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John Randulf R.

Sena November 19, 2023

BSA 2 RE 107

Mass Attendance

Church: Saint Ferdinand Cathedral

Date and Time: November 19, 2023, 9:30 am
Priest: Rdo. P Bienvenido G. Lozano
Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

I have attended the celebration of the mass in Saint Ferdinand Cathedral in

November 19, 2023 (Sunday) and was led by Fr. Bienvenido G. Lozano at exactly 9:30 in the
morning. This parable encourages reflection on the theme of stewardship and responsibility. The
talents represent the various gifts and resources that God has entrusted to each person. It reminds
us that God has given us unique abilities, opportunities, and resources according to our
individual capacities. The parable challenges us to consider how we are using the gifts and
opportunities God has given us. Are we actively engaging with and investing in the Kingdom, or
are we holding back out of fear or indifference? It prompts us to reflect on our responsibility as
stewards of God's blessings and encourages us to live with faith, boldness, and a sense of
purpose in the service of God and others. It reminded me that we should all not be jealous by
anyone because we all have our strengths by which we can do all things through our God, we
just need to find how to use it. We should always be grateful for what we have because that is
where we would find happiness. Let us enjoy what we have and not what we want because I
believe that is where is the true happiness.

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