Professional Growth Plan

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Professional Growth Plan

Professional Development Goal: I want to work on and improve on my classroom


Teacher Quality Standard: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge- A teacher

applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and
assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Rationale: During my second practicum, I was placed into a classroom with a teacher who had
excellent classroom management. It was a very easy transition for me to start because the
students were very well behaved and responded quickly to just single key words. I want to
structure my classroom in a similar fashion so that students are not only responsive and
respectful to me but to any teacher that walks into my classroom.

Resources/Support Required:
● University Consultant Expertise
● Teacher Mentor Knowledge

Strategies for Achievement:

● Find key words for daily repetitive actions: (3, 2, 1), eyes, blue pen, red pen, split, (think,
pair, share)
● Have students fill out 3 recipe cards with consequences that they choose (these will be
approved by me)
● Work on building strong relationships with each student so I understand their needs and
wants in class
● To maintain the integrity and relationships fostered within the learning environment-deal
and address classroom management and behavior concerns or issues on an individual
basis with the appropriate consequences attached.
● Use non-verbal communication such as moving closer to a student that is causing an

Indicators of Achievement:
● Increased student engagement in class
● Less misbehavior in class
● Taking responsibility for actions
● Taking initiative

Timeline: September 2023-December 2023

Mid-Way Assessment

Professional Development Goal: I want to work on and improve on my classroom


● Students in all of my classes filled out consequence cards during the first week of
school. I have not had to use any of these cards as all students are respectful to myself
and each other during class time.
● I feel like I have developed good relationships with all of my students. I have done this
by taking a genuine interest in both their school life and personal life. I have had a parent
speak to me in private and thank me for what I have done for their child as they are
consistently in the classroom this year and willing to work hard.
● If students are falling behind in class, I pull them to the side and discuss the matter
individually. The students seem to respond well to this and have been able to catch up in
either Advisory or their spare time.
● Non-verbal cues have worked well for students that are easily distracted. I try my best to
circulate as much as possible.

● I would like to further develop the think, pair, share. I have the students doing this but I
would like to get down to just keywords rather than explaining it each time.
● I would also like to further develop the idea of using blue/red pens and enforce the idea
that blue is for partner work and red is for group work.

Future Considerations:
● In my own classroom, I would like to instill a no cell-phone policy in my classroom. I find
that they are often distracting and as soon as the students are just sitting still, they pull
out their phones. I think this would help students to stay focused and concentrated in the
Final Assessment

Professional Development Goal: I want to work on and improve on my classroom


● I have had no major behavioral issues in any of my classes which demonstrates that
students respect themselves, their peers, and myself as a teacher. Any small issues that
have arisen, I have been able to deal with effectively and they have not continued to
carry on.
● I have a strong relationship with the majority of my students and they feel comfortable to
approach me to ask questions. I have built this relationship by asking questions about
their hobbies, starting the Operation Christmas Child club, and attending students'
extracurricular activities outside of school.
● Students who are struggling in certain subjects have started to ask questions and show
an increase in effort in the classroom.
● IPP students have been doing well in Math 9 due to the relationship that I have built with
them throughout the course of this term.

● I would like to continue to create fun and exciting intro lessons within each unit that
engage students in a hands-on manner. I think that this would limit the amount of poor
behavior and create an inclusive environment where all students are ready to learn.

Future Considerations:
● I would like to develop more strategies to help students create a growth mindset within
the classroom. This would encourage students to perform and behave their best daily
and understand that mistakes are a way of learning.
Professional Growth Plan

Professional Development Goal: I want to create a classroom that fosters critical thinking.

Teaching Quality Standard: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge- A teacher

applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and
assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Rationale: I believe that it is important for students to think about ideas and concepts on their
own rather than just being given the answers immediately. This will foster creativity and
ingenuity within the students as they view problems from a multitude of perspectives. Critical
thinking will also allow ‘out-of-the-box’ students to share their strategies of thinking and

Resources/Support Required:
● University Consultant Expertise
● Teacher Mentor Knowledge
● Building Thinking Classrooms book

Strategies for Achievement:

● Think, pair and share
● Math talks: giving students a problem and letting them try it on their own before it is
attempted as a class
● Pencil (individual work), blue pen (partner work), red pen (class work)
● Inclusive classroom environment

Indicators of Achievement:
● Increased student sharing
● Decreased fear in making mistakes
● Increased classroom collaboration

Timeline: September 2023-December 2023

Mid-Way Assessment

Professional Development Goal: I want to create a classroom that fosters critical thinking.

● While working through the class notes, I have been doing a couple examples on the
board and then letting the students attempt the other couple of examples on their own.
This has allowed students to try on their own and then spot their mistakes and
understand why they made those mistakes.
● Students have been very conscientious of using different writing utensils when they are
working versus when they are doing their corrections.
● I have successfully created an inclusive classroom environment where all students feel
welcome. My math K&E student prefers to work in the classroom and enjoys
participating in all group activities. I also have two other students who struggle a bit more
with math but have been achieving good grades due to a reduced work load.

● I would like to expand on the concept of the think, pair, share and use it twice a week in
the classroom. I think that this would be beneficial in helping the students develop a
deeper level of understanding rather than just listening to me explain up front.

Future Considerations:
● Ideally, I would like to have more vertical spaces in the classroom. This would allow the
students to stand up and move around more as well as discuss their ideas in groups.
● Once I am more comfortable with the curriculum, I would like to stray away from the
textbook and create more hands-on activities. This would encourage students to apply
their knowledge and understand the ‘why’ behind what they are learning.
Final Assessment

Professional Development Goal: I want to create a classroom that fosters critical thinking.

● I continue to create an “I-Do”, “We-Do”, “You-Do” model within my classroom which
allows students to clearly understand the examples that are done each class. It also
allows me to gauge each student's understanding and see where I may have to slow
down, repeat, or re-explain certain steps.
● Students are able to do corrections on all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Corrections
allow students to understand where the mistakes are made and how to prevent making
the same mistake in the future. This also creates a growth mindset in allowing them to
understand that mistakes are a part of learning.

● I would like to use more vertical whiteboards within the classroom. I believe that these
allow students to communicate more effectively with their classmates and it also allows
me to quickly assess each student's understanding.

Future Considerations:
● Ideally, I would like to have more vertical spaces in the classroom. This would allow the
students to stand up and move around more as well as discuss their ideas in groups.
● Once I am more comfortable with the curriculum, I would like to stray away from the
textbook and create more hands-on activities. This would encourage students to apply
their knowledge and understand the ‘why’ behind what they are learning.

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