Unit 7 Test Standard B

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Unit 7 Test Standard | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 07 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę. Na podstawie informacji z nagrania uzupełnij luki w zdaniach
1–5. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać jedno słowo.
0 Ana is reading an article about pop-up ads.
1 Ana gets __________ when ads appear while she’s reading something online.
2 Sean hates it when he clicks on an ad to close it and is taken to a __________ site.
3 Ana was looking for a new pair of __________ online.
4 Sean suggests that pop-up ads are more common in small __________ online newspapers than in the big
5 Ana says that ad-free versions of newspapers are more __________.
___ / 5

2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1 I think it is rude / polite to thank your fans for watching your YouTube videos.
2 I want to remind you that it’s quite hard to provide / tell fact from fiction these days.
3 And now over to Sarah and her breaking / front news from Paris.
4 Mike’s face is covered in freckles / braces in summer.
___ / 4

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

articles basis claim current ordinary professional
A blogger is someone who, on a regular 0 basis, publishes 1 _____________ online for others to read, usually
talking about one specific topic. Bloggers inspire, educate or entertain a particular audience. The topics may
vary. Some bloggers write about their 2 _____________ life – family, friends, school, life with their newborn
baby or their pets. Others share their exceptional stories. Some comment on 3 _____________ events –
political affairs, news, sports. Some teach others how to do things – cook, learn a language, travel safely.
Blogging can become a career. Many 4 _____________ bloggers have their loyal followers and make a lot
of money. If you 5 _____________ that you have something interesting to share, something that will appeal
to other people, why don’t you try blogging?
___ / 5

4 Przepisz zdania w mowie zależnej.
0 ‘I have never heard about this actress before,’ said Tony.
Tony said he had never heard about that actress before.
1 ‘I’ll finish the post on Monday,’ promised the blogger.
2 ‘I don’t read magazines,’ said Mark.
3 ‘I can talk to the press,’ answered Joe.
4 I didn’t eat my breakfast,’ the girl confirmed.
___ / 4

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5 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1 When he will talk / talks, he look / looks very self-confident.
2 I will do / do the interview if he decides / will decide to cooperate.
3 We don’t / won’t know who has won the Oscars unless we watch / won’t watch the ceremony tonight.
4 Leo loses / will lose my respect if he will agree / agrees to appear in the ad.
5 If you don’t / won’t wear your braces, your teeth won’t / don’t be straight.
___ / 5

6 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu zdania podanego w nawiasie.
1 Jessica claimed that ___ (nigdy nie słyszała) about that blogger before.
A she never didn’t hear
B she had never heard
C she never heard

2 ___ (Jeśli ufarbujesz włosy na zielono), you will look weird.

A If you will dye your hair green
B Unless you dye your hair green
C If you dye your hair green

3 The media attract more people ___ (kiedy potwierdzają informacje przed opublikowaniem).
A when they get the facts straight
B when they provide reliable events
C if they follow current facts

4 Two years ago, Jeff informed us that he ___ (nie będzie promować) that brand, but then he changed his
A won’t promote
B would not promote
C doesn’t promote

5 In the evening, Martyna said ___ (że możemy obejrzeć) the interview with Lady Gaga together.
A that we can watch
B that we could watch
C that we would watch
___ / 5

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7 Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

The tabloid newspaper

Tabloid journalism is a popular style of reporting that takes its name from the compact size of the newspaper,
which is about half the size of traditional newspapers. However, not every newspaper that is printed in this
format can be called a tabloid since its content and style is very different.
So, what is tabloid content and style? In 1900, Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of The New York World, invited the
founder of a well-known newspaper in London, Alfred Harmsworth, to edit The New York World for one day.
Harmsworth’s version of The World, which came out on January 1, 1901, was half the size of the paper’s
traditional format and received a big reaction from its readers. However, it was not just the size
of the newspaper that was smaller, but also the reduced amount of printing space, which contained shorter
stories with less complex sentences. In 1903, Harmsworth started the Daily Mirror in London, which was
the first modern tabloid newspaper. It was attractive to a mass audience as it printed more photographs
than any other newspaper of the time. By 1909, it was selling a million copies per day – far more than any
other newspapers at the time.
By the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the British press was dominated by tabloids, with five
national daily newspapers (including the Daily Express and The Sun) selling about ten million copies every day.
Even though their focus was mainly on entertainment rather than news or political issues, these papers
remained an important source for the general public’s opinion.
Let’s be honest – our love for celebrity news and gossip has affected serious journalism. However, even though
some people will continue to look forward to reading about their favourite celebrities, scandals, sensation,
murders or disasters, I think there will always be a place for serious news reporting, perhaps mixed with a few
lighter stories.
0 What is the term ‘tabloid’ named after?
It is named after the compact size of the first newspapers printed in this style.
1 What did Joseph Pulitzer want Alfred Harmsworth to do?
2 What was different about the size of Harmsworth’s version of the paper and the traditional one?
3 What attracted readers to the Daily Mirror in the early 1900s?
4 What did the British tabloids not concentrate on in the past?
5 According to the author, what has serious reporting been affected by?
___ / 5

8 Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki ułożonymi w odpowiedniej kolejności.
can see teenagers in I all it problem illustrates the keen not on photo the first photos of three the
two of me think makes will it students to appeal
Ann: We need to choose one of these three pictures for our ‘Teen Smartphone Addiction’ article.
0 I can see teenagers in all of the photos. Which photo do you like best?
Beth: I’m 1 ______________________________ because it looks too depressing to me.
Ann: Photo number 2 ______________________________ a party. The teens look cheerful here.
Beth: But is it more suitable than picture three? I don’t think 3 ______________________________ well.
The problem of addiction is rather serious.
Ann: You’re right. So, 4 ______________________________, the third one is the best.
Beth: Yes, and I’m sure 5 ______________________________.
Ann: OK. Let’s use this one then.
___ / 5

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9 Obejrzałeś/Obejrzałaś wywiad z autorem/autorką Twoich ulubionych książek. Podziel się swoimi
wrażeniami na blogu.
– Napisz, gdzie, kiedy i w jakich okolicznościach obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś ten wywiad.
– Zrelacjonuj przebieg wywiadu.
– Napisz, jakie wrażenie zrobiła na Tobie ta osoba.
– Poleć czytelnikom Twojego bloga którąś z książek tego autora / tej autorki.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hi guys! Today I want to tell you ...


___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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