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Journey into the


Sacred Space
Intuitive Healing
Sacred Ceremonies
5 Day Residential
May 8th-12th, 2024
Tullow, Co. Carlow, Ireland
Connect to the Sacred Exclusive to The Healing Trust
Dive deep into Divine Presence
Residential (5 days, 4 nights)
Embrace your Sacred Self
Private ensuite bedrooms
Co-Create with the Universe
Friendly communal rooms
Meditate in Sacred Space
Delicious Home Cooking
Expand experience through the
Explore Sensory Gardens
power of community

Yvonne Fitzgerald Marianne Quinn Valerie Chiltonsmith
Please email Yvonne for full details at
Journey into the Sacred
A taste of what we bring to this Residential

An intensive learning and soul nurturing journey awaits you, led by experienced Healer-
Tutors. Content rich day and evening sessions, deep energetic communication plus
meditations within a glorious nearby Sensory Garden. Friendly social gatherings and
delicious home-cooked meals.
Dietary needs catered for.
Exclusive to Healing Trust Members past and present, Students, Healers, Trainee Tutors and Tutors.

"As a Psychotherapist and Healer since 1996, my specialty is emotional healing and energy
retrieval; swiftly getting to the crux of a problem to unravel tangled energies, liberating
clients to re-weave new empowering narratives. In this extraordinary time of flux that we're
living through, this is a unique and historic opportunity to work with the more fluid universal
energies to create an exciting new paradigm of light, love, and healing. I look forward to
sharing my experience with you, engaging in lively discussions, and shifting paradigms!"
Valerie Chiltonsmith

"My experience teaching healing and being in private practice for over 30 years is what I'll
mainly bring to our time together. I'll offer experiential energy awareness exercises to
support and guide you in refining your healing touch, to create a safe and sacred healing
space for each other. You'll have many opportunities to give and receive deep healing. Being
Present with you and having some fun together is key. Keeping the energy light and playful is
of great importance in the learning environment, providing easy access to being in
Alignment. Feel the freedom to let your creative inner child play". Yvonne Yvonne Fitzgerald

"Being a hospital Chaplin for nineteen years meant I actively brought Spiritual Healing into
every day of my work life as I never knew what I would confront each day. I'll help you to
realise how you can use your healing awareness in particular when confronted with death,
and not to be afraid. As a Civil Funeral Celebrant I love working with families as they come to
terms with the death of a loved one. I'll share my experience with you in a positive way, so
you too can feel empowered. We all live many tiny deaths and rebirths in one lifetime and
we'll use this idea in ritual as an empowerment exercise to uplift your Spirit ". Marianne
Marianne Quinn
Please email Yvonne for full details at
Journey into the Sacred
Would you like to be part of a personal as well as group Spiritual journey, immersed in
a positive, safe, learning environment?

How will we do this individually and as a group?

We will all co-create this environment through our intention in a peaceful, caring and gentle
way with mutual respect for one another, allowing everyone to journey to the heart of their
healing, at their own pace, while remaining attuned to the Divine Source of Love & Light?

What to expect on arrival:

A Taxi will collect those flying in from abroad at the Clayton Hotel near Dublin Airport.Other
participants may arrive from 3pm onwards and free parking is available in the venue grounds.
Upon arrival at Teach Bhride you will be welcomed and shown your ensuite private bedroom
and given a tour of the venue. Refreshments will be readily available, walk in the garden, meet
fellow participants or rest until we meet for our first group dinner at 6.30pm. An evening
welcome ritual will follow and a very restful evening getting to know each other.
Journey into the Sacred
What to expect daily:

Each morning, we'll start by offering you an opportunity to enter into a silent meditative state
guided by your facilitator to align with a space of Sacred Presence. A mindful, intuitive, silent
earthing experience will follow, barefoot in the garden to enliven the senses and nourish the body.

Following a relaxing breakfast we will look at, experience and discuss:

What makes something Sacred? Can we live in constant communion with the Divine?
How would it be to live as if everything is sacred - your body, your home, your work, your
relationships, your challenges, as well as all other living beings?

On this Sacred Journey we’ll be;

moving daily living to the next level. Knowing that we’re guided every step of this journey
and checking in moment by moment with the divine which is never separate from us.
learning to use our inner navigation system to follow our best and optimum path through life.
To do so we must become co-creators with the Divine, manifest consciously from our Soul
and allow the Divine to express itself through our most authentic and unique self.

This is the journey of the awakened self and the destination is simply to be fully in alignment with
the Divine to live a Sacred Life with each and every breath.

Spirituality: Space Clearing:

What is a Spiritual Journey? What is Space Clearing?
How do we recognize a Spiritual Person? Why is Space Clearing Important?
What causes Spiritual Awakening? Easy/Quick Space Clearing Tips.
How Do I Know My Spiritual Level? Space Clearing Rituals.
Practices to Assist You In Your Spiritual
Journey into the Sacred
In the afternoons, our focus will be on Deepening your Healing Practice. This is an opportunity to
take your understanding of Healing to the next level. You'll be able to sense so much more, learn to
surrender to and be guided by the healing intelligence itself. You’ll also be shown how work in 3's and
small groups on couches. Safety, sensitivity, deepening your Presence and Sacredness. Chair healing
can be shared by participants in the evenings if chosen.

One afternoon we will journey to a beautiful sensory garden to nurture the senses where we will
consciously stand in the present, enliven our senses and step into the future we wish to embrace.

Mealtimes are not only for enjoying the delicious dishes on offer, they’re also an opportunity to get to
know your fellow spiritual travellers, enjoy walks in the grounds, reflect on the events of the day, write
in your journal (provided), and of course have fun! The lovely Altamont Gardens is only 10 mins drive

After your evening meal, if your still thirsting for more, you can watch a spiritual video; have a
discussion with a friend; reflect on your experience of the day; write in your workbook/ journal or
simply relax with your fellow participants in good conversation. We’ll have a Special Guest one
evening for your entertainment.
Journey into the Sacred
Who is this Journey suitable for?
This Residential Experiential Journey is suitable for current and past Healing Trust
Members. All are welcome including Students, Healers, Mentors, Trainee Tutors
and Tutors. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, if you want to deepen
your relationship with the Divine, this residential can help you do that.

Each participant must agree to take full responsibility for themselves and their healing
journey while with us.

Together we’ll co-create a Safe and Sacred Space where energy sensitivity and
energy boundaries will be held, allowing each person to enjoy a deep and rewarding
in-depth Journey into the Sacred.

At the end of this Journey into the Sacred, you’ll have found kindred spirits, shared
some wonderful experiences, and have truly expanded your awareness and
understanding of the magical and sacred world of Healing. You’ll be presented with a
Certificate of Attendance and a little gift.

We can’t wait to welcome you to this unique and exciting Journey to discover for
yourself the Joy at the Sacred Heart of Healing. Please do get in touch and take the
opportunity to attend the Zoom Q & A sessions to meet us and help you make your
decision. (There’ll also be a follow-up Zoom a week after our journey together to check-in
with everyone.)
Journey into the Sacred
Fees include:
Wednesday afternoon to Sunday afternoon
Full board in a private ensuite room, morning and afternoon sessions, long lunch breaks to relax,
workbook provided, special Guest and trip to the beautiful Carlow Sensory Gardens.

Deposit €200 (non refundable unless Residential is cancelled)

Deposits accepted from 1st September to 1st February

Early Bird €799 all inclusive to be paid by 1st February

Payment plan available if needed.

Otherwise Full Fee €850

Extra: Any travel costs (car, taxi, coach, flights etc).

Please express your interest and you will be sent a link to a Zoom meeting with Valerie,
Marianne and Yvonne on 28th September at 7.30pm to meet the Residential Journey Facilitators
before you confirm your place to get an opportunity to ask any questions.

To request the Booking Form and for all Enquiries please email Yvonne at

Follow up to our Journey into the Sacred

Post Journey Zoom Together: We’ll also host a Zoom one week after our journey. This is to
check-in on how everyone’s doing, provide any after care, and answer any questions arising from
the Sacred Journey. This reflection on the experience one week afterwards, really helps to
consolidate and ground all your growth, energetic shifts and expansion.
We want to ensure you each have a truly valuable experience and can use all the tools we
provide, not only on the residential journey itself, but ongoingly in everyday life, boosting the value
of your overall investment in yourself.

BONUS GIFT: A post residential digital workbook to continue your spiritual development.
Reflections on 'Journey to the Heart of Healing'
Residential May 2023, Ireland

What the 2023 group participants said..........

"From the moment we were welcomed so warmly to Teach Bhride by Yvonne, Valerie
and Marianne to the moment we left, we were as a group, enveloped in a safe space
of Peace, Joy and Healing. The combined experience of our three hosts (who
genrously shared their knowledge), the lovely venue, the company of a lovely group of
like-minded people and the superb home-cooked food, all served to make this a
wonderful 5 days which I look forward to experiencing again." ~ Maureen.

" It was an awesome experience, I made new friends and treasured memories"
~ Sandra

" It is with joy that I want to share my experience of five days at the residential course
in May 2023 (in Ireland). It was really nice to meet those fabulous people (that I'd met
on Zoom on Mondays) in person. The atmosphere that was created was truly unique,
it felt like we were family who'd known each other forever.
Everything took place in a fabulous location, and the food was really yummy!!!!
For me, who'd never been to Ireland before, it was an unforgettable experience.
I do hope to take part again next year." ~ Tiziana

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