Social Final Revision Sheet

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Social Final Revision Sheet Grade: 12

Name: __________________
Human Legacy Chapter 26 “World War I”
1) Read and choose the right term for the following definitions.
Triple Alliance - Triple Entente - Franz Ferdinand - Gavrilo Princip - neutral - Central
Powers - Allied Powers - Western Front - trench warfare - total war – propaganda -
Battle of Verdun - Gallipoli Campaign - genocide – Bolsheviks - Grigori Rasputin –
(Marxism-Leninism) - Leon Trotsky - New Economic Policy - Woodrow Wilson - U-
boats - Zimmerman Note - armistice - Fourteen Points - Treaty of Versailles - League of
Nations – mandates - Balfour Declaration

1. Partnerships between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

2. Partnerships between France, Russia and Great Britain.
3. Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was killed in Sarajevo, Serbia in 1914. His death sparked the
world war.
4. A young Serbian man who shot the archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
5. A country that takes no side in a conflict ______________________
6. At world war 1, the powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy ______________________
7. At world war 1, the powers of Great Britain, Russia, and Serbia ______________________
8. The deadlock region in northern France were the worst part of the war took place.
9. Fighting from trenches ______________________
10. A tactic which adopts the idea that to win the war they must use all of society's resources.
11. Information designed to influence people's opinion in order to encourage support of the war
effort. ______________________
12. battle at an important French fortress started by the Germans. This battle was meant to kill
or injure as many French soldiers as possible ______________________
13. Failed attempt by the Allies in World War I to take control of the Dardanelles pg. 787
14. The deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group ______________________
15. Small Marxists group who led a revolution in order to overthrow the czar
16. A self-proclaimed holy man and healers whom many Russians viewed as corrupt and
immoral. He was the advisor of the Romanovs. ______________________
17. The political and economic philosophy of the Bolsheviks, started by Vladimir Lenin, which
looked to an uprising of the proletariat that would abolish private property and enforce social
equality ______________________
18. A top Bolshevik official that was sent by Lenin to negotiate for peace with the central powers.
19. A plan that permitted some capitalist activity. The plan was meant to encourage more food
production ______________________
20 - American president who didn't want to be involved in WWI. He established the 14 points as
a basis to establish peace. ______________________
21 - German submarines ______________________
22 - A secret message from German diplomat Arthur Zimmerman to officials in Mexico in which
he proposed the Mexicans to attack US and promised that they would gain back the lost land.
23. A truce ______________________
24. Peace points established by Woodrow Wilson which aimed for the reduction of weapons and
right for all people to choose their governments ______________________
25. A treaty established by the allied powers ______________________
26. An international body of nations formed after World War I to prevent future wars.
27. Territories once part of the Ottoman Empire that the League of Nations gave to other
European powers to rule after WWI ______________________
28. A statement issued by the British foreign secretary in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland
in Palestine. ______________________
2) Choose the correct answer.
1- Nationalism ……… .
a) was the sole cause of World War I
b) is a partnership between allies
c) is devotion to one’s national group or culture
2- The Triple Alliance united ……… .
a) Germany, France, and Italy
b) Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
c) Germany, France, and Russia
3- France, Russia, and Great Britain became known as the ……… .
a) Central Powers
b) Triple Entente
c) Triple Alliance
4- Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia because ……… .
a) a Serb assassinated the Austrian archduke
b) Serbia was a military threat
c) Serbia had vast resources
5- The Allied Powers were made up of ……… .
a) Great Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia
b) Germany and Austria-Hungary
c) Belgium and Serbia
6- When the war began, Germany moved through Belgium towards ……… .
a) Serbia
b) Russia
c) France
7- German forces awaited the Allied attack along the Aisne River in ……… .
a) tents
b) trenches
c) tunnels
8- Another name for World War I is the ……… .
a) Allied War
b) Great War
c) Western War
9- By late 1914 it was clear that ……… .
a) the Western Front had become deadlocked
b) Germany would win
c) France would surrender
10- Bolshevik opponents came to be called ……… .
a) the Red Army
b) the White Army
c) Soviets
11- Which of the following battles signified a turning point in the Allied Powers’
favor in the war?
a) The Second Battle of the Marne
b) The Battle of the Frontiers
c) The Battle of Verdun
12- What four factors led to the outbreak of World War I?
a) Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism
b) Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and isolationism
c) Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and socialism
13- What event led Great Britain to declare war on Germany?
a) Germany invaded France.
b) Germany invaded Belgium.
c) The Germans sank British supply boats.
3) Answer the following questions.
- What do you think about the government that the military crisis would cause people to
rally around their leadership?

- Why do you think the Bolsheviks gained popularity?

- Why were Russian citizens protesting?
- Explain the difference between Kerensky’s leadership and that of Lenin.

- Whose assassination sparked the beginning of WWI?

- Why was it difficult to gain an advantage over the enemy in trench warfare?
- What is the Nickname for WWI?
- What are the New technology and weapons that impacted the war? Mention three.
- Where did the most of the fighting happen?
- Who made up the BIG FOUR?
- Why did Russia pull out of the war?
Read the sentences and write True or False.
1- A young American man who shot the archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. ( )
2- The Duma was a Russian assembly with advisory or legislative functions. ( )
3- Women had no roles in the WW1. ( )
4- Zimmerman Telegram caused the US to enter WWI. ( )
5- Austria-Hungary ruled Bosnia on the eve of WWI. ( )
6- Czar Nicholas II promised reform after the revolution of 1905. ( )
7- The Union of Soviet was a new country which reunited Russia with several neighboring lands
that had been part of the Russian Empire before 1917. ( )
8- Lenin had no clear successor, and his death soon led to a struggle for control of the Soviet
9- Bolshevism later became known as Marxism-Leninism. ( )
10 - In April 1917, the United States entered World War I on the side of
the Allied Powers. ( )
11- The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria led to the outbreak of
World War I. ( )
12- Gregory Rasputin helped raise Russia’s morale after doing poorly in the war. ( )

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