Cedar Essay

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Discovering Common Threads: Exploring the Connection Between a Book and My

Dream College

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling stands as a classical masterpiece that holds a special
place in the hearts of countless readers, including myself. While it may not have a direct
connection to the college experience at Cedar College, the magical world of Harry Potter has
several striking parallels that excite me to be a part of Cedar, almost as if I were headed to

Foremost, the inclusion in Hogwarts and admission to Cedar College have unique
relatedness. Both institutes revolve around the common theme of competition, merit, and
meeting specific criteria. In the wizarding world, students who possessed self-confidence and
demonstrated an enthusiasm for discovering their abilities as a wizard, much like Harry,
received the Hogwarts invitation letter. Similarly, as I immersed myself in the process of
researching different colleges, I discovered the intense competition for Cedar. Undoubtedly,
there’s a clear reason why the pupils show qualities that make them remarkable individuals;
whether they belong to the enchanting realm of Hogwarts or the Cedar College of Muggle

When thinking about my future college, the first thing that comes to my mind is the
invaluable friendships that I will make which I believe will outshine all other dimensions of
my college experience. Similarly, the loving bond that gradually developed among Harry,
Ron, and Hermoine in the wizarding world, shaped by a series of ups and downs, which
diminishes all other thrilling elements of the book; mirrors my thoughts that bonds formed
in Cedar College will eclipse all other aspects of experience.

Furthermore, a remarkable similarity that I figure between Hogwarts School of Magic and
Cedar College is the range of diverse experiences and activities that can be pursued.
Although not explicitly stated in the book, Hogwarts would likely exceed the educational
standards set by the Ministry of Education due to its highly qualified faculty and rigorous
academic programs. Likewise, as I mentioned, when I began exploring the colleges, I wished
to be a part of, Cedar was the first that I came up with because of the excellent standard of
education and strong extracurricular opportunities. Moreover, Harry began his journey by
being sorted to a special house in Hogwarts, indicating his personality and values, in parallel,
Cedar College consists of a blend of societies and courses each reflecting a unique passion
among its members.

In summary, the Harry Potter series strongly reminds me of the much-anticipated college for
me, likewise, Hogwarts comes to my mind when I hear Cedar. I am amazed at how stories
can often convey the perfect essence of our thoughts and inspirations. Just as Harry and his
friends sailed through their voyage, facing challenges and fortunes, I aspire to embrace my
educational journey with the same sense of adventure.

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