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03 Activity 1


Foreign and Economic
Policies of the
The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016
aims for inclusive growth through good
governance, economic growth, and
poverty reduction. It focuses on
transparency, economic stability, industry
competitiveness, infrastructure
development, and social services access.
This plan guides policy and development
efforts for six years, with the goal of
reducing poverty and improving human
development in the Philippines.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
CREATE: Can you create a hypothetical social program APPLY: How can the principles of good governance
that aligns with the goals of the Philippine and anti-corruption be practically integrated into the
Development Plan to empower marginalized day-to-day operations of government agencies to
communities. Provide an overview of the program's Create support the plan's objectives?
key features.

Evaluate UNDERSTAND: Can you explain the concept of

EVALUATE: Assess the potential challenges
"inclusive growth" as it is defined in the plan
and obstacles the Philippines may face in
and how it differs from traditional economic
implementing the plan and achieving its Analyze
objectives. Suggest ways to address these
challenges effectively.
ANALYZE: Analyze the specific REMEMBER: What is the overarching
strategies mentioned in the plan to Understand theme of the Philippine
boost industry competitiveness. How Development Plan 2011-2016, and
do these strategies contribute to the Remember why is it considered important?.
overall goal of inclusive growth?
Developing Planning Part I
The National Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA) in the Philippines, established in 1973, was
responsible for economic planning. It took over the
roles of the National Economic Council and
Presidential Economic Staff. NEDA created plans for
economic growth, fiscal responsibility, and social
services under both the Marcos and Aquino
administrations. The focus was on infrastructure
development and attracting private capital
investment to promote growth. This development
plan’s primary goal was to address social problems
that were experienced daily by the Filipinos
particularly alleviating poverty, reducing
unemployment, and promoting social justice and
equity in order to attain sustainable growth in the
Bloom’s Taxonomy
CREATE: What action plan did the National APPLY: What were the themes of Aquino's
Economic and Development Authority conducted Campaign in the year 1987-1992?
in order to address the circumstances regarding
with the national economy? Create

EVALUATE: What can you say about the Evaluate UNDERSTAND: Explain briefly what is the
project of National Economic and main idea discussed on the topic?.
Development Authority? Is it feasible for Analyze
its effectiveness?

ANALYZE: Why is growth REMEMBER: Can you list some of
encourage largely through the Understand the goals to be achieved through
provision of infastractures and the economic plans stated in the
incentives for investment by
Remember text?
private capital?
Development Planning
Part II
In the late 1980s and early 1990s,
the Philippines faced economic
challenges, falling short of its
growth targets due to issues with
exports and imports, internal
conflicts, and international
creditor relations. The government
had a history of encouraging
investment, but policies faced
criticism and revisions.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
CREATE: How could the Philippine government APPLY: How did the Philippine government
have improved its economic policies and incentivize investment, and what changes were
planning to better achieve its targets, considering made to the incentive structure over time?
the challenges mentioned? Create

EVALUATE: What impact did the removal Evaluate UNDERSTAND: Why did the economic
of specific assistance to exporters in the performance fall short of plan targets
1987 Investment Code have on foreign Analyze according to the text? .
investment and the economy?

ANALYZE: What were the REMEMBER: What were the key
criticisms of the incentive Understand economic performance
structure in the late 1960s and indicators?
1970s, and how did it affect the Remember

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