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What are the advantages and disadvantages of this


MỞ BÀI ________ This essay will discuss about benefits and
drawbacks of this change.

On the one hand, __________________ (danh từ/

danh động từ) can bring about some positive
impacts. Firstly, A is the first positive note. In other
THÂN BÀI 1 words, ____________________________. For
example, _____________ . In addition, B is another
positive effect. In more detail,
_______________________ For instance,

On the other hand, there are several downsides of

this trend. Firstly, ___________________ To
explain, __________________________ For
THÂN BÀI 2 example, _____________________ Moreover,
______________________________ To be more
specific, _____________________ Take A as an

In conclusion, A and B are 2 main positive impacts

KẾT LUẬN of this trend. However, C and D are negative
consequences of this development.

Do advantages outweigh disadvantages of this


_______ This essay will explain his essay will detail
the reasons why the benefits and drawbacks are of
equal importance.

For đối tượng nào đó (ví dụ trẻ em, người già...), there
are several advantages to Ving ___________. To
begin with, _________________ can benefit/broaden/
boost ____________. For example,
___________________ Moreover,
________________________ In other words

On the other hand, the downsides

____________________ cannot be ignored. For
instance, _____________________ can have a
negative impact on ______________. For example,
Therefore/ As a result,

In conclusion, there are several positives such as

________________ and B that
___________________________ can provide.
However, the negatives should not be forgotten and
include ______________________________.

Do you think it is a positive and negative


_______ This essay will explain his essay will detail
the reasons why this trend has equal positive and
negative effects

On the postive side, ___________can benefit

_______________ In other words, _____________
For instance, ____________The other contribution
of ________________is that For
instance________________ Consequently/As a
result, ________________

However, the mentioned change/trend/tendency as

not always had a positive effect since ________
create a considerable strain on A and B. The first
threat is that___________ To be more
specific___________ Additionally, ___________
shows/witness/experience a negative impact on
_________ In more detail, ___________ For
example, _______________

In conclusion, ___________ has provided people

with a range of positives such as___________
However, thas might negatively impact in terms of

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