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Daphne Ezra F.

11 - Lovelace

“The anti-bullying film "Marka" has stories from victims of various forms of bullying. This film
emphasized the life of Mr. Billy Boy Santiago, who suffered from bullying. He was tormented by two kids
throughout his whole life, from elementary school through college, because of their insecurities and jealousies.
Billy usually had his own lunch taken by these two pupils when he was in high school. He once informed his
mother that he no longer wanted to attend school since he was weary of them. His mother, nevertheless,
believed he had purposefully forgotten his lunchboxes. Consequently, he attended school even if he didn't want
to. Though uncomfortable with their behavior, he still wants to be friends with the two students. When he
overheard them discussing the just launched PSP, he informed his parents how he felt about both, and his
father got him one as a present. Billy allowed them to use his PSP during that time, and they became
“friends”. However, one of the two realized that their other classmate had a PSP and set him up to confront
the other. Fortunately, he was able to complete his high school education.

Billy, a college student, initially believed that two bullies were wealthy enough to afford prestigious
universities. However, they intervened and distracted Areeza, allowing them to post his gay status on Billy's
phone. This demonstrates the petty nature of the two bullies. Billy punched them out of anger, but the Dean
believed Billy was the one who started the fight. The bullies apologized to Billy insincerely. Areeza and Billy
were invited to Daisy's birthday party, but Areeza's character was criticized for knowing the impact of the
two bullies on him. Billy's desire to control his girlfriend was also criticized, as she was a walking red flag. The
next day, Billy asked Areeza why she wasn't answering his calls, but she simply told him he was a loser and
broke up with him.

Clearly, Billy just wants the 2 of them avoid him and treat each other like strangers. But the 2
doesn't want to be held back and they want him to help them both get revenge on the person who owes them.
That person is actually the reason why the 2 kincked out from their school. That person helped Billy to get
out of his situation. Then, Billy became an advocate of Anti-Bullying Campaign.

Many of us have a reason for our own actions. Regardless of whether we believe it was only a joke or
friendly teasing, we cannot condone bullying someone. Never forget that bullying may occur verbally and online
as much as physically. We shouldn't project our insecurities onto other people since our words have the power
to kill. Rather than ruining someone, we should look out for ourselves.

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