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Nama : Frella Nesya Septia Diva Rifai

Nim : 22030006

Kelas : 2c Keperawatan

English learning assignments

Learning English

- How to learn English: English is a language that has been designated as an international
language that can be used to communicate and interact with each other among people in the

- So how do you learn English correctly? General English learning includes elements of
receptive skills (listening, reading and viewing), as well as productive skills (speaking, writing
and presenting).In learning English there are four important components. The first component is
reading ability, where this ability can be built and developed by providing a text in stages,
starting from short texts to long texts. Second, listening skills, by listening to dialogue or music
in English. Third, writing skills (writing), and finally, the important component is speaking

- My level in English is Elementary, So my ability in English is that I can communicate in

English but the discussion only covers certain things that I have mastered, for example some
basic vocabulary and telling the meaning of favorite songs.

- Skills in English will make the communication process easier and more effective. So, in order
to fluently master English in the world of nursing, it is important to target for assignments to
understand English vocabulary and terms in the health sector.

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