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Solvent Free Selective Oxidation of Styrene and Benzyl Alcohol to

Benzaldehyde over an Eco-Friendly and Reusable Catalyst,
Undecamolybdophosphate Supported onto Neutral Alumina
Anjali Patel* and Soyeb Pathan
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390002, India
bS Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Supported undecamolybdophosphate was synthesized and characterized by various physicochemical techniques and
successfully used for solvent free oxidation of styrene and of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Influence of the reaction parameters
(molar ratio of substrate to H2O2, amount of the catalyst, reaction time, and reaction temperature) were studied. The catalyst was
reused three times without any significant loss in the catalytic activity. FT-IR, XRD, and DRS of regenerated catalyst indicated that
the catalyst was undegraded and stable after the reaction. The novelty of the work lies in obtaining a single selective product,
benzaldehyde, as well as a high TON for the same, under mild conditions.

1. INTRODUCTION their structure,1518 by removing one or more addenda atoms.

Benzaldehyde is a very valuable chemical that has widespread These types of POMs are called lacunary phosphomolybdate and
applications in perfumery, dyestuff, and agro chemical industries.1 lead to the development of active and selective catalysts. Keeping
It is the second most important aromatic molecule (after vanillin) this in mind, we have started working on lacunary phosphomo-
used in the cosmetics and flavor industries. Generally it is obtained lybdate. Recently, we have reported the synthesis and character-
by oxidation of styrene, benzyl alcohol, and toluene as well as ization of undecamolybdophosphate (PMo11) supported onto
hydrolysis of benzyl chloride into benzaldehyde is one of the most hydrous zirconia as well as its catalytic activity for solvent-free
important transformations in organic synthesis.24 The oxidation oxidation of styrene.19
of styrene gives a variety of products such as carbonyl com- The obtained unique results for oxidation of styrene encour-
pounds, epoxides, diols, and products (aldehydes) of oxidative age us to carry out detailed studies on PMo11 supported onto
cleavage of CC bond. Production of benzaldehyde is the first different support, in order to see the effect of support on thermal
step in oxidation of benzyl alcohol and further oxidation leads to as well as catalytic properties. It is known that support does not
the production of benzoic acid with side reactions leading to play always merely a mechanical role but it can also modify the
the other products like toluene, dibenzyl acetal, and benzyl catalytic properties of the POMs. It is well-known that basic
benzoate.5 Oxidation of toluene is usually carried out in organic support cannot be used for supporting POMs, since it decom-
solvents which are environmentally undesirable and benzalde- poses on the same. So, in the present study, as an extension of our
hyde produced from hydrolysis of benzyl chloride often contains work, we have made use of neutral support, neutral alumina was
traces of chlorine impurities and copious waste is generated in used as support.
this process.6 These procedures suffer from a lack of selectivity, In the present work, we report the synthesis and systematic
use of organic solvents, toxicity of the reagents, and waste pro- characterization of supported sodium salt of undecamolybdo-
duction, which requires an environmentally benign alternative. phosphate as well as its use as catalyst for selective oxidation to
As a result selective and solvent free oxidation reactions in- benzaldehyde from both routes; namely oxidation of styrene as
volving catalytic amount of the oxidizing agents or liquid phase well as oxidation of benzyl alcohol. A series of catalysts containing
catalytic oxidation have come into prominence. In this con- 1040% of Undecamolybdophosphate (PMo11) onto neutral
text, heteropolyacids/polyoxometalates (HPAs/POMs), espe- alumina (Al2O3), were synthesized. The synthesized catalyst was
cially 12-molybdophosphoricacid (PMo12) has been gaining characterized by various thermal, spectral, and surface techniques.
importance due to their redox properties.712 However, the The catalytic activity was evaluated for the nonsolvent liquid
main drawback of PMo12 is its low thermal stability, which results phase oxidation of styrene as well as benzyl alcohol with aqueous
more or less in degradation of its Keggin structure under catalytic 30% H2O2. The conditions for maximum conversion as well as
conditions, resulting in a drop in catalytic performance. The selectivity for desired product was optimized by varying different
mentioned problem can be overcome by modifying their proper- parameters such as the molar ratio of the substrate to H2O2,
ties via supporting onto the supports. In our laboratory, during amount of the catalyst, reaction time, and reaction temperature.
our systematic research on supported POMs, we surprisingly
found that stability as well as catalytic performance of the PMo12 Received: September 9, 2011
is improved by supporting it onto different supports.13,14 Accepted: November 15, 2011
It is well-known that the redox properties of POMs, PMo12, Revised: November 15, 2011
can be tuned at the atomic/molecular levels without affecting Published: November 15, 2011

r 2011 American Chemical Society 732 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 732–740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ARTICLE

A catalytic property for recycled catalyst was also evaluated for and reaction temperature. A similar procedure was followed for
the oxidation of styrene and benzyl alcohol under optimized benzyl alcohol oxidation. After completion of the reaction, catalyst
condition. was removed and the product was extracted with dichloro-
methane. The product was dried with magnesium sulfate and
analyzed on Gas Chromatograph using BP-5 capillary column.
Product was identified by comparison with the authentic samples
2.1. Materials. All of the chemicals used were of A. R. grade. and finally by Gas ChromatographyMass Spectroscopy (GCMS).
Sodium molybdate (Merck), Disodium hydrogen phosphate (Merck), 3.2. Leaching Test. Any leaching of the active species from the
and neutral active Al2O3 (Activity III, according to Brockmann), support makes the catalyst unattractive and hence it is necessary
used as received. Nitric acid, acetone, dichloromethane and to study the stability as well as leaching of PMo11 from the
styrene, benzyl alcohol were obtained from Merck and used as support. Heteropoly acids can be quantitatively characterized by
received. the heteropoly blue color, which is observed when it reacted with
2.2. Synthesis of Undecamolybdophosphate (PMo11). Un- a mild reducing agent such as ascorbic acid. In the present study,
decamolybdophosphate was synthesized by following the method this method was used for determining the leaching of PMo11
we reported earlier.19 Sodium molybdate dihydrate (0.22 mol, from the support. Standard samples containing 15% of PMo11
5.32 g) and anhydrous disodium hydrogen phosphate (0.02 mol, in water were prepared. To 10 mL of the above samples, 1 mL of
0.28 g) were dissolved in 5070 mL of double-distilled water and 10% ascorbic acid was added. The mixture was diluted to 25 mL.
heated to 8090 °C followed by the addition of concentrated The resultant solution was scanned at a λmax of 785 cm1 for its
nitric acid in order to adjust the pH to 4.3. The volume was then absorbance values. A standard calibration curve was obtained by
reduced to half by evaporation and the heteropolyanion was plotting values of absorbance against % concentration. One g of
separated by liquidliquid extraction with 5060 mL of acetone. supported catalyst with 10 mL water was refluxed for 18 h. Then
The extraction was repeated until the acetone extract showed 1 mL of the supernatant solution was treated with 10% ascorbic
absence of NO3 ions (ferrous sulfate test). The extracted sodium acid. Development of blue color was not observed, indicating that
salt was dried in air. The obtained material was designated as there was no leaching. The same procedure was repeated with
PMo11. Anal. Calcd. %: Na, 7.65; Mo, 50.12; P, 1.47; O, 39.52. styrene and the filtrate of the reaction mixture after completion of
Found %: Na, 7.60; Mo, 49.99; P, 1.44; O, 39.92. reaction in order to check the presence of any leached PMo11.
2.3. Synthesis of Catalyst. A series of catalysts containing
1040% of PMo11 were synthesized by impregnating 1 g of Al2O3 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with an aqueous solution of PMo11 (0.10.4 g/1040 mL of
water) with stirring for 35 h and dried at 100 °C for 10 h. The 4.1. Analytical Techniques. The absence of blue color
obtained materials were designated as 10% PMo11/Al2O3, 20% indicates no leaching of PMo11from Al2O3 into reaction medium,
PMo11/ Al2O3, 30% PMo11/Al2O3, 40% PMo11/Al2O3. i.e., aqueous supernatant, styrene, and filtrate.
The FT-IR spectra of PMo11 and 20% PMo11/ Al2O3 are
presented in Figure 1. The bands at 3500 cm1, 1690 cm1, and
3. CHARACTERIZATION 1300 cm1 are assigned to the OH, HOH, and OHO
The synthesized materials were characterized by FT-IR, TGA, frequency, respectively, and 1048 and 999 cm1, 935 and 906 cm1,
DRS, 31P MAS NMR, powder XRD, SEM, and BET surface area. and 855 cm1 in parent PMo11 (Figure 1 b) attributed to
FTIR spectra of the samples were recorded as the KBr pellet on asymmetric stretching of PO, MoOt, and MoOMo respec-
the Perkin-Elmer instrument. The total weight loss was calcu- tively. 20% PMo11/Al2O3 (Figure 1 c) shows bands at 1052 cm1,
lated by the TGA method on the Mettler Toledo Star SW 7.01 up 1010 cm1 and 914 cm1 (broad) correspond to asymmetric
to 600 °C. The UVvis-DR spectrum was recorded at ambient stretching of PO and MoOMo, respectively. A broad band of
temperature on Perkin-Elmer 35 LAMDA instrument using the Al2O3 covers the small MoOt band (935 cm1) in 20% PMo11/
1 cm quartz cell. 31P MAS NMR spectra were recorded on a Al2O3. The shifting and broadening of bands may be due to
Bruker Avance DSX—300 NMR spectrometer at 121.48 MHz interaction of terminal oxygen of PMo11 with Al2O3.
using a 7 mm rotor probe with 85% phosphoric acid as an The TGA (Figure 2 a) of PMo11 shows the initial weight loss
external standard. The spinning rate was 45 kHz. The powder observed of 16% up to 30200 °C and 1.8% at 275 °C. This may
XRD pattern was obtained by using a Phillips Diffractometer be due to the removal of adsorbed water molecules and crystal-
(Model PW—1830). The conditions used were Cu Kα radiation lization water molecules, respectively. DTA of PMo11 shows
(1.5417 A). Elemental analysis and SEM were carried out using (Figure 2a) endothermic peaks in the region 80150 °C and
JSM 5610 LV combined with INCA instrument for EDX-SEM. exothermic peak at 300 °C, due to the loss of adsorbed water and
The BET specific surface area was calculated by using the water of crystallization, respectively. The endothermic peak
standard Bruanuer, Emmett, and Teller method on the basis of observed on DTA curve at 450 oC may be attributed to the
the adsorption data. AdsorptionDesorption isotherms of sam- decomposition of PMo11.
ples were recorded on a micromeritics ASAP 2010 surface area The TGA of 20% PMo11/Al2O3 (Figure 2b) shows initial weight
analyzer at 196 °C. loss up to 123 °C and then continues weight loss was observed in the
3.1. Catalytic Reaction. The oxidation reaction was carried out region 250375 °C may be due to the removal of adsorbed water
in a borosilicate glass reactor equipped with a double walled molecules and crystallization water molecules, respectively. This
condenser. The desired catalyst, styrene, and H2O2 mixtures were observation was further supported by DTA of 20% PMo11/Al2O3
intensively stirred in the reactor at the set constant temperature for (Figure 2b), which shows endothermic peaks at 80 °C, 140 °C
the whole duration of reactions. The same reaction was carried out followed by a broad exothermic peak in the region 255425 °C.
by varying different parameters such as effect of % loading, molar The DRS gives information about the nonreduced hetero-
ratio of substrate to H2O2, amount of the catalyst, reaction time, polyanion due to charge transfer from oxygen to metal. The band
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Figure 2. TGA thermograms for (a) PMo11 and (b) 20% PMo11/Al2O3.

The data for BET surface area measurements are shown in

Table 1. The larger surface area of the 20% PMo11/Al2O3 as
compared to that of the support was because of supporting of
PMo11 and it is as expected. With an increase in the percent
loading of PMo11, the surface area decreases. This may be due to
Figure 1. FT-IR of (a) Al2O3, (b) PMo11, and (c) 20% PMo11/Al2O3. the blocking pores.
4.2. Catalytic Studies. A detail study was carried out on the
oxidation of styrene and benzaldehyde to optimize the condi-
at 300 (λmax) is attributed to 0 f Mo charge transfer. The λmax of tions. To ensure the catalytic activity, all reactions were carried
20% PMo11/Al2O3 is same as that for PMo11. This confirms the out without catalyst. It was found that no oxidation takes place.
presence of the undegraded PMo11 on the surface of Al2O3. In 4.2.1. Oxidation of Styrene Using Hydrogen Peroxide. The
other words, the Keggin structure remains unaltered. reaction was carried out by varying the mole ratio of styrene to
The 31P MAS NMR spectra of PMo11 (Figure S1a of the SI) and H2O2 with 25 mg of the catalyst for 18 h at 80 °C. Generally,
20% PMo11/Al2O3 (Figure S1b of the SI) show a single peak at styrene oxidation gives styrene oxide, benzaldehyde, and benzoic
1.64 ppm and 3.47 ppm respectively. In the present case, the ob- acid (Scheme 1). However, in the present reaction conditions,
served chemical shift, shielding, indicates the presence of a chemical the major oxidation product obtained was benzaldehyde may be
interaction between PMo11 and Al2O3, rather than simple adsorp- because of (i) direct oxidative cleavage of CdC of styrene and
tion. The broadening and shifting in the peak compare to PMo11 and (ii) fast conversion of styrene oxide to benzaldehyde.
may be due to interaction of PMo11 and Al2O3. Also, a single peak With a 1:3 molar ratio, the conversion of styrene was 95% and the
indicates no fragmentation of PMo11 species takes place after support. selectivity for benzaldehyde was 95%, While with 1:4 molar ratio, the
Thus it can be concluded that PMo11 remains intact on to Al2O3. conversion was 96.6% with the same selectivity. Hence, further
XRD of PMo11 (Figure 3) shows sharp peaks indicating its optimization of the conditions was carried out with a 1:3 molar ratio.
crystalline nature. XRD pattern of 20% PMo11/Al2O3 shows no The oxidation of styrene was carried out with H2O2 in a 1:3
characteristic peaks of PMo11, indicating a very high dispersion of molar ratio by using 25 mg of fresh catalysts for 18 h at 80 °C are
PMo11 in a noncrystalline form on the surface of Al2O3. presented in Figure 4, which shows, as an increase in the
This observation was further supported by scanning electron conversion with increase in the % loading of PMo11 from 10%
microscopy (SEM). SEM of PMo11 shows its semicrystalline to 20%. Further, with increase in % loading from 20% to 40%,
nature. SEM of 20% PMo11/Al2O3 shows a uniform dispersion of decrease in conversion is found. This may be due to at higher %
PMo11 in a noncrystalline form on the surface of the support. loading, the particles may agglomerate on the surface, results in
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Figure 3. Powder XRD and SEM of (a) PMo11 and (b) 20% PMo11/ Al2O3.

Table 1. Total Surface Area for Al2O3, 10% PMo11/ Al2O3, Styrene to H2O2 molar ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 resulted in 19.8 and
20% PMo11/ Al2O3, 30% PMo11/ Al2O3 and 44.7% conversion, respectively, and when styrene to H2O2 molar
40% PMo11/ Al2O3 ratio was changed to 1:3, conversion increased to be nearly
95.0%, keeping all other conditions similar. However, conversion
catalyst surface area (m2/g)
was found to be almost the same at 96.6% when the styrene to
Al2O3 81.0 H2O2 molar ratio was further changed to 1:4. Therefore, 1:3
10% PMo11/ Al2O3 99.7 molar ratio of styrene to H2O2 was found to be the optimum in
20% PMo11/ Al2O3 101.8 terms of conversion of styrene.
30% PMo11/ Al2O3 72.9 The amount of catalyst has a significant effect on the oxidation
40% PMo11/ Al2O3 56.2 of styrene. Five different amounts of 20% PMo11/ Al2O3 viz., 10,
15, 20, 25, and 30 mg were used, keeping with all other reaction
parameters fixed: namely temperature (80 °C), namely styrene
reduce accessbility to the active sites. Also, the decrease in % (10 mmol), 30% H2O2 (30 mmol), and reaction time (18 h). The
conversion may be correlated with the values of surface area. As results are shown in Figure 7, indicating 47.1, 78.9, 85.1, 95.0, and
seen in the Table 1, surface area for 30% PMo11/Al2O3 and 40% 95.1 conversion corresponding to 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mg
PMo11/Al2O3 decreases as compare to 20% PMo11/Al2O3. catalyst, respectively. Lower conversion of styrene into benzal-
Hence, a decrease in % conversion of styrene is as expected. dehyde with 10 to 20 mg catalyst may be due to fewer catalytic
Next, the loading of PMo11 on the support was fixed at 20%. A sites. The maximum percentage conversion was observed with
detail study was carried out at 80 °C over 20% PMo11/ Al2O3. 25 mg catalyst but there was no remarkable difference in the
The effect of temperature on the oxidation of styrene was progress of reaction when 25 or 30 mg of catalyst was employed.
investigated at three different temperatures viz. 60, 80, and Therefore, 25 mg amount of catalyst was taken to be optimal.
100 °C, keeping the other parameters fixed: namely styrene The time dependence of catalytic solvent free oxidation
(10 mmol), 30% H2O2 (30 mmol), catalyst (25 mg), and of styrene was studied by performing the reaction of styrene
reaction time (18 h). The results are shown in Figure 5, which (10 mmol) with 30% H2O2 (30 mmol) in the presence of 25 mg
reveals that 19.4, 95.0, and >99% conversion were found of catalyst at 80 °C with constant stirring. The percentage of
corresponding to 60, 80, and 100 °C, respectively. At elevated conversion was monitored at different reaction times. It is seen
temperature (100 °C), >99% styrene conversion was found with from Figure 8, that with increase in reaction time, the %
72% selectivity of benzaldehyde and 28% selectivity for benzoic conversion also increases. Initial conversion of styrene increased
acid, i.e., decrease in selectivity for benzaldehyde was observed. with the reaction time. This is due to the reason that more time is
This is due to overoxidation of banzaldehyde to benzoic acid at required for the formation of reactive intermediate (substrate +
elevated temperature. Hence, further optimization of the condi- catalyst) which is finally converted into the products. It was seen
tions was carried out with 80 °C temperature. that 95% conversion was observed at 18 h; when the reaction was
In order to determine the effect of H2O2 on the oxidation of allowed to continue for 24 h, no appreciable change in conver-
styrene to benzaldehyde, we studied six different styrene: H2O2 sion as well as selectivity was observed.
molar ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 2:1, and 3:1) keeping other The optimum conditions for maximum % conversion of
parameter fixed: namely catalyst (25 mg), temperature (80 °C) styrene to benzaldehyde are the mole ratio of styrene to H2O2
and reaction time (18 h). The results are shown in Figure 6. as 1:3, with 25 mg of catalyst and 18 h reaction time at 80 °C.
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Scheme 1. Oxidation of Styrene

Figure 4. Effect of % loading; % Conversion is based on styrene; time = Figure 6. Effect of mole ratio;% Conversion is based on styrene; time =
18 h; temperature = 80 °C; amount of catalyst = 25 mg, molar ratio of 18 h; temperature = 80 °C; amount of catalyst = 25 mg.
styrene to H2O2: 1:3.

Figure 7. Effect of amount of catalyst; % Conversion is based on

Figure 5. Effect of temperature; % Conversion is based on styrene; time = styrene; time = 18 h; temperature = 80 °C; molar ratio of styrene to
18 h; amount of catalyst = 25 mg, molar ratio of styrene to H2O2: 1:3. H2O2: 1:3.

4.2.2. Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol Using Hydrogen Peroxide. benzoic acid (Scheme 2). However, benzaldehyde was character-
Generally, benzyl alcohol on oxidation gives benzaldehyde and ized as the major oxidation product in the present case. A detail
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Figure 9. % Conversion is based on substrate (astyrene/bbenzyl

alcohol); amount of catalyst =25 mg; molar ratio of substrate to
H2O2: 1:3, temperature a80 °C, b90 °C.

Figure 8. Effect of reaction time; % conversion is based on styrene;

amount of catalyst = 25 mg; temperature = 80 °C; molar ratio of styrene Table 3. Oxidation of Styrene and Benzyl Alcohol with Fresh
to H2O2: 1:3. and Recycled Catalystsa
% selectivity
Scheme 2. Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol catalyst cycle % conversion benzaldehyde TON

20% PMo11/ Al2O3 fresh 95b/22c 95b/91c 4960b/1125c

1 95b/21.6c 95b/90c 4944b/1115c
2 95b/21c 95b/91c 4933b/1115c
b c b c
3 94.4 /21 95 /91 4913b/1109c
a b c
% Conversion is based on substrate ( styrene/ benzyl alcohol);
amount of catalyst =25 mg; molar ratio of substrate to H2O2: 1:3, Time,
18 h, c24 h; temperature b80 °C, c 90 °C.

Table 2. Control Experiments for the Oxidation of Styrene

and Benzyl Alcohola

% selectivity
material % conversion benzaldehyde

PMo11 96 >99
21 93
% Conversion is based on substrate (bstyrene/cbenzyl alcohol);
Amount of PMo11, 4.2 mg, amount of Al2O3 21.8 mg; Substrate:
H2O2, 1: 3; Time, b18 h, c24 h; temperature b80 °C, c90 °C.

study, similar to oxidation of styrene, was carried out on the

oxidation of benzyl alcohol by varying different parameters such as
molar ratio of benzyl alcohol to H2O2, amount of the catalyst,
reaction time and reaction temperature to optimize the conditions
for maximum conversion and selectivity.
The optimum conditions for maximum % conversion of
benzyl alcohol (22%) with 90% selectivity of benzaldehyde are
the mole ratio of benzyl alcohol to H2O2 as 1:3, with 25 mg of
catalyst and 24 h reaction time at 90 °C.
The control experiments with Al2O3 and PMo11 were also
carried out under optimized conditions with styrene and H2O2 as
well as benzyl alcohol and H2O2. It can be seen from Table 2 that
Al2O3 is inactive toward the oxidation of styrene and oxidation of Figure 10. FT-IR frequency data for (a) fresh and (b) regenerated
benzyl alcohol indicating the catalytic activity is due to only catalyst.

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PMo11. The same reaction was carried out by taking the active observed which shows that the catalysts are stable and can be
amount of PMo11 (4.2 mg). It was found that the active catalyst regenerated for repeated use.
gives, 96% conversion of styrene with >99% selectivity of 4.5. Characterization of the Regenerated Catalyst. The
benzaldehyde and 21% conversion of benzyl alcohol with 93% catalyst, 20% PMo11/ Al2O3, was regenerated in order to test its
selectivity of benzaldehyde. Almost the same obtained activity for stability. The regenerated catalyst (R-20% PMo11/Al2O3) was
supported catalyst indicates that PMo11 is the real active species. characterized for FT-IR, XRD, and DRS in order to confirm the
Thus, we are successful in supporting PMo11 onto Al2O3 without retention of the catalyst structure, after the completion of the reaction.
any significant loss in activity and hence in overcoming the The FT-IR data for the fresh as well as the regenerated catalysts are
traditional problems of homogeneous catalysis. represented in Figure 10. The characteristic FT-IR bands for PMo11
4.3. Heterogeneity Test. Heterogeneity test was carried out appear at 1048 and 999 cm1, 935 and 906 cm1, and 855 cm1. No
for the oxidation of styrene and benzyl alcohol as examples. For appreciable shift in the FT-IR band position of the regenerated
the rigorous proof of heterogeneity, a test20 was carried out by catalyst compare to 20% PMo11/ Al2O3 indicates the retention of
filtering catalyst from the reaction mixture at 80 °C after 2 h Keggin type PMo11 onto Al2O3. The XRD pattern for the fresh as
(for benzyl alcohol; 90 °C after 8 h) and the filtrate was allowed well as the regenerated catalysts is shown in Figure 11. There is no
to react up to 4 h (for benzyl alcohol; 10 h). The reaction mixture appreciable change in XRD spectra of fresh as well as regenerated
of 2 h and the filtrate were analyzed by gas chromatography. No catalyst indicating the stability of PMo11 after regeneration. The
change in the % conversion as well as % selectivity was found powder XRD of R-20% PMo11/ Al2O3 does not show any additional
indicating the present catalyst fall into category C,21 i.e., active peak indicating the PMo11species do not decompose after regenera-
species does not leach and the observed catalysis is truly tion and the Keggin unit remains intact on the surface of Al2O3.
heterogeneous in nature. The results are presented in Figure 9. The DRS gives information about the nonreduced hetero-
4.4. Recycling of the Catalyst. Oxidation of styrene as well as polyanion due to charge transfer from oxygen to metal. The λmax
oxidation of benzyl alcohol was carried out with the recycled of 20% PMo11/ Al2O3 and R-20% PMo11/ Al2O3 is same as that
catalyst, under the optimized conditions. The catalyst was for PMo11. This confirms the presence of the undegraded PMo11
removed from the reaction mixture after completion of the species in catalysts. In other words, the Keggin structure remains
reaction by simple filtration, washed with dichloromethane and unaltered even after recycling of catalyst.
dried at 100 °C. The catalyst was recycled in order to test its 4.6. Comparison with Other Catalysts. Comparative data for
activity as well as stability. The obtained results are presented in oxidation of styrene and benzyl alcohol over reported catalysts
Table 3. As seen in the table, there was no appreciable change and present catalyst is given in the Tables 4 and 5, respectively
observed in selectivity, however, little decrease in conversion was (see Scheme 3).
A literature survey shows that, recently, Bhattacharyya et al. reported
oxidation of styrene catalyzed by (PPh4)4[PMo12O40] 3 3DMF
and NaHCO3 as cocatalyst.22 They have carried out oxidation

Scheme 3. Hypothetic Mechanism of the Catalytic Oxidation

Figure 11. Powder XRD of (a) 20% PMo11/Al2O3 and (b) R-20%

Table 4. Comparison of Oxidation of Styrene with Reported Catalysta

catalyst styrene (mmole) H2O2 (mmole) solvent % conversion % selectivity TON ref.
20% PMo11/ Al2O3 10 30 95 95 4960
(PPh4)4[PMo12O40] 3 3DMF 10 5060 CH3CN 98 91 4950 22
% Conversion is based on styrene; temperature b80 °C, c 65 °C; cco-catalyst NaHCO3.

Table 5. Comparison of Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol with Reported Catalysta

catalyst benzyl alcohol (mmole) H2O2 (mmole) solvent % conversion % selectivity TOF TON ref.
20% PMo11/ Al2O3 10 30 22 91 47 1125
PMA/VAMO 20 60 toluene 32 100 24 23
% Conversion is based on bbenzyl alcohol; temperature b90 °C, c45 °C; cphase transfer agent CTABr.

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reaction using acetonitrile as a solvent and reported 98% conver- assistance. We are also thankful to Department of Science and
sion and 91% selectivity of epoxide (Table 4) with TON of 4950. Technology (DST, No. SR/S5/GC-01/2009) for financing a
In the present work, 20% PMo11/ Al2O3 gives 95% conver- part of this work.
sion and 95% selectivity toward benzaldehyde (TON 4960),
an industrial important product.
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