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From Farm to Fridge – A Yeo Valley Story.

Cameron Snook

Yeo Valley. A place where the cows graze and the milk flows like water. In this documentary you will
experience the complete process from farm to factory to fridge, displaying the way Yeo yoghurt is
second to none.

Plot summary
Filming the production of Yeo Valley Yogurt from where they collect the milk at farms, to the making
of the yogurt in the factories, to the distribution from the warehouse, finally being bought in
supermarkets by consumers. Through the medium of documentary, we will be going behind the
scenes and interviewing the key people behind the popular organic Yogurt and finding out the full

Cast and Contributors

Presenter: Eddie Flavin
Sound: Seth Meaden
Camera: Cameron Snook
Editor: Ciaran Mackin-Lee
Driver & Contact: David Snook
Interviewees: Key figures in Yeo Valley.


Opening Scene – Seth gets yogurt out of the fridge and begins eating it, looks up and says out loud, ‘I
wonder how yogurt like this is made...’ Eddie then enters opens the door and camera pans to him. ‘I
can tell you that.’ Scene is followed by B-Roll of the farm and the valley with calm music, with
opening credits leading to title reveal of ‘From Farm to Fridge, A Yeo Valley Story.’

Scene 1 – Begins with Eddie walking through the field to the interview area, before beginning to talk
to the contributor at the location. Interview ensues, with the interviewee answering questions about
the process, with b-roll of the process playing as they say about it.

Scene 2 – Footage of the drive from the Farm to the Manufacturing area, showing Eddie entering and
looking around areas, saying where he is and why he is there. Then following it up with Eddie going
to the interviewee and beginning to ask him to talk him through the process, once again showing b-
roll of this.

Scene 3 – Shows the lunch hall at Yeo Valley, and the meals served.

Scene 4 – Shows drive to the warehouse and distribution site, showing lorries around the site and
area. Interviewing asking how the yogurt is stored and then how it is packed, distributed and shipped

Ending scene – Show B-Roll of supermarket, then cut back to Seth and Eddie, with Eddie saying to
him. ‘...And that is how Yeo Valley Yogurt is made.’

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