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ILO GBDN Self-Assessment

Aligned with the ten principles of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network (GBDN) Charter, and the universal principles th
with Disabilities, the ILO GBDN Self-Assessment enables any local business, in any country, to set priorities for action as they se
business and persons with disabilities.

This free management tool supports ILO GBDN corporate members to realise at national level their commitment to the ILO GBD
compare its performance on the ground - country by country – to determine what direction, standards and resources their nation
promote disability equality and inclusion consistently worldwide.

This confidential, challenging yet achievable performance benchmark is carefully tailored to meet the needs of those business le
approximately two hours to complete. The tool is not intended to measure the performance of a global head office.

The ILO GBDN Self-Assessment enables leaders of a local business to:

• promote equality, access and inclusion for all persons with disabilities as colleagues, potential colleagues, customers and val
• enable a disability confident and inclusive corporate culture.
• advocate as allies for the systemic reforms which enhance the wider economic and societal inclusion of people with disabilitie

Once the Self-Assessment is completed, users get a report indicating progress and priorities for improvement and will be assign
Questions are weighted to reward companies which have mitigated the risk of disability-based discrimination as framed by the un
of Persons with Disabilities and ILO labour standards, and to incentive actions which “fast track” a disability confident corporate c
Users are asked to voluntarily share their confidential results and feedback with the ILO GBDN secretariat, so that this anonymis


The ILO GBDN gratefully acknowledges Susan Scott-Parker’s role as strategist and content architect of this self-assessment too
The Fundamentals: Respect, Fairness, Equality, Accessibility
(for screenreader users, this section has 21 questions)

Fundamentals 1 Answer Useful Tip Resource Links Self Assessment Notes

Every important business transformation requires a Resource Link
Do you have a current documented plan or strategy
plan or strategy that spells out what has to be done
which outlines your in-country senior leadership
Don't Know in order to reach the desired end result. Enabling
commitment to disability equality and to creating an
the corporate best practice called Disability
inclusive culture for all persons with disabilities? Resource Link
Confidence is no different.

Fundamentals 2 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you have a named in-country senior business

leader accountable for delivering across the
You drive disability-related business improvements
business the best practice called Disability
as you would any other business priority, with clear
Confidence, and who will use this Self-Assessment Don't Know Resource Link
lines of accountability, achievable deliverables and
to inform plans to address action priorities? This
KPIs, and realistic but challenging timelines.
leader will also expedite delivery of any existing
disability equality and inclusion plan or strategy.

Fundamentals 3 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

We have learned that we treat people differently to

Do you train your recruiters and hiring managers on treat them fairly and to enable everyone to Resource Link
how to deliver equal opportunities by making contribute to business success. Reasonable
Don't Know
reasonable adjustments/accommodations to your adjustments enhance productivity and employee
recruitment processes, including all those online? engagement, reduce sickness absence and make Resource Link
fair and equal treatment possible.

Fundamentals 4 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

You invite every candidate very early in the
recruitment process to request any reasonable
Do you actively invite and enable candidates with adjustments they might need in order to
disabilities to request any necessary adjustments, at Don't Know demonstrate their potential an equal basis.You risk
every stage of the recruitment process? losing good people, and you risk treating people
unfairly, if you wait until the interview stage to ask
about adjustments.

Fundamentals 5 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

It is too easy to make incorrect assumptions about a
candidate on the basis of a medical label, which is
Do you have a policy which states that, unless you why it is unlawful in some jurisdictions to require
are legally required to do so for certain positions, candidates with disabilities to have pre-emloyment
you will not require candidates, including those with Don't Know medical exams. Research shows that a person's
disabilities, to submit pre-employment medical medical history is not an accurate predictor of their
information? future work performance. The helpful question is:
'what could we do differently which would enable
you to do this job?'.

Fundamentals 6 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Ask people with a wide range of disabilities to test
Do you have evidence that your recruitment process each step of your recruitment process as 'pretend
is barrier-free and enables reasonable adjustments candidates' to identify barriers encountered by
for candidates with disabilities at every step of the people with similar access needs and to test how
Don't Know Resource Link
process (e.g. automated e-recruitment, efficiently you make reasonable adjustments for
assessments using Artificial Intelligence, interviews, individuals. Further, ask every candidate, including
skill tests and/or gamified assessments)? those with disabilities, for feedback on their

Fundamentals 7 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Ensure everyone knows how to request
adjustments, set a 'speed of delivery' standard, so
that adjustments arrive quickly and efficiently - and
Do you have a system that makes it easy for
trust your colleagues. It is very rare for people to
employees with disabilities to request the tools and Don't Know Resource Link
ask for adjustments they do not need. Requiring
flexibility that they need in order to to do their jobs?
employees to medically 'prove' they have a disability
before making it easier for them to do their jobs
creates needless delay and ill will.

Fundamentals 8 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

It is helpful to routinely ask the workforce: 'What
Do you routinely assess whether reasonable
happens when colleagues ask for adjustments?
adjustments are delivered efficiently and effectively
Don't Know How long did we take to provide these tools and Resource Link
for job candidates and for employees with
flexibility? How can we continue to improve the

Fundamentals 9 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you ensure that any training undertaken by your
Require your training providers to ensure premises,
company or by external training providers is
e-learning resources and tests are accessible and
accessible to employees with disabilities and Don't Know
to adjust their teaching methods as needed for
effectively provides reasonable adjustments as

Fundamentals 10 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Employers often report that even when a generic
policy is intended to apply to all employees,
individuals with disabilities are managed differently
Do you have a policy which ensures the and/or their disability specific needs are overlooked
occupational safety and health (OSH) of all in ways which trigger unintended risk. Explicit
Don't Know
employees, and which includes explicit reference to reference to disabled colleagues helpfully reminds
colleagues with disabilities? everyone that these key policies do indeed also
apply to disabled people, whose particular OSH
needs, such as emergency egress, must be

Fundamentals 11 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

All too often the extent to which many people with
Do you have a policy which aims to prevent and
disabilities experience violence and harassment at
eliminate violence and harassment, and which
Don't Know work goes unrecognised. Women with disabilities Resource Link
includes explicit reference to persons with
and people with intellectual disabilities are
particularly vulnerable to such abuse.

Fundamentals 12 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do your employees with disabilities enjoy equal It is important not to make assumptions and confirm
access with their non-disabled peers to company explicitly that employees with disabilities do in fact
Don't Know
benefits such as bonuses, health care, insurance, enjoy equal access to benefits administered by third
well-being programmes? parties, such as insurance or health care providers.

Fundamentals 13 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Responsible companies pay equal pay to persons
with disabilities, even when not legally required to
Do your employees with disabilities receive equal
Don't Know do so. Further, they will expect their suppliers to pay
pay for work of equal value?
at least the nationally set minimum wage to all their
employees and/or sub-contractors.

Fundamentals 14 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

This process always delivers better outcomes when

Do you have a programme or process which the employer has a 'central adjustments budget' so
enables provision of reasonable adjustments for that line managers do not pay from their own
employees who acquire disabilities or whose Don't Know budgets. It is important that the employee and their Resource Link
disability changes over time (i.e. a job retention or manager collaborate to find the sensible 'adjustment
return-to-work programme)? solutions' that enhance productivity, well being, and
employee engagement.

Fundamentals 15 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Focus on the impact of a disability or health
Do you ensure confidentiality of personal disability- condition on someone's work, not on an unhelpful
related information, including requests for Don't Know (medical) label, and aim to provide all employees
reasonable adjustments? with the tools and flexibility that best enable their

Fundamentals 16 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you have a policy which ensures that your
Check that essential 'e-processes' such as online
company’s use of digital technology, including
recruitment are barrier-free at every stage, including
internal use (e.g. intranet, office software) and
Don't Know but not only the website and key communication Resource Link
external use (e.g. websites, social media) does not
channels. Remember the importance of 'user
disadvantage or discriminate against candidates or
employees with disabilities?

Fundamentals 17 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you have a named senior leader in-country
accountable for ensuring that your procurement and
This senior leader would be responsible for creating
use of digital technology (e.g. websites, mobile
Don't Know any policy frameworks needed to drive this business
phones, digital tools, platforms) does not
disadvantage or discriminate against candidates or
employees with disabilities?

Fundamentals 18 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Remember to ensure all your key websites are
Do you have a documented commitment to meeting accessible, including those used by candidates,
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines for Don't Know colleagues and customers. Routinely user test your Resource Link
digital accessibility? sites to ensure that they remain accessible over

Fundamentals 19 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Suppliers such as IT, Facilities Management,
Property, Recruitment, Training & Development,
Do you have procurement policies intended to Market Research, and Communications have a
ensure that all relevant goods, services and facilities direct impact on your accessibility and on how
Don't Know Resource Link
are as accessible and usable as possible by efficiently you provide adjustments for candidates,
persons with disabilities? colleagues and customers. Contracts/service-level
agreements need to specify the necessary
performance standards.

Fundamentals 20 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

National building codes rarely deliver the level of
accessibility and usability of the built environment
that benefits both business and people with
Do you have a nationally applicable policy which
disabilities. The ISO Standard will, in many
aims to go beyond mere compliance with local
Don't Know countries, serve as a better guide to delivering a Resource Link
building codes to achieve at least the level of
truly accessible and inclusive environment. It is
accessbility set by the ISO Standard 21542?
helpful to ask people with a wide range of
disabilities to routinely assess the accessibility and
usability of your built environment.

Fundamentals 21 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Routinley invite people with disabilities to navigate
their way to and through your premises and to
advise you on practical improvements. Remember
Do you have a named senior leader in-country
premises need to be barrier free for groups but
accountable for ensuring your built environments
Don't Know ongoing usability means we also need the built
are accessible and usable for a wide range of
environment to meet the needs of individual users;
people with disabilities?
such as changing the lighting, or moving a parking
bay for a colleague who becomes disabled, or
rearranging a desk.
Promoting a Disability-Confident Good Practice Culture
(for screenreader users, this section has 10 questions)

Culture 1 Answer Useful Tip Resource Links Self Assessment Notes

Do you routinely encourage and enable people with
Don't Know
disabilities to apply for all advertised positions?

Culture 2 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Does your company actively support, in-country, one Such networks can be very helpful, as employees Resource Link
or more Disability Employee Networks or Resource Don't Know with disabilities and their allies in the business learn
Groups? from each other and collaborate to mutual benefit. Resource Link

Culture 3 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Always involve people with personal experience of

Do you routinely conduct awareness raising, for all Resource Link
disability - and always ensure that awareness
managers and employees, which positions disability
raising does not stand alone, but directly reinforces
equality, human rights and good practice as an Don't Know
the direct action that drives business improvement,
ethical and economic imperative, while challenging
such as offering internships to students with Resource Link
stereotypes and stigma?

Culture 4 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you encourage and enable everyone in the Start by asking " what happens when...".
business to learn directly from persons with What happens when you apply for work; when you
disabilities including from at least one of the following need a work place adjustment; when you try to shop
groups – colleagues, potential colleagues, Don't Know with us? These conversations with people with Resource Link
Organisations of Persons with Disabilities, expert disabilities are essential if you are to deliver
advisors with lived experience, customers with disability equality and the best practice we call
disabilities? Disability Confidence.

Culture 5 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Most countries have a national ‘umbrella’

Organisation of Persons with Disabilities (OPD)
affiliated with the International Disability Alliance
(IDA) at global level. To obtain local contact details,
If your company regularly consults with external
remember that many of your employees may well
stakeholders, do these consultations include Don't Know Resource Link
have a disability themselves and be aware of local
Organisations of Persons with Disabilities?
resources and/or will have persons with disabilities
in their immediate circle of family and friends.
Disability NGOs and government officials may also
be able to introduce you to relevant OPDs.

Culture 6 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you routinely offer development opportunities
Bringing people with disabilities into your talent
such as work experience, apprenticeships, on-the-
Don't Know pipelines like this builds your disability confidence, Resource Link
job training, internships and mentoring to persons
as you invest in human potential.
with disabilities?

Culture 7 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Remember 1 in 5 women worldwide have a
Have you reached out to employ women with disability. Remind your mainstream training and
disabilities and/or partnered with programmes that Don't Know recruitment partners that you are aiming for gender
promote their economic empowerment? parity as you employ people with disabilities and
develop their careers.

Culture 8 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Consider partnering with mainstream training
providers to help them also serve people wth
Is your company collaborating with training
disabilities, and bring these disabled
institutions, e.g. universities and vocational training
trainees/learners into your talent pipelines as
centers, that could provide candidates with Don't Know
interns, mentees and apprentices, while offering
disabilities for job vacancies and/or development
practice interviews that build the confidence of both
your hiring managers and these potential

Culture 9 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Many employers wanting to better understand their

workforce, ask employees completing engagement
surveys to volunteer, we stress volunteer, Resource Link
information in complete confidence, regarding their
gender, ethnicity and other characteristics. An
If you monitor employee engagement, do you ask
increasing number now also ask 'do you identify as
colleagues to say if they have a disability when
a person who has a disability?' and then learn from
completing the survey and compare their experience Don't Know
how their responses compare with their non-
and levels of engagement with their non-disabled
disabled counterparts. It is essential to clearly
communicate your purpose (e.g. to better
understand the impact of disability on the company:
to improve your disability and accessibility Resource Link
performance) - and then to be seen to act on what
you learn.

Culture 10 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

If you are obliged to comply with disability

employment quotas, remember that the number of
employees who qualify as quota protected is not an
accurate measure of the numbers of disabled
people you employ, or indeed who could work for
you in the future. Always refer to the UNCRPD's
Do you monitor the number of employees who self- much wider definition of disability. Remember that
identify as having a disability, e.g. through Don't Know many people with disabilities do not think of
anonymous staff surveys? themselves as having a disability or will be reluctant
to describe themselves as 'disabled' given the
stigma, and inaccurate assumptions regarding
'disability,' which limit the life chances of so many.
However, some employers do monitor, and aim to
show they can be trusted with this confidential
personal information. Building such trust takes time.
Enabling dignified and equal access for customers with disabilities
(for screenreader users, this section has 9 questions)

Customer 1 Answer Useful Tip Resource Links Self Assessment Notes

Resource Link

Resource Link
Does your customer service policy ensure equitable Remember that systems and services which work
access for customers with disabilities, across digital, Don't Know well for people with disabilities will work better for
telephonic and retail channels? everyone.
Resource Link

Resource Link

Customer 2 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

15-20 % of your customers in any country will have a

disability, including the many customers who do not
Do you have a named in-country senior leader
identify as having a disability. Many older people, for
accountable for ensuring you meet the needs and
example, do not describe themselves as 'disabled' -
expectations of disabled people as valued Don't Know
yet 1 in 3 customers aged 50-64 will have a
customers, across digital, telephonic and retail
disability. Remember that removing disability and
accessibility-related barriers enhance the
experience of every customer.

Customer 3 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you train your customer service colleagues on
how to welcome and serve customers with Don't Know

Customer 4 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Maximise return on investment by ensuring every
customer is aware of your accessible products and
Do you routinely communicate the nature and services, and can see that you do indeed value all
availability of your accessible products and services Don't Know your customers. Remember, many customers will
to all existing and potential customers? have a family member or close friend who has a
disability, and many customers will acquire a
disability in time.

Customer 5 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Market research must capture the particular needs,

experiences and expectations of older and disabled
consumers if you are to offer a truly inclusive, usable
Do your customer satisfaction surveys capture the
and appealing portfolio of products and services. It is
views and experiences of customers with disabilities Don't Know
important to also learn from disabled and older
as a distinct customer segment?
consumers who have walked away, having found
your products and services to be inaccessible,
inappropriate or poorly designed.

Customer 6 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you maximise accessibility for every customer by
offering a contact mix, which can include contact
centres, social media, email, chat or instant Don't Know
messaging, text messaging, video calls, telephone
calls and post?

Customer 7 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you engage directly with a wide range of

customers and experts with disabilities, e.g. through
Disability Employee Networks and/or Organisations Don't Know
of Persons with Disabilities, to ensure your products
and services are inclusively designed?

Customer 8 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you have explicit standards which ensure that

your physical, telephonic and online environments,
Don't Know
including print and social media are fully accessible
and easy to navigate for customers with disabilities?

Customer 9 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Your marketing and advertising people need to

Are a wide range of people with disabilities
actively involve people with disabilities as
positively and accurately represented in your
Don't Know consumers, advisors and key stakeholders to ensure Resource Link
externally facing media, advertising and marketing
accurate and respectful representation that mirrors
the diversity of the markets in which you operate.
Allyship and Reporting
(for screenreader users, this section has 7 questions)

Allyship 1 Answer Useful Tip Resource Links Self Assessment Notes

Investments which create job markets that more

efficiently open access to talent with disabilities, drive Resource Link
environmental as well as social benefits.The
Do you reference your commitment to disability Sustainable Development Goals require inclusion of
equality and inclusion in your Environmental, Social, the world's 1.3 billion people with disabilities as a
Don't Know
Governance (ESG) and/or Corporate Social human rights and economic development imperative.
Responsibility (CSR) strategies? Expand the reach and impact of every ESG
investment by insisting that people with disabilitis are
actively engaged and that their specified needs and Resource Link
aspirations are meaningfully addressed.

Allyship 2 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Do you communicate your efforts to promote the
equality and inclusion of persons with disabilities in
Don't Know Resource Link
your company's standard ESG and/or CSR
reporting processes?

Allyship 3 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

National Business and Disability Networks can
Do you invest in local job market programmes which facilitate the partnerships which enable employers to
enable people with disabilities to acquire the apply their collective influence to enable people with
technical and soft skills that are in demand by local Don't Know disabilities to gain the skills and certifications that Resource Link
employers? These programmes could be run by local employers require - which in turn makes it
your own organisation or by partners. easier to recruit from this often overlooked talent

Allyship 4 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Ask people with a wide range of disabilities to test

Do you routinely encourage and enable persons
your procurement process to make sure it is
with disabilities as entrepreneurs and freelancers to Don't Know
accessible at every stage to persons with disabilities
come into your supply chain?
as freelancers, suppliers and entrepreneurs.

Allyship 5 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Start by building the disability confidence of those
suppliers that have a direct impact on your own
ability to deliver best practice, e.g. Property &
Facilities Management, ICT, Recruitment & HR,
Market Research, Learning & Development, New
Do you support your suppliers to improve their
Don't Know Product Development, Communications. All have a
disability equality and inclusion practices?
critically important role to play if you are to become
truly barrier free for groups with similar access
requirements - while making the reasonable
adjustments for individuals that makes disability
equality possible.

Allyship 6 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

National Business and Disability Networks enable

members to deliver the corporate best practice called
Disability Confidence. They can provide practical,
business-relevant resources in partnership with
leaders from the disability community. It is much
more cost effective for businesses collectively to joint
Do you belong to a National Business and Disability
Don't Know fund a shared expert resource than for each Resource Link
Network (NBDN)?
enterprise to tackle this capacity building in isolation.
Consider convening influential local business leaders
to create such a network if one does not yet exist.
See the ILO Global Business and Disabilty Network
for more information, as more than 30 of such
national networks are part of it.

Allyship 7 Answer Useful Tip Self Assessment Notes

Everyone wins: excluded groups, business,
Do you routinely communicate your disability communities, economies - when highly regarded
equality and inclusion initiatives to internal and business leaders communicate their genuine
external stakeholders, e.g. suppliers, NGOs, commitment to, and investment in, enabling
Organisations of Persons with Disabilities, public Don't Know everyone's contribution to business success and to
policy makers, employer federations, the general economic growth. Such communciations also serve
public - such as in social media, newsletters, to effectively challenge the many unhelpful
publications, marketing or other channels? stereotypes regarding both business and persons
with disabilities whch hinder progress.
Scorecard Foundational Practitioner Leader

The Fundamentals: Respect, Fairness, Equality, Accessibility* 0%

Promoting a Disability Confident Best Practice Culture* 0%

Enabling dignified and equal access for customers with disabilities 0%

Allyship and Reporting 0%

Overall Benchmark*

Significant Risks Register:

Fundamentals 1
Do you have a current documented plan or strategy which outlines your in-country senior leadership commitment Significant risk of Resource Link
to disability equality and to creating an inclusive culture for all persons with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment Resource Link
Fundamentals 2
Do you have a named in-country senior business leader accountable for delivering across the business the best
Significant risk of
practice called Disability Confidence, and who will use this Self-Assessment to inform plans to address action unfair,discriminatory treatment
Resource Link
priorities? This leader will also expedite delivery of any existing disability equality and inclusion plan or strategy.
*Note - Answering "No" or "Don't Know" to the above question its not only a significant risk it also means the organisation cannot progress beyond Foundational Level in the benchmark
Fundamentals 3
Do you train your recruiters and hiring managers on how to deliver equal opportunities by making reasonable Significant risk of Resource Link
adjustments/accommodations to your recruitment processes, including all those online? unfair,discriminatory treatment Resource Link
Fundamentals 4
Do you actively invite and enable candidates with disabilities to request any necessary adjustments, at every Significant risk of
stage of the recruitment process? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 5
Do you have a policy which states that, unless you are legally required to do so for certain positions, you will not Significant risk of
require candidates, including those with disabilities, to submit pre-employment medical information? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 6
Do you have evidence that your recruitment process is barrier-free and enables reasonable adjustments for
Significant risk of
candidates with disabilities at every step of the process (e.g. automated e-recruitment, assessments using unfair,discriminatory treatment
Resource Link
Artificial Intelligence, interviews, skill tests and/or gamified assessments)?
Fundamentals 7

Do you have a system that makes it easy for employees with disabilities to request the tools and flexibility that Significant risk of
Resource Link
they need in order to to do their jobs? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 8
Do you routinely assess whether reasonable adjustments are delivered efficiently and effectively for job Moderate risk of
Resource Link
candidates and for employees with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 9
Do you ensure that any training undertaken by your company or by external training providers is accessible to Moderate risk of
employees with disabilities and effectively provides reasonable adjustments as needed? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 10
Do you have a policy which ensures the occupational safety and health (OSH) of all employees, and which Significant risk of
includes explicit reference to colleagues with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 11
Do you have a policy which aims to prevent and eliminate violence and harassment, and which includes explicit Significant risk of
Resource Link
reference to persons with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 12
Do your employees with disabilities enjoy equal access with their non-disabled peers to company benefits such Significant risk of
as bonuses, health care, insurance, well-being programmes? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 13
Significant risk of
Do your employees with disabilities receive equal pay for work of equal value? unfair,discriminatory treatment
Fundamentals 14
Do you have a programme or process which enables provision of reasonable adjustments for employees who Significant risk of
Resource Link
acquire disabilities or whose disability changes over time (i.e. a job retention or return-to-work programme)? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 15
Do you ensure confidentiality of personal disability-related information, including requests for reasonable Significant risk of
adjustments? unfair,discriminatory treatment
Fundamentals 16
Do you have a policy which ensures that your company’s use of digital technology, including internal use (e.g.
Significant risk of
intranet, office software) and external use (e.g. websites, social media) does not disadvantage or discriminate unfair,discriminatory treatment
Resource Link
against candidates or employees with disabilities?
Fundamentals 17
Do you have a named senior leader in-country accountable for ensuring that your procurement and use of digital
Significant risk of
technology (e.g. websites, mobile phones, digital tools, platforms) does not disadvantage or discriminate against unfair,discriminatory treatment
candidates or employees with disabilities?
Fundamentals 18

Do you have a documented commitment to meeting World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines for digital Moderate risk of
Resource Link
accessibility? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 19

Do you have procurement policies intended to ensure that all relevant goods, services and facilities are as Significant risk of
Resource Link
accessible and usable as possible by persons with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 20

Do you have a nationally applicable policy which aims to go beyond mere compliance with local building codes to Significant risk of
Resource Link
achieve at least the level of accessbility set by the ISO Standard 21542? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Fundamentals 21

Do you have a named senior leader in-country accountable for ensuring your built environments are accessible Significant risk of
and usable for a wide range of people with disabilities? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Culture 3
Do you routinely conduct awareness raising, for all managers and employees, which positions disability equality, Resource Link
human rights and good practice as an ethical and economic imperative, while challenging stereotypes and Significant for potential impact
stigma? Resource Link
Culture 4
Do you encourage and enable everyone in the business to learn directly from persons with disabilities including
from at least one of the following groups – colleagues, potential colleagues, Organisations of Persons with Significant for potential impact Resource Link
Disabilities, expert advisors with lived experience, customers with disabilities?
*Note - Answering "No" or "Don't Know" to the above question its not only a significant risk it also means the organisation cannot progress beyond Foundational Level in the benchmark
Culture 8
Is your company collaborating with training institutions, e.g. universities and vocational training centers, that
Significant for potential impact
could provide candidates with disabilities for job vacancies and/or development opportunities?
Customer 2
Do you have a named in-country senior leader accountable for ensuring you meet the needs and expectations of Significant risk of
disabled people as valued customers, across digital, telephonic and retail channels? unfair,discriminatory treatment

Customer 3
Do you train your customer service colleagues on how to welcome and serve customers with disabilities? Significant for potential impact

Customer 7
Do you engage directly with a wide range of customers and experts with disabilities, e.g. through Disability
Significant risk of
Employee Networks and/or Organisations of Persons with Disabilities, to ensure your products and services are unfair,discriminatory treatment
inclusively designed?
Allyship 3
Do you invest in local job market programmes which enable people with disabilities to acquire the technical and
soft skills that are in demand by local employers? These programmes could be run by your own organisation or Significant for potential impact Resource Link
by partners.

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