .............................................................................................................................................. 84
6.5.2 Workspace and Panels .................................................................................................................................... 84
6.5.3 General information ......................................................................................................................................... 84
6.5.4 Setting up WorkSpaces for responsive WebStation. ........................................................................................ 85
6.5.5 Security ........................................................................................................................................................... 85

6.6 LonWorks............................................................................................................................................... 85

6.7 b3 Devices ............................................................................................................................................. 86

6.8 Trends .................................................................................................................................................... 86

6.9 Archiving................................................................................................................................................ 87

6.10 Web Services ......................................................................................................................................... 87

6.11 Editors .................................................................................................................................................... 87

6.12 Authentication ....................................................................................................................................... 88

6.13 Schedules .............................................................................................................................................. 88

6.14 Import / Export....................................................................................................................................... 88

6.15 Search .................................................................................................................................................... 88

6.16 SmartDriver............................................................................................................................................ 88

6.17 EWS ........................................................................................................................................................ 89

6.17.1 Domain login.................................................................................................................................................... 89

6.18 BACnet ................................................................................................................................................... 89

6.18.1 Synchronize Bindings of Value and Default Priority Level ................................................................................ 89
6.18.2 EcoStruxure BMS Force Behaviour ................................................................................................................. 89
6.18.3 MNB Device..................................................................................................................................................... 90

6.19 Zigbee Engineering ............................................................................................................................... 90

6.19.1 Zigbee Device import files clarification ............................................................................................................. 90
6.19.2 Downloading Zigbee Device import files .......................................................................................................... 90
6.19.3 Improved handling of Zigbee Device import files ........................................................................................ 91
6.19.4 New way to associate Zigbee physical device with logical device .................................................................... 91
6.19.5 EBO 3.xx Zigbee Devices already configured on network ................................................................................ 92
6.19.6 Conversion of already configured Zigbee Devices to EBO 4.0 ......................................................................... 92
6.19.7 Zigbee configuration in a SpaceLogic server.................................................................................................... 94
6.19.8 Discovering the Zigbee Green Powered sensors. ............................................................................................ 95
6.19.9 Decommissioning GP sensors from an existing Zigbee network ...................................................................... 96
6.19.10 Moving Zigbee USB adaptors .......................................................................................................................... 97

6.20 Database for External Log Storage...................................................................................................... 97

6.20.1 WebReports/Report Server discontinuation ..................................................................................................... 97

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

6.21 Memory Consumption Before Upgrade............................................................................................... 97

6.22 Visual Programming – Builder for Function Block............................................................................. 98

APPENDIX A – PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................................... 100

A1. Installing EcoStruxure Building Operation ............................................................................................ 100

A2. Upgrading EcoStruxure Building Operation .......................................................................................... 100

A2.1 System Upgrade Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 100
A2.1.1 Upgrade Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central ............................................................................................... 100
A2.1.2 Upgrading Automation Servers ............................................................................................................................ 101
A2.1.3 Upgrading WorkStation and Client Tools Installation ............................................................................................ 101

A3 PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database schema.......................................................................................... 101

CHANGE HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................ 102

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

1. EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022 Release v4.0.1

The software and firmware included in the EcoStruxure Building Operation v4.0.1 Release
deliverable is available for download on Schneider Electric Exchange.

The EcoStruxure Building Operation Release 4.0.1 deliverable includes the following software
and firmware.

Product Version Build

EcoStruxure Building Operation Device Administrator software * 4.0.1 86
EcoStruxure Building Operation Enterprise Server software 4.0.1 86
EcoStruxure Building Operation Enterprise Central software 4.0.1 86
EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation software 4.0.1 86
EcoStruxure Building Operation License Administrator software 4.0.1 86

* This release is NOT supported on the original AS’s often referred to as AS classic (part
number - SXWAUTSVR10001) .

This release is compatible with the following auxiliary tools:

EcoStruxure Building Operation Project Configuration template to support v4.0.1.86 will be
available for download from Exchange.
An updated version of the EcoStruxure Building Operation Vista transition tool to support
v4.0.1 is available for download from Exchange.
Automated Engineering Tool and Export Tool versions to support EcoStruxure Building
Operation 4.0.1 are available for download from Exchange.
A new version of the EcoStruxure Building Commission mobile application to support the new
features of v4.0.1 are available to download from the appropriate store.

1.1 Upgrade options

Release v4.0.1 offers the possibility to upgrade a system in a non-sequential way. Any
EcoStruxure solution that is currently at v2.0 or higher can be upgraded directly to v4.0.1. If you
are upgrading from a version that is older than v2.0, it is important for you to read the earlier
Release Notes which can be found on Exchange.

BMS Software Support Policy establishes a clear expectation for product support timelines. There
are two main levels of software support, Full support when the software is in its active phase and
Limited support for a period of two years after the active phase. For more information, refer to
the software support policy document on Exchange.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Supported upgrade paths:

Ending Version
Upgrade Path
1.8 1.9 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0
1.5 Via 1.7 Direct Direct Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0
Out of Support 1.6 Via 1.7 Direct Direct Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0
1.7 Direct Direct Direct Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0 Via 2.0
Starting Version

1.8 X Direct Direct Direct Direct Via 3.1 Via 3.1

Limited Support 1.9 X X Direct Direct Direct Direct Via 3.2
2.0 X X X Direct Direct Direct Direct
3.0 X X X X Direct Direct Direct
Full Support 3.1 X X X X X Direct Direct
3.2 X X X X X X Direct
Limited Support 3.3L X X X X X X Direct
Limited Support Full Support

* Versions 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 are not supported. We suggest that systems with these releases
be upgraded to the latest release.

Compatibility Matrix between EBO and IP controller versions :

SpaceLogic IP MP/RP and IP-IO Series Controller Versions

Versions v1.00.0x v2.00.0x v3.01.0x v3.02.0x v3.03.01 v4.00.0x

v2.0.1/2/3 Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

v2.0.4 Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

v3.0.x Not supported Supported Not supported Not supported Supported Supported

V3.1.x Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

V3.2.x Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

V3.3.1L Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

V4.0.x Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

* New v4.0 features are not supported when used with EBO v3.x.x.

Note: RP-C is only supported on EBO 3.0 and later

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Downrev from a factory installed 4.0 firmware to “earlier” versions

It is important to note that any Downrev should be undertaken after hosting and prior to
connecting any external equipment ( beyond power and Ethernet connection) and prior to
downloading any application or undertaking any other configuration of the controller.

Warning: Downrev is not supported between versions once the application is loaded on to the

It is imperative that any upgrades be accomplished only after reading and understanding this
document, especially those areas that are related to the upgrade process.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

1.2 New features summary

Release v4.0.1 of EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022 provides many new features for the
user in the following areas:

• New modules for Connected Room Solution (CRS)

• Engineering Enhancements – For more details see section 2.5.
• Visual Programming – Builder for Function Block
• MQTT Subscribe
• Zoning Presets
• Federated Authentication – SAML authentication (Single Sign on)
• Custom Types and other information about types
• Semantics
• Secure Boot AS
• Scalable AS Software
• Software Assurance AS
• Security Enhancements – For more details see section 2.16.
• Zigbee Support for new devices
• Legacy obsoletion: NW8000 server objects binding globalization
• Legacy obsoletion: Report server
• Webstation Enhancements – For more details see section 2.17.
• BACnet Enhancements – For more details see section 2.19.
• BACnet Secure Connect
• I/A Series WorkPlace Tech Editor support

And many more.

The details for each of these feature enhancements can be found in Section 2.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

2. New Features in EcoStruxure Building Operation v4.0.1

2.1 Connected Room Solution (CRS) in this Release
The following models are supported by this release:
• Insight-Sensor (NEW) – Please refer to Release notes 4.00.01 for
more details.
• RP Controller Expansion Zigbee Modules – Please refer to
Release notes 4.00.01 for more details.

Existing modules:
• Blind High Voltage (4 groups) with power distribution
• DALI 4 groups (1 channel) with power distribution
• Sensor expansion module for infrared motion detection and
luminosity measurements
• Blind Low Voltage (2 groups) with power distribution
• Lighting 0 to 10v with power distribution
• Standard Motor Interface (SMI) high voltage with power
distribution (4 groups)
• Standard Motor Interface (SMI) low voltage with power
distribution (2 groups)
• DALI without power distribution (2 groups)
• Light 0v to 10v without power distribution (2 channel)
• Relay module high voltage with power distribution (4 channel)
• Relay Module (10 channels)

2.2 Spacelogic IP Controller and Spacelogic Servers

Spacelogic CRS modules can be hosted by all IP Controllers with a Room Bus port.

The IP Controller can be hosted by Spacelogic servers:

• Spacelogic Automation Server (AS-P / AS-B)
• Enterprise Server

For additional information please refer to the user documentation which can be found on

2.3 Legacy Obsoletion - Devices and Protocols no longer in EBO

The following protocols, objects, and devices are not supported in EcoStruxure Building Operation
4.0 or higher:
• Sigma
• MicroNet

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

• NETWORK 8000 ASD and LCM

Multi-version system

A multi-version system supports I/NET, Sigma, MicroNet, and NETWORK 8000 ASD and LCM on
automation servers running an earlier version than 4.0.

For example, you have a multi-version system with an Enterprise Server with version 3.2 with an
automation server of version 3.2 attached. The Enterprise Server does not contain any unsupported
protocols, objects, or devices but the automation server does. In this case you can upgrade the
Enterprise Server to 4.0 but not the automation server. However, the automation server can still be
attached to the Enterprise Server. These protocols, objects, or devices will still work on the
automation server.

• You cannot upgrade EcoStruxure Building Operation servers containing not supported protocols,
objects, or devices.
• Import and creation of not supported protocols, objects, or devices are blocked by error messages.
• Not supported objects still appears in the New menu but the creation of the objects is blocked.
• Before an upgrade all not supported protocols, objects, and devices must be deleted.

There is an exception that is NETWORK 8000 interface and objects that can be created in a NETWORK
8000 interface such as NETWORK 8000 points, alarms, and controls including Optimal Start-Stop.
These objects are still supported and improved to allow global bindings on all NW8K objects.

2.4 Legacy Obsoletion – Report Server

Report Server/WebReports is not supported in EcoStruxure Building Operation 4.0 or higher. For
more details please refer to engineering section 6.20.1.

2.5 Engineering Enhancements

2.5.1 Object creation process

The object creation process has been enhanced to improve efficiency with a consistent object
creation workflow and additional keyboard navigation that can save mouse clicks.
There are new options in the short-cut menu.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

The Create object dialog also has a new look and support for keyboard navigation. Selecting to create
a new object will take you to the create object dialog where you can select from available objects.

The quick filter can be used to quickly narrow your options:

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

After selecting the object to create, the Create object dialog offers you options to “Edit in wizard”
like previous versions, to “Create and edit” which automatically selects the new object in the system
tree and opens it in the workspace, or “Create”. The options might differ depending on which object
type is selected.

2.5.2 TGML Improvements

SVG import

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

EBO 2022 includes a new implementation of the SVG import. The main issue addressed was the lack
of support of the SVG <defs> and <use> elements which are used in many SVG graphics. TGML has
now two new elements that correspond to these SVG elements: Definitions and Use.

The elements Definition and Use can be created in the Graphics editor as any other TGML element,
but the purpose of these elements in EBO 2022 is to support the SVG import which creates these
elements automatically. Other usage is not supported in EBO 2022.

A SVG/TGML-preview tool, svgconverter.exe, is found in the installation folder

..\WorkStation\svgconverter. In this folder, there is also a document that describes the supported
SVG elements: svg-support.pdf.

Zoom level

The Group, Component and Layer elements have a new attribute called ZoomLevel. The ZoomLevel
determines at which zoom level groups, components, and layers are visible.

The default value is 0.0 which means the zoom-level feature for this element is disabled. Zoom level
1.0 is the original size of the graphics.
Note that the zoom level is changed when graphics are stretched or shrunk to fit in the window.

2.5.3 i2 and b3 Application folders and standard objects

In EBO 2022, support and method of creating sub-folders and standard EBO server objects in i2 and
b3 Application folders is enhanced to be more consistent with the other types of field controllers.
In i2 & b3 Application folders you can,
• Create sub-folders by right-clicking the Application and selecting Folder in the New object

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

• Create standard objects in the Application folder and sub-folders by selecting the desired
standard object in the New Object dialog.

Sub-folders of the Application folder can contain standard objects but not i2 or b3 objects. If you
attempt to create an i2 or b3 object in a sub-folder of the Application, you will get an error message.

2.5.4 Improvement in permissions

Permissions will now survive a rename of a folder or an object.

2.5.5 Possibility to merge Extended Trend Logs back into original Trend Logs
for Timescale DB setups
If External Log Storage is configured, records in an Extended Trend Log can be merged to the original
log in the TimescaleDB. Then all historical data is available in one trend log. The Extended Trend Log
is then not necessary. Right-click on the Extended Trend Log and choose External Log Storage-
>Merge with source log.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

2.5.6 Improvements in the binding view

Preserve task bindings when clicking Delete all bindings

When clicking “Delete all bindings” in the binding view in WorkStation or the Script Editor the task
bindings for your programs will be preserved.

Show/hide binding templates

You can hide/show the binding templates by clicking on the button shown here below.

Apply button for binding template

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Users no longer have to close the dialog to apply a binding template. Now in the dialog “Edit binding
template” there is a button to apply the template.

2.5.7 Session notifications

Session notifications provide users with more information about what is happening in the system.
The Session notification dialog will present additional information, warnings, or errors based on the
user interaction with the system.
For example, users could receive session notification when performing operations with custom types
such as:
- When a property defined in the custom type is discarded due to that it does not exist in this
server version at instantiation from the library.
- When a reference is changed at retype.
- When a reference is cleared at instantiation from the Type library.
- When a resource reference will not be a part of a custom type when manufacturing a new
version of a custom type.

In addition, errors and warnings generated by the server when it performs change sets during a user
session will also be shown in Session notifications. This goes for direct (normal) changes, not changes
done via import operations or upgrade.

The information in Session notifications is only from the ongoing Windows session and the previous
Windows session on the same computer. The information is only for the Windows logged-in user.

Some of the information provided in Session notification is only available in English, so you may see
some of the information translated and other messages in English

A new policy controls whether this feature should be active for a user group.
Note that only the Administrator group in the local domain has this policy “On” by default. This
means that other users will not see these session notifications if they do not enable this policy for
the user group.
If this policy is active there is a user setting where the user can select if the session notifications
should be shown or not. If the policy is enabled and the user has turned it on, the Session notifications
”balloon” shows up beside the user icon.

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If there is an unread message of type error or warning this is shown this way.

If there are more than 9 messages, it will show 9+.

When you click on the Session notification button this dialog will be opened:

There is a known defect. Occasionally a message box can hide under this dialog at it will seem that
WorkStation hangs.
If that happens, resize the dialog so that you are able to see the message box and respond accordingly
to close.
This dialog can be docked into your workspace, but note that the docking cannot be persisted, so it
will be temporary.

2.5.8 WorkStation SDK

Six interfaces are updated, and one new interface is added.


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Method TryGetServerVersion has been added to get version information on a server before doing
Open. This method uses ping to quickly determine if a server can be accessed.

ISession interface
The interface has been updated with methods IsDatabaseMode and SetDatabaseMode . With these
methods one can handle the database/online mode the same way as it is done in WorkStation.

IProgram interface
The interface has been updated with methods that use a string as content instead of a file:
CreateFunctionBlockProgramString , CreateMPxFunctionBlockProgramString ,
GetFunctionBlockProgramString , SetFunctionBlockProgramString .

IObjectManagement interface
The interface has been updated with method MoveObject to move objects within a server whilst
keeping references.

ICommand interface
The interface has been updated with WarmStart, ColdStart and FactoryReset commands ICommand.
Support for generic download, with operation details, has been added: DownloadSync .

IFileObject interface
This new interface contains methods that pertain to File Objects IFileObject .

IScript interface - ScriptKind enumeration

IScript now supports EBO event-driven Script Programs (as well as MPx event-driven Script Programs
introduced in 3.1.1) through the new member in ScriptKind EventProgram . The interface has not
been changed.

ICustomType interface
Because the system now supports nested Custom Types; the method GetCheckoutObjects was
added since the result can be more than one object to checkout. The old version GetCheckoutObject
has been deprecated, but is still supported.

Segment Group Label

The master group segment now has a label. See more information in the Remarks section of IZoning.
The interface has not been changed.

IObjectDiscovery interface
The interface has been updated with methods that inquire an objects type inheritance: ObjectIsA
and GetObjectTypeInheritance .

ICustomType interface
BUGFIX: The underlying code was not properly initialized when using certain methods in the

2.5.9 Content Types Rules – List view layout

It is possible to create rules that folders and containers with specific names shall display a dedicated
Content Type, i.e. column settings. If I have saved a Content Type for my trend logs, I can create a

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rule saying that all folders named Trend shall use the Content Type. You can use * and ? as wildcards
(Example: “Trends*”).All old and new folders/containers will be evaluated against the rule and then
the Content Type reference will be set. Example:

The rules can be prioritized between each other in case it can be multiple matches:

2.6 Visual Programming – Builder for Function Block

EBO 2022 introduces the first elements of implementing a robust visual programming environment
integrated with Workstation. Builder for Function block is the new integrated tool to create and edit

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function block programs. Builder provides a workspace where programming actions are available
using robust drag and drop capability or with no or minimal mouse interaction using keyboard

Builder also provides some key capabilities not available before such as:

• Users can edit and save unfinished programs, while the last deployed program is still
running. To “activate” a program in Builder that has just been created or has been edited,
the Deploy command must be used. It is the deployed/running program version that can be
used outside Builder to bind signals and other objects to it.

• Programming can incorporate the use of “remote bindings” that make it possible to create
“wireless” bindings across the program.

• New blocks that provide Relinquish capability to allow the program to send a “null” when

• Optional line styles allow the user to choose from curved, orthogonal, or straight lines.

• Provides automatic binding of objects when using the “New object” menu.

And more…

The old function block editor and Workstation live view, now referred to as “classic”, are still
available and can be accessed by the switch button “Show Classic Mode”. It is recommended to use
classic mode for old programs that do not redraw well when viewed with Builder.

It is not recommended to switch between using the classic editor and Builder for the same program.
Switching between editors can have unwanted behavior (e.g., strange block placements and
bindings) and some features created with Builder might disappear if edited with classic (e.g., remote
bindings, etc.).

It is possible on a user level or via policies for a user group to deactivate the new Builder for Function
Block altogether so only classic mode is available.

2.7 Zoning Presets

In EBO 2022 there is a new standard object called “Zoning presets”. You use this to create predefined
zoning configurations which can for example be controlled by programs, schedules, or users.

You set which segments will be managed by a zoning preset. Then you create preset configurations
that describe which of the managed segments shall be grouped.

Each preset configuration has a numeric index that you set to identify the configuration. The zoning-
presets property Active preset, which can be bound to for example programs, determines which of
the configurations shall be active and when you set a value that corresponds to a configuration index,
a zoning operation is executed.

No zoning operation is executed if the value of Active preset does not match a preset configuration.

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The configuration type “Standalone preset” is an empty configuration that will ungroup all segments
that are managed by the zoning preset.

The Zoning presets functionality is not affected by the group policy Zoning setting.

Group permissions for Builder for Function Block

2.8 MQTT Subscribe

2.8.1 General improvements
All parameters handling security and connection are now placed in the Connection tab. Note: If you
change the certificate, you need to disable and enable the MQTT client.

Payload format is placed in the Basic tab.

In the Last will tab, there is a new property “Last will retained” which is default “No”. In EBO 3.2 it
was not configurable but was “Yes” in the code. Default values for Starting and Stopping are now

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In the Other tab, you can configure unit conversion to SI and scale to SI prefix.


MQTT Building graph is not supported in 4.0.1. Planned to be part of 4.0.2.

2.8.2 MQTT Subscription

It is now possible to subscribe to a topic. The identifiers for the data points are extracted in the Point
list. Configuration user must have write access to the points which shall subscribe. Check is done
when enable Subscription or when adding points if Subscription is enabled.

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The identifier can be either a “nspg”-iri or a property path. Example:

"pointId" : "nspg:/R4V3jVlPEm4roDDrAmhxA.fRv5waXpS5qAPKXjBrLAKA//Value"
"propertyPath" : "/Enterprise Server/SaFanSts/Value",

The identifier can also be the configured value in the Foreign Address property. Normally the Foreign
Address is regenerated during import, but values under the MQTT client, will be exported and
imported with the same Foreign Address.

A response can be configured using keyword mapping and response codes.

2.8.3 Azure MQTT Client

An Azure MQTT client can be configured under the IoT Interface. Some of the configuration is done
in the Connection tab, but the Symmetric device key is pasted in this tab. The expiration time for the
SAS token is also defined here.

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2.8.4 Google MQTT client

A Google MQTT client can be configured under the IoT Interface. You browse and configure the
authentication private key filename in the Google IoT tab. The web token expiration time is also be
configured here.

2.9 Federated Authentication – SAML authentication (Single Sign

Federated Authentication is a feature that allows WebStation users to log on with Single Sign On
(SSO). WorkStation has only support for AD log-on as before. We support SAML 2.0 with ADFS and
Azure AD.

To enable this there are quite a few steps to go. The configuration in the ADFS is described in another
document since it is out for validation when this is written.

Federated Authentication cannot be configured in PCT 1.3.1. Currently there is no plan to support it
either so it can only be done in live environment. In PCT there will be a system alarm of missing

2.9.1 Global switch

The global switch is a property in Security Settings in the Control Panel. Without this, the SSO option
is not visible in the log on screen.

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2.9.2 Domain and Group configuration

When creating a domain, you type the url to the external authenticator identifier. Also, add servers
belonging to the domain.

Create a User Account Group and type the name of the external entity. Set permissions.

In the Identity provider settings, type the Entity id

2.9.3 SAML Configuration

In the tab Service Provider, type the address to the Base URL, i.e. to IP-address to the server. Also,
paste in the Public and private key to a certificate.
Note: If you use the default port 443, there is currently a defect, which causes the function to fail if
the port is typed after the address.

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In the Identity Provider Settings, type the address to the Identity provider and the URL to the SSO
Service and Single Logout Service. Also, paste the public key to the certificate.

Finally, configure the Security settings valid for the specific authentication.

2.10 Custom Types and other information about types

2.10.1 Nested custom type
In EBO 2022 it is possible to have a custom type within a custom type, a nested custom type. The
basic support for it is in place but use it carefully to avoid getting into a complex situation.
Some things to consider when using nested custom types:
- All parent custom types instances to an inner custom type instance must be checked out to
be able to do operations that change the inner custom type.
- When checking in a nested custom type, all its inner custom types must be checked in first.

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- When deleting a nested custom type in the Type Library, the parent custom type needs to
be deleted first and the inner custom types thereafter.

- When exporting a nested custom type, its inner custom types are also exported.
Note that nested custom types cannot be used in older versions of EBO.
2.10.2 Imported device type
In EBO 2022 an engineer can import new Zigbee device types to the Type Library (earlier called
Custom Type Library).
Zigbee device types behave as read-only custom types and can thus only be added through type
library import. Since the device types are read-only you cannot edit them, which also means that
some custom type operations are disabled.
Zigbee device types can be instantiated the same way you instantiate custom types but also using
the new menu. Note that these types cannot be instantiated or created from the New command
when logged into an EC.
2.10.3 Detect tampering of user-defined type in export file
One of the foundations of user-defined types (for example graphics and custom types) is that they
are immutable. An immutable type can never be changed and is guaranteed to have a unique
Since we want to guarantee that all user-defined types are immutable, we have introduced a way in
EBO 2022 to detect tampering. This means that EBO 2022 can detect if a user-defined type has been
manipulated in an export file. If the type has been modified, then the import will be stopped since
we otherwise would get two different types with the same identity.

2.11 Semantics
Semantics is a concept where contextual information can be added to the system. It can be classes
on points or locations and equipment and relations between entities.

EBO use Brick Schema as the ontology. See .

EBO is using a semantic (graph) database (GraphDB) which is installed together with EC and ES as a

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Windows Service. EBO has also added some additions to enable functionality in views, e.g. showing
related alarms.

In an EBO system you usually only use one instance of the semantic database, so when setup an EC,
you disable Semantics in the ES:s. See more below.

To use Semantics, the user group must have the correct policy set, and to use the Engineering view,
the user must also have Write permission.


There is no support for Semantics in PCT 1.3.1 and PCT 1.3.2. Support for Semantics is planned to be
included in PCT 1.3.3.

2.11.1 Installation
When installing EC or ES, the GraphDB is installed under the hood as a Windows Service. It is possible
to set port to the database and disable Semantic in the installation. The database will be installed
regardless, but the service will be stopped. The URL in the settings should be deleted.

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To enable Semantic again after installation, you need to open Windows Services and start the
GraphDB Service. Then set the URL in the Semantic Settings. After a while, the EBO server will detect
that GraphDB is running and make the proper configurations. Under the hood, the ontology should
be uploaded to the semantic database.

Note: It is highly recommended to change the default admin password (“root”) on the GraphDB
directly after installation. A system alarm will be triggered and active until the password is changed.
The system itself will use a service account with an auto- generated password, so the admin account
is not used by EBO.

Links to the configuration parameters and the GraphDB itself can be found in the Control Panel.

2.11.2 Engineering of Semantic

In WorkStation, the Engineering View is used to set up the semantic descriptions and relations. Click
on the icon to open the view.

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To add a semantic item, click on the + sign or drag a semantic type from the Brick tab. If no label is
set, a GUID will be shown instead.

You can also drag an object from the tree or list view and drop it in the work area.

If a naming convention with Brick types is imported in ~\System\Engineering, the class will
automatically be set when dragging to the work area. NOTE: Ensure that no header is present and all
entries in the type-column must contain “:” e.g. “brick:Alarm” in the csv-file.

Relations to existing alarms and trend logs are automatically set when setting a class to a point,
however, if you add or delete alarms and trend logs after, you need to manually update the relations
by using the command “Update the Semantic model”, which can be found in the context menu of

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If you have imported an ontology directly to the semantic database, there is a command on the same
object, Enrich model, which will set relations between points and alarms and trend logs.

2.11.3 Semantic Navigation and Filtering in WorkStation

There is a built-in workspace with Semantic Navigation, with a tab in the tree navigator pane.

You can also create a panel including a Semantic pane and apply a filter.

Alarms and Events can be filtered by item, type, label, and reference. It can be filtered on the direct
item or below in the hierarchy.

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Search has a new tab where semantic search can be performed, e.g. find all temperature sensors
where Value is higher than 27:

You can also filter on Semantics in Alarms and Events in Notification Reports.

2.11.4 Semantics in WebStation


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The semantic features in WebStation are available when there is a connection to a semantic database
and the user-group policy Semantic permissions is set to Read-only or Write.

Semantic type information in Properties and Object lists

The semantic type information (for example Air Temperature Sensor) is shown together with the
property value when the property is connected to a Brick Point in the semantic database.

Semantic information in Alarm details

Semantic information is shown as a breadcrumb in the header of Alarm details when the monitored
value, or property of the alarm object, is connected to a Brick Point in the semantic database.

The breadcrumb is a simplified presentation of how the monitored value is related to “parent items”
in the semantic database, for example, which equipment or space this value belongs to.

You can navigate with the breadcrumb which opens the semantic view.

Semantic navigator and view

The semantic navigator is available when the workspace includes a Semantic pane. With this
navigator, you can navigate in the semantic model. A semantic view is displayed when you select an
item in the navigator.

The navigator includes a filter editor and you can create your own temporary filter in the navigator
(like a quick search). Filters are created automatically when you navigate and the temporary filter
you created will be replaced when you navigate.

If you want the navigator to always start with a certain filter, you create a workspace with a semantic
pane and specify an initial semantic filter for this pane.

The semantic view lists the “child items” of the selected item. The semantic view has also a graph
that visualizes the relations to the “parent items” and a breadcrumb in the header with a simplified
view of the parent relations.

Alarms, Schedule, and Trend chart are available in separate tabs in the semantic view when the child
items have relations to alarms, schedules, and trend logs. These relations are created automatically
when you connect a property value to a Brick Point in Workstation.

Semantic filters in Alarm and Event

You can create semantic filters in alarm- and event views and save them as favorites. When you
create a filter, Column filter represents the “regular” EBO filters. Item, Item of type, Item with label,
and Item with reference are semantic filters.

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When you use semantic filters in Alarm and Events, the result will be alarms and events related to
semantically described EBO objects, which means EBO objects connected to semantic items.

The semantic items are typically Brick Points that are connected to properties of Value objects or
Alarm objects.

Semantic filters in Search

When you use semantic filters in Search objects, the result will be semantically described EBO
objects, i.e. typically Value objects with a connection to Brick points.

If the condition “Include semantic references” is set (you do this in Workstation), the search result
will include trend logs, schedules, and alarm objects that are bound (with EBO references) to the
semantically described EBO objects.

2.11.5 Semantics in EWS

EWS exposes semantic information as EWS Metadata when there is a connection to a semantic
database and the user-group policy Semantic permissions is set to Read-only or Write (for the EWS

Metadata with semantic information is implemented for GetContainerItems and GetItems and the
metadata is included in the response when the EWS input attribute “metadata” is set to “true”.

The metadata describes the connection between the EWS item in the request and the nodes/items
in the semantic database. This description includes the Brick-type information (“semantic
information”) of the connected node, for example “Air Temperature Sensor”.

The semantic database is exposed as an EWS container called “Ontology Graph” that makes it
possible to navigate in the semantic database with EWS. Ontology Graph is exposed directly under
the server container item.

The connected EBO properties and objects are represented by “address nodes” in the semantic
database (namespace nspg). If you know how to construct SPARQL queries to a semantic database,
you can retrieve these addresses and use them as EWS Id in the following EWS methods:

- GetHistoryItem
- Subscribe
- GetItems
- GetValues
- SetValues
- ForceValues
- UnforceValues

2.12 Secure Boot AS

A new version of AS-P will be launched. Secure boot is a cyber security improvement. The server will
only start up if the installed software is signed by Schneider Electric.

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Secure Boot AS-P supports the new Scalable AS Pricing Concept. In all other perspectives AS-P Secure
Boot and the existing AS-P is compatible.

Secure Boot AS-P is not compatible with EBO 3.2 and earlier releases.

2.13 Scalable AS Software

With EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022, the Automation Server capabilities can be scaled based
on needs, allowing you to address specific uses at different price points. Each license and associated
software bundle will include varying levels of connected product counts, Enterprise Server
connectivity, and other I/O connectivity.



2.14 Software Assurance AS

EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022 supports the building blocks for a new licensing model that will
be introduced during 2022, allowing your sites greater flexibility to always have access to the latest
software based on a Software Assurance subscription model. Upgrades to EcoStruxure Building
Operation 2022 from earlier versions are not affected by this subscription model, however, the
Software Assurance subscription model will be introduced for upgrade from EcoStruxure Building
Operation 2022 to the next major release and subsequent major releases.

2.15 Zigbee Support

The SpaceLogic Zigbee Adapter enables Zigbee3.0 wireless connectivity for SpaceLogic RP-C
controllers as well as SpaceLogic AS-P and AS-B servers, extending its point count and bringing
flexibility in retrofit applications.

With EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022, the Zigbee Adapter will enable Zigbee 3.0 wireless
connectivity for the SpaceLogic RP-V controller. It can communicate over the Zigbee wireless
protocol with more wireless devices, including SpaceLogic Zigbee Expansion Modules (RP-C-EXT-ZB-
DALI Zigbee-to-DALI module and RP-C-EXT-ZB-0-10V Zigbee-to-0-10Vmodule)and PowerLogic Power
Tag Energy Sensors, and as a certified Zigbee device, will allow interoperability with third-party
Zigbee devices.

With an open Zigbee device support capability, support for new Schneider Electric and third-party
Zigbee devices can now be added to EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022 or later through a service
that is provided by the Digital Buildings Center of Excellence. See the Zigbee Adapter Specification
Sheet for more information on the new features and the supported wireless devices for the
SpaceLogic RP controllers and/or SpaceLogic servers.

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2.15.1 Device Support

For list with supported sensors please visit the Schneider BMS Applications page, devices are listed
as Zigbee Device Import Files.

Warning: Do not move the adaptors between RP-C’s or AS-P’s, as for this release, once plugged in
and recognized by the device they will not be recognized again if moved between devices, without
deleting the complete Zigbee network.
2.15.2 Support for Enrolment under SE8000
Motion Sensor, Window/Door Sensor, and Water Leakage Sensor can be enrolled to a SE8000.
The sensors will then report values to the SE8000 instead of to the AS.

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2.16 Security Enhancements

2.16.1 Support for IEEE802.1x

All versions of AS-P and AS-B servers will add support for IEEE802.1X.
All network settings are located in a new tab in the Device Administrator. The standard includes a
large number of available methods to authenticate a device. The three most widely used
authentication methods have been selected and can be used to configure authentication against
managed networks.

The three available methods are:

• Username / Password (MD5)
• EAP-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)
• Protected EAP (PEAP)

2.16.2 Support for TLS 1.3

TLS 1.3 is now available and used as default when logging on with WebStation and for server-server-
communication with https. WorkStation is still using TLS 1.2. TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are by default
disabled, but can be enabled in Control Panel.

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2.16.3 Property level permissions – decide down to property level who has
It is now possible to set permissions on properties, e.g. in programs etc. Open the dialog by clicking
on the wheel.

2.16.4 Policy for prevention of alarm batch operations

Alarm commands on multiple records can be disabled. Setting can be found in the properties for
~\System\Alarm Control Panel.

2.16.5 CA Certificate Management

If https is being used in server to server communication, the SSL certificates are now being validated
when a connection is set up between 2 servers.
If the SSL certificate fails, the validation the default behaviour is to issue a system alarm informing
the user of the invalid certificate being used.

In the control panel, it is possible to change this behaviour to

• Do nothing
• Send alarm

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• Stop Communication
• Both send alarm and stop communicating

If you are using the default certificates distributed with the EBO installation, these certificates will
always fail the validation since they are self-signed and cannot be validated against a CA certificate.

In order to supply certificates that can be validated you need to perform some steps in the Device
Administrator for the SpaceLogic servers
And some manual steps in Windows for the Windows servers.

You need to create server certificates that have been signed by a CA certificate.
For servers exposed to public networks usually a commercial certificate is being used, obtained from
a trusted certificate authority.
For servers on private isolated networks, self-signed CA certificates can be used.

In the Device Administrator CA certificates can now be downloaded to the Smart-X server.
For Windows servers, you instead add them to the Windows certificate store.

The server certificate that has been signed with the CA certificate is also downloaded via Device
Administrator to SpaceLogic servers.

2.16.6 Policy for prevention of credentials autofill

The security setting ”Instruct clients to allow autocomplete of credentials” determines if the clients
can remember username and password and use it for autocompletion. If unchecked, the server will
mark username and password fields in the logon page with “autocomplete = ‘off’”. However, this
setting is ignored by many browsers since they have their own implementation for
autocompletion. Customers who need to ensure credentials are filled in manually must ensure that
the browsers’ or devices’ functions for automatic completion is turned off. For WorkStation, the
“Remember me on this computer” function will be unavailable.

2.16.7 Certificate validation for SMTP

When choosing TLS as encryption method (i.e. encryption of all traffic) for SMTP, then the certificate
will be validated from EBO 4.0. If a corresponding CA-certificate isn’t present in the server, then a
system alarm is generated. See more in “Improved Certificate Management” how to import CA

2.17 WebStation Enhancements

2.17.1 New view for viewing/editing multiple schedules simultaneously

The Multiple schedules viewer is a new object that can be created in Workstation and WebStation.
The viewer is only implemented in WebStation, but you can work with the properties of the object
in both WebStation and Workstation. This object contains a list where you add the schedules you
want to present.

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In Workstation, you find it under Schedules in the Create dialog. In WebStation you right-click on an
existing schedule and choose Create Multi schedule viewer, which also adds this schedule to the list
of schedules. Then you can add other schedules in the Create object dialog.

The viewer is a Day view. You can choose which day to show in the tool bar and in the header.

You can also edit the schedules, single or multiple schedules, using the mouse (click-drag).

You can open the “regular” schedule editor by right-clicking the name of a schedule.

The multi schedule viewer object can be renamed and deleted in WebStation.

2.17.2 New interactive alarms and event statistics widget in dashboards

Dashboards have new widgets for alarm and event presentations. The content of the widgets is
determined by column filters and conditions together with a period setting.

Note that the Alarm Count widget has a built-in filter. Column: Alarm state, Condition: Alarm. You
can add more conditions, such as a Priority filter, but the conditions should not include the alarm

Default column filters, which you can edit:

• Alarm Pareto chart: Alarm state

• Alarm pie: Alarm state
• Alarm Sankey chart: Alarm state, Source server (multiple columns)
• Event Pareto chart: System event ID
• Event pie: System event ID
• Event rate chart: System event ID
• Event Sankey chart: System event ID, Source server (multiple columns)

The default period for the widgets is Last 7 days.

A filtered alarm view is opened when you click on a bar, slice or node in Alarm Pareto charts, Alarm
pie, or Alarm Sankey charts.

2.17.3 More intuitive Forcing UI – same as in workstation

The Force indication has been changed in WebStation for a better alignment with Workstation. The
text is now toggled between Force and Unforce, depending on the force status.

2.17.4 Alarm attachment popups

WebStation now supports the feature “display on alarm”. When the attachment has a viewer
implementation in WebStation, such as the TGML graphics, the attachment is opened in a pop-up
window. When the attachment is a Document object, for example, a text document, it is opened in
a separate tab in the browser.

Attachments for active alarms are available in the toolbar (the attachment symbol).

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2.17.5 More options for setting up trend logs – all settings are available when
We have added a second step in the creation flow when trend logs are created in WebStation to
make it easier to configure the new trend logs. The property dialog for the selected type of trend log
is now automatically displayed when the user clicks OK in the creation dialog. The trend log object is
created when the user clicks OK in the property dialog.

2.17.6 Rezoning UI Improvements

Group label

You can now edit the label of the segment group in the zoning tool and the default label now includes
the name of the controller and the name of the active master, similar to how it is presented in

Segment folders has a new property called Group label. The label of the group is stored in this
property in the active master segment.

Enable zoning in Graphics

In the previous version we used a TGML attribute to enable zoning in Graphics. This setting is now a
property in the Graphics object and the TGML attribute has been removed. The default value of the
Zoning property is False.

You don’t have to update your zoning settings if you used the old zoning attribute in EBO 3.2.
Graphics that were enabled for zoning in EBO 3.2 will also work in EBO 4.0.

Zoning tool in Graphics

The integrated zoning tool is now hidden by default but there is a toolbar button to open and close
the tool.

Group and ungroup without using the tool:

The toolbar now includes buttons for Group and Remove selected segments. You select the segments
that are represented in the graphics with mouse-click (single select) and shift-mouse-drag (rubber-
band select).

The Remove operation will result in a ungroup operation when all the group members are removed
from the group or when you remove the active master in a group with only one master-capable

2.17.7 More WebStation improvements

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• List view settings. WebStation can now show properties ("columns") that have been
configured as Content Types for a folder in Workstation.
• Support for logarithmic scale in charts.
• Possibility to disable multi-select alarms. Property: “Disable multi-select” in the Alarm
Control Panel object.
• Dashboard heatmap: Improved visualization of missing values (new property in heatmaps).
• Dashboard gauges: The color of the indicator follows the color of the guides when the color
of the indicator is Null.
• Possible to select and clone widgets in dashboards (new tool in toolbar).
• Possible to select and rebind widgets in dashboards by specifying a target folder (new tool
in toolbar). Objects with matching object-/property names in the target folder will be
proposed as the new binding.
• WebStation supports federated authentication, which includes signing in Electronic
• Event details are opened as a pop-up when the browser window is small.
• Possible to do multi-select edit in search.
• Possible to move events in schedules to another day within the same week (not supported
on mobile devices such as phones).
• Better visualization of active schedule events when you have overlapping events with
different priorities.
• Possible to configure a unit for a value in Properties.
• Possible to add a value to Watch in Properties.

2.18 Smart Connector

In EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022, the framework has been brought up to .NET Framework
4.7.2, and with the introduction of Semantic Tagging it is now possible to leverage Brick Ontology in
queries across the Smart Connector interface. Smart Connector is a licensed feature.

2.19 BACnet Enhancements

2.19.1 Duplicate BACnet network alarm suppression
In past EBO releases, system alarms were generated about duplicate BACnet networks, regardless of
whether the duplicated BACnet network number conflicted with a locally configured network
number of the EBO Server. The default system behavior has changed such that system alarms are
generated only when a network number duplicates or conflicts with a locally configured network
number in the EBO server.
A configuration setting is provided to revert to the previous system behavior should users wish to
see alarms about duplicate BACnet networks not conflicting with the EBO Server. The setting is
named Suppress duplicate network ID alarms and is found in the Basic tab of the BACnet settings in
the Interface Manager. By changing the value from True (default) to False, these alarms are re-

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2.19.2 BACnet configuration to disable automatic alarm queries

This release provides a configuration setting to disable the default system behavior that causes EBO
servers to automatically query hosted devices for their active alarms and to add those alarms to the
Alarm Viewer when the EBO Server or hosted device restarts.
The setting is named Disable automatic alarm queries and is found in the Basic tab of the BACnet
settings in the Interface Manager. By changing the value from False (default) to True, EBO no longer
sends the alarm queries to hosted devices.

2.19.3 Ignore Unhosted Devices

By default, when the EBO Server receives a BACnet I-Am message from any device on the BACnet
network, a BACnet device proxy is created in the BACnet Devices section of the Hardware Folder.
The Server also queries each discovered device for property values of their respective Device objects,
potentially creating unwanted network traffic.

This release provides two new configuration settings that cause the EBO Server to ignore I-Am
messages from devices not hosted in the EBO Server’s database. Both settings control the Ignore
unhosted devices property.

The first configuration setting is found in the Basic tab of the BACnet Interface. The setting defaults
to No (do not ignore unhosted devices).

The second setting is found in the Device Discovery tab of the EBO Server, when BACnet Devices is
selected. The setting is visible only when the Ignore unhosted devices is set to Yes.

2.19.4 Extended Online Poll Interval

By default, the EBO Server checks the online status of hosted devices by sending a poll request once
per minute. Two new configuration settings provided in this release allow users to define an alternate
polling interval, and to apply the alternate interval to any hosted BACnet device.

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The first configuration setting is found in the Advanced tab of the BACnet Interface. The setting
defaults to 60 minutes.

The second configuration setting is found in the Advanced tab of the BACnet Device proxy. The
setting defaults to Normal (poll at the default 1-minute interval). When the setting is changed to
Extended, the system will poll this device at the rate defined by the Extended online poll interval.

2.19.5 COV Increment Localization

In previous EBO versions, objects with configurable Engineering Units for the Value property did not
also contain Engineering Units for the COV_Increment property. New in this release, when an
Engineering Unit is configured for the Value property, the same Unit is automatically applied to the
COV_Increment property.
Additionally, the presentation of the Unit in Workstation is now affected by the Localization setting
in workstation. For instance, if the COV_Increment value is configured in delta-degrees C with a value
of .5, the value will be displayed in Workstation as delta-degrees F with a value of .9, when US
Localization is applied.

2.19.6 Integer Value Object

New in this release is an Integer Value object type for MP and RP series controllers. This new object
type supports positive and negative integer values, as well as 0. This object type may be created in
the Application folder of an MP or RP controller, along with the existing Analog, Date Time, Digital,
Multistate, and String Value objects.

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2.19.7 Signed Out of Range Alarm

This release includes support for the BACnet Signed Out Of Range alarm type. This new alarm type
has configuration parameters similar to the existing Out Of Range alarm, but is intended to monitor
objects that use the Signed Integer datatype for their Value property, such as the new Integer Value
object or the People Count Input of the Insight Sensor Module.

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2.19.8 Port Selection UI

This release contains a new user interface for assigning Port references of MP and RP series
controllers. A disabled radio button indicates the Port is already assigned and unavailable until the
user manually frees the Port reference. The path to the MP or RP resource that is currently using the
Port is shown when hovering the mouse over the unavailable Port name.

2.20 BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC)

EBO Enterprise and Automation servers support the BACnet/SC standard; a standard designed to
support secure transport of BACnet information and allow only authorized devices to operation on
BACnet/SC networks. All EBO Servers support the BACnet/SC Node function and can interoperate
with 3rd-party BACnet/SC Hubs. Direct connections with other BACnet/SC Nodes are also

A new BACnet Interface type is now provided (SC Network) for configuration of all BACnet/SC
communication parameters. In this release, EBO Servers may host up to 10 other BACnet/SC
devices. The routing of BACnet messages between BACnet/SC and non-BACnet/SC networks is also
supported(providing backward compatibility between BACnet/SC and BACnet IP and MTSP

BACnet certificate installation and management are supported via Device Administrator.

For more information, see the BACnet/SC Overview topic on WebHelp.

2.21 I/A Series WorkPlace Tech Editor support for Visio vsdx format
application files
I/A Series MNL and MNB applications are now stored in Microsoft Visio .vsdx file format. As a result,
Visio 2010 is not supported in EBO 2022.
• When you edit an application after upgrade to EBO 2022, you will be prompted and required
to upgrade to .vsdx file format on first save.
• There is no need to convert applications all at once. Applications can remain in a server as
.vsd files indefinitely until they need modification.
• When you save an application as a .vsdx file, it cannot be reverted to a .vsd file.
• When you save an application as a .vsdx file, users who have not upgraded WorkStation
WorkPlace Tech Editor to a version that supports .vsdx format will not be able to view, edit
or monitor the application.
In case of issues compiling or saving applications in WorkPlace Tech Editor, update Visio with the
latest Microsoft Office updates.

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2.22 MP-V automatic velocity pressure offset calibration

In some cases, the Velocity Pressure reading in an MP-V or RP-V VAV controller may not indicate true
zero when there is no flow through the VAV box. This is due to a sensor offset error. In EBO 2022
you can invoke an operation to automatically calibrate the Offset of the MP-V or RP-V Velocity
Pressure object.
2.22.1 Recalibrate Offset Command
To compensate for the offset error, right-click the Velocity Pressure object and select Recalibrate
offset. The command works by doing the following.
• Forces the Damper Command to zero and waits for the damper to close.
• Averages the resulting Velocity Pressure for 10 seconds.
• Negates the average and updates the Offset property with the calculated value.
• Restores normal operation to the damper.

2.22.2 Recalibrate Offset Property

Recalibrate offset is also available in the Basic property tab and is bindable. As a result, you can use
a schedule or other logic to perform this operation at a frequency appropriate for your application.
For example, you may want it to run every night when the space is unoccupied. That way, you can
ensure that the calibration procedure is only performed when it is acceptable to temporarily close
the damper. To invoke the offset calibration programmatically, you set Recalibrate offset to true
using a binding. The offset calibration sequence will automatically reset the Recalibrate offset to false
when the operation is complete.

Note: Offset calibration will not be accurate if there is damper leakage. If possible, you can minimize
the impact of damper leakage by performing calibration at a time when the air-handler is off.

2.23 NW8000 server objects binding globalization

You can now bind NW8000 server objects to other standard EBO objects including programs,
schedules, utilities, values, BACnet objects, BACnet proxies, and central IO points, etc. without the
need for APTs or DPTs.
• NW8000 block input property triples are replaced by a new single property per input.
• NW8000 block inputs can receive values via bindings from other GCM blocks the same as
prior releases.
• NW8000 block inputs are now also able to receive values via bindings directly from other
objects outside the NW8000 interface.
• Unit conversions of values bound to NW8000 block inputs now behave the same as standard
EBO bindings as follows.
o If the bound properties have units from the same unit category, unit conversion is
performed by the binding.
o If either or both bound properties are unitless, the value is transferred with no unit
o If the bound properties have units from different unit categories, no value transfer
will take place.
o On upgrade to EBO 2022, the upgrade log includes warnings for bindings where
value transfer will no longer take place. Be sure to check the upgrade log and make
corrections to restore operation.

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• On upgrade to EBO 2022, inputs configured with a reference and a constant prior to the
upgrade are Forced to the value from the pre-upgrade constant. The upgrade log includes
warnings indicating any inputs that upgraded to a forced state.

2.24 Event driven scripts in EBO servers

Script event programs are supported in EBO 2022 servers similar to script event programs MP & RP
controllers. WebHelp topics are updated to indicate script event keyword support in the various
types of programs and devices. For more information see the Script Event Programs topic and
individual Script keyword topics in WebHelp.
• You can trigger a script program to run based on a change of value independent of Task 1
through Task 5.
• In some applications, event scripts can be more resource-efficient with less latency than task
driven scripts.
• System response is still not as fast as event scripts in MP and RP for lighting applications.

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3. Known Defects in EcoStruxure Building Operation

Release v4.0.1
The table below lists known defects that are in this release. Those marked with an * after the
Defect ID are new with this release.
For IP Controller related defects please refer to the IP Controller release note 4.00.01.

Defect ID Summary Workaround

EBO BACnet Trend Logs create
duplicate entries, when monitoring
38672* BACnet None
Binary objects, and the Logging Type
property of the Trend Log is COV
Download to RPC stops on firmware
upgrade if Repair Hosting is done
41575 BACnet None
during this process. AS-P must be
warm started.
MPC: RPC: Download may fail on a
daisy chain network when a multi-
Repeat uprev on failed
41634 BACnet stage firmware uprev is required for
supplementary firmware file
In a large, multi-server environment,
trace logs have many BACnet
41691 BACnet None
Unknown Object errors when Device
Discovery is performed
CRS: You cannot bind to DALI light
output properties other to VALUE
42911 BACnet None
from binding browser in Graphics,
Programs, and Configuration Menus
CRS: No progress indication when
43494 BACnet using the Save as command on None
diagnostic files under a module
Retain wrongly set after bottom up
Perform a Download All on the
43522 BACnet deploy of 3.0 generated standard
BACnet Interface's "Send alarm
46590* BACnet message text to device" setting not None
locked under shadow rules
Upgrade warnings concerning
Multisensor PIR object when
upgrading from 3.3.1 to 4.0.0, such as:
The warning messages are
48547* BACnet WARNING: Property "Value" in object benign and can be ignored
"~/Interface BACnet/My RPC/RPC.160/IO
Resources/Room Bus/MLT.220.160.M2/Passive
Infrared Sensor" was configured with Type, but
target version does not allow that.

Creating BACnet network on gateway-

47174* BACnet None
router allows invalid network zero to
be used

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

During the automated backup of an
47904* BACnet AS-B, one or more IO are reported as None
AS-B Overridden Output values are
46942* BACnet not retained after a Cold start None
BACnet Interface: Alarm suppression
46964* BACnet None
setting not protected by lead/shadow
CIO: Print IO module labels tool label
44834 BACnet text is not red when label text does None
not fit on the label

Import of Zigbee SE8000 ADT files

always results in warnings, such as:
The warning messages are
46502* BACnet INFORMATION: Assigned ID to
“~/BACnet Interface/IP benign and can be ignored
Network/RPC_1301/IO Resources/Zigbee
Standard Security Network/SE8000-v3.3-
1/Endpoint”: 10
Some i1 controller IO point
Manually re-engineer the
configurations are invalid when
device in EBO using the
Continuum transitioned to EBO. For example,
42438 corresponding i2 device. In the
Integration input 3 on a TCX865 can be used for
case of the example, use an
any input type, yet EBO won’t allow it
to be configured as a voltage input.
Bind string values via EBO to
Continuum Infinet String bindings between Infinet
46077* transfer via the automation
Integration controllers via scripts does not work.
When creating an Infinet
device, after naming the object,
Infinet device creation fails with an
Continuum click Edit in Wizard and set the
47255* invalid data error on attempt to create
Integration Infinet device’s serial number
a device with no serial number.
and device type before clicking
Move the b3 device from the
Continuum b3 FW upgrade fails when device
48246* folder to the parent MS/TP
Integration located under folder.
CAM: Configuration Menus containing Create your Configuration
two multistate menu items with Menu so that you use the same
43015 WorkStation different bind names bound to the bind name for menu items you
same property will display state text want to bind the same property
for only one and not both. to.
Setting scaling to 110% causes light
Device Use scaling 100% or 125%
42089 green menu row in Device
Administrator to disappear.

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

CAM-Menu item referring to alarm
41414 WorkStation type settings doesn't work in eCom None
Custom Type Library import: Warning
Use the regular import instead
when import 2.0 export files if the
41028 WorkStation of the Custom Type Library
MPx contains objects with
enumerated properties
EBO: List of firmware packages is
40935 WorkStation empty if Firmware folder is selected in Retry
System Tree
Workstation: Objects in tree view
40861 WorkStation does not accept clicks, user has to None
click multiple times to navigate
MPX: Drag and Drop binding to an
40854 WorkStation input is not possible with a value Manually type in point location
already used as an output
Upgrading the ES from to
39059 Server with ES backup selected None
resulted in a 'reboot' message.
Finish by manually binding
EBO 2.0 - not all point binds are found
38526 Server missing binds.
dragging binding templates
1. Uninstall the old License
License Server Service does not start Server.
38156 License Server
after an upgrade 2. Restart the computer.
3. Install the new License Server
Restore configuration in 1.9.3
and run one more upgrade.
1. Uninstall everything.
37937 Server ES upgrade failed from 1.9.3 to 2.0.1
2. Install ES 1.9.
3. Restore backup.
4. Upgrade again.
One search in HAL system takes
35974 WorkStation None
almost 30 minutes to finish.
Custom types: Attaching objects with
35685 WorkStation None
the same name
MPX: In a multi-server environment,
the list of available MPC firmware’s is Log onto the sub-server directly
35232* WorkStation
not specific to any one server, this can (not via the ES)
cause download failures
Set the buffer size down to 100.
MPX: Error changing Trend Log buffer
33140* BACnet Enable\Disable and then set the
buffer size back up to 50K.

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

Do not use legacy WorkPlace
Tech Tool to download an MNB
device at the same time as
No error message displayed when two
someone downloading the
30169 I/A Transition MNB application downloads occur
device using WorkStation. If this
situation occurs, re-download
the controller using
MNL-800 SNVTs are not all removed
32566 I/A Transition when device type is changed from Manually remove the SNVTs.
MNL-800 to standard controller.
When updating a PCT from a
live server containing WPT
applications, delete the
When an AS is restored into PCT, an
33384 I/A Transition automation server in the PCT,
MNL application will not open
and then import the server
instead of restoring an existing
When an S-Link point in an MNL Log onto the Automation Server
device is forced via a graphic while directly to force and view the
40614 I/A Transition logged onto an ES, the word “Text” is point. The overridden state is
displayed in the graphic instead of the displayed correctly when logged
correct forced state of the point. onto the automation server.
Open and save the application
WPT application name is not displayed in WorkPlace Tech Editor to
42217 I/A Transition
on a mouse over of the “Application” restore hover tips to Application
On a machine with multiple versions
of WPT (EBO 3.0, EBO 2.0, legacy
After uninstalling a version of
WPT...) installed in parallel, and after
WPT, uninstall and reinstall any
44174 I/A Transition uninstalling one version of WPT, other
remaining version of WPT
versions of WPT may not be able
affected by the issue.
perform some operations such as
compile and save.
Uninstall all versions of
Error when adding remote I/O tags to
WorkPlace Tech and WorkPlace
44641 I/A Transition MNB-1000 applications in WorkPlace
Tech Editor and reinstall the
Tech Editor.
desired versions.
-Revert to the automation
server to the version prior to
Automation server containing MNL
44960 I/A Transition -Upgrade the automation server
devices fails to start up after upgrade.
to version 3.2.3 before
upgrading to versions later than

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Defect ID Summary Workaround

GCM and Signal – import to an
automation server prior to v3.2
and then upgrade to the desired
R2 MNB – import to a v2.0.3.45
or prior automation server
(using DFU mode to install the
server version), Upload
It’s not possible to import I/A Series configurations from the MNB
45522 I/A Transition transitions to EBO version 3.2.1 or device objects, then upgrade to
later. the desired version.
R2 MNL – import to a v1.7.1
automation server (using DFU
mode to install the server
version), perform the steps
listed in section 9.2.3 of SBO
v1.9.1 Release Notes to upgrade
to v1.9.1, then upgrade to the
desired version.
Don’t change the controller
After importing an MNL or MNB
type of the application. Once
device with an attached I/A Series
the application has been saved
48606* I/A Transition application, it’s possible to change the
in WorkPlace Tech Editor, it will
controller type of the application in
no longer be possible to change
WorkPlace Tech Editor.
the controller type.
An error is shown if installation path Use same or shorter path as
48808* Installation
for EC/ES is too long default installation folder.
Copy the used cells in the excel
i.e. until Column KF and Row
number 300 to a new Excel file
Notification There is a long generation time with and use this template and test
Reports large excel templates. the report generation. This new
excel file is reduced to about
169KB and I think this should be
Automation Server - Emails
Notification Notification sends empty emails and Increase timeout to 10, 20 or
Reports excel sheet when External Log Storage 30s.
(TimescaleDB PostgreSQL) is enabled
Unable to configure the ‘Report’ Login into ES 3.2.3 to create the
47568* Report (MVS)
object created in MVS [EC 4.0] object
Session WOS: Session notification dialog hides
46297* Resize and move dialog.
Notifications Error dialogs that locks the GUI
Alarm view in Workstation does not
show newly configured alarms with Close alarm view and open
48666* Semantics
semantics matching the semantic again.
criteria if a semantic filter is present

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

Close the script editor by
Script Programs that require clicking the red X in the upper
Electronic Signatures will only prompt right corner.
42344 Script
the user to sign the changes if the user Select Yes that you would like to
tries to shut down the Script Editor save and enter the needed
credentials to sign the change.
Workstation sometimes stops
Don’t attempt to check out a
responding when you attempt to
Script program when the Script
43288 Script check out a custom type Script
program’s Code tab is
program if the Script program’s Code
tab is displayed.
It’s not possible to enter text in a Edit the binding template from
45624* Script binding template when it is launched the binding editor in
from Script Editor. WorkStation.
The ability to write NaN in
WorkStation property grid is an
26815 WorkStation None
unintended side effect of being able to
display it
Wrong data in the programming of the
26649 WorkStation None
Wrong value on Status flags for Xenta
26374 Xenta that exists on the Backup Set that is None
used when AS is cloned
On ES, Back up sets path, should be
25694 Server None
grayed out.
Sometimes valid Lon Bindings are Even though the Binding is
25364 Lonworks indicated as faulty (Background Color indicated as faulty, it can be
is red in Binding field) when created saved
Uncheck unconfigured
Enabled but not configured NIC_IP in
22080 Lonworks NIC_IP_00X in L-Config and in
L-Config stops all interfaces in ES
WS use Device Discovery again.
Monitored Variable for a Function
17431 WorkStation None
Block Alarm can be edited
Drag a single priority instead of
Value onto the program input
Issue binding to a script program and then type in “value” after
47272* Script
within an RP-C removing the priority, e.g.
to “CalculatedCtrlTemp/value”
Zigbee imported device type showing
See chapter “Imported device
48549* Zigbee "Custom type" icon and tool tip
confuses users
FBP has incorrect output for
Function Block expression blocks when the value in
programs the expression has a divide by zero

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

Builder for Some Text Types won't save properly Avoid using some font styles
Function Block and will revert to main defaults like: Narrow, Condensed, Light
Workstation lose focus when a user
Builder for Set focus back to
48713* closes the find and replace dialog after
Function Block WorkStation/Builder view.
having performed an action
FBP Graphics Viewer causes COV TL (
42315 Workstation logging PVI in FBP) values to alternate Change the server value.
between Server value and InitValue
Please try to go to C:\Program
Files (x86)\Schneider Electric
EcoStruxure\Building Operation
Copy the file Charset.s.
Could not change Xenta OP language
42953 Workstation
file Go to
Electric\TAC Vista 5.1.x\OP
Configuration Tool, and paste
the copied file without
Values shown for PVR/PVI blocks, Exporting the FBP and re-
inside an HFB, is not visually shown importing has been seen to
43661 Workstation
correctly in FBP Graphics Viewer in correct this. Not every time
Workstation though.
Y, Store the file on desktop for
Menta Editor throws an exception on
44999 Menta example and no exception is
opening a menta file
thrown on opening.
When DFU upgrading several SE3 Upgrade a few AS at the time.
45724 Linux AS-P via USB, some, or many of And if that fails set them to DFU
them can fail. again.
Dev Admin SE3 - Some operations can DFU factory new devices before
45751* be started on an AS in "Password installing EBO on them the first
required" state that will fail time.
Upgrading several ASP's on SE3Linux
Device Select 3-6 ASP's at a time and
46191* at the same time via IP has many
Administrator then upgrade.
Licenses do not show up when
If AS-P is Cold Started, the
48099* Licenses activated offline when FNO server is
licenses shows up.
not accessible
Device Administrator: fails to display The solution is to reinitialize
48295* correct IP after successful 802.1X the Ethernet tab every time it is
authentication selected.
The import progress bar is
Custom types: Import to Type Library
shown, and the import
48691* Workstation available even though the type
completes but the type is not
already exists

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Defect ID Summary Workaround

When an export file includes a
custom type instance with
excluded object of user defined
type (for example a graphic or a
Custom types: Import to Type Library
program) or the excluded object
48746* Workstation is prevented if the custom type
contains a user defined type
contains excluded objects
property (for example an
enumeration) it cannot be
imported to Type Library.

Do not use the Google Chrome

translation feature to translate
Not able to save the objects after
WebStation. The possibility to
48790* WebStation translating the WebStation with
translate WebStation in Google
Google chrome.
Chrome will be disabled in
future versions.
Zigbee ADT: When attaching a SE8350
4.0 ADT to an existing 3.3.1 ADT,
some properties are not created
When upgrading an existing Zigbee
device type from version 3.3 to
48380* Zigbee version 4.0 (by using the Attach Please restart the server.
command), properties added in
version 4.0 will be marked with an
error icon with the following error
message: “Object property does not
exist. Invalid data."
AS must be Cold Started after doing
offline activation for licenses. If AS is
not Cold started, the numbers of
48798* Licenses activated licenses are not shown, and Please Cold Start the AS.
invalid violations also exist.
But there seems to be no hard

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4. Field Reported Defects Fixed in EcoStruxure Building

Operation v4.0.1 Release
These tables list all field reported defects fixed in 4.0.1
Note: a PSS Ticket ID of 99 = Alpha / Beta, 97 = Bench testers

Alarms Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Not possible to reset and acknowledge the system alarm "Shadow update
46043 72657836
When saving the alarm list in Workstation as "standard layout" the sort order for 74106493,
the alarm list in WebStation get out of order. 84657073
Workstation: Alarm attachment is not displayed 47135 75341695
Alarms originating from AS are not visible in ES’s Alarm view object when
logged on to EC even if the user has the software permissions to view AS 47318 76868324
There is no way to see in the system in the event log that a web user has been
48088 83837908
temporarily disabled.
Cause action acknowledge scroll feature not working 47752 78381890
EC alarm page from an EC machine with any browser gets the error "Reject
missing required parameter" 47590 81267348

Infinet Alarm "Go to Alarm/Source Object" doesn't work 41674 58285984

Alarmview does not update i2 controller's Device offline alarm to due to power
outage 48012 82910466
Alarm buttons not fully visible in ADv3* ( fixed with next update of Adv3) 47989 83805990
Discrepancy on the Event View time interval and filter for the time period
selected for same day 46723 99

Account Management Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Issue with automatically guest account logon after user logoff 46168 74316785
Workstation - Functions greyed out in account menu 36195 72205157
EBO Windows Domain Active directory issue - Log on failed - user not
associated with a group even if it is configured correctly 48228 97
There is no way to see in the system in the event log that a web user has been
temporarily disabled. 48088 83837908

Backup & Restore, Import & Export Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Restore backup, the AS-P crash the moment the ethernet cable is connected 47134 78882475
Registration not included when restoring an ES backup 46081 73508148
Unable to restore AS-P database due to Infinet devices 47071 78401626

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BACnet Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Alarm evaluation of BACnet point when it is unforced. 46426 74819269
AS-P does not renew COV subscriptions when BACnet device goes offline 41410 57941488
BACnet Alarm does not clear in EBO unless it is Acknowledged in Alarm in 3rd
Party Workstation 46496 74511042
BACnet device offline alarms not generated for MS/TP devices when MS/TP
network is configured with enhanced token passing disabled 47477 99
BACnet MSTP - Cannot create mstp network if I select "Defer ID assignment" 45186 97
BACnet reference binding with a Digital Producer value to a AS-B(L) gives a
warning 'Contains unresolved BACnet reference' 42325 60494463
BACnet Retain Level is set as Warm Start no matter what is used in the
configuration GUI 47330 79928040
BACnet SC - Connection to the hub stopped after going from Pre-release 1 to
Pre-release 2 48437 97
Creating a Network in BACnet does not allow next button until you click 75056920,
up/down button in editor 46004 76904708
EBO Trend Charts of BACnet trends (MP or RP) do not have unit of
measures persistent through export/import or Custom Type modification 45495 70807274
EBO 3.2.3 BACnet Alarms do not assume the alarmed values unit of measure
as Trends do. 47278 79082071
EBO: unable to upgrade from 1.9.3 to 3.1.2 due to BACnet interface issues 46051 73769613
Errors displayed when opening BACnet script programs. 47379 79079343
IP Controller - BACnet Trend Logs - Miss-sized date/time boxes 48381 97
Network Mapping creates continuous unnecessary conversations with BACnet
devices 47997 83659712
RPC: Download all fails with Duplicate BACnet names 46044 99
Unable to drag and drop BACnet objects from BACnet discovery window 43728 66752797
Workstation-Trying to use copy paste from a BACnet trend log to another but
the EBO deletes the last "/" as well when you delete the last character in the
string after the last "/". Then you can’t just type "/" again and the last part of the
string. 45377 71168392
B3 firmware uprev results in error: Object reference not set to an instance of an
object. 44560 68138808
EBO 3.0.3 - Relinquish Default changes to objects associated with physical
outputs 43618 65632929
MP-C Command priority Retain level cause value change after Download All 42939 70194649
BACnet Retain Level on individual BACnet Values do not all work as expected 47331 79928040
SBO-AS-P Receives Alarms for devices not on the MSTP and IP 38838 58099560

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Continuum Integration Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
The workaround for the issue of special characters (e.g., ° degree sign) in a
controller’s name inhibiting operation of Script programs after a conversion 44652 69199718
has been documented in WebHelp topic Continuum Conversion Errors.
Unable to set up semi-log in Continuum integration 42191 59694455
Following an upgrade from SBO 1.9 to EBO 3.1, various AS's have a higher
memory usage, and continuously warm starts 44827 69694057
Continuum Conversion Tool creates a port number in bind under controller
(PI21.1) 41714 57938506
Continuum Conversion Tool 2.0.3 - Unit's no longer convert after upgrade
from 2.0.1 41390 56490901
Continuum Conversion - No error but blank Infinity Script Programs 48343 97
Continuum Conversion Tool - The shortcut "Start In" path is set to the
Function Block Editor path 48357 97

Dashboard Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Dashboard not showing data in v3.2 45924 73368005
EBO 3.2 Dashboard Period chart description on trend log 46909 77541783
Log with calculation max value presents as 0 on dashboard if the max value
is negative 46696 75790511
Not possible to add a Dashboard object under a Modbus device. 46008 73620245
Descriptions are cut off in value widgets 48210 97

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Device Administrator Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
DA crashes when trying to collect debug info for an ASP is error state (as wrong
logon) 48359 97
Device administrator crash while performing two tasks, one downloading an
upgraded database and another upgrading 48375 97
USB -> RJ45 HUB Doesn’t work in EBO3.2.1 45735 72380660
Unable to set IP address via Device Administrator 45807 0
Unable to save Ethernet Configuration via Device Administrator in v3.2.1 45820 73899562
DA 3.2 - NeuronID properties for AS-B-24/36 is shown as DBUS_GET_FAILED 45975 99
DA Admin SE3Linux - USB Password authentication fails if the password has "
as a character 45811 99
Reset Password function greyed when trying to Reset an ES through the Device
Administrator 45725 72838905
On upgrading a standalone AS to 4.0 , Engineering with Semantics workspace
is not available as a default option for administrators’ group 48416 97
It is not possible to change the device’s password using device administrator. 46327 74965415
Device Administrator 3.2 is unable to connect over IP, DA 2.0 connects fine 47466 79676310
Device Administrator - BaSE Replica ( /Bat44_AS3) Failed to run script
.\PythonActions\ with arguments 48397 97
Device Administrator - AS is not power cycled as part of applying the hotfix
process; this impacts if there is a kernel update in the hotfix package 47648 99
Device administrator - Blank paraphrase is not allowed as a setting in BACnet
SC settings 48307 97
Device admin cannot open AS list correctly using a xml file with 2-AS that has
the same IP address but different ports. 45779 72962210
Device Admin SE3 - DFU fails on an AS-B due to an error in devadmin3 99,
command settings 45575 72326992
Device Admin SE3 - DFU fails on an AS-B on the first attempt due to a time out 99,
during generating host keys 45574 72326992

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Documentation & Web help Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
WebHelp indicates that Exclude can be used on Alarms and Events 46795 77102834
EBO documentation contains no setup information for SNMP. 47284 78374196
Web help SmartX Server Properties – Network Tab needs to be updated 46150 74286455
MQTT communication port - possible documentation defect 45632 72329919
WebHelp: Incorrect User session expiration time 45481 71386813
Documentation - defect 44826 (ASP device restarts every 5 minutes following
45094 69603535
upgrade from v1.9) requires documenting as this effect v2.0, 3.0 and 3.1
Documentation does not explicitly state that ES and EC cannot be hosted on a
44961 69993726
single computer
Documentation: Embedded licenses MQTT not shown 45813 72661732
Documentation - Spreadsheet view - Technical manual states "You can create a
maximum of 544 rows in one spreadsheet", there seems to be no limit 45673 72482987
Continuum conversion workflow documentation - missing information 44896 69876541
Documentation - Technical Reference Guide SetArraySize and GetArraysize
missing from 63.8 Script Keywords 45221 70517503
Documentation: Not possible to disable dynamic DNS in DA version 3.2.1 45669 72279164
Swedish translation in Web-help says Noll, not Null 46819 77255436
IEEE 754 is referenced as IEE 754 in webhelp 47183 79202063
EBO: Script program stops calculating/incrementing numeric value when it
reaches ~ 16,700,000 47057 78224039

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Electronic Records Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Trends - excel xlsx files created from multi trend log list with too long to
46271 74741812
generate and lock up the WorkStation during the process (3000 lines or more)
Blank cells/Data overlap in the excel output when template has trendlogs
46361 74383209
added one below the other.
Workstation: Variable Triggered Notification allows illegal character in Write to
47109 77464622
File name
Workstation: Workstation displays "Error loading items" when there is a space
47591 81483971
in the beginning of report file name of Report notification.
Converting a notification from XLSX to PDF does not bring values through 48497 85430805
Group membership for AD users not shown in Notification reports 48236 84594315
Notification report are not showing all values 48151 84561610
EBO: After upgrading to 3.2.x from 3.1. the File Notification slows the ES
47479 78227006
Notification Report is using wrong time range 46984 77297974
Value is not updated if a TimeStampValue object is bound to LASTMOD
46968 77929238
property of object under notification files system folder
Events are included in Notification report even if setting is set to False 46497
XLSX-report generation incorrect-Timestamp and value are not shown in chart
46082 73791641
when exporting it to Excel.
Unable to delete Notification files 46038 73593594

Values in a Notification report is not correct 46864 75579511

Write to file convert to pdf should show up only on the EC or ES notification
functionality and not in the AS. 45253 97
Translation of "Trigger Notification" becomes unclear in the Swedish language
pack 46695 76643823

Function Block Programs/Menta/Visual Programming Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Modern Programming - Error on Deploying the programs under an ES 48344 97
Modernized Programming - Programming - Circular Reference - No validation
error but won't deploy 48505 97
Modern Programming - Switched to classic mode after clicking on cancel 48356 97
Modernised Programming : After an upgrade of standalone ASP to 4.0, user has
no access to the new builder 48414 97

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Graphics Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Workstation/Webstation hangs waiting for Modbus TCP values in Graphic 47032 77079702
Graphic Failing to Update Timed Force Object Status 46928 77505912
Graphic editor crashes on clicking online that divides default color and custom
color 45562 99
Graphic Editor: Release 3.n.n graphic editor does not include the Font option in
the tool bar as earlier releases. 45566 99
Graphic Failing to Update Timed Force Object Status 46928 77505912
Graphic is not displayed correctly on AD v3 45660 72839528
Graphic list does not sort in the same way as variable list 46641 76139272
Graphics and Watch window do not match the proper value after upgrade 47212 78566109
Lot of Lon traffic when using graphics, even if Throttling set to 20% 47462 68013040
Most graphics will not load correctly in MS Edge post upgrade from 3.0.1 to 74971455,
3.2.2 46947 76717757
Not possible to add libraries to Graphic Editor if the folder is recently created or 72067379,
resides on a network drive 45598 73559015
Panels - Toolbar is shown on navigated graphics displayed in the work area 45240 70791097
TGML graphics links not showing correctly in the system tree 47489 80125302
The drag graphic function is not working properly in a Panel when zoomed in. 46712 78812151
Unable to open graphics editor after upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.2.2 46489 75632296

I/A Integration (MNL, MNB, NW8000) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Installing EBO WorkStation causes the fluent ribbon in WorkPlace Tech Editor
38828 49352813,
and WorkPlace Tech 5.9.x to fail.

Installation Defect PSS
Summary ID Ticket ID

EBO: Multiple C++ packages are no longer supported by Microsoft but are 78641814,
required for EBO 47093 78624413

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IP Controllers (also in IP Controller release note) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
MP-C: download all fails with "property write access denied" error 43579 65979069
Documentation Defect RSTP Max Age and Maximum controller count
in an RSTP ring 45237 70673142
RPC: Inconsistency between device report and manifest file 45577 99
DALI: When the value is outside of the minimum and maximum
properties the Current Value property shows the requested value not
the current value 45585 99
Architectural guidelines should provide a warning for the number of
trend log records used in SmartX IP controllers 45656 72472518
RU: Cover Model not being read correctly 46054 79543373
10Ch relay blinds: Cannot open or close twice in a row 46664 99
Zoning : Incorrect calculation of average luminosity for an area when a
Multisensor is out of order 47046 99
Issue in FBP after restart of RP-C 47453 80706363
BACnet name gets truncated from 32 to 16 characters upon controller
restart. 47553 81322019
RPC-DALI - Dali light stays at 100% after a 230Vac power cycle of the
CRS Dali module 47577 99
FBP: Updating PVB InitValue while bound values are forced causes
incorrect output 47584 77641611
RP-C V2 controllers with ISSI flash are failing BFT at the factory 47586 99
Incorrect value on a second digital input on RPC when associated
with an input DI on Dali ,Blind, Light 1-10V module 47639 99
MP/RP BACnet Trend fail with Boolean and Multistate variables 47677 81897871
DALI Lights: ramp time not considered after an OFF command with a
light group 47727 99
Current Color temperature does not change when color setpoints is
set to light all lights 47776 99
THRX : RPC v1 in bootloop after a uprev from RTXC
to THRX 47861 97
DALI color performance: It can take about 6 seconds between the
time the 1st light is switched on and the time the last light is switched
on (with 8 lights) in the same room 47956 99
Power ON level: After power cycle some lights are switched on even
though the power on level in EBO is always set to 0% for a Dali color
light 47962 99
CRS: Dali Color Light : RPC send the wrong value to the DALI module
when we unforce the Color Value Control on the DALI Color temp
Light 47987 99
Script Event Program not triggered when sending a light command
through the room unit . 48069 97
Segment Analog input using Max, Min , Average should not consider
the local inputs that are offline as part of its calculation 48114 99

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DALI Performance - It takes 2 seconds to switch on/off 8 lights

connected to one CRS DALI module 48115 99
Dali Group : When I send the command 100% the light switches to
100% but when I send 0% the light stay à 30% and never switch to
0%. 48144 97
FBP RI object output displays NaN if room sensor is disconnected
from sensor bus of RP-C and doesn’t reset when room sensor
reconnects. 48149 83171014
RPC Pro - Uprev to universal package due to failed
EFR32 update 48153 97
I-S : Insight Sensor crashed on automatic background refresh 48193 97
Erroneous signal value ( ZigBee) , offline value impacting segment
inputs and causing negative impact on operation 48198 99
THRX: Uprev Timestamp is incorrect in recent UpRev Log section of
Device Report 48257 97
Creating an external reference don't work using Swedish Language in
Workstation 48560 85727204
Zigbee RP - 7 commissioned ZigBee devices ( MTH + Green power)
went offline after 6 days during runtime 48577 99
CRS: Relay CRS Module Relay output Current status, Last result,
Max retries, Error count and Failure count status registers not working 44471 99
SmartX Controller: Unable to relinquish digital output 46107 73964188

Import / Export Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
EBO: Unable to import Infinet devices with a space character within its name. 46969 77629954
Subnet/Node address duplication not caught when doing import. 45664 72488616
Warnings on import/upgrade with: Property "COVIncrement" 48309 97

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Licensing Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Collision when collecting license meta data and license status cause Licensing 80480385,
violation alarm without violation banner in both BS-ES and LS-EC. 41732 82110741
License Violation when a mix of version 2 and version 3 licenses are used to 67510684,
host AS's. 43988 67851859
Supported license administrator version required for Sigma transitions. 45211 68194307
License Violation due to incorrect license count in license manager 46353 81514454

Licensemanager: Failed to get MAC address of automation server 48523 97

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LonWorks/Xenta Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Changes made in a Xenta time schedules are not written down to the Xenta 46300 73516925
Deleting of Central timeschedule are not sent down to the TAC Xenta device 46368 7093884
Doing a conversion of a Xenta trendlog ”FETCHVALUE” from the Vista 57845887,
database is used in EBO but it should be ”CONVALUE”. 45600 70691796
Getting system alarm "Log full" from Xentas. 43974 57845887
Lon points no longer written to devices after changing Xenta Central Shedule 46826 77093884
The conversion fails due to S/N duplication in some of the IO modules under
the Xenta Servers 46606 76041475
Xenta 442a force command delayed from Workstation in EBO 2.0 41280 57615772
Xenta controller reverts back to 1970 date if linked to a Xenta Central Schedule
in an ES or AS 46651 75327638
Cannot commission/download Somfy Lon devices 48043 81608586
Externally Managed LonWorks network, Device state says "Error" 47909 83071152
Lon: A programmable device cannot be commissioned 48146 97
LonWorks device template "Program ID" is not the program id but the file hash. 46166 74365667
LonWorks Interface Port offline alarm always Pri 0. 47999 83589616
NIC852 communication with L-IPs 46589 76508225
Not possible to search for the type LonWorks 46313 75025106
SNVT change types after upgrade tp 3.0 45834 72814085

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Modbus Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
EBO modbus TCP server does not correctly support device addresses 45910 73323893
Modbus Devices not always seen as offline when Ethernet unplugged and the
devices that remain online are not polled correctly 45556 71041051
Modbus online offline messages 45524 71799195
Modbus RTU - Some third party devices operate correctly with AS and AS-B, 81750175,
but the responses to AS-P shows CRC issue 45976 75406162
Modbus status input bit translation causing error in trace log 46316 74335485
Takes long time to open properties for a Modbus value in EBO 3.2 47459 0866056
Using Modbus MultiBit write objects - Bit 15 when set to true will never go to
false when set afterwards, will always remain true 44625 69325601
Modbus RTU - if AS is configured as Slave (Interface and Slave Network) then 77078539
it responds to requests for the wrong Device address 46815 81131375

PCT Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Multi-trendlog list returns error within PCT 46179 73352593
PCT: Workstation response with Server version not compatible with client on 76520639,
password reset. 76869980
PCT: Unable to create notification to PDF 46887 77357724
Server version not compatible with client is displayed after upgrade with new 75671857,
ID with PCT 76939411

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Servers (AS, AS-P, AS-B, ES) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID

ES server taking over 10 mins to stop when using HTTPS/443 after upgrading 68547203,
to v3.1 77455262
ES Crashes during shutdown in Runtimedbmanager 31613 70905009
CDA: AS crash - BACnet ASSERTION FAILED 44747 82686550
CDA crash in Xenta handling of ObjectHandle acquisition 45246 61665432
Edit a Xenta will crash Menta if AS-P is running in PCT 45260 79540214
ES Crash when INET IPortAPI64 DLL installed 45500 71484912
CDA: AS crash in WebStationSessionObserver 46141 75103154
ES keeps crashing after every service restart 46214 74433998
AS-P crashed when using a faulty script program. 46730 76537306
ASP keeps restarting every 8 minutes the Memory usage increases and the
AS crashes, no core dumps 46814 76899464
Restore backup, the AS-P crash the moment the ethernet cable is connected 47134 78882475
AS-P acting as gateway between Modbus and BACnet keeps crashing 47150 78502857
AS-P crash after adding an XML Webservice interface. 47470 81888118
Report Notification Crashes ES server 47662 80660859

AS-Ps are unable to respond to requests during startup 45055 70370963

During the automated backup of an AS-P, one or more IO modules goes 80040284,
offline 42981 80607119

AS-P frequently warmstarting on it's own 47915 83444097

Parameter to lock secondary network is reversed 48766 97
AS-P restarts when creating custom type in RP-C 48675 98
ASP Memory usage increase on multiple ASPs across site,followed by either 3461469,68
hang or restart, but with only log_journal dump 42249 469678

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SmartDriver unloads after warm start or power cycle 46607 81761638
Slow FBP cycle time on AS-P after apply hotfix 47571 79997870

Update of the sudo package 46833 99

Adjust vulnerable ICMP settings on AS-P 48696 86032517

Script Program Defect PSS Ticket ID

Summary ID
If both the Outlook calendar and the Script Editor are opened, and
you try to copy a calendar entry (highlight a calendar entry, then hit 41883 59173505
the Ctrl-C), the Script Editor crashes.
ASP- b3 script program does not set the value to its bound numeric
output value. 45630 71785107
NumToString not properly converting large Analog Value number cast
to INTEGER in Script 48168 83662550
Online help for Script Binding Variables TYPES is incomplete 48171 83662550
Script - subtraction of one datetime from another is not working
correctly from v3.2.1 47293 79702155
Script Editor - Debug mode local variables show the original array
size, not the current one, as set with SetArraySize (PI21.1) 45219 70517503
Script Editor - Help for SetArraySize and GetArraySize directs to
general script help rather that the correct web help page 45220 70517503
Script editor - SetArraySize tooltip should have 2 arguments, but only
1 is shown 45218 70517503
Script function "difftime" does not produce correct result. 42380 58777923
Script program Date and Time function provides a time of 1 hour
ahead of the actual time when in daylight saving time 41934 99, 70714693
Script web calls running out of resources (worker threads ) in heavily
loaded ASP (PI21.1) 46251 72167598, 72167598
Text box for the Find and Help button missing in Script Editor 47422 80500403
WorkStation: B3 Script Programs cannot be viewed or edited (PI21.1) 46379 79079343

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Trend Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
The sync between External Log storage stops working between AS-P and 47564 80684947
External Log Storage "Disk usage" showing error if event confguration is set to
45540 70942436
Log processing trend log import cause CPU utilization to increase 47445 79385889
EC hangs when deleting trends from external storage 47524 79136735
ASP overloaded/restarting (CPU uage too high) when Trend Logging Modbus
47572 80649184
objects where all was fine at v1.9
Transferring data to the External Log Storage fails, and fills the PostgreSQL data
45378 70890072
directory with error logs.

Upgrade / Runtime Compatibility Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Unable to upgrade AS-P with MNL devices 44960 69863031

Unable to upgrade ASP due to custom type links to the controller objects 45674 72455263
Issue with EWS after upgrade to EBO 3.2.2 from EBO 2.0 47294 75923487
Following an upgrade from EBO 3.0 to 3.1, the AS-P fails to start. 43846 67293221
ES and EC slow to open Server tree after upgrade to version 3.2.2 46860 77160071
Deploy of upgraded db (HAL: SL78) failed: error 'Package installation failed’ and
Download failed 45458 72326992

Vista Integration Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Minor UI glitch in the TAC Vista Conversion Tool 46248 74655111
Trend unit mismatch after Vista conversion 46498 75174453
Vista conversion fails due to invalid XBuilder device template register definition 46277 74823996
When converting a Vista database with valid shortcuts that are unbound, the
conversion report will contain an overload of error messages 45594 72070004
Points bound to an online chart are not bound after conversion from Vista to
EBO 46672 76474893

WebServices Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
EWS GetContainerItems request fails when target container has a shortcut 47844 81351532

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WebStation (General) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
French language pack for Webstation translate Previous and Last confusingly 44421 68822773
WebStation Schedule changes no longer possible after tc folder appears in \db 44514 72781831
Webstation dashboard - No option to choose calculation method "None" in the
dashboard widgets 45309 97
Webstation - BACnet analog value's value property is not greyed out when there
was a bind to the default priority. 45570 97
The underline ends up over the text instead of under the text in a graphic
opened in Webstation. 45685 72647213
In Webstation the Menu icon is shown as a folder icon instead of a menu icon 45719 72745928
WebStation: Change IP Does Not Work in 3.2 45808 80809912
WebReports:3.2.1: When opening an embedded report within WebStation an 74039788,
immediate Session Timeout is received. 45812 74189779
Cannot use another user to login into same Webstation session in Kiosk mode
ADv3 Tablet 45980 73082537
WebStation Web Browser resizing not always woring correctly some (panes 73618964,
missing or scroll bar created) 46034 73330207
WebStation: Issue when entering INET Time Schedule between 1 and 9 AM
defaulting to 12 AM 46041 73732222
Webstation: Graphic with Public Exposed Attribute "Fill" does not display color in
AS when viewed from ES 46050 73698622
Issue setting time in schedule from Webstation 46059 75103154
Webstation: Hidden panes (alarms,events etc.) are not shown in workspace 73923408,
menu 46122 74025177
TGML graphic not working as it should in Webstation after upgrade to EBO 3.2 46127 73977779
In Webstation, when adding trend log to chart, the path defaults to the highest
level root path. 46135 74134334
Webstation: Cannot expand servers folder in a window that opens on clicking +
to add more trends to trend chart in an AS if one of other AS's is offline. 46137 99
EBO WebStation will not allow an Unforce of a Network 8000 APT
from a graphic using setforce function 46143 74212487
Webstation - Wrong blue exception indicators marked in schedule for daterange 99,
exception, any month,any day setting 46193 74419663
WebStation: SmartX Server Objects not shown in List View; Error seen Parent 75362394,
object does not exist 46239 76914271
Menu not working as it should in Webstation when graphic is open in floating
window 46257 74645017
If the “Enable WebStation to be embedded in another site" check box is ticked, 74965448,
the ADV3 will not allow a user to log into the webstation. 46326 75879611
WebStation: SmartX Controller BACnet Alarms can not be modified from
Webstation by enduser, like EBO Alarms 46351 75127401
Webstation not showing Timestamp for Alarm events under Lon interface 46398 74747430
When saving the alarm list in Workstation as "standard layout" the sort order for 74106493,
the alarm list in Webstation get out of order. 46420 84657073

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Events from both the ES and AS is shown in the Event view when opened from
Webstation 46451 75403357
There is a limit of 27 charcters in Webstation for how long the shown text in
MENU objects can be 46628 75832596
Wrong trendchart is opened in Webstation 46630 75150118
TGML component "drawer" not working properly when zooming in WebStation 46637 76103118
Webstation does not highlight the correct item in the navigation tree of a menu. 46652 80169580
User with read ONLY access is able to modify the filter of standard event/alarm
views in Webstation 46665 76580567
Blank page is displayed ,when any fields from the filter list is selected for the first
time in webstation 46676 99
Webstation: Right click - Zoning in Graphic hangs when there are unresolved
bindings 46749 76190566
Webstation: Cannot display more than one floating window from Panel 46809 77188924
Multi trend log list doesn’t display log identity in webstation. 47028 77903318
Workstation/Webstation hangs waiting for Modbus TCP values in Graphic 47032 77079702
Unable to set force to NULL in Webstation 47075 78261525
Pop-up buttons in TGML does not work in WebStation 47099 78347953
Webstation: Exported trends in Excel show "Value edited" instead of actual
value 47102 78399116
Webstation: Error message viewing Schedule spanning Daylight Saving shift 80472796,
time 47126 81425811
EBO: Webstation Graphics are presenting 1 or 0 instead of correct active text. 47166 78604073
A bound TGML elliptical Arc, does not display correctly in webstation. 47303 79884043
TGML script using SkiponFallBack is not working as it should in Webstation 47334 79834497
Webstation : Alarms originating from AS are not visible in ES’s Alarm view
object when logged on to EC even if the user has the software permissions to
view AS alarms 47418 99
Webstation: When one of the AS-x under an ES goes offline, the navigation
menu under the ES throws the offline error in Webstation and user is not able to
navigate to other ASs that are online 47592 81070321
WebStation: Alarm acknowledgment when Comments are enabled are 81928798,
acknowledged without having to enter any comment. 47633 83294868
Using webstation with PCT, scrolling to the bottom of alarm details window,
closes the view. 47636 81742731
Alarm View “content window” replaced by Alarm’s attachment in Webstation 47659 81254552
Panel will not load correctly in WebStation if linked to other panel via shortcut in
Menu object 48084 84158974
Multi Schedule View : Blank screen in webstation while adding exception events
in the Multi Schedule View. 48239 97
The calendar date range view is not shown correctly in the Webstation 48298 85004987
Mouse cursor offset when editing a FloatingWindow schedule with an increased
window height in WebStation 48322 84970873
Extended trend logs (ETL) display no data in Webstation if user only has read
only access. 48347 85090404
BaSE Replica - Webstation issue - Type error 48385 97
No values are shown in graphics connected to ES using Webstation 48425 84380402
WebStation - List Views - Type Column does not contain clear text 48500 97

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WorkStation (Bindings) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Infinity Script Program - Cannot save in bindings window if missing a Bind 48352 97
Selecting 'Copying properties from...' also copies / changes the associated
bindings 46047 99
Upgrade: 25 bindings gets unresolved after upgrading an AS-P from EBO
version to 45899 73673862
TGML loses binding when saved after upgrading from V2 to V3 48086 83637354
Get an error after binding a Analogue Segment Setting object to the Remote
Control Setpoint property on an RPC-12A 45582 99

WorkStation (Spreadsheet) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Incorrect Engineering units when Excel sheet copied into IO module
spreadsheet 47778 82503723
IO channel can't be set to Null in spreadsheet view in AS-B 45846 72477745
Not possible to see units in Spreadsheet view for Modbus points 45305 70884289
XLSX imports with BACnet Instance Ids do not import as expected and there is
no documentation about this. 47649 81686200

WorkStation (Search) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Binding Search and Replace not obeying folder structure requested 48021 83239550
Can not add inputs/outputs for a script program in an AS as a new column in a
search view when searching from an ES 45896 73294469
RPC Search: Selecting 'Include types' in the Search takes 18 to 24 seconds to
populate the list view with a typical CRS-HVAC application 46045 99
With EBO 3.1 and 3.2 it is no longer possible to left mouse click, drag and drop
the Sensor Bus into the \"Include types\" box when searching. 45806 72942610

WorkStation (Trends) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Trend log list view, selecting refresh (F5) causes the selected column sort order
to be reset to the initial Date/Time column 38437 99
WorkStation hangs when selecting Meter consumption calculation within the 45564 71754223
Trend Chart
WorkStation Hangs when opening Trend Chart showing Meter Trend Log with
47063 78409414
Meter Consumption calculation
Workstation: Two different TimescaleDB columns named "Enabled" 45993 73608254

WorkStation (Multi Version System) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
MVS : Error loading items when navigating to the servers list under a 3.2.x ES
from a EC on version 48242 97
CT MVS: It should be possible to instantiate a RP with new builtin objects in
CRS module to 3.2 46736 99

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WorkStation (Zoning and Segments) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Zoning:Unable to resolve unresolved bindings for remote inputs in segment
objects 46744 99
Zoning: When performing re-zoning, if a segment is used in one room it is
automatically removed from the first room if selected for the second room,
without warning 44455 99
Workstation Zoning - there is no Collapse all/Expand all grouped segments
option in zoning window 46707 99
CRS Zoning: Digital segment setting, if the active/Inactive texts are used, after
zoning the bind is in error. 45965 99

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WorkStation (general) Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
CDA: Workstation Crash : System.ArgumentException -
WorkStation.ImportExport.Commands.ImportExportCommandProvider.OnImport 98,
Executed(Object, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs) 44682 75620837
WorkStation crashes when binding to Xenta Central Schedule 46169 74252966
Workstation Crash - System.ArgumentException
WorkStation.ImportExport.Commands.ImportExportCommandProvider.OnExpor 75620837,
tExecuted(Object, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs) 46631 98
Workstation crash when copy the name of an I/O module point to an analog 79701032,
Value. 47270 98
Workstation crash while switching workspaces when the customtype library
seems corrupt 47288 99, 98

Workstation crash on adding date range in calendar 48382 97, 98

WorkStation: Making a selection in WorkStation system tree causes the
46053 73552268
selection to jump to another
When a user do a change in a Workspace another Workspace connected to that
47463 80491419
user is also changed.
When selecting rs485 port for modbus, if it is configured for BACnet mstp
47585 81384744
already, error message indicates LonWorks is using the port
Workstation hangs when trying to change password 48023 83974869
EBO doesn't show the value changes of "BACnet Multistate Value" in the "Value
47758 82349958
before" column and the "Value after" column of the Events window
Unable to import xlsx into room/sensor bus 47144 78670522

Auto suggest automatically insert wrong text into EBO string value object 47035 78049420
Add/Remove columns not working when you have Folder added under an
46243 74737753
BACnet Interface\Application Folder.
The new naming standard feature only matches on point name and not on point
45611 72224252
Insight Sensor - Ambient Light column name in Listview mode (workstation)
when you select to add AmbientLight/Value/MotionDetected 48458 97
In workstation, the menu object view when renamed is incorrect when the main
menu is part of navigation pane in a panel 48587 97
Menu object - when an object is places under the Menu, it can be re-named in
the workspace pane, however the names in the System Tree pane are not
updated. 46829 77200463
Having a main menu on one server and submenues to the main menu on
another server is not working correct. 46100 73619346

A copy of a Menu in Menu is not working correctly. 46009 73619346

"Copy properties from..." option does not copy values from FBP module 46627 99
Schedule toolbar option for adding event is not following the user permission
correctly 42341 59103310

Not possible to select "Exception type" Calendar to a schedule 46619 76107967

Analogue/Digital Schedules Any Year Displays Error Message. 45640 72316392

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Multitrendlog list is missing in Panel when it is opened up as a floating window

from a Panel 46428 75405242
MPX: Unable to create a generic image despite controller being attached to a
custom type 43600 66092633
MPX Controllers do not retain the default priority level when point is duplicated
or Custom Type changed. 41776 58348668

List under IP Controllers sized by "Header" instead of "All Rows" 48340 97

CAM objects, CAM Container object can be 'dropped' within the Application
folder of a SmartX IP device, when dragged from Device Discovery View 46642 83340962
Insight Sensor object naming for light and PIR should be consistent with
Multisensor 48143 97
Create new I/O on ASB24/36 wizard: Part of Description label hidden behind
text box/dropdownbox 46171 99
If the description box is populated when attaching an AS-P to an ES, the
description box entry added is ignored. 45565 99
When the "Invert" = true for a digital output in an AS-B the Requested value and
the Value do not follow each other, i.e. when the Requested value = On the 53785256,
Value = Off 39847 73054146
i2886 is not available as a selection when creating a new Infinet controller under
an AS-P 45147 70178263
EBO 3.2.1 Workplace Tech Editor does not allow multiple applications to be
opened simultaneously 46776 76956598
Setting forced until for time force objects generates an error message unless
Until date and time is configured and save to a datetime in the future 46935 76999666
On Creating Infinet Network we are showing Network ID in edit in wizard option
while Infinet network do have ID's 48342 97
Loading EBO 2.0 causes the fluent ribbon in WPTE and WPT 5.9.x to fail 38828 52355636

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

5. Cybersecurity Vulnerability Disclosures

5.1 Issues Fixed in EBO

Researchers have discovered a heap overflow vulnerability in sudo. This affected the AS line of
controllers. The issue was fixed in version 3.2.3 and is fixed in version 4.0 – ALM ID#46833

5.2 Known Issues in EBO

A portion of the .NET framework used by the EBO system has a reported issue in the BinaryFormatter
functionality. BinaryFormatter is used in the EBO WorkStation for saving and recalling user settings
for GUI layouts. Exploitation would require an attacker to already have elevated user access to a
system. This risk may be avoided by following standard IT protections for controlling PC and Windows
user accounts.
5.3 Known Issues in Continuum

Andover Continuum Controllers are vulnerable to the Treck TCP /IP issues. Sites using Continuum
controllers are strongly encouraged to apply standard network mitigations, including network
segmentation, to address these vulnerabilities. See “Mitigation Strategies” below for additional
mitigations suggestions.

5.4 Known Issues in TAC Vista and Xenta

Two Denial of Service attacks were found in the version of the FlexNet Published used for Vista sites.
The Vista product went End of Service on 1-31-2021 so it is no longer possible to provide a fix these
issues. Sites using Vista are strongly encouraged to follow standard network mitigations to address
these issues. See a list of some mitigation strategies below.

The Xenta 511 and 911 controllers have a weakness in their web interface that allows a user logged
in as root to use a web browser to traverse the devices directory tree and view the devices root
password. The fact the user is already root means this is a low risk vulnerability. Following standard
user account practices is important in addressing this issue. Xenta controllers should never be
connected directly to the Internet and Xenta sites are strongly encouraged to follow standard
network mitigations to help minimize risk. See a list of mitigation strategies below.

5.5 Mitigation Strategies for Known Issues

• Locate control and safety system networks and remote devices behind firewalls and
isolate them from the business network.
• Install physical controls so no unauthorized personnel can access your industrial control
and safety systems, components, peripheral equipment, and networks.
• Place all controllers in locked cabinets and never leave them in the “Program” mode.
• Never connect programming software to any network other than the network intended
for that device.
• Scan all methods of mobile data exchange with the isolated network such as CDs, USB
drives, etc. before use in the terminals or any node connected to these networks.

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• Never allow mobile devices that have connected to any other network besides the
intended network to connect to the safety or control networks without proper
• Minimize network exposure for all control system devices and systems and ensure that
they are not accessible from the Internet.
• When remote access is required, use secure methods, such as Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs). Recognize that VPNs may have vulnerabilities and should be updated to the most
current version available. Also, understand that VPNs are only as secure as the
connected devices.

For more information refer to the Schneider Electric Recommended Cybersecurity Best
Practices document

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6. Important Engineering Information

Important engineering information regarding EcoStruxure Building Operation v4.0 is listed

6.1 General Engineering

• If operating from a WorkStation via a VPN to the EcoStruxure Building Operation
servers, it is possible that communication to the license server could be disrupted. In
this case, licenses that are local to the WorkStation’s may be required.
• Change operations are queued for data integrity reasons; consequently, lengthy
change operations carried out by users may affect other logged-on users so that their
"queued" changes seem to take longer. If there are extensive changes to be
accomplished, it will have less impact on day-to-day operational activities if the large
changes are accomplished at times of light utilization
• WorkStation – Since earlier .Net Framework 4.7.2 is required. This version is required
to fix a vulnerability associated with XML file processing.
• Since the release of EBO 3.1 the possibility to have a multi-version system became
available, but with limitations described in earlier release notes.
Due to changes in custom types in EBO 2022 to support additional functions, a new
custom type or custom type version developed in EBO 2022 may not be able to be
instantiated in older server versions.
These changes made in EBO 2022 will allow Custom types to be more flexible in a
multi-version system going forward.
This means that when custom type of v.4.0 contains a CRS module (of any type),
SmartX Sensor device, or VAV-object, it can often not be instantiated to an older
server. This is the case even if the old server supports these objects.
It is advised that in a multi-version system, you manage your custom types by server
As end-user you will get this message if you have a custom type where this is the
situation that you try to use in an older version:
“Multi-version information: The server needs to be upgraded before this operation
can be performed with this content.”
Do also see chapter “Nested custom type”.
• Setting time
o Until the time is set, b3 data will not update in the Watch Window.
o Until the time is set, BACnet COV will not be functional.
o Automation Server time does not synchronize directly with the Enterprise
Server. Instead, all servers can synchronize to the same accessible time server.
• If there are communication failure alarms with the Automation Server as the source
server and/or alarms indicating that the Automation Server Alarm Control Panel
could not “Verify Lead Object Status” with the Enterprise Server’s Alarm Control
Panel, then there is likely to be a communication problem between the Enterprise
Server and the Automation Server. The following items should be examined:
o Look at the “Communication” tab for the Enterprise Server and confirm that
the IP address for the Enterprise Server is correct.
o Examine the OS on the Enterprise Server and confirm that there is no firewall.
• Binding
o Changing the units to units that are incompatible after two objects have been
bound can result in a broken binding unless the units were “No Units” prior to
the change. The Reference Manager will show this as an invalid binding.

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• WebStation operation
o There are currently available some cybersecurity software products that make
use of what is known as “aggressive” caching. This action will prevent
redirection and will prevent a user from being able to log into an Enterprise
Server or Automation Server that is downstream of a device that uses this
software. Such caching will need to be disabled for WebStation to operate
• Long user initiated operations
o A user triggered operation, like hosting a big system via EWS or the manual
start of a huge backup, that takes more than 90 minutes to complete by the
server will result in an error message “Wrong user ID or password” and then
WorkStation will be restarted. The message is somewhat benign since the
actual operation started by the user will be successfully completed by the
• Resource limitations to consider during engineering
o When designing and engineering a system, make sure not to over-engineer a
server. Make sure to follow stated architectural guidelines and do not add, for
example, too many trend logs in an AS where resources are the most limited.
Adding too much content and logs can cause performance reduction and even
a crashed server if disk ends up being full. Reference the Architectural
Guidelines from Exchange for further information.

6.2 Backup
6.2.1 Backup validation
Please note that the default behaviour for database backup validation is changed. The
configuration database will always be validated, but the historical databases on Enterprise
Server and Enterprise Central will not. This change is made for performance reasons. We
think this is acceptable because we have seen an insignificant number of actual cases of
issues with databases getting corrupt on a PC in a way that can be detected by the current
SQL validation during the lifetime of this product.
6.2.2 How to activate full validation of historical data
To activate full validation of historical data in backups for Enterprise Server and Enterprise
Central respectively, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric EcoStruxure\Building
Operation 3.0\Enterprise Server\etc\config and change the Enterprise Server and Enterprise
Central config file line value for NspServer.BarManager.FullValidation from false to true.
Please note that this can have severe performance implications, especially if you are using a
mechanical hard drive for your database.

6.3 Automation Server

• When upgrading an Automation Server, the Device Administrator will indicate the
upgrade has completed successfully before it is possible to log on. The time difference
can be quite long for a large size database.
• Due to changes that were made in several areas of the Linux server operation, there are
more frequent spikes to the CPU utilization percentage. The average CPU utilization is
not substantially increased but there will be spikes that could generate false alarms if

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alarms are attached to the CPU percentage. It is recommended that CPU percentage
alarms include a time delay of at least 60 seconds.
• DFU upgrade: It has been seen that using DFU mode to upgrade an AS-B can fail,
generally repeating a second time will resolve, if not unplug the USB lead, restart Device
Administrator, and repeat the upgrade again.
• Downgrading a system is not supported; however, there are occasionally circumstances
that may cause a person to abort an upgrade and revert their system to the previous
version by downgrading servers and restoring back up files. Downgrading must be done
locally via USB and following a DFU reset of the Automation Server. The DFU reset may
also result in the Automation Server falling back to the default IP address which will then
need to be changed.

6.4 WorkStation
• If a binding name is changed in the graphics or script editor, any binding that might exist for
that component is removed.
• If a value is displayed in the spreadsheet view with localized units, then any copying of that
value to another location will also copy the localized units.
• An event view can only show 100,000 entries. If there are entries that are older than 100,000
entries, a filter will need to be created that allow the entries of interest to be included in the

6.5 WebStation
6.5.1 Graphics Viewer
• Global variables that are already defined in IE, Firefox, and Chrome will not work.
Example: top,x,y, width, height
• Functions that are called and that actually are properties show a script error.
Example: array.length() instead of array.length
• Scripts that do 'drag', need to call preventDefault() on mousedown. This disables
standard touch/drag panoration
• Use of java classes is unsupported.
• Please use 'var' when declaring variables inside your TGML scripts instead of assigning
global variables. This enables you to use global scripts (UseGlobalScripts flag in TGML
root element) that make it possible to share functions between Script nodes. Having
UseGlobalScripts set to True will also improve performance substantially in
WebStation. See section 6.3.
• There is a simple tool in the Statistics tab of the Graphics Editor that will tell you if your
image has some of these common issues.
6.5.2 Workspace and Panels
• The use of toolbars in WebStation is restricted. The Statusbar, Historybar, and
Addressbar have no effect in WebStation. Hidden and Not available have the same
results (Hidden).
6.5.3 General information
• Status overlays on the icons in the System tree are not available in WebStation.

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6.5.4 Setting up WorkSpaces for responsive WebStation.

As WebStation now supports displaying on devices with different screen sizes a scheme has
been introduced to adapt the WebStation layout. A workspace designed for running on a
desktop computer might not be usable on a mobile phone.
To improve usability on small devices, WebStation will analyse the platform it is running on
and utilize the new responsive features.
All Autohidden panes in the WorkArea of a Workspace will be collected and grouped into
common menu at the bottom of the WorkArea.
All Auto hidden panes in the WorkSpace will be collected and presented in the new
WorkSpace menu.
In order for the layout to be visible in WebStation the Edit Layout Command must be issued
and the layout edited and saved in WorkStation.
6.5.5 Security
Two new security features have been added in WebStation. They can be configured from
WorkStation -> Control Panel -> Security Settings
Enable external content to be enabled in WebStation.
Checking this option (less secure) will allow linked content (hyperlinks) to be embedded in a
panel. If this option is not checked (more secure), external content will not be embedded but
open in a separate web browser tab. By default, external content is not allowed.
Enable WebStation to be embedded in another site
Checking this option (less secure) will allow WebStation to be hosted in an iframe within a
3rd party web application. If this option is not checked (more secure) 3rd party web
application will not be able to host WebStation in an iframe. By default, WebStation is not
allowed to be embedded.
6.6 LonWorks
• When creating folders beneath a LonWorks Network, naming is more restrictive than
other EcoStruxure Building Operation names. The name is restricted to 20 characters
with no minus sign.
• When a LON binding is created to a CPT, the delta is displayed as a property, but there
will be no effect if the user changes this delta. Consequently, the CPT will be written
to even on changes that are less than the entered delta. As a workaround, the user can
create an EcoStruxure Building Operation binding to allow for adjustable polling
• When the Local Node is imported, it is necessary to perform a commission on the node
order to activate the bindings.
• To view network variables and configuration parameters in WorkStation select the
Variable Fields tab in Properties.
• To edit properties of a Network Variable (NV) in WebStation, simply left click on the
NV in the System Tree and the property grid is displayed. Alternatively, right click the
NV in the System Tree and select Properties and a Property Dialog is displayed. The
Variable Fields tab contain the values of the NV.
• If a Xenta 401 device has an overall high load, with a large application program and
many trend logs, the following settings of the device Non-group receive timer are
o 768 ms, if the number of Network Variables <=50
o 1024 ms if 50 < the number of Network Variables <=100

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o 1536 ms if the number of Network Variables > 100

• Occasionally, trend objects may look empty, but retain values in the List View. This can
happen if a Xenta device has been reused without emptying it first.
• It is not possible to move a folder that contains a LON device from one Network to
• Alarm polling for an alarmed object on a LON device will continue to take place even
if the alarm shunt has been activated.
• TAC I/A Series text reports do not function in the WebStation.
• When working with Schedules on Xenta devices, it is possible to enter “over-night”
events and “Days of Week” exceptions directly through the Menta editor.

6.7 b3 Devices
• When selecting and downloading from the application folder, it is necessary to select
and download in the appropriate order to satisfy all of the referencing accomplished
in the bindings. Downloading the entire device avoids this type of problem.
• When creating BACnet schedules, it is important to add those items to be controlled
by the schedule to the Object Property Reference List and NOT to use the binding tool
to bind those items to the schedule’s value.
• In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must be
evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference on Exchange
6.8 Trends
• When a COV trend log is created in an Automation Server to monitor an object from a
field bus device, attention should be given to the capability of the field device. If the
field device supports COV, as many BACnet devices do, then the BACnet device will
supply the Automation Server with data via COV, but it will do so at an interval that
corresponds to the devices interval not to the delta as established by the trend log. If
the device does not support COV, then the trend will function as a polling trend with
an interval of 500ms. In those cases, users should create an interval log to avoid
unnecessary field bus communication.
• In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must be
evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference on Exchange
• Each SpaceLogic server in an installation has two properties relating to trend logs:
Trend storage capacity and Trend storage usage. Whenever the usage exceeds the
capacity, a system alarm will be generated. There is also an indication whenever a
trend log of any type is created of how many records the new log will consume and
what the available storage is.
• Previous versions of the Architectural Guidelines contained erroneous information
concerning BACnet trend logs. All SpaceLogic server devices have a limit of BACnet
trend log size limit of 1,000 records. The 1.9.0 Architectural Guidelines have been
updated to include this limit.
• Manual trend logs are truncated - Old manual trend logs are truncated to 100 000
records in EcoStruxure Building Operation 2.0 and EcoStruxure Building Operation 3.x.

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6.9 Archiving
When archiving using the CSV format, the maximum size limit for the archive will be
65,536, which is the maximum allowed in an Excel spreadsheet.
6.10 Web Services
• Script Web Service
o When capturing date / time data through a script program in an Automation
Server, that time will be localized by the WorkStation to the time zone of the
WorkStation whenever the data is displayed. Consequently, the Automation
Server’s script program should include the logic to adjust the date/time value to
o Script programs do not recompile based upon bindings. Consequently, you may
enter a program, save it, establish bindings, and save the bindings. Yet, it will only
appear to be running without many of its outputs actually being set. It is necessary
to force a recompile of the programs to allow the web service information to be
incorporated into the actual byte code of the program.
• EcoStruxure™ Web Service (EWS)
o When configuring trend logs and extended trend logs, it is important to be aware of
their relative sizes and polling intervals. The trend log must have a size big enough
to store all values from a single poll - typically at least twice the size of values
received in one poll. Otherwise, the extended trend log will not be able to keep up
with the trend log. There must be sufficient time for the extended trend log to read
the values from the trend log before they are overwritten.
o EWS connections to servers and clients that support MD5 and not SHA2 (SHA-256)
HASH algorithms will require the MD5 is enabled in the EcoStruxure Building
Operation Server. The documentation of each connecting EWS solution should be
reviewed to determine which HASH algorithms are supported when configuring
EcoStruxure Building Operation servers. MD5 is the least resilient HASH algorithm
and SHA2 (SHA-256) is the most resilient HASH algorithm that EcoStruxure Building
Operation supports. The option can be found in WorkStation Control Panel ->
Security Settings -> Disable MD5 Hash.
o When configuring a multi-server system, it is best to establish the EWS interface
after all server renaming takes place. A client that uses cookies will suddenly trigger
error messages such as "access denied", and no more data will be communicated
when the server is renamed or moved into a multi-server configuration in a running
system. The cookies, and all other communication parameters, are valid so the client
does not detect any communication problems and continues to use that cookie.
When this occurs, it will be necessary to restart the reconfigured server.

6.11 Editors
• If When two engineers are simultaneously editing the same program (Function Block or
Script) or using WorkPlace Tech Editor, they will have no idea that someone else may be
editing the same object. The final save of the object in question will be the final copy
that is in the server.

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6.12 Authentication
• When setting up a site with a Windows Active Directory, make sure the Enterprise
Server is running with rights to read at least those AD-groups that are intended to be
used for authentication via EcoStruxure Building Operation.

6.13 Schedules
• In order to accommodate as many resolution settings as possible for the graphic
display of the WorkStation Schedule editor, it was decided that the smallest event
duration for that editor would be 5 minutes. If an event duration of less than 5 minutes
is desired, the user is directed to use either the text editor that is located on the
Advanced tab of the graphical schedule editor or to use WebStation.
6.14 Import / Export
• In keeping with the general policy of maintaining support for a period of time after
releases are delivered to the market, the 4.0.x release will not guarantee backward
compatibility to files that were exported prior to release 1.8. For more information ,
refer to the software support policy document on Exchange.
• Export files are, in general, NOT backward compatible. A Script or Function Block
Program that is exported from v3.2.x is NOT guaranteed to import successfully into an
earlier release.
o Starting in version 3.0.x, import files exported from a newer release than
where they are imported will be denied. An export file from 3.2.x cannot be
imported in 3.0.x. An export file from 3.0.x can however still be imported in
2.0.x, but it's not recommended, and it may fail to import successfully.
o In version 3.1.x, or earlier, import files exported from versions older than 1.3,
will be denied.
o Starting in version 3.2.x, import files exported from versions older than 1.8.x,
will be denied.
• If you make use of a library of exported files, then you should import them into a
supported version and re-export them for maintenance in your library.
• Import of export files created from version 1.7, or earlier, with StruxureWare Building
Operation bindings to Lon variable fields outside the scope of the export file, will not
convert those bindings when you import the file into version 1.8, or later. They need
to be corrected manually after the import. Please use Binding Diagnostics in the
Engineering section of the Control Panel to detect references that are not properly

6.15 Search
• If a saved Search-object from previous versions, has contained a type that no longer
exist in the server, e.g. an E-mail-notification that is converted to an Alarm Triggered
Notification, then the search operation will not find any object and will need to be
manually re-configured in order to present the expected result.

6.16 SmartDriver

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By default, SmartDriver drivers are loaded at startup. If a faulty SmartDriver driver causes the
EcoStruxure BMS server to crash repeatedly i.e. more than thrice, the EcoStruxure BMS server
disables the SmartDriver drivers. This prevents further crashes.

This crash counter is reset after 10 mins. The user can then re-enable the smart driver and perform
a warm start operation on the ASP. The smartdrivers will be operational again.

If the SmartDriver drivers are enabled to load at startup and the EcoStruxure BMS server is crashing
again, then the SmartDriver drivers are disabled again. The problem with the SmartDriver driver
needs to be fixed before the SmartDriver drivers can run again without crashing the server.

6.17 EWS
6.17.1 Domain login
It is possible to use the format <domain/username> as a username to login to a specific
domain when using EWS. Using the standard format <username> will use the default
domain. When logging on to an AS which is a subserver to an ES and the AS has its default
domain on the ES you will have to login using the format <domain/username>.

6.18 BACnet
6.18.1 Synchronize Bindings of Value and Default Priority Level
Previous EBO versions allowed users to modify the Value property of a BACnet object when a binding
exists on the default Command priority (typically, 16), and vice-versa. As some customers found this
confusing, the system now makes each property read-only when the other contains a binding.
For users who wish to maintain the previous behaviour, a new system setting was added. This setting
is found in <Server>-System-Interface manager-BACnet called ‘Synchronize bindings of value and
default priority level’. When changed from True (default) to False, the system behaves as before. The
setting applies to all BACnet objects in all types of devices – EBO, IP Field Controller, 3rd-party, etc.

Please see the Technical guide for more detail.

6.18.2 EcoStruxure BMS Force Behaviour

This is new behaviour for EBO Servers, which are now aligned with IP controller behaviour.

The following behaviour occurs when you force a value in the pre-v3.2 EcoStruxure BMS:
• The Force button is shown
• The value is highlighted in orange

With the 3.2 release, force behaviour now also includes the following:
• The forced hand icon is visible in the Watch Window
• The forced text is also displayed in the List View
• The standard blue border displays around the control object in the graphic

This behaviour is now consistent across all BACnet objects

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6.18.3 MNB Device

It’s possible to overwhelm MNB devices by repeatedly clicking the refresh button in WorkStation
while the BACnet application folder of an MNB device is shown in the list view. When this occurs,
values from the MNB device will stop updating for several minutes and then return to normal. To
avoid the problem do not click the refresh button in the list view. Values in the list view update
automatically without the need to refresh.

6.19 Zigbee Engineering

6.19.1 Zigbee Device import files clarification
Each Zigbee physical devices supported by EBO need a dedicated Zigbee Device Import File. This file
describes functions and abilities specific to the physical device. You can think of it like a logical device
(driver) that EBO needs to be able to setup the physical device under a Zigbee network.

There are two variants of Zigbee Device import files. Automation Server (AS) files and RP Controller
(RP) files. If you intend to setup a Zigbee Physical device under AS choose file names with prefix AS.
If your Zigbee device runs under a RP choose file names with prefix RP. Zigbee Device Import Files
can be downloaded from Schneider BMS Application site.

Above picture shows two variants of same Zigbee physical device as you can find then on Schneider
BMS site. Note the prefix difference AS or RP.

6.19.2 Downloading Zigbee Device import files

Zigbee device types are not included in the EBO installation. They must be downloaded to your PC
and imported to the Type Library as “Zigbee Device import files”, before the corresponding Physical
Zigbee device can be configured in EBO. Zigbee Device Import File can be downloaded from
Schneider BMS Application site.

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6.19.3 Improved handling of Zigbee Device import files

In EBO 4.0 the handling of Zigbee Device import files has been improved. The files are still imported
to EBO, but now the device type is imported to the Type Library instead. To add a Zigbee Device
Import file to the Type Library simply download the file to your hard drive and point to the location
by pressing the icon and navigate to the directory where the files were downloaded, select the
downloaded file, press OK. The file will be imported to the Type Library.

Type Library

Warning: Engineering with Custom Types pane must be chosen to make Type Library visible.

6.19.4 New way to associate Zigbee physical device with logical device

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Drag the logical device from the Type Library to the Zigbee network in the System Tree.
Choose the physical device in Device Discovery and drag it to the logical device in System Tree. Click
on the save icon.

6.19.5 EBO 3.xx Zigbee Devices already configured on network

EBO 4.0 Zigbee Device import files differs from the type used in previous EBO releases. EBO 3.x Old
Zigbee devices types already in the system will still work in EBO 4.0. New Zigbee device added under
EBO 4.0 must use the new Zigbee Device import files made for EBO 4.0.

6.19.6 Conversion of already configured Zigbee Devices to EBO 4.0

It is possible to convert old Zigbee Device types to the new used in EBO 4.0. This operation can only
be done in a EBO 2022 server. The user might lose the existing configuration without warnings due
to differences between old and new Zigbee Import file types.

1. Update the AS or RP according to upgrading instructions.

2. Download and import the new Zigbee Device import files and include them to the Type
Library. Like explained in the previous chapter.
3. Select the Zigbee Device that you intend to upgrade.

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4. Right click on the selected device and choose “Types”.

5. Click on “Attach”.

6. Choose the corresponding Zigbee Device version 4.0 from the Type Library pop-up list.

7. Click ”OK”.
8. Click on the save icon.

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9. To verify that your configured Zigbee device has been updated to EBO 4.0.
-Select the Zigbee device.
- Click on the “Properties” Tab.
- Verify that the “Type” property has v.4.0 in last part of the id string.

Note 1! This operation can only be done in a EBO 2022 server.

Note 2! Note that Attach is not the same as an EBO upgrade and configuration may be lost without

6.19.7 Zigbee configuration in a SpaceLogic server

A Zigbee network created in the SpaceLogic server system tree.
When creating a Zigbee network select the ‘Zigbee standard security network’, enabling automatic
Zigbee channel detection, this will find the best available channel available.
The network by default is created Offline.

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If the Zigbee network is not set to automatic in the creation wizard it will be necessary to manually
set one.
If all is well the Network status should be ‘Online’.

6.19.8 Discovering the Zigbee Green Powered sensors.

First you need to set the Sensors into pairing mode, 1 quick press should be followed shortly by 3
green flashes, meaning it’s been discovered, if you get three red flashes the paring has failed, check
you are in range of the USB adaptor and try again. Also check the sensor is in the decommissioned
mode by doing a long press, you will see 2 orange flashes followed by 2 red flashes, release the push
button after the first red flash.

When the sensor is in paring mode use EBO to discover the devices:

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Note: it can take some considerable time for all the properties of the SE Green Power sensor to be
obtained, an upload generally speeds things up.

Also, some object properties are not implemented such as the Green Power and Basic objects.

6.19.9 Decommissioning GP sensors from an existing Zigbee network

It is essential when decommissioning a Zigbee device i.e. GP sensor (for use on another AS or RP)
that the ‘Remove association’ command is performed from EBO while the Zigbee device is operating
normally (i.e. online and connected to its parent controller).

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If you decommission the Zigbee device by pressing the service button on the GP sensor or via the
EBO command ‘Leave’ while it is commissioned but not connected with its host controller, it will not
be possible to re-commission it to the same EBO or RP host.
This is due to cyber security requirements.
The work-around to re-using a GP sensor that has been blocked is to delete the Zigbee network on
the host AS or RP device and re-create it.

6.19.10 Moving Zigbee USB adaptors

Do not swap the Zigbee USB adaptors between RP-C’s or AS-P’s, for this release, once plugged in and
recognised by the device they will not be recognised again if moved between devices, without
deleting the complete Zigbee network.

6.20 Database for External Log Storage

The External Log Storage option for EcoStruxure Building Operation enables connectivity with the
3rd party TimescaleDB time-series database, built on top of the PostgreSQL database.

It is essential that the hardware to run this solution on is ordered to meet the expected and future
EcoStruxure Building Operation logging requirements.

Ensure that the minimum hardware and software requirements for the TimescaleDB
( and PostgreSQL ( is exceeded.
High performance SSD storage is required and expect that additional CPU/RAM capacity will be
required for large EcoStruxure Building Operation systems.
As an example, a minimum 64GB RAM is recommended for systems with 100 Building Operation

6.20.1 WebReports/Report Server discontinuation

Since WebReports isn’t supported in EBO 4.0, there is a Data Migration Assistant (DMA) tool available
which read data from a WebReports 3.x and write it to External Log Storage. A zip file with binaries
and instructions will be available on Exchange.

6.21 Memory Consumption Before Upgrade

The RAM system memory usage on a SpaceLogic server device should never exceed 80%. The system
will, after upgrade from an earlier release, require slightly more memory, it is therefore important
to assess the current level of system memory usage before upgrading to this release.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Where the server has been operating for at least 2 months since the last restart, should the system
memory usage be above 50% for a 1.5/1.6 release, 55% for a 1.7 release, 60% for a 1.8 release, 65%
for a 1.9 release, 70% for a 2.0/3.0/3.1 release then you may need to make engineering adjustments
to reduce your system memory usage or consider upgrading older AS devices to AS-P or AS-B which
have larger memory capacities.
The numbers above are indicative only and will vary depending on system configuration and the use
of field devices.

6.22 Visual Programming – Builder for Function Block

Builder for Function Block is designed to provide an integrated and improved programming interface
over the classic Function Block Editor. There are some points to consider when using Builder:

Key differences:

• Save does not activate a program, it only saves the edited program. Deploy is needed to
make it run. This is not supported in classic mode (i.e., saving unfinished programs).

• There is no simulation mode in Builder.

• Text macros written in the Comment objects are not supported in Builder.

• Builder requires Labels for all Blocks (with the exception of Operators).

New Capability:

• Relinquish blocks: three new output blocks that support sending out “null”. Supported
in both Builder and classic editor.

• Color coded data types.

• Snap-to-grid for blocks to make it easier to align them.

• Improved zooming and panning (e.g., scroll wheel, touchpad, etc.).

• New default binding style is Curves.

• Quick binding creation with Shift+Click (normal bindings) or Shift+Alt+Click (remote


• Automatic binding of blocks using the “new object” dialog (Ctrl+N).

• Live values can also be shown as tooltips when hovering over a binding.

Other Considerations:

• Builder can be used for old servers and devices as long as they are a part of a multi-
version system and WorkStation 4.0 is used to log in to the top server.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

• If your programs are using Public PV blocks you will receive a warning when saving to
avoid writing the original initial values. See image below.

• If when deploying a program, one would get a cryptic error code (see example below). A
tip is to open the same program in Classic editor (load the edited version when asked)
and switch to the Simulation mode. This might give a more detailed error description.
NOTE: Do not save from Classic though.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

APPENDIX A – Procedures
A1. Installing EcoStruxure Building Operation
For installation of EcoStruxure Building Operation v4.0.1 WorkStation, Enterprise Server, Enterprise
Central , please reference the Web Help for that topic.

A2. Upgrading EcoStruxure Building Operation

Note: this release is NOT supported on the original AS’s often referred to as AS classic.
Warning: Upgrading from the pre-release (v4.0.1) bench tester build is not supported.

A2.1 System Upgrade Overview

A system upgrade can include an Enterprise Server Enterprise Central, one or more automation
servers and Workstations, and the supporting administrator software, such as Device Administrator.
For more information , see System Upgrade Overview

It is imperative that any upgrades be accomplished only after reading and understanding this
document, especially those areas that are related to the upgrade process.

During upgrade from any of the previous releases, there is a limited level of runtime compatibility
during the upgrade process. You can find more information on Webhelp here.

A2.1.1 Upgrade Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central

If your EcoStruxure BMS contains an Enterprise Server, use the Enterprise Server Upgrade Workflow.

If your EcoStruxure BMS contains an Enterprise Central, use the Enterprise Central Upgrade

Depending upon the size of the system and the quantity of trends, it is possible that the database on
the Enterprise Server/ could be quite large. When upgrading, always make certain that you have at
least twice as much disk space available as the size of your database. It should also be expected that
the Enterprise Server may appear to “hang” for as much 20 to 30 minutes upon the first initial start-
up after the upgrade, but only on the first start.

If the installation path is longer than the default path, an error will occur during installation. See
defect 48808.

If ES-upgrade hangs and shows error “-4”, then a restart of the PC will solve the problem.

CPU-load can be high some minutes in the AS after upgrade depending on how large historical db.
there is.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

A2.1.2 Upgrading Automation Servers

To upgrade a single automation server or a series of standalone automation servers , use the
Automation Server System Upgrade Workflow.

You use Device Administrator to upgrade the automation server. You must upgrade Device
Administrator before you upgrade the automation server.

A2.1.3 Upgrading WorkStation and Client Tools Installation

To upgrade WorkStation , select editor tools and language packs, use the Upgrading WorkStation
and Client Tools Installation.

In case of issues compiling or saving applications in WorkPlace Tech Editor, update Visio with the
latest Microsoft Office updates.

A3 PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database schema

If you use External Log Storage, new scripts must be run in the PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database
for EBO 4.0. The script “pg_install_db.sql” can handle schema upgrade from 3.0 and forward.

For more info, read WebHelp Topic: “Setting up a Database Schema in the PostgreSQL Database”.

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Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2022 v4.0.1

Change History
Revision Date Revision Description/Change
A 2021-12-20 R. Yanappa Final version
B 2022-01-13 R. Yanappa Rev B with minor corrections

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Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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