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SH-V/BCA-101/23 BCA (Honours) Ist Semester Examination, 2022 Subject : Computer Application Course : BCA-101 (Computer Fundamental and PC Software) : 4 Hours Full Marks : 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Answer Question No, | and any four from the rest. 1. Answer any eight questions 2x8 (a) Convert (125-75) io to equivalent Binary. (b) Why memory is represented in hexa decimal form? (©) What is www? (@) What is a worksheet in Ms-Excel? (e) What is minterm? (f) Find 2's complement of (1010:11). (g) What is the name of last column of Excel! worksheet? (h) Convert (9AE‘BC)j¢ to binary (What is computer virus? (j) What is PLA? (k) Write names of charts in MS-Excel () Write full form of UPS, COBOL 2. (a) Convert to PoS form : f = {1,3 (b) Convert to SoP form: f(a,b, c,d) 9,12) 114.2,3,4,5,11). (©) Find the complement of F = xyZ + xyz + Zyz + xyz. 54546 3. (a) Discuss different drawing tools. (b) How do you format text and paragraph in MS-Word? (©) Write different steps of mail-marge. 54546 4. (a) Perform the subtraction using 2’s complement arithmetic. (11101). = (00101). 25868 Please Turn Over SH-I/BCA-102/23 BCA (Honours) Ist Semester Examination, 2022 Subject : Computer Application Course : BCA-102 Time: 4 Hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required 10 give their answers in their ‘own words as far as practicable. ‘Answer Question No, 1 and any four from the rest. 1. Answer any eight question: (a) What is flow chart? (b) What is the purpose of using header file? (c) Differentiate between “at+” and “+43” in C language (a) What is nested loop? (©) What is pointer? (8) How string is defined in C? (g) What is type casting? (h) Distinguish between constant and variable (i) Can any of the three expression in for loop be omitted? Justify Gj) What is the difference between break and continue statement? (k) What is the relationship between array name and pointer? (1) How does *X" differ from “x"? Justify 2, What is recursion? Write down recursive function for the following: (i) Calculation of G.C.D of two integers (ii) Reversing of a string. (iii) Determining factorial of a suitable integer: 3, State the difference between stremp( ) and striemp( ). Full Marks : 80 2x8 14(5x3) Write down following functions relating to string handling without using standard header files. (i) Concatenation of two strings. (ii) Comparison between two strings. 25869 24747 Please Turn Over 172 SH-I/BCA-102/23 (2) 4, What is array? Describe how 2D-array is represented using pointers in C. Write a program in C that adds two matrices, taken as input 245+9 $. What is a structure? Explain it with a suitable example. Write a program in C that sorts a set of numbers. 244410 6. What is function? What is the difference between fortmal arguments and actual arguments? Write a menu driven program to make a simple calculator (using switch-case). 242412 7. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference techniques in C with example. Write a short note on “file handling in C” 848 SH-VBCA-103/223 BCA (Honours) Ist Semester Examination, 2022 Subject : Computer Application Course : BCA-103 (Mathematics-1) 5 Full Marks : 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their ‘own words as far as practicable. Answer any five questions. (a) Show that the set S = (—3, (b) What is injective mapping? Give an example. (©) Find the general value of (i)! 1, 0,1,2,3) is not group with the operation addition. (4) Compute the inverse of the matrix 3-2 6 (: fl 2) Aedes aces) @ Simplify (1-1) (1-2 (b) Define vector product. (©) If the pair of lines x? - 2pxy—y? = bisects the angles between the other pa and x — 2gxy — y? =0 is such that each pair prove that pq + 1 = 0. 442410 (a) If the roots of the equation x3 — ax? + bx thatthe mean rots be in harmonic progression, then show (b) Remove the second term of the equation x3 + 6x? + 9x +4 = 0 and solve the equation. (©) Find whether or not the relations Ry and Rz in the set A= {1,2,3,4) are reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive (i) Ry = (1,1), (1,2)} Gi) Ro = {(1, 1), (2,2), (4,4)) 54546 (a) Ifa, ,y are the roots of the equation x? + 2x? + 1 = 0, find the equation whose roots are i 2 i (a+4),(6 +4) and (y +5). (b) Find the equation of parabola whose focus is (2, 3) and the directrix 4x — 3y +1 = 0. (©) Solve the system of equations by Matrix Method, aeds8 xty-z=6 2x-3y+z=1 2x —4y +22 Please Turn Over 177 ‘SH-1/BCA-104/23 (a) (b) © @ 6& () (b) © (b) & (a) (b) (2) thatthe poihts (0, -1), (-2, 3) and (6, 7) form aright angled triangle. nie 30° with the x-axis and passing through (1, 2). Find the equation of a line making an angle Find the rank of the matrix lees ki (; 45 46 8) Prove that the product of two symmetric matrices of the same order is symmetric, if the 3434644 product be commutative. A Ben va=(1 11 }; find the adjoint of the matrix. Seed If one of the roots of the equation x? + px + qx-+r = 0 equals the sum of the other two roots, them prove that p? + 8r = 4pq. Prove that the finite integral domain is a field. 44616 ~ Find the cross product of the two vectors (i + j) and (j + k). Find the locus of the middle point of the conic! = 1 + e cos @. S 3+13 If the vectors d + b, b + ¢,é + d are coplanar, then show that the vectors d, b, é are coplanar. Reduce the equation 4x? + 4xy + y?—4x—2y+a=0 to the canonical form and determine the type of the conic represented by it for different values of a, 848 (SH-I/BCA-105/23 BCA (Honours) 1st Semester Examination, 2022 Subject : Computer Application Course ; BCA-105 (English Language and Communication) ‘Time: 4 Hours Full Marks : 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their ‘own words as far as practicable. Unit Answer any five ofthe following questions: ee 1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to take the necessary initiative for cleaning the college campus. 2. 3 ‘Write a letter to your friend narrating the experience of visting a hill station. Write a précis of the following passage In every country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and the others are not so good as they are. An Englishman thinks that he and his country are the best; a Frenchman is very proud of France and everything French; the Germans and Italians think no end of their countries and many Indians imagine that India is in many ways the greatest country in the world. This is all conceit. Everybody wants to think well of himself and his country. But really there is no person ‘who has not got some good in him and some bad. And in the same way there is no country that is not partly good and partly bad. We must take the good wherever we find it and try to remove the bad wherever it may be. We are of course most concemed with our own country, India. Unhappily it is ina bad way today and most of our people are very poor and miserable. They have no pleasure in their lives. We have to find out how we can make them happier. We have to see what is good in ‘our ways and customs and try to keep it. and whatever is bad we have to throw away. If we find anything good in other countries we should certainly take it 4. Write a report for your college magazine describing the celebration of college foundation day programme organised by the college authority 5. What are communicative activities? Explain the features of communicative activities, 6. How are encoding and decoding used in the communication process? Discuss. 7. How can you differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication? Explain with appropriate examples. Please Turn Over 198 (2) SH-I/BCA-105/23 Unit-Il ‘ig =5 Answer any six of the following questions: " Direct speech to Indirect: 8 Convert the following sentences from (a) Allen declare, “He has never been defeated, (b) Sam said, “We cannot be quite happy inthis He " (©) He said, “I have seen this man.” (@) Gobind said. “This is my coat.” (@) The employer said to the workman. “I cannot pay you higher Wages: 9. Change the voices of the following sentences: (a) Animals do not possess hands. (b) Some boys were flying kites. (©) I forgave him his fault. (@) Give the order. (@) The telegraph wires have been cut 10, Rewrite the following sentences as directed 1xS=5 (a) He paid off his father’s debts. (Make it a Complex sentence) (®) On reaching manhood you will have to work for your living. (Make it a Complex sentence) (©) It is sad that he died so young. (Make it a Simple sentence) (4) Pupils who work hard may win a prize. (Make it a Simple sentence) (e) If you speak the truth, you will never regret it. (Make it a Compound sentence) 11. Transform the following sentences as directed: 1xS=5 (@) He is as dull as an ass. (Change the degree of this sentence from Positive to Comparative) (b) Can the Ethiopian change his skin? (Make it an Assertive sentence) (c) That was a terrible fall, my countrymen. (Make it an Exclamatory sentence) (2) Noone ever saw a brighter dawn than this. (Make it an Interrogative sentence) (©) Tam not so intelligent as you. (Make it an Affirmative sentence) 12. Make sentences using the noun and verb forms ofthe following words Ix5=5 brave, finish, purchase, fix, reach (3) SH-IBCA-105/23 vanctuate the following passage and use capital letters wherever necessary 5 Games though essential should not become the be-all and end-all of student life generally the sportsmen waste too much time on them and fail in their examinations one must never devote more than an hour to sports and after that should not even think of them again if a player plays a game rashly there is every danger of his breaking a limb if it iy played without the spirit of sportsmanship it can lead to bad blood and quarrels. 14. Fill in the blanks using appropriate prepositions: 1x5=5 (a) His contribution the development of society is negligible. (b) Ram revolted authority. (c) The criminal has become fearful consequences. (q) Sita is honest__her dealings. (©) Mohan is resolved __ achieving his goal. 1525 15. Marke the stress in the following words: thanks, light, fever, useful, camel BCA-I/BCA-106(PR/IB BCA Ist Semester (Honours) Practical Examination, 2018 Subject : Computer Application Software Lab-I Paper : BCA-106 ‘Time: 4 Hours 7 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. SETI Design your CV in MS-Word. Send your examination schedule among 10 friends using mail-merge facility 3. You will send your syllabus structure among 10 friends using mail-merge facility. 4. Average rainfall of a week are 10mm, 15mm, 9mm, 20mm, 40mm, 20mm, 50mm. Represent this information in a 2-D charts in MS-Excel. 5, Calculate income tax of 10 employees in an organization using MS-Excel Income Tax Rules are: (@ Up to % 2,50,000 tax Nil (ii) From 2,50,001 to & 5,00,000 tax 10% (iii) From 5,00,000 to % 10,00,000 tax 20% (iv) Above & 10,00,000 tax 30% 6. Create a table ‘Student’ in MS-Access having attributes Name, Roll and Marks. Write an SQL query to find Name of student who got maximum Marks. 7. Create a Table ‘Teacher’ in MS-Access having attributes Teacher_ID, Teacher_Name, Subject, Salary. Write an SQL query to sort Teacher according to ascending order of Salary. 10582 Please Turn Over (2) BCA-I/BCA-106(PR)/I8 amination, 2018 e Lab-I BCA 1st Semester (Honours) Practical Ex: Subject : Computer Application Softwar Paper : BCA-106 Full Marks: 100 Time: 4 Hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks. vords Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. SET-II 1. Represent following in MS-Word: 2 iy at ax? +bx+c=0 4x, + iy, = 2% 2x1 + bry2 = zy write steps. 2. Design a typical marksheet in MS-Word. 3. Represent your BIO-DATA in MS-Word. 4. Create a bar chart to represent your percentage of marks in different subjects (7) in your class test. 5. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your department, 6. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your syllabus, (Create a table ‘Student’ in MS-Access having attributes Name, Roll and Marks. Write an SQL query to find Name of student who got minimum total Marks BCA-I/BCA-107(PR)/18 BCA 1st Semester (Honours) Practical Examination, 2018 Subject : Computer Application Software Lab-II Paper : BCA-107 Time: 4 Hours Full Marks: 100 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Reform any one experiment [Expt.-80, Viva-20] SETI 1. Write a program in C to display 4 digited prime numbers and also display the counts of prime numbers 2. Write a program in C to reverse a number given through keyboard using recursion. 3. Write-a program in C to illustrate a “function call by value” and “function call by reference”. [- Write a program which test the input year is leapyear or not. 5. Write a program to display the pyramid of numbers in the form 1 12 i 12321 1234321 123454321 6. Write a program in C which can calculate and display the Income Tax (IT) of an employee whose annual income is given through Keyboard using following rules: (® If annual Income is up to 2.5 lakh then IT = 0 (ii) Else if annual income is up to 5 lakh then IT is 10% of annual income (iii) Else if annual income is up to 10 lakh then IT is 20% of annual income Gy) If annual income is above 10 lakh then IT is 30% of annual i statement, “ome using switch-case 10583 Please Turn Over BCA-I/BCA-107(PR/18 (2) BCA Ist Semester (Honours) Practical Examination, 2018 Subject : Computer Application Software Lab-II Paper : BCA-107 Time: 4 Hours Full Marks: 100 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required 10 give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Reform any one experiment [Expt.-80, Viva-20] SET-II 1. Write a program to check whether a given integer is a perfect number or not 2. Write a program in C to check whether a four digit integer is palindrome or not. =1txt Stat Write a program in C to find the value of e* correct up to 3 decimal place. 4. Write a C program to print the following using loops: 1 12 123 1234 5. Write a program in C to print the sum of the digits of a given integer. 6. Twin primes are the primes where the difference of the primes is 2. For example (11, 13) are twin primes. Similarly (17, 19) are twin primes. Write a program is C that will print all the twin prime pairs up to 1000.

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