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Every year, as we approach the winter solstice, drinking that occurred on that occasion, and I must

or Midinváerne in Elvish, the first snow and frost add that the spirits on the archipelago are of the
on the meadows reminds me of my journey to the highest quality. Better moonshine can’t be found
Skellige archipelago. Believe me, dear reader, that anywhere - except perhaps for the dwarven keeps
not even last year’s winter, called the ‘winter of the of Mahakam. Clearly the biting cold of the islands
century’ by many in Kaedwen, can be compared has led to the development of spirits that can
to the weather on these mountainous islands. warm a man from the inside.
I’ve only visited Skellige once, and I feel the need
Why then, you ask, are my memories from
to openly admit that the memories I brought back
Skellige a mixed bag?
with me are a mixed bag.
The harsh weather makes the people strong,
The islanders are an interesting people. It’s not
but also makes various beasts more fierce than
easy to form a deep relationship with Skelligans,
those we see on the Continent. I’ve heard of were-
as if their thick pelts and furs protect them not
wolves that can tear witchers to shreds, and ice gi-
only from the cold, but also from making friends.
ants that can hurl a block of ice dozens of fathoms.
Note, however, that once an islander calls you their
friend, you’ll now have a friend for life. I also heard talk of Dagon, an underwater crea-
ture many see as a god. Skelligans don’t like to
And a worthy friend it is indeed, for Skelligans
talk about Dagon. They are brave, but not stupid.
are honorable and loyal. They don’t waste time
They know there are creatures in this world too
playing courtly games or employing stratagems,
terrifying to face, and Dagon is one of them.
but rather resolve their conflicts quickly and firmly,
through force of argument, or force of arms, de- If you decide to visit the archipelago, you are in
pending on the matter. for an adventure to remember. Taste the fresh fish,
and feel the warmth of a bear’s pelt, but beware –
I never saw fighting between the islanders, but
the waters of the Great Sea hide many perils.
I did witness rival clans – for Skelligan society is
divided into clans - burying the hatchet. I doubt Chronicles of Benno Kobart, fragment of chapter XX,
anyone on the continent could keep up with the Beyond the Continent
and of your at-
are seamen
sea voyage on board your Youship are all wearing long fac-
handsa calm freshly types on the night
You step ashore
in the port.
Their es. ‘We havesmell
drawn by the
some of suspicious ern. Dinner isboard… before The sea
Dagon setting
voyag sail in a port tav-
youtention is immediately cultists,’ no one
they explain. ‘The be
to Captain
the’s dish is
adamant that ,they
but when e goes
men stop s. the stone jetty. There is is a foreign
Seam the cook tells
en invite smoothly,
you to join you without any proble
Two shifty tattoo fish onyou, somebehave
thing the right to besomeone
here as long as they delicacy
pay their way called
fish-scale cookedfrom a shame to leave from asking any more some noiserattimi, their card
covered in ng It would and cause no problems. He’s always been
and go to bed. a grasping ol’ s
question you refrain
over blind game, then ms.
res an offeri found nearby. fools. about its ingredien
ev- But the fact
luck and make
‘Dago n requi ’ they dema nd.
meal to the seagulls.
miser, that one.’ The
in longcultists
robescause no problems and heavie ts fortun
r when you remains that your e that favors
from the
deep, see aerything quiet during theDraw
group ofispeople voyage.1 card from your
’You finish eating to to
covering the dunes. deck.
Gain 1 Gold. walk ashor
purse is
no gods. from theyour thickethand
During Phase III, draw 1 additional card.
‘I worship emergein card from pay for this!’ dangerous journey
rd a Water Terra offering… eaten?! You’ll dangerous is a
You wel-journey
Disca ‘Our full stomach spend the night before dang
offering. escape, and your setting sail in erous journey
‘It’s a whirlp
make an You manage to It
last takes
few days.
ayou a moment to realizeern. The whatsoupit was that woke you.
is disgustin a port tav-
ool! It’s pullin
after the with
youSomeone your is thisg, and a seaman g
comeofchange leaves is chanting spells on table
deck! The crew
on his way to mentioned devilr y?’ You hear us in!
stops by Gods damn
one them
depart, Draw card from butyourthey won’t
Dagon cultists, but theysoup?!
andthe runcounter.
up onto‘Vodyano the naviga it, what
if1you will,
haven’t to cause any
As the men e the gods problems. You run up onwitcher!’
. TheYou’re
the deck,i eye tor’s
stopping agitated voice
‘Ignor dangering ous journey deck in time to see a cloud form- whirlpaool brave man, at the port
warning, above your vessel, and in
You’re long
sky jumps on
is bright with lightning. its chain.
is massive, side
of people beginnin Can the monsand your medallion
ignore you.’ you see a group the g to regret
magic ordering
al?! the ‘chef’s
r As you come ashore Use a Sign plinth.
to protect This
‘Behold,the regret
ship from staysthe with Discard special’. trous eddy truly
Quest : Wate around a stone spentat your Beforfor e younearly be
17.robes gathered
they shake us!’ they shout
anyto1 Defensive Sign (yellow)at the
card from your hand.
g latrine behind havethe timeentire hour
Enter : for Dagon g. Ascomes a dog needbelonginherbs to calm gerouthe sly. tavern. You’re to think, the
for your offerin
manageAttack to escape,
the cultists. Discard 1 card from your
it’s hand.You hear some
stomach going
ship pitche
thank yousight.meda While youhum. in your calf. alread y .too late s dan-
The men llion Emptya deep
hand: do notDiscard
wound discard 2any Potions.
card. Dagon s
you sense your to one of theby
leaves head.up by 1 on and something of warning, but
your goes
your hand Attribute its track. hits the back
When you
level of any Dress the wound yourself. come to, of
Raise the s jour ney You do your best to protect the ship with aThere magic’sbarri-
sand the first thing
can help.
dangerou Find someone hold attack the cultists.
The sailors shore! in your mouth you hear
. You’ve wash is seagulls.
in the harbo tattoo pat-
thugs attack you in fish-scale No effect.
You don’t
ed up on
A dozen covered they leave scar.
a nasty ship nowh nize any of your
in hands
weapons are too many Youto are
fight, and
left with attack the cultists. They resist, while theismagical
Yousay. ere to be surrounding
god!’ they rages in the sky. You finally get the situation Place under found. s, and the
terns. There offeringDiscard for the 2water Potions. storm hand. Da- reach 1 on the
‘An from your control. before you can Location Skellige
your bag. in cards starts to rankle on
tion Actio this card instead Board. Move
Water TerraThe wound Lowerisn’t your
good.Shield level by 2. to the
Discard all by 1 on the its track.
settlement. This
During Phaseand immediately
and perfo
rm the Loca-
up less. proceed
gon goes III, drawQuest:1 card Forest III, draw
1 card less. to Phase
During Phase Enter: 19. III.

50 Skellige Exploration Cards 5 Dagon Trail Tokens

at theoftav-
spending deer
a quiet evening a group poachers in the forest. The
bonus dagon bonus dagon
Your hopes of carcass
ely drunk theyman joins indicates a successful
are carrying us dagon bonus
ern perish when
a complet
hunt, yet their moods
you can argue
thatare sour. dagon bon
you at your table. ‘What’s therehe
around, to grabs yourOur earnings have been
are plenty of free decreasing
to his eyes.
ever since those foreign louses started
your hand
wrist and lifts to bring trophies ofspit.
‘My animals to trade. No
one will ,buy
he gabbles antlers to hang the on their wall when tro-
‘I know this ring!’ when she ran away,
me phies of mightier beasts from the islands are avail-
wife stole it from did able!you
Wait tillit?
get Hic!’ he de-
we get them…’
lousy bitch! Where by a drunkard’s hiccup. ‘Or
mands, interrup ‘I know where you can find their settlement.
made with, Once per Turn:
was it you she Once per Turn:
Maybe you can reach an understanding?’
g over the table, after Phase III
He jumps to his
feet, knockin a Continent of your Turn, you
while occupying
‘Be careful.
later, his drinking
I know these islands, and it’s not
you. A moment may trash any
n, discard any hand
and reaches for just the animals that
away. grow unusually big and 1 card from your
the man
buddies join in,
not to dragstrong there.’
draw 2 cards Water Locatio hand to and gain one
Lower your Shield
level by 2 and (only 1 card from your to any 6 cards availab card from the
tely play a Combo le on the Main
from your deck.
Immedia The poachers
on thegrin total Dam-
nastily at the news. ‘I’m sure immediately move Board.
); then, based
(After: ent creating the LifeThe
ContinAfter Water printed cost
apply Damage
Fight: After, you may newly gained card may of a
we can. Reach an ‘understanding’,
effect: and everything,’ other
corresponding equipm
age, receive the one of them says, smacking a Leave fist into his ent
open palm.
this card insays ng the entire
Locatio n.’s your opponent takes be the
Turn): front of you. Duri nent same
. or 1 higher than
Location Action
‘Take this. For, uh, valuable trade information,’
continue your
Crevan , your oppom this
less. 3 Damage. the cost
Pawen y
the other, throwing you a purse.
each Turn 1 perfor of the trashed
0-2 cards of cost 0 s Damage card.
Attack deal
Gain 4 Gold.
Add any 1 of the
revealed Action telescope
pile. The poachers don’t appreciate your warning. One
to your discard of them picks up a long hunting spear. Once per Turn:
‘If they’re so
3 Damage: hardy, maybe weby 1.before
need perforeh?,’
some practice, ming he says,
AfterFights : your Fights:
any of
Attribute level the
Clearly, he is in Movement ts:of your
After any After any of your
Raise your lowestthen charges. You disarm himto of your Figh
the Island , roll 2 dice Dagon on the
by 1moves up by 1moves
on the Fights:
: need of some training.
instea After any Dagon on the up
1 moves Dagon
up by 1 on the
es up by
4+ Damage of cost 1 to d of
of thecards of1cost
and2 choos Track.Dagon Track.Dagon
Dagon mov on Track. Dagon
Add any 1Action revealed Action cards to
Add any 1 of the your discard pile. the result you e Track.
your discard pile.
prefer. Dag

30 Skellige Event Cards 5 Dagon Bonus Cards

Before the Dagon’s first
Attack, the Player discards
1 random card from their
hand and lowers their Shield
level by 1 per each Trophy
card they have.

1 Dagon Monster Card 6 Harbor Tokens 1 Skellige Board

20 Ard Skellig 21
Mists Eyna
Isle of

3 Location Tokens

1 Dagon Miniature and 3 Ship Miniatures


Game Design and Project Oversight Game Development and Project

Łukasz Woźniak Oversight
Story Rafał Jaki
Barnaba Drukała Story Editors
Translation Marcin Blacha, Tomasz Matera
Michał Kubiak Copy Editors
Marketing Marcin Łukaszewski,
Łukasz Simiński, Paweł Podgrudny Robert Malinowski,
Ryan Bowd, Łukasz Gręda
Art Direction
Dawid Bartłomiejczyk Cover Art
Valeriy Vegera
Graphic Design
Dawid Bartłomiejczyk, Michał Długaj, Logo Design
Dominika Bartkowska Irina Moraru

Miniature Design Miniature Design and Art Direction

Tomasz Kalisz, Robert Kurek Paweł Mielniczuk, Dawid Kowal

Map Art Graphic Design and Art Direction

Damien Mammoliti Przemysław Juszczyk Illustrations
Rulebook Marketing Video Adrian Smith, Ala Kapustka,
Jonathan Bobal, Michał Długaj, Jacek Krogulski, Marcin Bawolski, Anna Podedworna, Bartłomiej Gaweł,
Paulina Żak, Maciej Czaplicki, Grzegorz Michalak, Adam Dudek Bogna Gawrońska, Bryan Sola,
Katarzyna Fiebiger, Łukasz Kempiński Video Producers Diego De Almeida Peres, Grafit Studio,
Michał Krzemiński, Karol Bern, Katarzyna Beus,
Game Developers Katarzyna Malinowska,
Łukasz Szopka, Michał Gryń Magdalena Darda-Ledzion
Lorenzo Mastroianni,
Lead Playtesters Script and Voice Maciej Łaszkiewicz, Manuel Castañón,
Łukasz Szopka, Michał Sprysak, Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz Marek Madej, Nemanja Stankovic,
Przemysław Ciemniejewski, Social Media and PR Sandra Chlewińska, Yama Orce
Ola Woźniak, Michał Gryń, Marcin Momot, Radek Grabowski,
Alicja Kozera
Pamper Playtesting Group
Legal CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher® are registered
Marketing Video Kinga Palińska trademarks of CD PROJEKT S.A.
Tomasz Bar / Hexy Studio, © 2022 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved.
Maciej Klimczak, Jan Szostakowski, All other copyrights and trademarks are the
Liwia Klupś property of their respective owners.

game setup
After the Game Board is prepared (step 1 of the basic 6. Shuffle the Dagon Bonus cards into the deck and
game setup), stop all remaining game setup, and prepare place them, the Dagon Monster card, and the Dagon
the Skellige Expansion: Trail tokens near the Skellige Board 6 .
1. Add the Skellige Board 1 on the left edge of the a. The Dagon Monster card has two sides. In a stan-
Main Board. dard game, keep the side with the Special Ability
face-up. When using the Monster Trail Expansion,
2. Add 3 Location tokens 2 to the 18 tokens available keep the side with 4 Special Attacks face-up.
in the standard game.
7. Shuffle 6 Harbor tokens 7 face-up (the side with
3. Shuffle Skellige Exploration cards 3 and place the anchor up) and place them near those 6 Loca-
them face-down on a designated spot on the Skellige tions on the Main Board: Kaer Seren (1), Cidaris (5),
Board. Novigrad (6), Cintra (9), Glenmore (12), Doldeth (13).
4. Place the Skellige Event cards 4 face-down without 8. Look at the bottom part of each Harbor token – 3 of
shuffling, on a designated spot on the Skellige Board. them have a Ship icon on them. Place 1 Ship
The topmost card should have a number on its miniature near each of those 3 Harbors 8 . During the
back. game keep Harbor tokens near corresponding Loca-
5. Place the Dagon miniature 5 on the appropriate tions on the side with the anchor face-up.
spot of the Danger Track: Continue the standard game setup. It is possible that 1 or
a. In a 1-Player game, use the spot marked more Monsters will appear on an Island Location.
b. In a 2 or 3-Player game,
use the spot marked
c. In a 4 or 5-Player game,
use the spot marked

2 20
Isle of


Ard Skellig

3 7
6 5 4
1 7



Before the Dagon’s first

Attack, the Player discards
1 random card from their
hand and lowers their Shield
level by 1 per each Trophy
card they have.

There are 3 Locations on the Map Extension. For all game
purposes, all those Locations are treated as any other Lo-
The game structure and the goal of the game remain the cation. Three corresponding Location tokens are mixed
same while playing with the Skellige Expansion. All the with the standard Location tokens, so Monsters can ap-
changes in Skellige are explained below pear on the Island Locations, and resolving Quests may
require the Player to visit one of those Locations.

Location Actions:

Ard Skellig
The Player chooses 1 of the Attributes to Train - Combat,
Defense, Alchemy, or Specialty. They raise the level of the
chosen Attribute by 1.

Isle of Mists

The Player chooses 1 of the following options:

ƒ They pick a 0-cost card from the 6 cards available on
the Main Board and add it to their discard pile. The
DAGON TRACK Player cannot perform this Location Action if there is
no 0-cost card in the pool. After, replenish the Action
card pool as normal, described in the main rulebook.
The Skellige Board for the Skellige Expan- ƒ They lose 1 Gold and pick a 1-cost card from the
sion contains a Dagon Track. The Dagon 6 cards available on the Main Board and add it to
miniature is used there. their discard pile. The Player cannot perform this
There are 2, 3 or 4 (depending on the Location Action if there is no 1-cost card in the pool.
number of Players) spots that mark the After, replenish the Action card pool as normal, de-
danger level of the sea travels. When Da- scribed in the main rulebook.
gon is on one of those spots, keep the Da-
gon Miniature on the side of the Skellige
Board to mark the danger level.
The topmost spot on the track is called the
Dagon Location and it signifies that Dagon
has emerged. When Dagon reaches that
spot, it actually appears in the game. It If the Player has no Level-1 or Level-2 Monster Trophy
affects sea travel and players may try to cards, the Player randomly picks a Level-1 Monster token
Fight it. from the pool. Then, they get their corresponding Trophy
card and slide that card under their Player Board, so the
The Player cannot enter the Dagon Loca- Trophy Ability is visible.
tion until Dagon emerges.
The Monster token is discarded.
More details on that are explained later.
The Player do not move up on the Trophy track and they
do not suffer Fatigue.
If the Player has 1 or more Level-1 or Level-2 Monster Tro-
phy cards, they choose 1 and discard it.
If it was a Trophy of a Level-1 Monster, the Player randomly
draws a Level-2 Monster token from the pool and follows
the steps as described above.
If it was a Trophy of a Level-2 Monster, the Player random-
ly draws a Level-3 Monster token from the pool and fol-
lows the steps as described above.

New Islands There are 3 Island Locations to choose from, but more
can appear during the game.
During their travels, Players may also discover other Is-
land Locations. They may be found in the Skellige Event 2. The Player moves their miniature to the Ship.
cards deck. In that case, the Player places the Skellige
3. The Player rolls a die and compares the result with
Event card with a new Island Location next to the other
the spot on the Danger Track a currently occupied
Island Locations shown on the Skellige Board. From now
by Dagon.
on, each Player can sail from a Continent Location with
a Harbor Token to one of the newly discovered Island Lo- a. If the outcome matches the upper range b of
cations. results – the Ship travel is “safe”.
In order not to spoil the surprise for you, the Location Ac- Move the Dagon up by 1 spot c on the Danger
tions of the Island Locations from the Skellige Event card Track.
deck are described on the last page of this rulebook.


The only way to reach the Island Locations is to travel by

Ship. There are 3 Ships in the game.
There can only be 1 Ship on 1 Island or Continent Location. b e
If a Player finished their Turn on an Island Location, that
Location cannot be visited by any other Player until they
leave it. a
The Player can use Ships to travel from the Continent Lo-
cation to one of the Island Locations (or back). The Player d f
cannot use Ships to travel:
ƒ between two Harbors on the Continent (The results of moving Dagon to the topmost spot
ƒ between two Island Locations
are explained later in this rulebook, see page 9.)

ƒ between an Island Location and the Dagon Location.

b. If the outcome matches the bottom range d of
results – the Ship travel is “dangerous”.
When a Player moves to the Location with a Ship, after
performing the Location Action, they may decide to trav- 4. The Player to the right of the Active Player takes the
el to an Island Location. They may also choose to do so top Skellige Exploration card and reads the appropri-
when they begin their Turn on a Location that has a Ship ate section of it to the traveling Player.
on it. a. If the travel is “safe” they read the upper section
e of the Skellige Exploration card.
TRAVELING FROM THE b. If the travel is “dangerous” they read the bottom
section f of the Skellige Exploration card.
You step ashore after a calm sea voyage and your at-
tention is immediately drawn by the smell of freshly
cooked fish on the stone jetty. There is no one to be
found nearby. It would be a shame to leave someone’s
meal to the seagulls. Travel is
The Player may only travel from a Continent Location to You finish eating to see a group of people in long robes
emerge from the thicket covering the dunes.
an Island Location from a Harbor Location that has a Ship ‘Our offering… eaten?! You’ll pay for this!’
You manage to escape, and your full stomach is a wel-

on it.
come change after the last few days.
Draw 1 card from your deck.

dangerous journey

The Player may travel from a Continent Location to an Is- As you come ashore you see a group of people in long
robes gathered around a stone plinth. ‘Behold, the

land Location only once per Turn.

offering for Dagon comes to us!’ they shout at your
sight. While you manage to escape, a dog belonging
to one of the cultists leaves a deep wound in your calf.
Dress the wound yourself.
When the Player decides to travel from a Continent Loca- Find someone who can help. Travel is
tion with a Ship, they take the following steps: You are left with a nasty scar.
Discard 2 Potions.
The wound starts to rankle before you can reach
1. The Player plays a card with a Terrain Type matching the settlement. This isn’t good.
During Phase III, draw 1 card less.

the Location that they want to reach.

They may also play a card that does not match the
Location and pay 1 Gold or play any 2 cards.

5. Unless the Travel Action is affected in any way, the
active Player reaches the Island Location that they
declared to be the destination in Step 1.
a. Then, the Player may perform the Location Action
and resolve any Quests or Trail Quests they have.
b. The Player may decide to continue their Phase
I by traveling back to the Continent or end their
Phase I there (either to Fight a Monster that is
there or because they simply decide to do so).

One Exploration Limit:

When the Player has a Skellige Exploration card read to
them, when they Travel from the Continent to the Island
Locations, they do not Explore in the Phase II of their Turn.
If they were to do so, they simply skip that step and move
to Phase III.
The Player may get a Skellige Exploration card and then
Fight or Meditate during Phase II.



When the Player travels from an Island Location back to

the Continent they take the following steps:
1. The Player plays a card with a Terrain Type matching the
Harbor Location on the Continent that they want to
They may also play a card that doesn’t match the Lo-
cation and pay 1 Gold or play any 2 Cards.
There are 6 Harbor Locations on the Continent but re-
member that there can only be 1 Ship in each Harbor.
2. Then the Player moves their miniature to the Ship, moves
the Ship to the chosen Location, and places the min-
iature there.

Remember: You do not read the Skellige Explora-

tion card during the travel back to the Continent.

The Player may perform Location Action of that Loca-

tion, following standard rules, and they may continue
with their Phase I.
The Player can perform that Travel up to two times in one
Turn. It may happen only when they begin the Turn on the
Island Location, Ship back to the Continent, Ship to one of
the Island Locations, and then back to the Continent.

full player turn
example for a 2-player game

A 2-Player Game Example The Player rolls a die and compares the result with the Da-
gon Track. The result is 5 so the Player to the right reads
The Player begins their Turn in Cidaris with 3 cards in their
the Active Player the upper section of the Exploration card,
hand. They play a card with a Mountain Terrain Icon to
and Dagon moves up on its track.
move to Cintra. After, they perform the Location Action to
draw 1 Potion.

The sea voy

age goes
Seamen inv smoothly,
ite without any
some noise you to join their car pro
over blind d game, the blems.
whirl fools. Bu luck and n make
t the fact
heavier wh remains tha fortune that favors
whirl en you wa
t your pu
Gain 1 Go ash ore. is much

‘It’s a whirlp s journ ey
ool! It’s pu
is this dev lling us in!
ilry Gods dam
and run up ?’ You hear the nav n
onto the igator ’s agi it, what
railing. Th de tat
e whirlpool ck, stopping at the ed voice
jumps on is massive, port side
its chain.
magical?! Can the mo and your medallion
nstrous edd
Before you y truly be
have time
gerously. to think,
You hear
it’s alread someone’s the ship pitches dan
y too late shouts of -
your head. an d someth wa rni
ing hits the ng, but
When you back of
come to, the
There’s san first thing
d in your you hear is
shore! mouth. You
’ve washe seagulls.
You don’t d up on the
ship is now any of you
here to be r surroundi
Place fou nd. ngs, and the
Location 1 on the Skell
on this car ige Board
tion Actio d instead . Mo
n, and perfor ve to the
During Ph and immediately m the Loc
ase III, dra pro
w 1 card les ceed to Phase III.

There is a Ship in that Location, so the Player decides to

move to the Island Location - Ard Skellig. They play anoth- After the Exploration card is resolved, the Player moves the
er card with a Mountain Terrain Icon from their hand and Ship miniature with their Witcher miniature to Ard Skellig.
place their Witcher miniature on the Ship. Now, the Player performs the Island Location Action. They
raise their Combat level by 1.

low wh

The Player still has 1 card left in their hand. They play it. ƒ The Sea Travel is “safe” and the Player to their right
There is a Water Terrain icon on this card. Since there are reads the upper section of the Skellige Exploration
Ships in Kaer Seren and Glenmore, the Player cannot move card.
there. They move the Ship miniature with their Witcher
miniature to Cidaris and perform the Location Action. ƒ The Active Player is also affected
by the Dagon emerging. The Play-
er lowers their Shield level to 0 and
gains a Dagon Trail token.
ƒ Then the Player reaches their destination and con-
tinues their Phase I.
It may also happen as an effect of a Skellige Exploration
card. Then the Player that is now performing a Sea Travel
to the Island Locations loses all their Shields and gains

blo ge
ing ag
ger s t
w rin
a Dagon Trail token, and reaches their destination contin-
ues Phase I.
Dagon can also emerge as a result of an Event card or
different special effects. If that happens, and no Player is
performing a Sea Travel, Dagon emerges but no one is

Dagon Location Clarifications

Dagon Location is a spot on the top of Dagon
Track. Players cannot move to the Dagon Loca-
tion until Dagon reaches that spot. Players cannot
move to the Dagon Location from an Island Loca-
tion; it is possible to get there only from a Conti-
nent Location.
The Player’s hand is empty, so they decide to end Phase I There may be more than 1 Ship on the Dagon
of their Turn. Since they have the Skellige Exploration card Location (which means that there may be more
read, they do not Explore during Phase II of their Turn. They than 1 Player on that Location).
proceed to Phase III.
If Dagon is driven away and placed back on the
bottom spot of its track, Players cannot move to
Moving Dagon to the topmost spot of the this Location until it emerges again. They can
Danger Track only move from this Location back to a Continent
When Dagon moves to the topmost
spot on the Dagon track (the Dagon Lo-
cation) it emerges.
It may happen when a Player is trav- Dagon Emerged
eling to an Island Location and the Once Dagon is on the Dagon Location (i.e.
Player rolls 5 or 6 on the die (step it emerged onto the seas), Players do not
3 of traveling from Continent to an roll the die while traveling to Island Loca-
Island). In that scenario: tions since the Travel is always considered
“dangerous”. The bottom section of the
Skellige Exploration card is read.

As shown on the Dagon card, there are two possible re-
sults of the Dagon Fight:
When Dagon has emerged (reached the Dagon Location), 1. Dagon is Driven Away if:
the Player may decide to board a Ship on the Continent
and sail to Fight it. a. The Player manages to win the Fight. a
b. The Player is defeated but Dagon has only 0 or
1 cards left in the Life Pool. b
Remember: You cannot enter the Dagon Loca- In that case, Dagon miniature
tion until Dagon emerges. is placed on appropriate spot
of the Danger Track which de- a b
pends on the number of Play-
ers. The Player is rewarded
To Fight: with: c
ƒ The Player has to be on a Location on the Continent ƒ 2 Gold c
that has a Ship on it.
ƒ Any chosen 0-cost card
ƒ The Player places their miniature on the Ship and from the pool of the
plays a card of any Terrain Type (as shown on the 6 available .
Dagon Location on the Track). d
ƒ The top card from the
ƒ The Skellige Exploration card is not read. Dagon Bonus cards
and places it with the
ƒ The Player moves the Ship with their miniature to
Trophies that they have.
the Dagon Location.
The Player do not move up on the Trophy Track and they
ƒ The Player proceeds to Phase II of their Turn and
do not suffer Fatigue. d
Fights Dagon, following all the standard Fight rules.
2. The Player is completely defeated, if they have 0 cards,
The Dagon card shows its Level, Life Pool, Special Ability,
and Dagon has 2 or more cards in the Life Pool. e
and Fight outcome.
In that scenario, Dagon re-
Monster mains in the game on the Da-
Life Pool gon Location on the Danger e
Track, and the Player gets: f
ƒ The Dagon Trail token
(if they don’t have one).
dagon f
Before the Dagon’s first ƒ Any chosen 0-cost card
Attack, the Player discards from the pool of the
1 random card from their 6 available.
hand and lowers their Shield
level by 1 per each Trophy
card they have. Also, during Phase III of this
Turn, the Player draws 1 card
Monster less. g g
Level Special Ability Fight Outcome

The Player may only get a Dagon Trail token in one of two In both scenarios, the Player follows all the other “Fight
ways: outcome” steps and moves to Phase III of their Turn.

ƒ They travel to one of the Island Location, and during

that Travel Dagon emerged,
ƒ They fought Dagon and lost.


Hen Inis

If the Player has 0 or 1 Level-1 Mon-

ster Trophy card, the Player draws
a Level-1 Monster token from the
pool. Then, they get their corre-
sponding Trophy card and slide
that card under their Player Board,
so the Trophy Ability is visible. The
Hen Inis Loc Gwen
Monster token is discarded. The
Player does not move up on the
Trophy Track and they do not suffer

Hvandre Hevangi Loc Gwen

The Player randomly draws a Lev- The Player gains 3 Gold.

el-1, 2, or 3 Monster token from
the pool. Then, they get their cor-
responding Monster card. After,
the Player immediately proceeds
to Phase II of their Turn and they
Fight the drawn Monster. Apply the
Hvandre Hevangi
normal Fight outcome with one
change: if the Player is defeated,
shuffle the Monster token back to
the pool.

Aenye Ard
Pawen y Crevan

The Player draws 4 Potions. If they

exceed the limit of 4 Potions, they
discard any chosen Potion(s) down
to 4.

Aenye Ard Pawen y Crevan

The Player gains (up to)
1 of each Trail token.


The Skellige Expansion may be combined with

some other Expansions. During the first game
with this Expansion, we suggest not to use any
other Expansion. When Players are familiar
with this Expansion, they may use the Skellige
Expansion with:
ƒ Mages Expansion

ƒ Legendary Hunt Expansion

ƒ Monster Trail Expansion

ƒ Adventure Pack Expansion.

If Combining the Skellige and Monster Trail Ex-
pansions, remember that Dagon uses its Spe-
cial Attacks during a Fight but it has no Weak-
nesses and Weakness tokens have no impact
on the Fight with Dagon.

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