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Presented by Earl Justin M. Lagos
John Randulf R. Sena
Life Situation
The Power of Unity
Once upon a time, there lived a father and three
sons. The sons would always fight and quarrel
with each other. One day the father wanted to
teach them a lesson. He wanted his sons to bring
a bunch of sticks. The sons went out and returned
with a bunch of wooden sticks. The father wanted
his sons to take a stick from the bunch and break
it. They broke the sticks easily one by one.
The Power of Unity
Then he wanted his sons to take three stick from the
bunch and break them too. Then they tried to break the
sticks, but they couldn’t. They tried harder, but they
couldn’t break it. Then he told his sons, “No one can hurt
you if you stick to each other like these sticks. But if you
are divided like one stick, you can be broken easily.”
Deepening Appreciation
Oneness is important because it promotes unity,
harmony, and understanding among people. It means
recognizing that we are all connected and part of a
larger whole, and that our actions can impact others.
When we embrace oneness, we're more likely to treat
others with kindness, empathy, and respect, leading to
a more peaceful and cooperative world. It's like the
idea that we're all in the same boat, so working
together and caring for each other benefits everyone.
Christian Message
Luke 10:29-37 “The Good Samaritan”
One day a man was walking along the road and was suddenly
robbed, beaten and left hurting. One man passed by and
ignored him, and then another. Later, a Samaritan man came
upon him and stopped to help. The Bible says the Samaritan
man had compassion on him. After telling this story, Jesus
asked, “Which of these three do you think proved to be a
neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” The
answer, of course, is the Good Samaritan. Jesus told this story
as an example of what it means to be kind to others, even
those we don’t know who need our help.
Luke 10:29-37 “The Good Samaritan”
The Samaritan had compassion for the hurting man and
maybe it was because he recognized it could have been him
who had been robbed. Perhaps he was so thankful to be
safe he just had to help. Whatever his motivation, the
Samaritan man chose God’s way of kindness along the road
that day. When we recognize our blessings and our power to
help others, we can reach out in kindness to be a good
This parable is frequently cited to emphasize the
Christian doctrine of loving one's neighbor and
demonstrating kindness and compassion to others.
and This parable illustrates the importance of
showing kindness and compassion to those in need,
regardless of their background, and it encourages
us to embrace the values of empathy, care, and
love for our fellow human beings.
The moral of this parable is to practice love, kindness,
and compassion towards all people, especially when they
are in need and to emphasize the importance of showing
compassion and kindness to others, regardless of their
background or differences. It teaches that each one
should love their neighbor to achieve oneness in the
community as themselves and be willing to help those in
need, just as the Good Samaritan did for the injured man
on the road.
In this story, Jesus teaches about loving your neighbor
and caring for others. Worshiping around this passage
would typically involve discussing the importance of
compassion, kindness, and helping those in need, as
well as reflecting on how to apply these principles in
your own life. It's a powerful message of love and
service to others, which can be a central theme in a
worship service or personal reflection.
Witnessing to faith
and life
During Christ’s Passion, Jesus was beaten, whipped, and spit upon – not to
mention the countless other cruel treatments He endured. He had blood, sweat,
and mud smeared across His face. The crowd mocked and jeered Him as He
made His way to Golgotha, carrying His cross. There was one person, however,
who was filled with compassion and had the courage enough to step forward
and show Him a small act of kindness. Her name was St. Veronica. There is no
mention of St. Veronica in the Bible, and no one knows her backstory or what
happened to her after the Crucifixion. We know it has been passed down through
Catholic tradition and commemorated in the Sixth Station of the Cross.
Faith Response
What does Jesus want us to

How can you live in

Dear Jesus, We pray on this day that we can follow in
Your footsteps and be loving and kind to our peers. Give
us the strength and wisdom to think about Your life and
your actions. What Would Jesus Do? Help us to show
others, the love and kindness that You share with us each
and every day. Amen.

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