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These are the effects other than the principal action desired. The various side
effects observed due to the administration of drugs, their signs and symptoms and
the nursing implications are given below. Allergic Reactions

A client can react to a drug as a foreign body and thus develop symptoms of
allergic reaction. Allergic reaction can be either severe or mild. A severe
allergic reaction usually occurs immediately after the administration of the drug,
it is called anaphylactic reaction. A mild reaction has a variety of symptoms from
skin rashes to diarrhoea.

Anaphylaxis: This is an immediate and severe reaction marked by a decreased blood

pressure, local oedema, prickling feeling in the throat, oedema of the face and
hands, cyanosis, chocking cough, dyspnoea and wheezing due to accumulated fluids
and oedema in the respiratory tissues. This is an emergency. Unless acted quickly,
death may follow within few minutes. Sera and penicillin etc., should be
administered only after a sensitivity test has been done to prevent such reactions.

Skin rashes (Urticaria): Oedematous pinkish elevations with itching may occur due
to reaction of a drug. Rash is usually generalized over the body.

Pruritis: Itching of the skin with or without a rash. Angioedema: Oedema due to
increased permeability of the blood capillaries.

Rhinitis: Excessive watery discharge from the nose.

Lacrimal tearing: Excessive tears from the eyes.

Nausea and vomiting: Due to stimulation of these centers in the brain.

Diarrhoea: Irritation of the mucosa of the intestines. Shortness of breath and

wheezing due to laryngeal oedema.

Atropine-Like Side Effects

Certain drugs causes dryness of the mouth and nose, flushing and dryness of the
skin, tachycardia, urinary retention and blurring of vision. The client may need to
be reassured that the effects will disappear when the drug is withdrawn. Clients,
after taking drugs, producing these side effects should not operate dangerous

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