Reviewer For Ped 025 - Period 1

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REVIEWER FOR PED 025 – MOVEMENT program. Clinical supervision is recommended

ENHANCEMENT during exercise and stress testing.

PREPARED BY: MR. JASON J. MANANSALA PAR-Q (Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire)

LESSON 1 – ACSM RISK STRATIFICATION, PAR-Q - The PAR-Q is a self-assessment tool

AND BMI commonly used by fitness coaches or
trainers to evaluate the safety of
exercising based on a person's health
- Physical education is a discipline history, current symptoms, and risk
focused on fostering a variety of factors.
physical abilities in students, which
Body Mass Index (BMI
enables them to engage in a diverse
range of physical activities with self- - Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of
assurance and enjoyment. Aside from body fat based on an individual's height
improving motor skills, physical and weight. It is a simple calculation
education provides numerous that uses an individual's weight in
advantages such as enhancing mental, kilograms divided by the square of their
social, emotional, and cognitive height in meters. The result is then
development. interpreted using standard ranges to
indicate whether an individual is
ACSM Risk Stratification
underweight, normal weight,
- The ACSM risk stratification is a process overweight, or obese.
used by fitness professionals to assess a
client's health and fitness status before
designing an exercise program.

ACSM Risk Stratification Categories

Low risk - Physical activity/exercise program

may be pursued safely without the necessity of
medical examination and clearance that
individuals with moderate or high risk consult
with a healthcare provider before starting an
exercise program.
Moderate risk - Student is safe to begin light- or
moderate-intensity exercise (should undergo
further medical assessment before partaking in The “core” is often mistaken for the visible
vigorous-intensity exercise) Supervision by a abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominus, the
fitness professional during exercise is often “abs”, however, the muscles involved can be
recommended (depends on the reason for described as a muscular ‘box’ and include the
falling into this category). abdominals in the front (rectus abdominus,
transversus abdominus (TA), multifidus (MF),
Low risk - Students should undergo further
internal oblique), paraspinals and gluteals in the
medical testing before starting an exercise

back, the diaphragm at the top, and the pelvic • Side plank – maintain a straight line
floor on the bottom (Akuthota et al, 2004). from your head to your heels in order to
prevent side bending.
• Hip thrust – while lying on your back,
The core muscles have two main functions: bend your knees to roughly 90 degrees
and press your feet firmly into the floor.
1. to spare the spine from excessive load
Squeeze the glute muscles to lift your
2. to transfer force from the lower body to
hips off the floor, getting your
the upper body and vice versa.
shoulders, hips, and knees into a
Having a strong, stable core helps us to prevent straight line.
injuries and allows us to perform at our best. • Weighted carries – a great way to
practice transferring force through the
Injuries to the spine tend to come from a body. You can carry a weight in one or
combination of bending forward, side to side or both hands and simply walk for a
rotating excessively. Back injuries are not usually certain distance or time. The focus is on
linked to one specific incident (lifting something staying long through the body and not
heavy), but rather to a history or excessive load bending or twisting in any direction.
with bad mechanics. In order to protect the These carries can be done with the
back, ideally we want to create 360 degrees of weight by your side(s) or pressing the
stiffness around the spine as we move, run, weight overhead and reaching for the
jump, throw, lift objects and transfer force sky!
throughout our body. We do this when all of the
muscles in our hips, torso and shoulders work
In fitness and exercise, "bracing" refers to the
There has been a strong movement away from act of contracting or stiffening the core muscles,
traditional core exercises – sit-ups, crunches, particularly the muscles of the abdomen, lower
side bends, etc. New research on the back, and hips, in order to create stability and
effectiveness and safety of these exercises support for the spine during movements.
shows that they may actually do more harm Bracing is often used as a technique to prevent
than good. injury and improve performance during
exercises that involve lifting, pushing, or pulling
Instead of creating large ranges of motion heavy weights or objects. The goal of bracing is
through the trunk like these traditional exercises to create a stable foundation for the body so
do, most health professionals have shifted to that force can be transferred efficiently and
more functional exercises to enhance the safely, without excessive strain on the spine or
stability of the hips, torso, and shoulders. Here other joints.
are some basic exercises that train these key
areas and a few tips to keep in mind: WHY BRACE?

• Forward plank – keep a straight line Bracing is done to provide stability and support
through the body, preventing the hips to the spine during exercises or movements that
from sagging toward the floor. involve force or impact. By engaging the core
muscles to create 360 degrees of stiffness

around the spine, bracing helps to prevent foundation of strength before advancing
excessive movement or bending that can lead to to a more challenging exercise, or to
injury. It also helps to transfer force efficiently decrease the risk of injury.
through the body, allowing for better
performance in activities such as lifting weights,
running, or playing sports. In short, bracing is an If an exercise does not feel right to you, then
effective way to protect the spine and enhance you need to know how to adapt it or whether
overall physical performance. an alternative exercise might work better. Even
when you know your technique is correct, you
may still experience pain or discomfort, or the
HOW TO BRACE? exercise just might be too difficult or heavy for
you. Understanding the simple laws of exercise
Before trying it during exercise, try it laying
progression (making it harder) and regression
down on your back. What you’ll want to do:
(making it easier) will allow you to structure the
1. Lay on your back, legs extended. most effective training approach, not just for
2. Take a deep breath and fill your your abdominals but for the rest of your body as
stomach with air. well. Understanding how to progress or regress
3. Slightly bring your ribs down to your an exercise will also give you a deeper
pelvis understanding of the programs in part III. You’ll
4. Squeeze your stomach as if you’re be able to customize these programs according
preparing to be punched while also to your body structure, training background,
tensing your lower back. and injury history. Knowing how to progress and
• You should feel the space between the regress exercises will also enhance your training
floor and your lower back decrease. experience and confidence to keep your
motivation at an all-time high. Five key variables
influence exercise progression and regression.

- the gradual increase in intensity,

difficulty, or complexity of an exercise RESISTANCE (INTENSITY)
over time. This can be done by adding
To make an exercise more difficult, you can
weight, increasing the number of
apply more resistance. To make an exercise
repetitions or sets, decreasing rest
easier, you can use less resistance. Resistance
periods, or modifying the exercise to
change can come in many formats from
make it more challenging. Progression is
changing the weight of a dumbbell or the
important to continually challenge the
weight on a cable stack to more complex
body and stimulate muscle growth,
methods such as altering your body position
strength gains, and endurance.
and other leverage factors. It might sound
REGRESSION obvious, but making small changes in resistance
can have a huge impact on how an exercise feels
- refers to the opposite process of and the benefits you receive from it. If the
decreasing the intensity, difficulty, or resistance is too high, then your attention might
complexity of an exercise. This can be shift away from technique and feeling it where
done for several reasons, such as to you should, to an externally driven goal like how
accommodate for an injury, to build a much weight you’re lifting or the number of

reps you’re able to achieve with poor form. range of motion, but don’t be afraid to reduce
Using a resistance that is too low will not elicit a your range of motion if you need to for any
strong enough signal for your muscles to adapt reason.
to and get stronger from. Progressing resistance
is important, but for the goal of aesthetics it
should not be at the expense of losing muscular A typical path of progression often spoken
tension or performing reps without focus. about is from stable to unstable exercises.
Finding the right balance in the resistance you However, stating that something unstable is a
use is important. progression of a more stable version and
therefore a goal to aim for is inaccurate. While
increasing instability does make many exercises
Each exercise you do has a maximum available more difficult, the question is whether the
range of motion. We could go one step further progression is making the exercise harder in the
by stating that each exercise has a maximum right way and according to your goals. In
available pain-free range of motion. That is, just chapter 2, we touched on the use of unstable
because you see an exercise done in a certain exercises and how adding instability can reduce
way and with a certain range of motion, it does an exercise’s ability to target a muscle. With
not mean that you should also be fitting yourself increased stability, you can achieve higher
into that same mold—especially if despite targeted-muscle output. So, although adding
having the range of motion available, the instability could be seen as a way to add
position causes pain or discomfort. A barbell progression to an exercise, you need to first
deadlift is a good example. You might think you consider whether that is the path of progression
need to deadlift from the floor because it’s you should take. In the context of physique
what’s accepted as being the correct full range enhancement and aesthetics, progressing from
of motion. But, if your natural body structure a stable to unstable environment is rarely
isn’t built for it or you have a history of back useful.
pain, deadlifting directly off the floor could do
you more harm than good. More back or hip
pain might cause you to think that your core is SPEED
weak, when in reality all you needed to do was
accept that deadlifting from the floor wasn’t a Advancing slower repetitions to faster ones isn’t
good fit to start off with. Next time, you might a progression pathway employed in this book.
try deadlifting one or two inches (2-5 cm) off Faster and more explosive repetitions are
the floor to see whether it makes a difference usually reserved for performance-based training
(reduced range of motion), and then throw and enhanced athleticism. For your abdominals
some extra core work on top for good measure. to receive the right signals to get stronger and
Increasing or decreasing range of motion can build new muscle tissue, they need to be
make exercises harder or easier as well as subjected to high levels of mechanical tension.
prevent pain. There are also strength and This requires placing high force through the
aesthetic benefits from spending more time in muscle tissues for longer durations than those
certain ranges of motion, so don’t always used in power-based exercises. When repetition
consider less range of motion to be easier and speed is high, it is usually at the expense of
therefore less effective. When viewing the placing higher force through these tissues for
exercises in part II, these are shown using a full periods long enough to elicit the adaptation you
want. Higher repetition speeds can also take

you out of optimal alignment, keeping you from position can serve you well. Changing body
getting the most from each repetition and position to manipulate leverage factors is a
potentially increasing the likelihood of excessive continuing theme in part III. It’s also worth
wear and tear or injury. The higher the noting that a change in placement of an
repetition speed, the better your muscles have external weight, for example a dumbbell or
to be at absorbing the resistances you use as kettlebell, can change the difficulty of an
well. While increasing repetition speed can be exercise. Progression or regression of exercises
seen as a progression, it is best reserved for using this technique will be covered as they
when your goal shifts to performance after become applicable in part III.
achieving your primary goal of aesthetics. If you
are new to an exercise, it makes sense to be
more cautious with repetition speed as you’re BIRD DOG EXERCISE
learning the exercise. Even once you’re past the
learning stage, you should use a repetition - The bird dog is a bodyweight exercise
speed that still allows you to feel the exercise that strengthens the core—more
working the target area. Any exercise in part II specifically, the abdominal muscles,
that requires you to use a specific repetition lower back, butt, and thighs. Since it
speed will be noted within the technical points requires no equipment other than a
of each exercise. mat, it can easily be integrated into
almost any core strength training
Changing body position is a method of BENEIFITS OF BIRD DOG EXERCISE
progression that largely works through the
manipulation of the lever arm length. Changing - The main target of the bird dog is the
leverage factors can change how much erector spinae muscle.1 This long back
resistance you receive as a percentage of your muscle extends the length of the spine
body weight. A simple example is to use a basic from the skull, neck, and ribs to the
front plank performed on your knees versus on vertebrae and sacrum of the hip. It is
your toes. Because the lever arm is longer when responsible for extending, flexing, and
you’re on your toes, it is a more difficult position rotating the spine.
to hold and requires your muscles to work - Two abdominal muscles are particularly
harder. In this case, you would select the plank challenged by bird dog exercises: the
variation that best fits your current level of rectus abdominis and the obliques.2
strength. Another example is performing a basic This move also involves the gluteus
crunch. Having your arms straight and overhead maximus muscle of the buttocks (when
is harder than having your arms by your sides. raising the leg) and the trapezius
This again is an example of a simple change in muscles of the upper back and deltoids
lever length that adjusts the difficulty of the of the shoulder (when raising the arm).
exercise based on changing the arm position Other muscles get involved in stabilizing the
alone. Here, the weight of your arms taken motion. These include:
farther overhead increases the difficulty of the
crunch. Exercise biomechanics can be a complex 1. The hamstrings on the back of the thigh
topic but having a few go-to tricks to make an 2. The other gluteal muscles (medius and
exercise easier or harder by changing your body minimus)

3. The piriformis and obturator externus of - This yoga pose can strengthen and
the hip mobilize your low back. Keep your feet
4. The pectoralis and serratus muscles of in line with your hips with your toes
the chest facing forward. After doing dynamic
5. The triceps of the upper arm spinal rolls, place a block under your
lower back. Hold this position for 3 to 5
For this exercise, you’ll need an exercise mat. 3. PELVIC TILTS
Place a flat cushion or folded towel under your - The pelvic tilt exercise supports the low
knees for extra cushioning. You can use a mirror back, glutes, and abdominals. Place a
to check your alignment. cushion under your head or shoulders
for extra support. Keep your body
Here’s how to do it: relaxed and use the movement to gently
1. Begin on all fours in the tabletop massage your back.
position. 4. DONKEY KICKS
2. Place your knees under your hips and - Donkey kicks help with your balance
your hands under your shoulders. and stability and strengthen your glutes,
3. Maintain a neutral spine by engaging abs, and hips. Distribute your weight
your abdominal muscles. evenly, and don’t lift your leg higher
4. Draw your shoulder blades together. than your hip.
5. Raise your right arm and left leg, DEADBUG EXERCISE
keeping your shoulders and hips parallel
to the floor. - An effective method to enhance core
6. Lengthen the back of your neck and strength and stability is through the
tuck your chin into your chest to gaze dead bug exercise, which is widely
down at the floor. practiced.
7. Hold this position for a few seconds, - By doing this exercise, one can establish
then lower back down to the starting a strong and secure base that
position. safeguards the spine, enabling easier
8. Raise your left arm and right leg, performance of daily and athletic
holding this position for a few seconds. activities like lifting heavy items,
9. Return to the starting position. This is 1 climbing hills, and throwing objects.
10. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
- Improve core muscle groups to work
together to transfer movement
1. ROCKING BACKWARD OR LOW BACK between your upper and lower body,
STRETCH and they help stabilize the spine,
- Do the rocking backward low back preventing your spine from moving in
stretch to alleviate tightness and pain in ways it shouldn't.
the low back and hips. It helps loosen - The dead bug is an excellent exercise for
up your body before more difficult promoting total core stability while
stretches. improving contra-lateral limb
2. BRIDGE POSE engagement. This basically means the

exercise helps teach you to effectively 4. PALM AGAINTS THE WALL

move opposing limbs in tandem while - Bring your arms overhead and press
keeping your core stable and your back your palms into the wall with your
protected. knees above your hips. This is great for
1. Do this exercise on a padded mat. To
support your neck, place a folded towel PLANK EXERCISE
or flat cushion under your shoulders.
- The plank exercise is a bodyweight
2. Keep your hips and low back still
exercise that is performed in a prone
throughout the exercise. Perform the
position, where the individual holds a
movement slowly and with control.
position that mimics the "top" of a
Engage your core muscles and press
push-up, with the body held straight
your lower back into the floor.
and rigid like a plank.
3. Allow your shoulders and lower back to
- The individual should then engage their
fall heavy to the floor.
core muscles, glutes, and legs, and lift
4. Draw your shoulders down away from
their body off the ground, holding it in a
your ears. To get into the starting
straight line from head to heels. The
position, lift your hands so your elbows
goal is to maintain this position for as
are above your shoulders with your fists
long as possible while keeping the body
facing in toward each other.
stable and avoiding any sagging or
5. Lift your legs so your knees are directly
arching in the back.
over your hips.
- The plank exercise is an effective way to
6. On an exhale, slowly lower your right
strengthen the core muscles, improve
arm and left leg until they’re just above
posture, and develop overall body
the floor.
stability. There are also many variations
7. On an inhale, bring them back to the
of the plank exercise, such as side
starting position.
planks or plank jacks, that can add
8. Repeat on the opposite side.
variety and challenge to the workout.
9. This is 1 rep.
- Strengthening the core is a crucial
component of any fitness routine, as it
- Keeping your knee bent, slowly lower
enhances stability and provides
one foot at a time and tap the floor with
aesthetic appeal. More importantly, it
your heels.
aids in stabilizing, balancing, and
powering the body during various
- Press one foot away from your body to
straighten your leg, hovering it above
- A strong core is much more than six-
the floor.
pack abs. We use our core muscles
unconsciously for several actions in a
- Straighten your legs so your feet are
day ranging from bending and lifting
facing the ceiling, then slowly lower
weight, for balance and even to
down one leg at a time.
managing our breathing. A weakened

core can cause serious injury if ignored. improve flexibility in hips and thighs
The plank position helps target the core when combined with other poses.
muscles and give them a good burn to Abdominal muscles are essential for
build muscle strength. performing a headstand or a handstand
and planks lead the way.
• TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS - When we sit and work for long hours or
• RECTUS ABDOMINIS are not physically active in our life, our
• OBLIQUE MUCLES metabolism tends to slow down. Doing
• GLUTEAL MUSCLES OR GLUTES the plank position regularly improves
circulation, thus improving body
- The plank position engages all muscles - Any and all exercises release endorphins
from your neck, shoulder and back up which help elevate our mood. However,
to your pelvis, thighs, and legs. planks can be special mood lifters
Gradually, this results in a strong because it engages the stress corners of
posture giving you the confidence to our body. Our shoulders, neck and back
walk tall and proper. usually tense up and have knots
2. BALANCE AND COORDINATION because of strain and stress, both
- Planks hold the core muscles taut thus mental or physiological. Contracting
teaching your muscle to endure. This these muscles literally squeezes the
builds muscle stability and increases tension out from major muscles where
body balance. the stress accumulates.
- Planks help build strong abdominal COMMON MISTAKES
muscles which reduce the strain on your Avoid these errors to get the most out of this
back, shoulders, and neck. Planks and exercise and to avoid strain or injury.
regular exercise can prevent
degenerative muscle atrophy caused by A. Arching your back: If you arch your
osteoarthritis too. back, you are not engaging your
4. BUILD CORE STRENGTH abdominals sufficiently and you are
- If you’ve read this far, you have realized putting more of the weight onto your
that our core muscles do more than arms. Check to be sure you are keeping
look pretty! Plank and its variations like your shoulders down and wide.
a side plank, reverse plank, resistance B. Sagging your hips: Your hips will start
planks etc. can help build strength and sinking once your abs have reached
endurance. their fatigue limit. That's a sign it's time
5. IMPROVES FLEXIBILITY to end your plank. If it seems your hips
- In Yoga, the plank position, called are sagging from the beginning, try
Kumbhakasana and the side plank or separating your feet a bit wider and
Vasisthasana are essential poses for focus on engaging your abs.
flexibility and core strength. They help

C. Tilting your head up: Your neck should

be in line with your body, not tilted up,
which could strain the neck. Keep your
gaze down at the floor.


- To ensure safety during planking,

individuals with shoulder injuries are
advised to refrain from performing the
exercise. If you experience any
discomfort in the shoulder region, it's
recommended to discontinue the
- For pregnant women, planking is
generally safe; however, it may cause
stress on the abdominal wall,
necessitating modification of the
exercise. Alternatives like side planks or
incline planks may be preferable. It's
advisable to consult with a doctor or
physical therapist to determine if
planking is an appropriate exercise.

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