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By Babette Ulmer – A semi-circular shawl with an eyelet pattern.

2 colours fingering yarn with approximate length of 365 m (400 yds)/100 g).

Locoporella Merino Singles (100 % wool, approximate length 365 m (400 yds)/100 g):
A = Cin Cin 175 g = 639 m (700 yds)
B = Kobalt 55 g = 200 m (220 yds)

40 cm x 210 cm (15.5“ x 82.5“).

© Babette Ulmer. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.

26 sts and 56 R = 10 x 10 cm (4“ x 4“) measured over garter stitch using 3.5 mm (US 4) needles.
Measure the swatch after washing and drying.

3.5 mm (US 4) circular needles, ca. 80 cm (32“) lang.

Tapestry needle for weaving in the yarn ends.

Abbreviations and Definitions

k = knit
k2tog = knit two stitches together
st(s) = stitch(es)
p = purl
R(s) = row(s)
RS = right side
WS = wrong side
yo = (yarn over) bring the yarn over the needle

And here we go!

Garter-Tab R 2 (WS) - increases: K3, (k1, yo, k1) into the yo
Cast on 3 sts using colour A. of previous row, k to 4 sts before end, (k1, yo,
k1) into the yo of previous row, k3. (+ 4)

37 R garter stitch using colour A R 3 – 116: Repeat R 1 and 2 another 57 times.

R 1 (WS) colour A: K to end. (= 372 sts)
R 2 (RS): K to end. R 117 (RS) - increases: K3, yo, k to 3 sts before
end, yo, k3. (+ 2 = 374 sts)
R 3 - 36: Repeat R 1 and 2 another 17 times.
Continue working in the following pattern and
R 37 (WS): K to end. colour sequence:
3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
Setup-R 1 (RS) colour A: K3. Do not turn but ro- 13 R garter stitch using colour A,
tate the knitted piece 90 ° clockwise. Pick up 3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
and knit 1 sts from each edge st of the left side 11 R garter stitch using colour A,
edge = 18 M. 3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
Pick up and knit 3 sts from the cast-on edge. (3 9 R garter stitch using colour A,
+ 18 + 3 = 24 sts) 3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
Setup-R 2 (WS): K to end. 7 R garter stitch using colour A,
3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
117 R garter stitch using colour A 5 R garter stitch using colour A,
R 1 (RS) colour A - increases: K3, yo, k to 3 sts 3 R eyelet pattern using colour B,
before end, yo, k3. (+ 2) 3 R garter stitch using colour A,
3 R eyelet pattern using colour B.

© Babette Ulmer. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.

3 R eyelet pattern using colour B Garter stitch using colour A

Continue by following chart or according to the R 1 (RS) colour A - increases: K3, yo, k to 3 sts
written pattern as follows: before end, yo, k3. (+ 2)
R 2 (WS) - increases: K3, (k1, yo, k1) into the yo
R 1 (WS) colour B- increases: K3, (k1, yo, k1) into
of previous row, k to 4 sts before end, (k1, yo,
the yo of previous row, * k2tog, yo, repeat from
k1) into the yo of previous row, k3. (+ 4)
* to 4 sts before end, (k1, yo, k1) into the yo of
previous row, k3. (+ 4)
Repeat R 1 and 2 as many times as necessary for
R 2 (RS) - increases: K3, yo, k1, * k2tog, yo, re-
the pattern and stripe sequence. Ending with RS
peat from * to 4 sts before end, k1, yo, k3. (+ 2)
facing for next row.
R 3 (WS) - increases: K3, (k1, yo, k1) into the yo
of previous row, k1, * yo, k2tog, repeat from *
Cast off all sts using colour B, while cast off the
to 5 sts before end, k1, (k1, yo, k1) into the yo
yo of the previous row 2 times (= knit the yo of
of previous row, k3. (+ 4)
previous row, leave yo on the left needle, cast
off 1 st, knit the yo again and cast off).

Every R is shown. Start with the sts before the pattern repeat, repeat the 2 stitches between the
arrows and end with the sts after the pattern repeat.


= k1 = k2tog = yo

= (k1, yo, k1) into the yo of previous row

© Babette Ulmer. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.

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