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Using Simulations To Train and Test

Machine Learning Applications
One of the challenges in training and testing ML algorithms is to obtain high quality data: the live
data your algorithms will be working on often isn’t availabe from the word go and even if it is, it may
not contain all the features you want to train your algorithm on.

One approach to dealing with this is to generate data using simulations – this gives you full control
both of the features contained within the data and also the volume and frequency of the data.

In this post we show you how to monitor long-standing simulations and use the data for machine
learning purposes without having to deploy on your own hardware – and with the use of as little code
as possible! This example makes use of simulation data generated using our own BPTK-Py
Framework . We employ various Amazon Web Services applications for focusing on Analytics and ML
rather than code and hardware/software.

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The Challenge
In earlier posts, you learned how we developed a Python-based simulation engine for System
Dynamics and Agent Based Modeling. It allows you to run complex simulations within the Jupyter
environment and access the simulation results for further analysis.

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are becoming part of our every day life. Ad owners improve their
targeting using web surfing behavior of potential customers. Businesses use more and more data
sources – both internal and external – to forecast future sales and modify their strategy, all
supported by ML. Manufacturers want to predict machine performance and faults to reduce
production downtimes or even accidents.

The choice of the right Machine Learning algorithm is hard. It requires a lot of real-world data and
testing. But the availability of such data is not always given. Someone in the sales department might
be able to give you sales data for last year. But who’s got those market research? Can you get
access to the raw website analytics data? You might need those data on a click-stream level. But the
DWH might only store them preprocessed as minutely data – or enriched with other – for your
problem – useless information.

With BPTK you can develop models and rapidly test them. What if we combine simulation and rapid
prototyping of machine learning algorithms? This way, you avoid the never-ending search for real-
world data. With his approach you can:

Simulate near real world data

Test different ML algorithms for solving your problem
Learn which data sources help solve your problem
Present your learnings to decision makers and prove the advantages of using ML methods in
your business context

In the following we would like to present you a little example of how we made use of agent based
modeling for a few ML use cases. 2/13
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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerful service for deploying scalable online compute and storage
services. AWS maintains the hardware and software which means you can deploy data pipelines only
with a few clicks, accessible from many

Why we used AWS in this showcase? Because it allows us to concentrate on Machine Learning
algorithms and methods rather than wiring up an infrastructure and writing big amounts of code
before even being able to test ML. We will go into more detail for the specific services we used later
in this blog post.

The simulation model

We employ a simulation of an electric car. This is a classical IOT (Internet of things) usecase.
Nowadays, cars are constantly sending statistics to the manufacturers’ servers in order to help
improve the product. The data are processed in real-time. In the simulation, each car acts as an
agent and has a battery. We did not model an engine or any other components to keep the model as
simple as possible. Let us quickly go over the simulation models and the variables we measure.
Figure 1 illustrates the states of the car we are going to work with.

Figure 1: State chart for car battery simulation

In each simulation round, the car either drives, charges or the battery is replaced. The battery might
be failing. On battery fault, it takes one more simulation time step to replace the battery. In this
simple model, a battery fails if its capacity falls below 14,000 amp, with a design capacity of 20,000 3/13
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amp. The capacity reduces with every round due to driving and recharging, just like in the real world.
Battery states are stored in the “battery\_state” field. On driving, the car uses 39.7 amp per
kilometer, resulting in around 500 km per full charge (when the full capacity is still available). The
number of kilometers driven in a simulation timestep is a random value within certain bounds, given
by a driving strategy. Replacement will only occur if the battery entered the failed state before.
Whenever the car drives, the field “distance\_in\_period” stores the km driven within the given
simulation period. It defaults to zero when charging. The field “charge”‘ measures the current charge
of the battery. The “cylces” field increases by one on a full recharge. The car charges if a lower
bound of charge has been reached. This lower bound is as well defined by the strategy.

The selection of the strategy is random at model initialization. We define three driving strategies:

Max. kilometers Charge

Name Charge lower bound
per period lower bound

Heavy driver who only charges when necessary. Makes

Heavy 60 20 %
frequent trips

A driver who lives in the city and does not make too many
City 25 60 %

Drives frequently and recharges a little later than the city

Average35 40 %
driver but does not make very long trips

In this article we focus on the battery’s capacity. The capacity determines if the battery has to be
replaced. It would be great to be able to forecast this value. Hence, we should have a look at the
battery’s capacity over time for one agent. Check out Figure 2 for the results of a simulation that ran
for 100,000 steps. We clearly see a rather simple pattern: The capacity starts at 20,000 amp and –
almost linearly – decreases to 14,000, before the battery is replaced and the pattern restarts. If
you’d look more closely at one cycle, you’d notice that the capacity decrease is not really linear. This
is due to the fact that the car drives certain kilometers within the strategy’s bounds and not a fixed
number of kilometers in each timestep. However, one could easily construct a function to estimate a
battery fault event. 4/13
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Figure 2: Battery capacity over time for the car simulation. Steps: 100,000

This model may be quite simple but good enough for our purposes in order to test methods for
forecasting battery fault. In real world, a prediction engine for battery fault is useful to inform the
driver about making an appointment with the nearest workshop – before she breaks down in the
middle of the road.

In order to forecast such problems car manufacturers may employ data science techniques. A car
could send its own telemetry data to the manufacturer’s servers, which uses a trained model based
on millions of other cars. As a response, it may receive a warning if a battery fault in the near future
is forecast.

Technologies used in this Proof-of-Concept

Figure 3 depicts the structure of our machine learning framework used in this Proof-of-Concept.
While the simulation may run in any Python environment, the rest of our data pipeline is processed
by various Amazon Web Services application. For large-scale simulation jobs, we employ an EC2
instance. The following sections go over this AWS pipeline and technologies used. 5/13
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Figure 3: Data pipeline

AWS Kinesis (Stream, Analytics, Firehose)

AWS Kinesis provides message queues, or data streams. Each stream can have one or more
producers and consumers. Producers push data while consumers pull them for further processing.
Kinesis makes sure to distribute the data to all consumers and holds them until consumption.
For computing aggregates, we employed Kinesis Analytics. This service accesses Kinesis streams
and allows for SQL-like access to the data. As we deal with streaming data, which never end, each
query requires a window for processing aggregates. Windows are either count windows or time
windows. A count window takes a fixed number of records, e.g. 1,000 records and computes an
aggregate (AVG, MIN, MAX and so on). A time window on the others side, collects the records of a
defined time interval. Furthermore a window can either be sliding or tumbling. A tumbling count
window of 100 triggers whenever 100 events arrived. A sliding window of same size triggers
whenever a new event arrives and takes all previous 99 elements of this particular event.
We implemented the following three queries to showcase the capabilities of Kinesis Analytics:
Average kilometers driving per period in the last 10 periods: Quickly monitor the average
kilometers each agent drives per period
Average number of kilometers until battery fail in the last 1 hour: Monitor the number of
kilometers until a battery fails. “1 hour” describes the time when the events arrived, not when
they were generated in BPTK
Anomaly detection: Detect anomalies in the streaming data and measure it using an anomaly

The output of AWS Kinesis Analytics queries flow into another Kinesis Stream. These data are
consumed by AWS Kinesis Firehose. Firehose is another component of Kinesis. It takes a Kinesis
Stream as Input and outputs them in a structured way to other AWS applications. Using Firehose
avoids coding your own stream consumer. It pushes the streaming data into the target applications
without much configuration required. Here Firehose is used to output the data to S3, a scalable data
storage – more on that in a later section. 6/13
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AWS Lambda
For forecasting, we employ AWS Lambda. Lambda is a service that allows for executing arbitrary
code – called a Function – whenever a trigger is executed. A function is stateless which means that
all variables are lost after the execution finishes. The code is triggered whenever a condition applies.
In this showcase, we use the Kinesis stream as trigger. We configured Lambda to execute our
function whenever 100 events arrived.

The function itself is a small Python script that receives the records, computes forecasts for each
agent and fires the data out to another Kinesis stream. The virtual environment in which the code
runs, comes only with the most basic Python packages. Hence, you will have to download the Linux
packages for all requirements and add them to the code package. Note that some packages such as
numpy and pandas need to be compiled. We used an Amazon Linux VM and ran the following
commands in a virtual environment:

pip3.6 install --upgrade pip wheel

pip3.6 install --no-binary numpy numpy==1.16
pip3.6 install scipy
pip3.6 install --no-binary pandas pandas
pip3.6 install --no-binary statsmodels statsmodels
pip3.6 install boto # For Access to AWS resources in the Lambda function

Just copy the contents of the virtual environment’s site-packages into a zip file along with your Next, we copied the zip to a S3 bucket (S3 is a storage service provided by AWS) and
configured the Lambda function to pull the file from the S3 location.

For forecasting the battery’s capacity, we employ Autoregressive modeling. This method creates a
function that weights previous observations’ influence on future values. An alternative is the use of a
moving average. Both methods are widely-used for forecasting. Extensions such as ARIMA
(combining both methods) are also common. For training the models, we use the python
package statsmodels, an easy-to-use package for statistic modeling. The basic training and
prediction code is pretty simple and straight-forward. For a great example, check out this Blog post.
Most of the code we had to write deals with decoding the incoming streaming data and preparing
them for model training. The data structure is very intuitive. The lambda function receives a
dictionary with a list named records. Each list element stores a dictionary named kinesis, which
includes metadata for the given record and the raw data. Note that the data from a kinesis stream
arrive base64-decoded in a Lambda function. This is due to the fact that kinesis is agnostic of which
type of data arrive. This means, you need the base64 package to decode the JSON string. The 7/13
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function extracts the capacity field for each record and writes them into a list. The model fitting itself
only requires few commands:

from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AR

horizon = 100 # number of periods to forecast
model = AR(data)
model_fit =
prediction = model_fit.predict(len(data), len(data) + horizon)

AWS Simple Storage Service or commonly referred to as “S3”, is a scalable online object store. It
allows you to store any data which other applications consume. Data are organized in buckets. Each
bucket can be configured separately, including access rights, visibility and read/write per- missions.
Each of our Firehose processes (one for each query) writes the result data into a different S3 bucket.
S3 does not limit the storage you can use. You rather pay what you use and how much you use it.
This makes S3 scalable. Furthermore it comes with high availability and performance. Just with all
the other services, Amazon makes sure to provision hardware and software required to use the
resoures, without the need of your own physical hardware. Libraries for S3 are available for many
programming languages. So even non-AWS applications can access the data from S3.

AWS Quicksight
The last tool in our chain is AWS Quicksight. Quicksight is a Business Intelligence that is able to
connect to many data sources for graphical analysis. The frontend is very intuitive and simple. For
pulling data from S3, just click “Add Data Source” and select “S3”. Quicksight requires a JSON file
that specifies the S3 bucket(s) and subfolders where it is supposed to pull the data from. Let us look
at an example:

{"fileLocations": [

"URIPrefixes": [

] }],

"globalUploadSettings": {
"format": "JSON",} . }

The URIPrefixes field sets the directory(ies) to search for data in. Quicksight parses all entries and
pulls all subfolders and files of the prefix. In the given example, it parses all files and subfolders 8/13
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within s3://the-bucket/subfolder/. The globalUploadSettings field contains information on the data.

We instruct Quicksight to parse the found data as JSON files. After adding all data sources, we are
able to create graphs and analyse the results.

Visualization and Analysis

Figure 4shows the average number of kilometers each agent drove per period. Here we ran the
simulation for four agents. We can easily identify two groups of agents with different driving
behavior. The agents with the more aggressive driving strategies also drive more, while the
conservative agents – of course – drive less. In a simulation with many agents you can use the
series data as input for training different clustering or classification algorithms.

Next is the anomaly score – an builtin function using

Random Trees to detect anomalies within the received
stream. You see the anomaly graph in Figure 5 for the first
50 simulation time steps. The bar chart on the left Y Axis
depicts the charge per time step. The line graph shows the
anomaly score for each timestep. The anomaly is computed
over all numeric fields the stream receives. The value
Figure 4: Average kilometers per agent hovers around 1, which is very small. This is not unexpected
per period
as the function does not show large anomalies. We observe
a very clear pattern in the charge graph. It runs low until the
agent recharges the battery. On every recharge, we observe a small peak in the anomaly score. The
anomaly score is computed over a window that you can adjust in the query. You may use different
window sizes to improve the anomaly detection. A too-large-window might lead to a very slow
reaction to anomalies while a too-small window may result in many false positives as past
observations with similar patterns are not taken into account. 9/13
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Figure 5: Anomaly score

Now let us have a look at the most interesting graph, the battery capacity forecast, which is available
in Figure 6. We see how the forecast resembles the pattern of the actual capacity development.
Obviously, the AR method is a good fit for this cycle. The algorithm always uses the last 100
observations to forecast the next 100 steps. The forecast was able to successfully predict the trend
and we could use this as a warning for a battery fault. The numbers will not be 100% accurate, but a
forecast does not necessarily have to meet the exact number but resemble the trend in order to
allow for measures to avoid battery fault.

Figure 6: Forecast using an autoregressive Model, computed using AWS Lambda

Learnings 10/13
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Goal of this proof-of-concept was to develop a scalable data intelligence application, using
simulation data. This approach supports machine learning projects at an early stage where real-
world data are scarce or hard to come by. With the use of cloud infrastructure, complex machine
learning applications are easy to deploy. Thanks to the cloud, we could easily extend this with
applications that consume the simulation data stream. Furthermore, we showed that using
simulation data is useful for prototyping machine learning.

As a data scientist, I could now test other forecasting methods such as Moving Average, ARIMA or
even deep learning using the same data we just generated in the simulation. And even test them
side-by-side and compare the results within Quicksight.

We believe that at early stages of Machine Learning / Data Science projects, simulation is able to
support decision making in regards to choice of data sources, AI methods and budgeting.

Filed Under: Business Prototyping Methodology



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Using Simulations To Train and Test

Machine Learning Applications

A Simple Python Library For System

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agent-based-modeling bigdata BPTK

prototype Business Analytics
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simulation Data Science Elastic Stack
Enterprise Architect game Jupyter kpi
mathematica mobility
professional service firm
prototyping Python stella
strategy systemdynamics
systems thinking transformation

UML 12/13
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Using Simulations To Train transentis consulting

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A Simple Python Library For
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Writing Computational
Essays Based On Simulation
Mobility Business Models in
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Causal Loop Diagramming



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