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Abad, Ana Lyn A.

March 11, 2023

BSIT 601 Prof. Irma Yturzaita

1. Choose the most interesting character in the story then create his/her simple character sketch
according to the description.

Scheherazade is the story's most interesting character because she was a gifted storyteller who
was also attractive, clever, and well-read. In the hopes of surviving another day, Scheherazade tells her
husband a narrative every night, concluding with a cliffhanger before dawn. As a result, Scheherazade
continues to tell him stories in-order to prolong her life, until the king overcomes his fear of women,
falls in love with her and marries her. Scheherazade finally changed King Shahryar's heart and spirit.
Then, they lived happily ever after.

2. Provide a brief explanation about the nature and differences of the characters which helped you
decide who you will feature.

Based on the nature and distinctions of the characters, I was able to identify who had the best
character. I choose Scheherazade because she is a powerful and clever lady. She is the one who tells the
story for 1001 nights. She is Dunyazad’s sister and the vizier's daughter. Scheherazade informed her
father's plans to marry the king. Scheherazade, always clever, persisted to compose wonderful and
adventure-filled tales. Her character stood out among the other characters in the stories, making her

02 ELMS Activity 2 (Prelim) - ARG

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