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The bearded man stabs the axe into the trunk children.

Suddenly, a loud crack of shattering ice

and wipes his forehead. As always, he set about breaks through it all.
preparing the stock of wood too late. Winter sur-
It is all over in a blink of an eye. The Hunt dis-
prised him with frost and white down. Sighing, the
appears into thin air, but the memory of it remains
bearded man looks at the children playing in the
vivid in the frightened faces of the children and the
fear of the bearded man. Where is his son? Where
Girls make snowmen in the field. A little further, is…?
the boys compete to see which of them dares to
Later in the village, they said that the kid had
walk further along the frozen river. A man smiles
drowned. That he fell under the ice and could not
as his son excels in the competition.
come out. Little did they know that when the Hunt
Suddenly it gets dark, as if a phantom has reappeared in the sky, a tiny ghost could be seen in
devoured the sun. The sky is obscured by a dark the retinue, his face half obscured by an oversized
aura, from which a nightmarish cavalcade emerg- helmet that fell deep into his boyish skull.
es, a demonic retinue - the Wild Hunt.
Chronicles of Benno Kobart, fragment of chapter XXI,
The Wild Hunt rides into the field. The ghastly Fairy Tales and Folklore
clamor is mixed with the screams and crying of the
components The Hound minature
Even though the miniatures present 1, 2 or
3 Hounds on each - for the entirety of this rule-
4 Wild Hunt members
book, a single miniature is referred to as: the
Hound. (The number of Hounds presented on
the miniature represents the Hound’s level.)

of the
in The news. In one
ng following nights bring
Whendarker and darker You suggested leavingNo the children in the
You are getting disturbi
d fear
rumors, the
g to shadowed
the Wild Hunt It is appear
looms on riders add to the
to help.
Player takes The partarea
Hunt sprea were riots. of dreams.
the The silhouette
ests, the animals the said that single over the for- erTheof Playe villagers well
villages. meeting. in the
aroun Brother
s of the Wildcitiesofthereall the landscity edge of made a coup and
your nightmares. He’sfrom
rising getting closer. become
separateanxious riders of the on the numb has made the out to inous aura, d the villag
e is shrou
The Rider itants the to stop guard the trees, trave from the. Birds are Wild Hunt Depending ted: decision
Your Timeyou finally
passes andsetthe children
It is saidgradually
that thererecover. difficult to
the inhab comman yourofbest That
der thethecurrent inten- and the lershowling retinue to regula Gold collec posed towards you. When pitch- is nohowe define. Thereded in an om-
amount of
rises towards terrorize
hearts of are doing le areing
recogniz be-that
night, figure comes - out of the theshadows. on the roads
of wolves merchants rly They stillarmed do notwith want to world
the talk about
more what hap- ver, that
material or substan
the Wild
While you seized power,peop theofprepara sky you
withare them. in small and three of them, fragile these ceHunt
in is no doub
Continent. ly pageant, you. tly
The mighty rider thething
Wild Hunt appears before
else breaks suspiHoweve some- er groups. Howe
cious ofr, the 1 Player:
+8 Gold. fight the beast, pened to them, but they are leaving
gician. the houses thanareas
the pride
. of the ma- retinue traversed
s of the ghast had notofsufficien demanding
through the baying fact that ver, side to help. 3 The Brother
the action
dantdistrustful you in dreams. His eyes imals,
in thedisturbi
dark. food in of thenge the wrait +6 Gold. forks, go by your more and more tely deal You scou
hood is notr happy
and more for difficult
tions them
times. now
fairly untilHe be- loss
thegrowl A brief
ng noises. excha an-
Thenroar and for sparing their are
hs 2 Players: Fight Turn, immedia less.
often. Mothers
decision cry with emotion
and considers it disrespe Mountain withLocayour
coming more payin g rs are
only satisfied
notspeaks in awith
voice that
of terrifyin
could crush walls.
g beasts,
lets you under lives. rs: +4 Gold. During your first whenIII, they 1hear
draw cardthe laughter
express their of their sonsanyo andne. On one ctful.of Wizards
tions unrea
we been Former hers live ‘Irefuse
councilo They signalin
Hunt ridersg their 3 Playe Phase dissatis the
faction the rock chable to
‘Haven’t ?! Witcseats. words echo will giveto resign. The monster
you real power. they Strenght youtowho,
have none other stand that those
areanger. +2 Gold. Damage. During daughters from outside. own. You soon boy’sbymotiacting onstheir ledges you can

Nithral Imlerith Caranthir Eredin

s seem
g mon stersof their y!’ - these
the city.of.Now
-dreamed ofyou
Hunt. sense in the
in the than vagab 4 Players: find out him, that
onles body. As see
for killin rosit chap
influenc e within
never All They
need to do is
become join
way myto ing wraiths
fear onds +0 Gold. People don’t
starts the
their voice
the of conscience are of
surpr them
isedhave you appr
5 Players:
our gene have a lot of and them- even make of wraiths, tely intended breat oach
caus e of in taverns g their back and armingLeave this
more easydangero
. have found The Player immedia was. You can count on tion ent
foodwasand allafor
corner. hing. The mages’ irrita-
to discover
more often are so they give
gatherin air. card faceWith up. their faces a collected: ed by your commitm
with your
impress the better
that he is
more and s to turn, is in the
war You are no longer sure ifthe ates these
nextare attack The
really justtravel Player smea red
who initi- If you have The villagers are
satisfi ed Each Player: r. They
during Phase III,any
the monste draw 1 more card. everyon
after, e.
you enter
the table selves. The civil Fight with the Monste ers who, with ashes le are not atto defeat
least get Hound in
fromyour the villag
‘Time for is
y. Itdelusions.
night dema nds witho r chooses paralyzed and mud,
Gold: Peop and willingntheness its Bonus. thearms
board and resolve e carrying
received!’ need mone win- : with fear, fulfill they 9 or less skimpy,raise the bid. meet you. . The town the
you are soagreeers!’
ut wasti
what they ones who and sever e Player place afor
Learn more about
Quest their attack
ers. r. Lowerng time on a close their to on a warm Mother cradl speople are rushi boy
le are the Each token anddecides themself: the monste efforts. ‘If witch You have suggested
you can count
keeping the children father clasp es ng to
Now peop long Location
tionallyWater sup- When any Combat Play- level by When your r look at you lousy ‘And Trail. when it’s over, locked up. s your hand her son to her
an excepDraw a re thedrawn required Locatio n. 1. , thanks to to work, 1 One of the Players Disap . ‘Than breast,
going to be ssary to prepa on the more hand ‘I wills never join you!’ thembefore theangry merchantsyour interest, the
Train r: gain anyplace to stay!’ away, tookpeare
partd in Brother- k you, thank you.
token andLocation, reveal and read fight. Lower yourand town truth is revea Each Playe When you the Monster
the room
rdsChase is opened hood meeting
after morning
. few comes,
whenthe Hunt
ter, it is nececosts mone y. Morethis
er enters ‘Give me your power’ by 1.hopingishme
level- say, nt.
you can Specialtspeopy le demand led, avers
the win
If you this towa
ionFight or
you will find mysterious When signs on noble
all the the walls. There ago’.
in the sky
plies. And you asking20. for alms. Decid pun- : Although 2 more peop
Gold.le who You
of to
thefind a
steal the wraith’s secrets from the e together:
night- 10-12 Gold , there are
gain are no traces of theareless card
children anywhere, as if they gathered
out how
are reach
ing pass away Fight, do not draw 1ny when retinu
the sincere ecourtesi
- or mayb
the kid broke
r can Then, discard does not If you lose this dissolved
ute level into thin complim
air. The remnants
ents are wasof magic
left here
es e and
he the
didn’iro- out of the
- each Playe this card,Whoe ver wants to host you. st Attrib
III. still resonate here.go exchang
nevered,on the t run away
pool of Gold 1, the result that asreveal
one. Merc 21,to be read your lowe
during Phase straight
Could the real
to thechildren
As you
point. purpomagicia
se? ns at all, but
comm on , revea l correspo hants
and a Hunt will
be Play er: raise come back? Wild Hunt
away ge
Create a to it. Then of Gold col- nds to your choice.
justic have the dealt with Each is muchshud greater , you lookof the
nt of Gold ntThen, reveal 17 and read the results that e. right to dema
by 1. to lookpay at folkgood der than what
advice. to indiff - he also
stories. is said inagain at the boy.
add any amou t equal to the amou the pool.
correspond to your choices. Times are nd
le are starti
for your
erent gaze
stare s at you, You
read the
resul Gold from hard, every Gold: Peop n you enter Each thePlayer: gainThe Player who took
2 Gold. hell... is now stone and his hither-
discard any available. one settle 13 or more Whe and raises the level ? in the
part deliberations -cold. What
favorably. you under their roof
Stand up
lected, and Phase III, for the vagab s for what is more of Or
it justean the
draw 1 card onds. Durin you me loses 1 Shield. bydelus
1. Wild Hunt
less. g ily welco Gain 3 Gold ion?
they happ by 1.
food. Attribute and raise
Then, revea share the level of any by 1. your lowes
l r: raise the card. The Wild
t Attribute
sponds to 28 and read
the resul Each Playe e III, draw 1 more Hunt move
your choic
e. t that corre During Phas s to your

I 1
- Location.

white frost
phantom axe freeze
exp lod ing energy Damag
equal totake 5 All
AllePlayers Damage
Players phanto m axe
All Players
Shield and lower highest Attributetake
+1.their During All3 Damage.
their Specialty
lower their
level each Player ’s Players take Dam
All Players take 4 Damage. levelthey
by 1. next Fight Turn: age equa
cannot raise their their Com l to
level to 0
(Mages cannot Shield levelbat level +1.
gather Protection,
they can raise
their Energy level).

wild hunt terror

35 Wild Hunt Exploration cards –
k summ onin

20 Stage I and 15 Stage II cards 35 Wild Hunt Event cards

hound’s attac hound’s
creating the Life Pool:g the houn
Player ’s Fight
attack defe
pursui nsive
t each Place
Player lowers theall Hound
level of any
s from the Game
Before the next
teleportation Before the Shield
e equal :1 Wild Hunt next to token
all Players take
Damag next
all Players Player’s Fight Turn Lifegains
the hir PoolAttribute
ting each Trophy
by 1 per
byeach Quest
Nithral’s card.
If any
s placed
Before the next Player’sfrost
Fight Turn: onin’s hasoncorresp
number of Hound armo r take Damage equa : Before crea are pernot on Ered the Game Board and
hir’s Monsteronding Wild Hunt
epo ’stion
to therta one to the num who their
them Carant
the Player
toThe Shields , add levels
After, place
all Players place 2 randomly
Before the nextchosen all Players . Add cards. may lower them to
of the Nithral
master tel
card. Player ber of Hou l Players
1 card from pool. ’s
by Nithral age
cards from by
re hands
their on the top of ’sral’s
by Nith Fight Turn: nds placed trash any Wild one or multiple Wild
Hunt. Shields Hunt Shields pool.
er Dam miniatu Imlerit Location hand
Ignore any furth nal Hound
additio t Turn. h gains
card. Afte
r, rd pile or
er’s Figh Nithral’s card. their decks.per each Player. l Hound miniplace one deck, disca
in this Play Nithral’s ature by

16 Special Attack cards – 4 per 4 Wild Hunt cards – 1 per

each Wild Hunt member each Wild Hunt member

6 Hounds of the Wild Hunt

1 Charge/Bite token 12 Quest tokens

hound fight
Preparation and Attack:
Each Fighting Player draws cards and lower their
Shield level, according to the Hound card.
Each Fighting Player plays one Combo (only apply
Damage and Shields).
If total Damage is greater than or equal to Hound’s
Life Points: Wild Hunt loses Shields equal to the
number of Damage that exceed the Hound’s Life
Points. Reveal a matching-level Hound token.
If less: Each Fighting Player discards all cards from
their hand.
monster fight
When the Monster is killed or chased away, Wild
Hunt loses Shields in the number equal to the Mon-
ster’s level.
Player do not suffer Fatigue.
To Support a Witcher on your Location:
Before creating the Life Pool, discard any amount of
cards from your hand.
Decrease the Monster’s Life Pool by the number of
cards that you discarded.
After creating the Life Pool, the Supported Player
draws a number of cards equal to the number of

20 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

cards that you discarded.

(values 1, 5, 10, or 20) 5 Wild Hunt Help cards

6 Hound of the Wild Hunt miniatures – 2 in each
Level (I, II, and III)

2 2
Movement Fight,
and Action Drawing and
1 Fight, Exploration
gaining cards
Add Hound
Movement Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound and /or Monster Wild Hunt Movem
4/5 ent
and Action
Fight, 1 Exploration
Drawing and
gaining cards
AddExplor ation I
and /or Monster
Wild Hunt Movement
Wild Hunt Movement

Movement Meditation, /or Monster

gaining cards and Level I Hound
and Action 1 Exploration
2 Exploration I Level I Hound
Exploration I
Level I Hound Level I Monster
Exploration I
1 2 3 Exploration I Level I Monster
2 Exploration I
Level I Monster Level I Hound +

5 2 3 Exploration I
4 Exploration I
Exploration I+
Level I Hound
Level I Hound +
Level II Monster
Level II Monster
Wild Hunt moves up
Wild Hunt moves
to 2 Locations
Wild Hunt moves up to 2 Locations
3 Level to randomly
Exploration I Level II Monster up to 2 Locations II Hound
3 4 5 Exploration I Level II Hound
to randomly chosen
chosen Player: activat Player :
to randomly
Exploration II e the Wild
II Hound chosen Player: activate the Wild Hunt’s
Level Level III Monst Special
Exploration I activate the Wild Hunt’s
4 5 6 Exploration II
er Special
Level III Monster
Hunt’s Special Ability.
Exploration II Ability.
Level III Hound
8 5 6 Exploration II
7 Exploration II
Level III Monster

Level III Hound +
Level III Monster
Level III Monst er

II +
Level III Hound
Exploration II Level III Monster X
6 7 8 Exploration II
No Exploration
X Turn Wild Hunt
Exploration II card on side B.
7 8 No Exploration
Turn Wild Hunt d toonthe
card side
B. Hunt Fight

6 Hound of the Wild Hunt 2 Hound cards – two-sided,

Proceed to the Wild Preparation.
B. Hunt Fight Preparation.
Turn Wild Hunt card on side
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight
8 No Exploration

tokens – 2 in each Level one side for each Player

(I, II, and III) count (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 3 double-sided Round Tracking boards
and Tracking token


Game Design and Project Oversight Game Development and Project

Łukasz Woźniak Oversight
Story Rafał Jaki
Barnaba Drukała Story Editors
Translation Marcin Blacha, Tomasz Matera
Aleksander Janus Copy Editors
Marketing Marcin Łukaszewski,
Łukasz Simiński, Paweł Podgrudny Robert Malinowski,
Ryan Bowd, Łukasz Gręda
Art Direction
Dawid Bartłomiejczyk Cover Art
Valeriy Vegera
Graphic Design
Dawid Bartłomiejczyk, Michał Długaj, Logo Design
Dominika Bartkowska Irina Moraru

Miniature Design Miniature Design and Art Direction

Paweł Mielniczuk, Dawid Kowal
Tomasz Kalisz, Robert Kurek Illustrations
Map Art Graphic Design and Art Direction
Adrian Smith, Ala Kapustka,
Damien Mammoliti Przemysław Juszczyk
Anna Podedworna, Bartłomiej Gaweł,
Rulebook Marketing Video Bogna Gawrońska, Bryan Sola,
Jonathan Bobal, Michał Długaj, Jacek Krogulski, Marcin Bawolski, Diego De Almeida Peres, Grafit Studio,
Katarzyna Fiebiger, Łukasz Kempiński Grzegorz Michalak, Adam Dudek Karol Bern, Katarzyna Beus,
Video Producers Katarzyna Malinowska,
Game Developers Lorenzo Mastroianni,
Łukasz Szopka, Michał Gryń Michał Krzemiński,
Magdalena Darda-Ledzion Maciej Łaszkiewicz, Manuel Castañón,
Lead Playtesters Marek Madej, Nemanja Stankovic,
Łukasz Szopka, Michał Sprysak, Script and Voice
Sandra Chlewińska, Yama Orce
Przemysław Ciemniejewski, Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz
Ola Woźniak, Michał Gryń, Social Media and PR
Marcin Momot, Radek Grabowski,
Pamper Playtesting Group CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher® are registered
Alicja Kozera
trademarks of CD PROJEKT S.A.
Marketing Video Legal
© 2022 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved.
Tomasz Bar / Hexy Studio, Kinga Palińska
All other copyrights and trademarks are the
Maciej Klimczak, Jan Szostakowski, property of their respective owners.
Liwia Klupś

6. A Wild Hunt Movement pool 6 is created. (Skip that
game setup Step in a 1-Player game.) Each Player places their
Scoring token near the Round Tracking board, creat-
ing the Wild Hunt Movement pool. The Closed Tavern
token is added to the pool. It is used in Phase IV of
each Round (as explained on page 9).
Game setup is similar to the standard game setup, with
following changes. Put all unused tokens back in the box.
7. Players choose the member of the Wild Hunt 7 that
SETUP CHANGES they will fight against. This character is called Wild
Hunt for short in this Rulebook and in the other game
a. Players have a free choice,
1. Players don’t keep track of their Trophies 1 as col-
but we suggest fighting them nithral
lecting them is not a victory condition.
in a particular order: Nithral, strengthening
Important: Players don’t suffer Fatigue after gain- Imlerith, Caranthir, Eredin. the hound
ing a Trophy. When Nithral enters
b. Wild Hunt has 1 card that is Location with any Play
2. Players use Wild Hunt help cards 2 instead of the placed with the “A” side 7b choose any 1 Hound on
Game Board and place
standard help cards. facing up, near the Round Hunt Shield next to it, pe
Tracking board (or anywhere Player on Nithral’s Loc
3. Players place Quest tokens 3 anywhere near the visible to all Players). The Hound’s Life Po
increased by the amo
Main Board. Wild Hunt Shields. Wh
c. 6 Hounds of the Wild Hunt min- Hound is defeated, di
4. Take the Round Tracking board 4 with a symbol iatures and face-down tokens 7c corresponding Wild
matching the number of Players. Shields from the Game
are placed nearby, with 1 Hound
card with the side matching the
2 2 Player count face-up.
nithral and hounds
Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound
d. 4 Special Attack cards 7d for the chosen Wild strengthen monster
Fight, and Action Exploration gaining cards and /or Monster
Wild Hunt Movement
Hunt are placed nearby – those are to beForused in d and/or the Wild H
each Houn
Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound on the same or neighboring Loca
Exploration 1
gaining cards and /or Monster
Exploration I Wild HuntLevel
I Hound the Final Fight. as a Monster, the Monster’s Life
is increased by 1.
2 Exploration I Level I Monster
e. Wild Hunt Shield tokens 7e are placed nearby.
xploration I Level I Hound Level I Hound +
3 Exploration I
Level II Monster
Wild Hunt moves
up to 2 Locations f. Unused Wild Hunt components are placed back
a.4 Select one Player to manage
Exploration I
the Round
Level II Hound
to randomly
chosen Player: in the box.
xploration I Level I Monster
Board. activate the Wild
Hunt’s Special
5 Exploration II Level III Monster Ability.
8. The Charge/Bite token 8 is placed near the Monster
xploration I b. Keep that
Level Board
I Hound + near that
III Hound +
Attack cards.
6 Exploration II
Level II Monster Level III Monster
up to 2 Locations
c.7 The TrackingExplorationtoken
II is placed X on the “1” spot in the
to randomly 9. Players choose a difficulty level. It determines the
xploration I top-left
Level corner.
II Hound chosenTurn
Wild Hunt card on side B.
number of Monsters 9 on the Main Board at the
8 No Exploration
activate the Wild
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight Preparation.

5. Standard Exploration and Event cards are not used.

Hunt’s Special beginning of the game, as well as a number of Wild
xploration II Level III Monster Ability.
Instead, use the Wild Hunt Exploration and Event Hunt Shields that the Wild Hunt uses.

xploration II
5 : III Hound +
cards Level We suggest choosing the Easy or Normal level (see
Level III Monster
a. Place the Wild Hunt Event cards face-down with- page 5) for the first game.
xploration II out shuffling,
X on a designated spot on the Board. a. For each Monster, draw an appropriate Monster
The topmost card should have a number 1 on its token.
o Exploration
back. Turn Wild Hunt card on side B.
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight Preparation.
ƒ For the first Monster, a face-down Forest Loca-
b. Create the Exploration deck for that game: place
tion token is drawn.
3 face-down cards from the “Stage II” and 4 face-
down cards from the “Stage I” on top of them. ƒ For the second Monster (if there is one), a face-
down Water Location token is drawn.
ƒ 4- or 5-Player game exception: place 3 cards
from the “Stage I” instead of 4. ƒ Reveal both tokens, then place the Monster(s)
on the Main Board following standard game
c. Keep the Wild Hunt Exploration deck (consisting
of 6 or 7 cards, depending on the number of Play-
ers) where the regular Exploration cards are kept
in a standard game.

b. Wild Hunt Shield tokens are taken from the pool 10. Place the Wild Hunt 10 on the Main Board.
and placed on the Wild Hunt card.
a. Draw and reveal a Mountain Location token: place
For Example: if it has 28 Wild Hunt Shields, place the Wild Hunt miniature on that Location Action
2 tokens with a value of “10” and 8 tokens with text.
a value of “1”.
b. Shuffle the Location token back into the pool.
11. Each Player draws 5 cards 11 to their hand and plac-
es 3 Gold on their Player Board.


their Life Pool, they reduce

Before the Player creates
their Shield level by 1.



4 2
2 hound fight
Preparation and Attack:
Each Fighting Player draws cards and lower their
Fight, Shield level, according to the Hound card.
Movement Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound
Wild Hunt Movement Each Fighting Player plays one Combo (only apply
and Action Exploration gaining cards and /or Monster
Damage and Shields).
1 Exploration I Level I Hound If total Damage is greater than or equal to Hound’s

Lower their Shield level if it is

Defense level is lowered by 1.
Life Points: Wild Hunt loses Shields equal to the

Temporarily, during this

number of Damage that exceed the Hound’s Life

Fight only, the Player’s

above their maximum.
2 Exploration I Level I Monster Points. Reveal a matching-level Hound token.
If less: Each Fighting Player discards all cards from

Level I Hound + their hand.

Exploration I Wild Hunt moves

Level II Monster monster fight
up to 2 Locations
to randomly When the Monster is killed or chased away, Wild
4 Exploration I Level II Hound chosen Player:
activate the Wild
Hunt loses Shields in the number equal to the Mon-
ster’s level.
Hunt’s Special Player do not suffer Fatigue.
5 Exploration II Level III Monster Ability.
To Support a Witcher on your Location:
Before creating the Life Pool, discard any amount of
Level III Hound +
6 Exploration II
Level III Monster
cards from your hand.
Decrease the Monster’s Life Pool by the number of
cards that you discarded.
7 Exploration II X After creating the Life Pool, the Supported Player
draws a number of cards equal to the number of
Turn Wild Hunt card on side B. cards that you discarded.
8 No Exploration
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight Preparation.

7d phantom axe
All Players take Damage
equal to
axe level +1.
phantom age equal to
their Combat
7e 7b nithral
ers take
e level +1.
All Play ax
m Defenseal to
totheir the hound
phan e Damage equ When Nithral enters the
tak el +1.
Pla yers e
hem y levto Location with any Player(s),
ax equal
ir Alc choose any 1 Hound on
to age
phanke Dam level +1.
1 Wild
Game Board and place
s ta ialty Hunt Shield next to it, per
ayer ec Player on Nithral’s Location.
All Pl their Sp The Hound’s Life Pool is
hound’s attack increased by the amount
Fight Turn:
Before the next Player’s Wild Hunt Shields. When

nd’s take
all Players attack Damage equal : Hound is defeated, discard
hou Fight Turn
of Hounds placed corresponding Wild Hunt
to thenext Player’s
equal one
Beforeby the ck
Damage After,n: place Shields from the Game
d’ sersattake
ht Tur placed by
hoallunPlayadditional Hounds
yer ’sofHound
to the
nex t Plaber
ck ge
ma . After : place one
e the Nith ta
e Da rn
cardt Tu placed
ral’s ature by
Befor byyer
Plad’ ssat tak
’sl Fi
Ho unds
Houn d mini
l ce one
allun addi
mb ay erof
er e eq
card . nithral and hounds
to ethe
xt Pll’s Da
d. plniature
e by
nehra strengthen monsters
take Ho unddsmiacd.e on

re th
by Nit
ersitional Houn Hunt
Befo Play r of tel’s r, pl
car e by For each Hound and/or the Wild
all add mbe Nit. hra Af ur on the same or neighboring Location
e nu card d miniat Pool
to th thral’s rd. as a Monster, the Monster’s Life
by Ni ional ral’s ca is increased by 1.
addit Nith

7c 1

6 5

difficulty level

Num. of Just the Story! Story and Sword! Blood and Broken Bones! Death March!
Players (Easy) (Normal) (Hard) (Very Hard)

Level I Monster Level I Monster Level II Monster Level III Monster

1 1
5 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 7 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 9 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 11 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster

Level II Monster
+ Level II Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster
2 2
28 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 31 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 34 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 37 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster

Level II Monster
+ Level II Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster
3 3
54 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 58 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 62 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 66 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster

+ Level I Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster
4 4
7 7 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 82 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 87 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 92 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster Level I Monster

5 5 + Level I Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster + Level III Monster

97 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 106 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 113 Wild Hunt Shield tokens 120 Wild Hunt Shield tokens

gameplay Each row also has a “Phase IV” spot 3 , showing what
happens at the end of each Round. (New Monster and/or
Hound appears, and Wild Hunt Moves.)
At the end of the 8th round 4 (7th round for 4- and
5-Player games), Players fight the Wild Hunt during
Phase IV.
Fighting the Wild Hunt is explained at the end of the Rule-
book (see page 11); gameplay changes are described

Remember: The term “Wild Hunt” – when 2

used in this Rulebook, or on any component –
refers to the Wild Hunt member that is being Movement
Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound

2 3
Wild Hunt Movement
used in this game. 1
and Action Exploration gaining cards and /or Monster

1 Exploration I Level I Hound

2 Exploration I Level I Monster

Level I Hound +
3 Exploration I Wild Hunt moves
The Wild Hunt appears on the Main Board at the start
Level II Monster
up to 2 Locations
to randomly

of the game. They travel and affect different aspects of 4 Exploration I Level II Hound chosen Player:
activate the Wild
Hunt’s Special
the game. Players are unable to Fight them until the last 5 Exploration II Level III Monster Ability.

Round of the game (which can be the 7th or 8th Round, 6 Exploration II
Level III Hound +
Level III Monster
depending on the number of Players, see page 6).
7 Exploration II X
Turn Wild Hunt card on side B.
8 No Exploration
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight Preparation.


In the Wild Hunt Expansion, the Goal of the game is to

defeat the Wild Hunt during an epic Fight that takes place WILD HUNT AND HOUNDS
after the last Round.
Before that, Players complete Quests, fight Hounds of the
Wild Hunt, and the usual Monsters.
At the end of the game, Players try to win a Fight against The Monsters are affected
Wild Hunt together, after the last Round. If they manage by the Wild Hunt and/or caranthir
to kill the Wild Hunt, before all Witchers are Knocked-Out, Hounds that are located on teleportation
When Caranthir enters
they win the game together. the same or neighboring Location with any Playe
each Player on that Loca
If all Players are knocked out in the Final Fight with the Location as the Monster. draws 1 Loca tion token (of any
rds all
Terrain Type) and disca
If they do not
Wild Hunt, they all lose the game. For each Hound and/or the
their Potio ns.
have any Potion, they lowe
by 1.
their any Attribute level
Wild Hunt on the same or After , each Playe r move s to the
drawn Location. They do
neighboring Location as perform the Location Actio

ROUND TRACKING BOARD a Monster, the Monster’s

Life Pool is increased by 1.
The Monster’s Life Pool caranthir and hounds
Players use the Round Tracking Board and the Tracking cannot exceed 20. strengthen monsters
For each Hound and/or the Wild
token during the game. on the same or neighboring Locati
as a Monst er, the Monster’s Life

During Game setup, the token was placed 1 on the “1”

is increased by 1.

spot (representing the First Round of the Game).

Each row has a “Phase II” spot 2 , showing which Wild
Hunt Exploration card is drawn; during the first four
Rounds, a Stage I card is drawn; during the final 3 Rounds,
a Stage II card is drawn.

Phase I
ƒ Players perform Movement and Actions during
Phase I in any Player order.
ƒ Players may freely discuss the order of their Move-
ments and Actions. Each Player may complete all
of their Actions in a row, or alternate taking Actions
with other Players as they see fit.
ƒ Phase I ends when all Players collectively decide to
end it (or they can’t perform any more Movement or

Wild Hunt / Hound on the Location

You can not take a Location Action if a Hound and/or the
Wild Hunt is currently placed there; however, you may
freely enter and leave such a Location. (Keep the Wild
Hunt and Hounds on the Location Action to remember
For example: The Monster is neighbored by the Wild Hunt that they ‘block the Action’).
and a Hound. Additionaly, there is another Hound on the
Location occupied by the Monster. The Monster has its
Life Pool icreased by 3.


The Wild Hunt begins the game with a set

number of Shields. These represent its de-
fense that will absorb Damage received in
the Final Fight.
Wild Hunt Shield tokens are kept on its card (or beside it).
Some Wild Hunt Exploration/Event cards make the Wild
Hunt lose 1 or more Shields. In such a case, put the
Shields lost back in the box.
The Wild Hunt may also lose Shields when any Player
successfully Fights a Hound (see page 10) or Defeats
the Monster (see page 9). Fighting a Hound of the Wild Hunt
If the Wild Hunt has 0 Shields, any additional Shield loss When Hounds appear during the game, you can Fight
that it might suffer before the Final Fight is ignored. them!
ƒ You can Fight a Hound alone or together with other
TURN SEQUENCE Witchers, if you all share the same Location with the
ƒ Fighting a Hound is considered to be a part of Phase I
and does not end Phase I (see page 10).
The Turn sequence in the Wild Hunt Expansion changes
in many ways. It’s best to take things slowly at first and ƒ When the Hound Fight is over, each Player on the
get to know gameplay basics in the first few Rounds. Location may decide to take the Location Action and
continue their Turn, if they are able to.
All of the Phases play out differently, and there is an Ad-
ditional Phase IV when the Wild Hunt is activated.

Exchange Action – two or more Witcher meet Supporting a Witcher:
When two (or more) Witchers are at the same Location, Any number of Players sharing a Location with
at any time during Phase I, any of them can perform Ex- a Player fighting a Monster may choose to Sup-
change Actions. port them.
Each Witcher (sharing the same Location) may freely
exchange (or simply give away) any of the following be-
tween themselves, any number of times each: Gold, Po-
tions, Bombs (Monster Trail Expansion), Trail tokens, and
Trail Quests (that have 1 Gold on them). (Each Witcher still
has a 4-Potion and 4-Bomb limit.)

Location Actions – Dice Poker

The only Location Action that is different while playing
the Wild Hunt Expansion is Dice Poker. You cannot play
Dice Poker against other Players during the Wild Hunt
The Player choosing to take the Dice Poker Location Ac-
tion pays 1 Gold, rolls 5 dice, and they may perform 1 reroll
(of any number of dice). Then, the Player compares the
result with the table on the “Wild Hunt help card” to gain
Gold (possibly 0). Players may Support the fighting Player only if
they have at least 1 card in their hand.
Your Result Reward Supporting is optional; some, all, or no Players
need to do so.
Nothing 0 Gold
To Support a Witcher:
Pair 0 Gold
1. Discard any number of cards from your hand.
Two Pairs 1 Gold 2. Decrease the Monster’s Life Pool by the num-
ber of cards discarded.
Three of a Kind 2 Gold 3. After creating the Life Pool, the Player Fight-
ing the Monster draws a number of cards
Straight 3 Gold (from their deck) equal to the number of cards
that were discarded.
Full House 3 Gold 4. When you Support a Player (by discarding any
number of cards), you get the Witcher Trophy
Four-of-a-Kind 4 Gold from the Player Fighting the Monster.
You may only have 1 Trophy from each other
Five-of-a-Kind 5 Gold Player.
You may Fight any Monster (that you share a Location
with) following the standard rules, with some exceptions:
Phase II
ƒ For each Hound and/or the Wild Hunt on the same
Phase II begins when all Players decide to end Phase I (or or neighboring Location as a Monster, the Monster’s
they can’t perform any Movements or Actions). Life Pool is increased by 1.
First, all Players who want to, perform a Fight. Players are ƒ The Monster’s Life Pool may not exceed 20 cards.
not allowed to Fight each other.
ƒ The choice for Charge/Bite is done by flipping the
ƒ Players resolve their Fights in any order. Charge/Bite token after the card is revealed.
ƒ If two (or more) Players are at the same Location, ƒ If the Monster is Defeated or Driven Away: Do not
they decide together which one of them actually draw a new Monster (new Monsters only appear as
Fights the Monster (alone). an effect of the Wild Hunt’s activation, see page 9).
ƒ The other Player(s) (sharing the same Location) ƒ The rewards and consequences of Defeating, Driving
may Support the Player fighting the Monster. Away, or being Defeated are the same as the base
game with two exceptions:

ƒ You do not suffer Fatigue if you kill a Monster.

ƒ If the Monster is Defeated or Driven Away, the Remember: As with the standard Exploration
Wild Hunt loses a number of Shields equal to the cards, the used ones should be kept in the game
Level of the Monster. box and shuffled back only after the Players have
used all of them once during multiple play ses-
For example: When Player defeats a Griffin
(Level 2), they discard 2 Wild Hunt Shields.
Then, any Player that did not Fight a Monster may Medi-
tate; but remember, you do not suffer Fatigue when play- After reading one Wild Hunt Exploration card (and pos-
ing the Wild Hunt Expansion. sibly the Event card connected with it) Players move to
Phase III.
You can Meditate regardless if you Supported a Fight or
not. During the 8th Round (7th round for 4 and 5 Players)
no Exploration card is read.
After all desired Fights and/or
Meditations are done, any Player
draws the top Wild Hunt Explo- Phase III
ration card from the Exploration
deck (it may be a stage I or stage Players play Phase III as in a standard game in any order.
II card, as shown on the Round They may discuss the cards that they wish to get with one
Track). another.

Exactly one card is read (regard- After a Player gets a new card, the pool is moved to the
less of the number of Players in I right and a new card is drawn.
the game). After each Player has completed Phase III, move to
The entire card is read by any Player.; It may contain a: Phase IV.

Quest (to be completed by one or more Players during the

following rounds). Phase IV
ƒ Follow the card’s instructions and keep it face- Follow the Round Tracking board and perform two steps:
up near the Main Board. (If you have other active 2
Quests, these remain in play.) 1. New Monster and/or Hound appears

Choice (to be made collectively by the group of Players). When a Hound appears, Fight,
take one Movement
Hound (from the
Meditation, Drawing and Add Hound
Wild Hunt Movement
and Action Exploration gaining cards and /or Monster
ƒ Discuss the possible options together and come to supply) and place it at the
a common decision. (If there is a need to break a tie, Wild1 Hunt’s LocationExploration
(cov- I Level I Hound
the youngest Player at the table makes the final de- ering the Location Action).
cision.) 2 is already a Hound
Exploration I Level I Monster
If there
Location tokens there, place it at a neigh- Level I Hound +
3 Exploration I
Level II Monster
Wild Hunt moves
boring Location with no up to 2 Locations
ƒ When drawn due to an Explo- to randomly
4 chosen by theExploration
Play- I
You learn that a child has gone missing in one of

Level II Hound chosen Player:

the villages. The boy was less than twelve. The

ration card’s effect, keep them parents are in despair and will stop at nothing to

get their son back. Apparently, they even hired
more relatives to collect money to pay the witch- activate the Wild
beside the card.
er who would agree to take a look at the case.
Hunt’s Special
Draw a Mountain Location token and place the
Quest token on the drawn Location. When any
Player enters this Location, reveal and read
5 Exploration II
The Hound card (on the side of the board) shows the ba-
Level III Monster Ability.

ƒ Return them face-down to

7 for him.

sic information
6 about Hounds, depending Level
on their
III Houndlevel.
the pool when their associat- 3 Exploration II
Level III Monster

ed Quest is resolved. If a new Monster appears, do the following in order:

7 Exploration II X

Quest tokens 1. Draw a random Monster token (from the pileTurn

with the
Wild Hunt card on side B.
8Level shown on No
the Round card).
Proceed to the Wild Hunt Fight Preparation.
ƒ Use them on the Map as a reminder for
ongoing Quests. (Remove them when 2. Draw a Location token. The Players choose which Ter-
their Quest is resolved.) rain type, but each Terrain type can only ever have one
Monster on it.
For example, if there is a Monster on a Mountain Lo-
cation, Players may only choose a Forest or Water
token to draw.

3. Reveal both tokens; then: Solo Mode:
a. Place the Monster token (that was drawn during While playing the Wild Hunt solo, you don’t draw a token
step 1) near the Location on the main Board, that from the Pool, but the Wild Hunt always moves 2 Loca-
corresponds to the Location token drawn in step tions towards your Location.
Wild Hunt builds up its power
b. Place the matching Monster card and the Location
token in the Monster section of the Game Board. If the Wild Hunt enters the Lo- imlerith
cation with 1 (or more) Witchers, mark of the spectre
When Imlerith enters the
If there are 3 Monsters present on the Board, and you the Wild Hunt’s Special Ability is Location with any Player(
choose any 1 Monster on
1 Quest

must draw a 4th, the Monster is not drawn. Instead, add

Game Board and place

activated. le) on its card,

token (if availab
per each Player on Imlerit

Shields to the Wild Hunt equal to the Level of the Monster

Fighting this Monster, after

Players follow the Special Ability

creating the Life Pool: the

that was supposed to appear multiplied by 2.

Player takes Damage equal
the number of Quest tokens

description on the Wild Hunt card.

on Monster’s card. When
Monster is Defeated or
Away, discard Quest tokens
For example, if Players were supposed to add a Level its card.

2 Monster, and there are 3 Monsters in the game, they Phase IV End imlerith and hounds
strengthen monsters
add 4 Shields to the Wild Hunt instead. Move the Tracking token to the For each Hound and/or the Wild
on the same or neighboring Location
as a Monster, the Monster’s Life

next row on the Round Tracking is increased by 1.

board, and begin the next Round.

Add Hound Wild Hunt
Fight, Drawing and ster
and /or Mon
Meditation, gaining card

Movement Exploration
and Action nd
Level I Hou
1 Level I Mon
Exploration es
nd + Wild Hunt mov
their Life Pool, they reduce

Level I Hou ations

Before the Player creates

up to 2 Loc
their Shield level by 1.

Level II Mon to randoml


Exploration chosen Play


3 Level II Hou
nd activate the
I Hunt’s Spe
Exploration Ability.
Players that occupy the same Location as a Hound may
Level III Mon
nd +
5 Level III Hou

Level III Mon
decide to Fight it together.
6 X
Lower their Shield level if it is

Defense level is lowered by 1.

Exploration B.
t card on side aration.

This does not count as a “Monster Fight” (as you would

Temporarily, during this

Turn Wild Hun

Fight only, the Player’s
above their maximum.

7 Proceed to
the Wild Hun
t Fight Prep


No Explora

8 perform during Phase II); it’s completed immediately

during Phase I.
l Players may try to Fight each Hound once during Phase I.
Fight Turn, they draw 1 card less

in the last step of Player’s

During the entire Fight,
(to a minimum of 1).

streng und
the s the

l enter ,
Nithra yer(s)

When with any Pla the


on d on
Locati any 1 Houn ce 1 Wild
choose ard and pla per each

Fight preparation
Bo it,
Game ield next to Location.
Sh hral’s
Hunt on Nit Life Pool is
Pla und’s ount of
The Ho by the am en the
sed Wh
increa nt Shields. discard
Wild Hu is defeated, ld Hunt
d g Wi .
Houn Board
corres m the Game
s fro

and ho ters
then mo Wild Hunt
Based on the information shown 4/5
on the Hound’s card, according
streng the n
and/or Locatio l
h Hound neighboring
For eac or Life Poo
same nster’s
on the nster, the Mo by 1.
a Mo sed
as is increa

to the Hound’s level, each Player

who chooses to Fight does the
2. Wild Hunt Movement following:
If there are any Players on the Wild Hunt’s Location, it per- ƒ draws a number of cards
from their deck to their hand,
forms no Movement. Proceed to step 3.
Otherwise, one Player takes all the tokens in the Move-
ment Pool and randomly draws one of them. ƒ lowers their Shield level. 8
If it is a Player’s Scoring token, the Wild Hunt moves up to
2 Locations towards that Player, using the shortest way. If
there are two shortest ways, Players choose one of them Each Player fighting the Hound creates a card Combo to
together. try to deal as much Damage as possible. Each Player who
The Wild Hunt immediately ends its Movement when: chooses to Fight have to play at least 1-card Combo.

ƒ It enters a Location with any Player, and/or ƒ Damage symbols deal Damage to the Hound.

ƒ It moved 2 Locations. ƒ Shield symbols raise the Player’s Shield level (up to
their Defense Level).
If it is the Closed Tavern token, the Wild Hunt moves up
to 2 Locations towards any Player (chosen collectively by ƒ All other symbols are ignored.
all Players).

Result: If less than its Life Points:
After each participating Player played their card Combo, ƒ Each Player fighting the Hound discards all the cards
check the total Damage done to the Hound: that they have.
If greater than its Life Points (as shown on the Hound ƒ The Hound remains on the Main Board.
ƒ The Wild Hunt loses Shields
equal to the inflicted Dam- 5 WILD HUNT FIGHT
age exceeding the Hound’s
Life Points.
ƒ Reveal a random Hound token of level matching the
level of the killed Hound - and each Player (that 8 par- Wild Hunt Fight Preparation
ticipated in this Fight) gains the bonus. (After, return
the token to the box). 1. Players prepare for the Fight
ƒ Players gain the Bonus in any chosen order. ƒ Each Player keeps their
hand of cards and shuffles
ƒ Remove the Hound miniature from the Main Board.
their discard pile with their
If equal to its Life Points: deck.
ƒ Reveal a random Hound token of level matching the ƒ The Wild Hunt card is turned
level of the killed Hound - and each Player (that par- over on side “B” to show the wild hunt terror
Before creating the Life Pool:
ticipated in this Fight) gains the bonus. (After, return Abilities it has during the each Player lowers the level of any
Attribute by 1 per each Quest token

the token to the box.) Fight.

on the Game Board and on Monster
cards. The Player may lower levels of
one or multiple Attributes.

ƒ Players gain the Bonus in any chosen order.

ƒ Remove the Hound miniature from the Main Board.

2. The Wild Hunt Life Pool is prepared

Gain any 1 Trail. Shuffle all 20 Monster Attack

cards and discard 4 of them back wild hunt terror
Before creating the Life Pool:

into the box. Then shuffle the 16

each Player lowers the level of any
Attribute by 1 per each Quest token
on the Game Board and on Monster
cards with 4 Wild Hunt Attack cards. The Player may lower levels of
one or multiple Attributes.

Draw the top 1 card from your deck to your hand. cards. That is the Life Pool for the
Wild Hunt.

Add any 1 of the revaled Action cards of

cost 0 to your discard pile.
(If there are no 0-cost cards available, reveal
cards one by one from the top of the pile un- Wild Hunt Fight General Rule
til one is found. All other cards are shuffled If the Wild Hunt has any Shields, Players must
back.) remove them first: for each Damage dealt to
After Player gets a card, the pool is immedi- the Wild Hunt while it has any Shields, reduce
ately moved to the right, and the pool is re- its Shields by 1. (Once all Shields are removed,
plenished. immediately start dealing Damage as normal
to the Wild Hunt, with remaining Damage,
Add any 1 of the revealed Action cards of if any.)
cost 1 to your discard pile.
All other rules apply, as described above.

Raise any Attribute by 1 Level.

Raise your lowest Attribute by 1 Level.

Wild Hunt Fight Wild Hunt Fight Turn
Fight Structure: ƒ When the Wild Hunt performs their Fight Turn, any
Player discards the top card from the Wild Hunt’s
1. All Players that are at the same Location as the Wild deck face up; if it’s a:
Hunt each perform a Fight Turn (in any order).
ƒ Special Attack card:
ƒ When a Player performs a Fight Turn, they per-
form all steps as they would during a regular ƒ Each Player applies the same effect (as shown on
Fight. the top part of that card).

2. All Players not at the same Location as the Wild Hunt ƒ Standard Attack card:
are directly moved to the Wild Hunt’s Location (they
ƒ Each Player flips the Charge/Bite token separately
do not perform a Fight Turn). and applies the corresponding effect.
3. The Wild Hunt performs a Fight Turn.
Being Knocked-Out
4. All Players (that are not knocked-out) take a Fight
If a Witcher has 0 cards in their hand and deck, they are
Turn (in any order).
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until any of the following is true:
ƒ They don’t perform any further Fight Turns, nor apply
ƒ The Wild Hunt is defeated, Wild Hunt Attack effects.

ƒ all Witchers are Knocked-Out. The remaining Witchers continue the Fight.

Winning / Losing
Player’s Fight Turn
If all Witchers are Knocked-Out, all Players lose the game.
ƒ Players choose the order in which they perform their If the Wild Hunt Life Pool deck is empty, and there is
Fight Turn. at least one Witcher standing, the Fight is over and the
ƒ Each Player must complete their full Fight Turn be- Witchers win!
fore the next Player can start their Fight Turn. The Witchers that were Knocked-Out during the Final
ƒ Damage dealt to the Wild Hunt always removes Fight have also done their part; and therefore all Players
Shields first. When the Wild Hunt has no Shields re- are considered Winners.
maining, the Damage discards cards from the top of
their Life Pool deck.

Passive Ability on Special Attack cards

If one or more of the Wild Hunt’s Special Attack cards Wild Hunt and other Expansions
are discarded during a Player’s Turn (by dealing Dam- The Wild Hunt Expansion may be combined
age or any Ability), then the “Passive Ability” on each of with some other Expansions. During the first
those cards is activated. game with this Expansion, we suggest not to
use any other Expansion. When Players are fa-
miliar with this Expansion, they may use the
Wild Hunt Expansion with:
All Players take 4 Damage. ƒ Mages Expansion
Charge /Bite During each Player’s next Fight Turn:
they cannot raise their Shield level ƒ Monster Trail Expansion
(Mages cannot gather Protection,
they can raise their Energy level).

Ability frost armor
Before the next Player’s Fight Turn:
Imlerith gains 1 Shield
per each Player.


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