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Detection and classification of gastrointestinal

disease using convolutional neural network and

Melaku Bitew Haile, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Belay Enyew & Abebech Jenber
Belay |

To cite this article: Melaku Bitew Haile, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Belay Enyew & Abebech
Jenber Belay | (2022) Detection and classification of gastrointestinal disease using
convolutional neural network and SVM, Cogent Engineering, 9:1, 2084878, DOI:

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Published online: 06 Jun 2022.

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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878


Detection and classification of gastrointestinal
disease using convolutional neural network and
Received: 11 February 2022 Melaku Bitew Haile1, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau2,3*, Belay Enyew1 and Abebech Jenber Belay1
Accepted: 19 May 2022
Abstract: Gastrointestinal tract is a series of hollow organs connected in a long
*Corresponding author: Ayodeji
Olalekan Salau, Department of tube twisting from the mouth to the anus. Recovery of gastrointestinal diseased
Electrical/Electronics and Computer patients depends on the early diagnosis of the disease and proper treatment. In
Engineering, Afe Babalola University,
Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria recent years, the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases using endoscopic
image classification has become an active area of research in the biomedical
Reviewing editor: domain. However, previous studies show that there is a need for improvement as
Zhongmin Jin, Xian Jiao Tong
University (China) and Leeds some classes are more difficult to identify than others. In this study, we propose
University.(UK), Xi’An, Shaanxi, China
a concatenated neural network model by concatenating the extracted features of
Additional information is available at VGGNet and InceptionNet networks to develop a gastrointestinal disease diagnosis
the end of the article
model. The deep convolutional neural networks VGGNet and InceptionNet are
trained and used to extract features from the given endoscopic images. These
extracted features are then concatenated and classified using machine learning
classification techniques (Softmax, k-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, and Support
Vector Machine). Among these techniques, support vector machine (SVM) achieved


Ayodeji Olalekan Salau received the M.Sc. and The digestive system consists of the gastroin­
Ph.D. degrees in Electronic and Electrical testinal tract and other organs which help the
Engineering from the Obafemi Awolowo body to break down and absorb food. The gas­
University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. His research interests trointestinal tract may be affected by a variety of
include computer vision, artificial diseases which affect its functionality. The
Intelligenceintelligence, and machine learning. domain of gastrointestinal endoscopy includes
Dr. Salau serves as a reviewer and editor for the endoscopic diagnosis of various digestive
numerous reputable international journals. His diseases using image analysis and various
research has been published in a number of devices. Endoscopy is currently the preferred
reputable international conferences, book series, method for examining the gastrointestinal tract;
and major international journals. He is a recipient however, previous studies have shown that there
of the Quarterly Franklin Membership given by is a need for improvement as some classes are
the Editorial Board of London Journals Press in more difficult to identify than others. In this
Ayodeji Olalekan Salau 2020 for top qualitytop-quality research output. study, we proposed a concatenated neural net­
In 2020, Dr. Salau’s paper was awarded the best work model by concatenating the extracted fea­
paper of the year 2019 in Cogent Engineering. In tures of VGGNet and InceptionNet networks to
addition, he is the recipient of the International develop a gastrointestinal disease diagnosis
Research Award on New Science Inventions model. The deep convolutional neural networks
under the category of “Best Researcher Award” VGGNet and InceptionNet are trained and used
given by ScienceFather in 2020. In 2021, he was to extract features from the given endoscopy
given the International Scientist Award on images. The proposed model achieves
Engineering, Science, and Medicine. Presently, a classification accuracy of 98% and Matthews’s
Dr. Salau works at Afe Babalola University in the Correlation Coefficient of 97.8%, which is
Department of Electrical/Electronics and a significant improvement over previous techni­
Computer Engineering. ques and other neural network architectures.

© 2022 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Page 1 of 23
Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

the best performance compared to others, using the available standard dataset.
The proposed model achieves a classification accuracy of 98% and Matthews’s
Correlation Coefficient of 97.8%, which is a significant improvement over previous
techniques and other neural network architectures.

Subjects: General Science; Bioinformatics; Algorithms & Complexity; Medicine

Keywords: Convolutional neural network; Concatenated model; Endoscopy imaging;

Gastrointestinal disease; Classification

1. Introduction
The human gastrointestinal tract is prone to several abnormal outcomes from minor discomfort to
life-threatening diseases (Naz et al., 2021). Gastrointestinal tract diseases such as ulcers, bleeding,
polyps, Crohn’s disease, colorectal cancer, tumor cancer, and other related diseases are well known
today worldwide (Jha et al., 2021). According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the
number of new cases of gastrointestinal cancer and the number of related deaths worldwide in 2018
is estimated at 4.8 million and is responsible for 26% of global cancer cases and 35% of all cancer
deaths (Naz et al., 2021). Early diagnosis of various gastrointestinal diseases can result in effective
treatment and reduce the risk of mortality. Unfortunately, various gastrointestinal diseases are
undetectable or create confusion during screening by medical experts due to noise in the images
which suppress important details (Borgli et al., 2020; Khan, Majid et al., 2021; Ramzan et al., 2021).
Visual assessment of endoscopy images is subjective, often time-consuming, and minimally repeti­
tive, which could lead to an inaccurate diagnosis (Borgli et al., 2020). The use of artificial intelligence
(AI) in a variety of gastrointestinal endoscopic applications has the potential to improve clinical
practice and improve the efficiency and precision of current diagnostic methods (Chanie et al.,
2020; Woreta et al., 2015).
Several studies have been conducted to classify gastrointestinal diseases with the goal of making a
significant contribution to the effective diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
However, several studies used a small amount of data , and the majority of research studies aimed
to classify a small number of gastrointestinal disorders in a specific part of the human gastrointest­
inal system. However, in Borgli et al. (2020), a series of experiments were conducted based on deep
convolutional neural networks to classify 23 different classes of images. The authors achieved a
Matthews Correlation Coefficient of 0.902. More importantly, the study showed that there is a need
for improvement as some gastrointestinal diseases are more difficult to identify than others.

Deep learning techniques are another form of machine learning techniques which have been
used in several areas of gastrointestinal endoscopy including colorectal polyp detection and
classification, analysis of endoscopic images for diagnosis of helicobacter pylori infection detection
and depth assessment of early gastric cancer, and detection of various abnormalities in wireless
capsule endoscopy images (Khan, Nasir et al., 2021; Khan, Sarfraz et al., 2020; Majid et al., 2020).
Öztürk & Özkaya (2020) stated that due to the deficiencies of radiologists and other human factors
which could lead to a false diagnosis, a computer-aided automated system would be useful for
accurately diagnosing gastrointestinal polyps in the early stages of cancer. In this paper, we
proposed a gastrointestinal disease diagnosis model that uses SVM as a classifier to determine
which of the 23 gastrointestinal diseases the endoscopic scan images correspond to. The main
contributions of this paper are as follows:

● We propose a novel concatenated feature extraction model of the VGGNet and InceptionNet deep
learning models for endoscopic image classification. This method builds on convolving images using
concatenated VGGNET and InceptionNet architectures for feature modeling and then classifying
these features using RBF kernel-based multi-support vector machine. The proposed approach avoids
the use of handcrafted feature extraction and selection. Furthermore, the proposed model over­
comes the problem of over-fitting and requires few parameters to learn discriminant features.

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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

● We consider two popular pre-trained CNN models with transfer learning principles for robustness
testing of the proposed model.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of related
works. Section 3 explains the materials and methods, while Section 4 articulates the experimental
results and comparative analysis. Finally, Section 5 deals with the concluding remarks.

2. Related works
Over the past few years, the strength of deep learning algorithms have been explored in the field
of endoscopy including capsule endoscopy, esophagus-astro-duodenoscopy, and colonoscopy to
help doctors successfully diagnose various gastrointestinal lesions (Borgli et al., 2020; Chanie et al.,
2020; Khan, Nasir et al., 2021; Khan, Khan et al., 2020; Gamage et al., 2019). Nowadays, deep
learning approaches especially CNN has become a powerful machine learning technique in image
processing tasks such as the classification of gastrointestinal diseases.

Borgli et al. (2020) carried out a series of experiments based on deep convolutional neural
networks using applied common architectures with a slight modification to classify 23 different
classes of images with the help of Pre-Trained ResNet-50, Pre-Trained ResNet-152, Pre-Trained
DensNet-161, Averaged ResNet-152 + DenseNet-161, and ResNet-152 + DenseNet-161 + MLP
which achieve a Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) of 0.826, 0.898, 0.899, 0.899, and 0.902,
respectively. However, the results also show that there is room for improvement as some classes
are more difficult to identify than others (difficulty in classifying ulcerative colitis and esophagitis,
difficulty in classifying dyed lifted polyps and dyed resection margins, and difficulty in classifying­
barrettes from esophagitis or z-line).

The descriptive study of Woreta et al. (2015) conducted at Gondar University Hospital based on
patient data indicates that esophago-gastroduodenal pathology was detected in 1093 (83.4%)
patients of which duodenal ulcer was the most common endoscopic findings obtained from 333
(25.4%) cases.

The study performed by Chanie et al. (2020) at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College
on 128 patients varices indicates that the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding
was observed in 46.1% (59), followed by peptic ulcer disease, 24.2% (31), esophagitis, 3.9% (5),
gastritis, 6.3% (8), duodenitis, 3.1% (4), and malignancy, 4.7% (6), while 10 patients (7.8%) had
both varices and ulcer. The proportion of deaths in the study was 17.2%.

Khan, Nasir et al., (2021) presented a ulcer segmentation approach based on deep learning of the
modified Recurrent CNN masks for the detection of ulcers and classification of gastrointestinal
diseases (ulcer, polyp, bleeding). During the classification phase, the ResNet101 pre-trained CNN
model is further developed through transfer learning to derive deep characteristics. Grasshopper
optimization and the minimal distance fitness function were used to improve the acquired deep
features. For the final classification, the best-selected features are fed into a multi-support vector
machine classifier using the cubic kernel function. Validation is done with a private data set, which
achieves a MOC of 88.08% for ulcer segmentation and 99.92% for the classification accuracy. The
ulcer regions were not correctly segmented because of the small amount of training data which lead
to the failure of the approach to segment polyp and bleeding regions.

Gamage et al. (2019) used pre-trained DenseNet-201, ResNet-18, and VGG-16 CNN models as
feature extractors with a global average pooling (GAP) layer to produce an ensemble of deep
features as a single feature vector with a promising accuracy of 97.38%. Only eight classes of
digestive tract anomalies were predicted by the suggested method.

Takiyama et al. (2018) proposed an alternative CNN-based classification model for categorizing
the anatomical location of the human digestive tract. This technique could classify EGD images

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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

into four large anatomical locations (larynx, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum) and three
subcategories for stomach images (upper, middle, and lower regions). A predetermined CNN
architecture called GoogleNet was used for this classification problem, which achieved a high

Owais et al. (2019) proposed a CNN and TML classification framework for the classification of
several gastrointestinal diseases using endoscopic videos with a dataset containing a total of 77
video files with52,471 images. They considered a total of 37 different classes (both diseased and
normal cases) related to the human GI tract and achieved an average accuracy of 92.57%.
However, more data was required to improve the systems performance and due to the limited
size of the dataset, it was not possible to use different videos for training and testing, because
most of the classes (about 21 out of 37 classes) consisted of single-patient data (one video per

Sharif et al. (2019) proposed a new technique based on merging deep CNN and geometrical
functions. Initially, the disease regions are extracted from the given WCE images using a new
approach called improved contrast color features. The geometric features were derived from the
segmented disease area. Thereafter, a unique fusion of the deep CNN functions, VGG16 and VGG19
was carried out based on the Euclidean Fisher Vector. The unique features are combined with
geometric features which are then used to choose the best features using the conditional entropy
approach. K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) was used to classify the selected features. For the evaluation
of the suggested method, a privately gathered database of 5500 WCE images was used which
achieved a classification accuracy of 99.42% and a precision rate of 99.51%. However, the authors
obtained just three classification classes, namely: ulcers, bleeding, and health.

Shichijo et al. (2017) proposed a deep learning CAD tool for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori) infection. The proposed framework employed two-step CNN models. In the first step,
a 22-layer deep CNN was refined for classification (i.e., positive or negative) of H. pylori infection.
Then, in step 2, another CNN was used to further classify the data set (EGD images) according to
eight different anatomical locations to achieve an accuracy of 83.1%.

Segu et al. (2016) introduced a deep CNN system for characterizing small intestine motility. This
CNN-based method exploited the general representation of six different intestinal motility events
by extracting deep features, which resulted in superior classification performance when compared
to the other handcrafted feature-based methods. Although they achieved a high classification
performance of 96% accuracy, they only considered a limited number of classes.

Li et al. (2012) used machine learning methods to analyze lymph node metastasis in gastric
cancer using gemstone spectral imaging. They used feature selection and metric learning methods
to reduce data dimension and feature space, and then used the kNN classifier to distinguish lymph
node metastasis from non-lymph node metastasis using 38 lymph node samples in gastric cancer
to achieve an overall accuracy of 96.33%. Wang et al. (2015) proposed a system for detecting
polyps in colonoscopy. It can generate an alert with real-time feedback during colonoscopy. The
authors used visual elements and a rule-based classifier to detect polyp borders. The system
achieved an accuracy of 97.7% for polyp detection.

A multiscale approach for detecting ulcers was introduced by Souaidi et al. (2019). The authors
retrieved texture patterns such as the entire pyramids of LBP and Laplacian, and then classified
them using SVM. They tested the system on two WCE datasets and found that it achieved
accuracies of 95.11% and 93.88%. Li & Meng (2012) proposed a framework for wireless CE images
through integrated LBP and discrete wave transformation to extract texture characteristics from
scale and rotation invariants. Finally, the selected characteristics were categorized using the SVM

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By combining the bag-of-features (BoF) approach with the salience map, Yuan & Meng (2014)
proposed an integrated polyp identification system. The bag-of-features approach uses a Scale-
Invariant Feature Transformation feature vector with k-means clustering to characterize local
features in the first stage. The saliency map was then used to generate a histogram, which was
then used to extract saliency features. Finally, the BoF and primary attributes were sent into the
SVM classifier, which was used to classify the data. For the detection of polyps and ulcers in the
small intestine in CE, Karargyris & Bourbakis (2011) proposed a geometric and texture-based
technique. The images were pre-processed with Log Gabor filters and the SUSAN edge detector,
and geometrical features were retrieved to determine the polyp and ulcer area. To identify normal
and pathological tissues, Li & Meng (2012) employed discrete wavelet processing and a uniform
local binary model (LBP) with SVM. Wavelet transform combines the ability of multi-resolution and
uniform LBP analysis in this feature extraction approach to give robustness to lighting fluctuations,
resulting in superior performance.

Most of the presented approaches have been designed to classify a limited number of gastro­
intestinal diseases in a specific portion of the human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, feature
extraction is a challenging task in medical imaging for recognition of infections because of
additional and irrelevant features, or noises that degrades the overall recognition accuracy. Also,
some gastrointestinal diseases are difficult to identify from the other disease types. Therefore, to
deal with these challenges, in this paper, we employ different image processing stages. Finally, we
used deep feature concatenation as a single feature vector by combining VGGNet and
InceptionNet models as feature extractors, followed by a SVM classification.

3. Material and methods

3.1. Dataset acquisition

In this paper, we used the publicly available HyperKvasir Dataset (Borgli et al., 2020). The dataset is
composed of endoscopic imagery from inside the GIT which has 23 different classes. It contains
anatomical landmarks such as cecum, ileum, retroflex-rectum, pylorus, retroflex-stomach, z-line,
and pathological findings such as hemorrhoids, polyps, ulcerative-colitis-grade-0-1, ulcerative
colitis grade-1, ulcerative colitis grade-1-2, ulcerative colitis grade-2, ulcerative colitis grade-2-3,
ulcerative colitis grade-3, Barrett’s, short segment Barrett, esophagitis-a, esophagitis b-d, and

Figure 1. Image samples of the

various labeled classes.

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Figure 2. Original and resultant

image after noise removal.

quality of mucosal views which include bbps 0–1, bbps 2–3, and impacted stool and therapeutic
interventions; dyed-lifted-polyps, dyed-resection-margins. In total, the dataset contains 10,662
labeled images stored using the JPEG format. Finally, the data is split into 70/30 which means 70%
for training, 20% for testing, and 10% of the data for validation. Image samples of the various
labeled classes for gastrointestinal disease are shown in Figure 1.

3.2. Proposed methodology

The proposed gastrointestinal disease classification model development comprises of different
processes such as preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification.

3.2.1. Preprocessing
Each endoscopy image is stored, and its quality might be degraded by different factors such as no
uniform intensity, variations, motions, shift, and noise. Thus, it requires preprocessing techniques
to reduce the disease identification complexity. In this study, we used image preprocessing
techniques such as image resizing, and noise filtering techniques. Image resizing. The dataset has images that have a uniform size of 100 × 100 resolution,
but due to our computer performance, the image resolution of the original image needed to be
resized before feeding it into the model. Therefore, the size of the image was resized to a
resolution of 32 × 32. Denoising. Medical images play a vital role in disseminating information about polyps,
cancers, hemorrhoids, and other diseases. A major challenge in the process of medical imaging is
to obtain an image without the loss of any significant information. The images obtained were
affected by noise, and this noise affects the classification accuracy of the proposed model. Basic
digital image filters like Gaussian filter (GF), Median filter (MF), and Adaptive Median filter (AMF)
(Guan et al., 2014) are common filters used to remove noise in medical images. In this study, we
compared GF, MF, and AMF todetermine the most suitable filtering technique that improves the
classification performance of the proposed model.
i. Adaptive median filter

Adaptive median filter (AMF) is being applied widely as an advanced denoising technique
compared with the traditional median filter because the AMF executes spatial processing to
determine which pixels in the image has been affected by noise. It classifies pixels by comparison
of each pixel in the image to its surrounding neighbor pixel. It preserves image details such as
edges and smoothens non-impulsive noise, while the standard median filter does not (Ali, 2018).
An illustration of the resultant image after using the noise removal technique is shown in Figure 2. Data augmentation. Deep learning has been used to classify several types of medical images
over the past few years and has achieved a desirable performance. This was found to be true when there
is an extensive amount of data that helps to attain the desired performance model. The limitations of
the lack of training data are addressed through augmentation and transfer learning, which is very

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Figure 3. The proposed VGGNet

CNN model architecture.

essential because of the inadequate medical datasets. Data augmentation enhances classification
performance and prevents the overfitting issue since it offers a large amount of data (Shorten &
Khoshgoftaar, 2019). In this paper, we applied rotation of 45°, width_shift_range = 0.2, height_shif­
t_range = 0.2, and horizontal flip augmentation technique. After augmentation, the dataset is increased
to 47,398 images.

3.2.2. Feature extraction

Feature extraction is a type of dimensionality reduction where a large number of pixels of an
image are efficiently represented in such a way that essential parts of the image are captured
effectively. For feature extraction, a concatenated model of VGGNet and the InceptionNet CNN
architectures was used. The concatenation process of the two model features integrates the
information from the different CNNs to create a more discriminative feature representation than
when only the feature extracted from a single CNN model is used since different CNN architectures
can capture diverse information of input images which increase their performance compared to

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Table 1. Parameters of the proposed VGGNet architecture of the CNN model

Operation Kernel/stride Filter size Output shape Parameter
2D convolution 1 3 × 3/1 32 32 x 32 x 32 896
2D convolution 2 3 × 3/1 32 32 x 32 x 32 9248
Batch normalization - - 32 x 32 x 32 128
2D maxpooling1 2 × 2/- - 16 x 16 x 32 0
Dropout 1 - - 16 x16 x 32 0
2D convolution 3 3 × 3/1 64 16 x 16 x 64 18,496
2D convolution 4 3 × 3/1 64 16 x 16 x 64 36,928
Batch normalization - - 16 x 16 x 64 256
2D MaxPooling 2 2 × 2/- - 8 x 8 x 64 0
Dropout 3 - - 8 x 8 x 64 0
2D convolution 6 3 × 3/1 128 8 x 8 x 128 73,856
2D convolution 7 3 × 3/1 128 8 x 8 x 128 147,584
2D MaxPooling 3 2 × 2/- - 4 x 4 x 128 0
Dropout 5 - - 4 x 4 x 128 0
Flatten_1 - 2048 2048 0
Dense_1 - 512 512 1,049,088
Dense_2 - 1024 1024 525,312
Dropout 4 - - 1024 0
Dense_3 - 23 23 23,575

a single model (Lonseko et al., 2021). The concatenation of both model features is taken as the
input to the next classifier. Feature extraction using the proposed VGGNet model. In this study, high-level features are
extracted using the proposed VGGNet model. Despite this, feature extraction with CNN models
consists of several similar steps because each step is made up of cascading layers: convolution,
pooling, dropout, batch normalization, and dense layer, each of which represents features at
different levels of abstraction. However, CNN models are different from each other in how these
important layers are adjusted and also in how they form the network. The architectural design of
the proposed VGGNet model used in this study is presented in Figure 3, while the parameters used
for the proposed VGGNet architecture of the CNN model are presented in Table 1. The proposed
VGGNet model comprises of six convolutions, two batch normalizations, three max-pooling, three
dropouts, and one flattened layer. A dropout layer is inserted below each max pooling and dense
layer to overcome overfitting. Finally, the extracted features are classified into 23 gastrointestinal
disease types by Softmax, KNN, RF, and SVM classifiers. When we trained the model, we observed
overfitting of the training data. During this time, the model performs well with the training set but
didnt perform well with the validation or test set. To solve this challenge, we used data augmenta­
tion to increase the dataset and dropout operation for regularization. Feature extraction using the proposed InceptionNet model. The second model (the archi­
tectural design of the proposed InceptionNet model) used in this study is described in Figure 4,
while the parameters used for the proposed InceptionNet architecture of the CNN model are
presented in Table 2. The model comprises of six convolutions, one max-pooling, one global
average polling, one batch normalization, one dropout, and one flattened layer. A dropout layer
is inserted below the global average pooling and dense layer to overcome overfitting. Finally, the
extracted features are classified into 23 gastrointestinal disease types using Softmax, KNN, RF, and

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Figure 4. The proposed

InceptionNet CNN model.

Table 2. Description of the parameters of the proposed InceptionNet architecture of the CNN
Operation Kernel /stride Filter size Output shape Parameter
2D convolution 1 1x1 64 32 x 32 x 96 384
2D convolution 2 1x1 96 32 x 32 x 16 64
2D convolution 3 3x3 128 32 x 32 x 64 256
2D convolution 4 1x1 16 32 x 32 x 128 110,720
2D convolution 5 5x5 32 32 x 32 x 32 12,832
2D maxpooling1 3x3 - 32 x 32 x 3 0
2D convolution 6 1x1 32 32 x 32 x 32 128
Concatenate - - 32 x 32 x 256 0
Batch normalization - - 32 x 32 x 256 1024
Global average - - 256 0
Dropout - - 256 0
Flatten - 256 256 0
Dense 524 524 134,668
Dropout - - 524 0
Dense - 524 23 12,075

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SVM classifiers. When we trained the model, we observed overfitting of the training data in the
same way as the other model. This was solved by adding a dropout layer. Feature extraction using the proposed concatenated model. As previously stated, the
proposed model aims to accurately diagnose gastrointestinal disease by concatenating deep
features extracted from endoscopy images by using two different models (CNN architecture of
VGGNet and InceptionNet). First, a VGGNet model is proposed to extract features from endoscopy
images. The proposed InceptionNet model extracts features from the same images in the other
model. Finally, the extracted features from these models are flattened and concatenated into
a single classification descriptor. Finally, the extracted features are fed into the classifier.

3.2.3. Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel-based SVM classifier

Classification is the final step of the proposed gastrointestinal disease classification model. The
features which are extracted and concatenated from the two models are classified as either
cecum, ileum, retroflex-rectum, pylorus, retroflex-stomach, z-line, bbps 0–1, bbps 2–3, impacted-
stool, hemorrhoids, polyps, ulcerative colitis grade-0-1, ulcerative colitis grade-1, ulcerative colitis
grade-1–2, ulcerative colitis grade-2, ulcerative colitis grade-2–3, ulcerative colitis grade-3, barrett’s,
short segment Barrett, esophagitis a, esophagitis b-d, dyed-lifted-polyps, or dyed resection margins.
In this study, we compared four classifiers, Softmax, KNN, RF, and SVM to determine the best classifier
for correctly identifying gastrointestinal diseases using the proposed model. A Radial Basis Function
kernel-based SVM classifier with a concatenated feature extraction model was also proposed to
efficiently classify the type of gastrointestinal disease. Support Vector Machine is a supervised
classification algorithm presented in 1992 by Boser, Guyon, and Vapnik and it has been broadly
utilized for classification, regression, detection tasks, and feature reduction (Paoletti et al., 2020).
Support vector machine (SVM) tries to find the optimal hyperplane which can be used to classify new
data points into two classes with an ideal isolating hyperplane by increasing the distance between
the nearest vectors to the hyperplane (Aychew, 2020). After breaking down the multiclass classifica­
tion problem into multiple binary classification problems, the same principle is used for multiclass
classification as well as binary classification. Then, the algorithm can classify an instance as only one
of three classes or more. Different SVM algorithms use different types of kernel functions like—
Polynomial Kernel, Gaussian Kernel, Radial Basis Function (RBF), Sigmoid Kernel, and others. The
most used type of kernel function is RBF because it has localized and finite responses along the
entire x-axis (Salau & Jain, 2021). Because real noisy data cannot be linearly separated in this case,
SVM is preferable because it can still be used for nonlinear classification problems by applying
appropriate kernel functions that map the input data into a higher-dimensional space where the
classes are linearly separable (Jain & Salau, 2019), and when the amount of available training data is
small, the SVM classifier outperforms the softmax classifier for the CNN features (Ayalew et al., 2022).
RBF is used in this study to solve our 23 class classification problem because it is the most commonly
used SVM kernel function used by several researchers. We used C values of 1, 10, 100, and 1000, as
well as gamma values of 0.001 and 0.0001. The best model performance was obtained when the
c value was 1 and the gamma value was 0.001.

3.2.4. Convolutional neural network

Computer vision can be very useful in practical areas such as surgery, where it can improve
surgeon performance by providing real-time contextual awareness, and endoscopy, where it can
provide proper therapy after surgery (Maier-hein et al., 2017). Machine perception covers a range
of levels, from low-level tasks like identifying edges, to high-level tasks like understanding full
scenes because of the maturation of deep learning and the supply of large datasets labeled to
train these algorithms (Salau & Jain, 2019; Deng et al., 2009). When there is a lack of domain
understanding for feature extraction, CNN is preferable because useful learned features are
extracted automatically rather than handcrafted based algorithms that manually define and
extract a set of features such as edge detection, corner detection, histograms, and so on.
However, this approach does not guarantee that the number of corners is a good descriptor for

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classifying images (Noor Mohamed & Srinivasan, 2020; Lin et al., 2020). Deep Learning is now
widely used to solve complex problems like image classification, natural language processing, and
voice recognition. RBM, Autoencoder, DBN, CNN, and RNN are the most important deep learning
algorithms (Shetty & Siddiqa, 2019). According to Guo et al. (2016), CNN-based architectures are
most widely used for image classification problems. CNN is currently the most widely used
machine learning algorithm in medical image analysis because it preserves the spatial relation­
ships when filtering input images, which is crucial in endoscopy, for example, where a normal
colon tissue meets a cancerous tissue (Khan et al., 2020). CNN employs three basic types of neural
layers: convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. Convolutional Layers: In the
convolutional layers, CNN uses different portions of the image as computational intelligence to
convolve the full image and produce different feature maps. Pooling layers: Pooling layers are in
charge of reducing the spatial measurements (width, height) of the information volume for the
next convolutional layer. This layer’s activity is also known as subsampling or downsampling,
because the decrease in size results in a loss of data. Nonetheless, such loss is beneficial to the
network because the reduction in size results in less computational overhead for the network’s
subsequent layers, as well as the elimination of overfitting. The most commonly used techniques
are average pooling and maximum pooling. Furthermore, there are various varieties of the pooling
layers in literature, each propelled by different inspirations and serving specific needs, for example,
stochastic pooling, spatial pyramid pooling, and def-pooling. Fully Connected Layers: After a few
convolutional and pooling layers, the neural network’s important level of thinking is carried out
through completely associated layers. As the name implies, neurons in a completely associated
layer have complete associations with all representations in the previous layer. Their actuation can
then be achieved by duplicating the framework followed by an inclination counterbalance. Finally,
fully associated layers convert the two-dimensional component maps to a one-dimensional ele­
ment vector. The obtained vector could either be carried forward into a specific number of classes
for classification or considered as a component vector for additional preparation (Escobar et al.,
2021). Pre-trained models are a type of deep learning models that have been trained on a large
dataset to solve classification problems (Al-Adhaileh et al., 2021). VGGNet, ResNet, Inception, and
Xception are some of the most recent basic deep learning structures for CNN. Simonyan and
Zisserman introduced VGGNet in 2014. VGGNet was the first runner-up design in the characteriza­
tion task of the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition (Simonyan & Zisserman,
2015; Sakib et al., 2018). ResNet CNN’s architecture demonstrates exceptional fundamental use of
skip connections and batch normalization. Also, at the network’s end, there are no fully connected
layers. The main flaw of this system is that due to the vastness of the boundaries, it is expensive to
use. In any case, ResNet is currently regarded as the best convolutional neural network model,
having won the ILSVRC 2015 challenge. It is worth noting that, despite having many more layers
than the VGG, it requires much less memory, nearly 5 times less. This is because, instead of dense
layers in the classification phase, this network employs GlobalAveragepooling, a type of layer that
converts the final layer in the feature extraction stage’s two-dimensional activity maps to an
n-class vector that is used to calculate the probability of belonging to each class. Szegedy et al.
(2015) proposed Inception, a deep convolutional neural network design that is responsible for
setting a new critical edge for classification and detection in the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual
Recognition Challenge in 2014 (ILSVRC14). The main advantage of this strategy is that it adds
a critical component to a minor increase in computer requirements when compared to smaller and
smaller networks. Chollet (2017) designed Xception, which has 36 convolutional layers that serve
as the foundation for extracting network features. The Xception architecture is made up of a linear
stack of depth-separable convolution layers with residual connections. It is an adaptation of
Inception, with deep-separable convolutions replacing the Inception modules. Furthermore, it
has approximately the same number of parameters as Inception-v1. We used InceptionNet and
VGGNet because both performed well in the 2014 ImageNet challenge, and InceptionNet gained
attention due to its architecture based on modules called Inception.

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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

Figure 5. The proposed gastro­

intestinal disease classification

3.3. Proposed CNN model

The proposed model aims to accurately diagnose gastrointestinal disease using concatenated
deep features extracted from endoscopy images of two different models (CNN architecture of
VGGNet and InceptionNet). Initially, the input images are appropriately prepared by resizing and
noise filtering processes. The features extracted from endoscopy images are then extracted using
the proposed VGGNet model. The proposed InceptionNet model extracts features from the same
images in the other model. Finally, the features extracted from these models are combined into
a single classification descriptor. Figure 5 depicts the proposed concatenated model architecture,
which concatenates the features extracted by the two flattened models (CNN architecture of
VGGNet and InceptionNet).

3.3.1. Architecture of the proposed model

The overall steps followed to identify the corresponding class of a particular input image are
presented in the proposed gastrointestinal disease classification model architecture as shown in
Figure 5. There are three main phases in the systems architecture. The training phase, the testing
phase, and the validation phase. The training phase and validation phase are performed before the
testing phase for training the model. The testing phase is performed after the training phase and

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validation phase for testing the performance of the trained model with the new image dataset.
First, the whole gastrointestinal image dataset is resized to 32 × 32. Secondly, the resized dataset
is filtered with the AMF technique. Thirdly, filtered images are augmented. Then, the augmented
images are subdivided into training dataset, validation dataset, and test dataset. Next, both the
training dataset and validation dataset were fed to the concatenated model. The next step is
feature extraction using the concatenated model of the VGGNet and InceptionNet architecture of
the CNN model, which is used to extract the useful high-level features from the images. Lastly,
extracted features of VGGNet and InceptionNet are concatenated together and fed into the
classifiers (Softmax, KNN, RF, and SVM). While in the test set, both models features (VGGNet and
InceptionNet) are concatenated together and fed to the previously trained SVM model. The detail
of each phase of the proposed model is presented in section 3.3.2.

3.3.2. Transfer learning

Transfer learning is the process of improving learning in a new task by transferring knowledge from
a previously learned related task. It is implemented by slicing off the final output layers of a pre-
trained model and replacing them with output layers specific to the new target output. Pre-trained
models, on the other hand, have been trained on an ImageNet dataset that contains 1000 classes
of images, such as animals and cars. Because models trained on the ImageNet dataset learn
features that are completely different from medical image features, fine-tuning the models for
medical tasks may not have a significant impact on their performance.

(i)Learning method

The proposed concatenated model is evaluated in terms of accuracy and loss function. To measure
the difference between the output predictions and the target output, we used a categorical cross-
entropy loss function, which is commonly used for multi-class problems. Adaptive momentum
estimation (Adam) optimization function with an initial learning rate of 0.001 was used to adjust
the learning rate and other parameters to increase the accuracy of the model and to decrease the
loss. The classified classes are compared in accordance with the classification’s performance
parameters. The confusion matrix is used to calculate the parameters performance. According to
Ayalew et al. (2022; Salau (2021), each performance measure parameter is computed as follows:

● False-Positive Rate (FPR): indicates that the diseases are not detected correctly.
● False-Negative Rate (FNR): indicates that the diseases are detected as non-disease regions.
● True Positive Rate (TPR): indicates that the diseases are detected as disease regions.
● True Negative Rate (TNR): indicates that a non-disease region is correctly recognized as a non-
disease region.
● Confusion matrix (CM): CM is used to find the correctness and accuracy of the model. It is obtained
using parameters such as TP, TN, FP, and FN of the matrix.

● Accuracy: Accuracy is the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of samples. The
formula for accuracy is given as follows:

Accuracy ¼ (1)
TP þ TN þ FP þ FN
● Precision: It is a measure that indicates the proportion of patients that were diagnosed as having
a disease. The predicted positives (People predicted with a disease are TP and FP) and the people
having a disease are TP as follows:

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Precision ¼ (2)
● Recall (Sensitivity): It is a measure that indicates the proportion of patients that have a disease and
were diagnosed by the model as having a disease. The actual positives (People having a disease are
TP and FN) and the people diagnosed by the model having a disease are TP as follows:

Sensitivity ¼ (3)
● Dice similarity coefficient (F1-score): It represents a harmonic average of the precision and sensi­
tivity and measures the similarity rate between predicted and ground-truth regions. It is calulated
using Eq. (4):

2�precision � recall
F1 score ¼ (4)
precision þ recall
● Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): accuracy is sensitive to class imbalance. Precision, recall,
and F1-score are asymmetric, but MCC is perfectly symmetric; therefore, no class is more important
than the other. It measures the classification quality even if the classes are of different sizes, true
positives, and false positives and negatives as follows:

MCC ¼ (5)
½ðTP þ FPÞ�ðFN þ TNÞ�ðFP þ TPÞ�ðTP þ FNÞ�1=2

4. Experimental results and discussion

We compared different filtering and segmentation techniques, as well as different state-of-the-art
classifiers and CNN pre-trained models with the proposed concatenated CNN model.

4.1. Experimental setup

Experiments were performed with the Keras prototype on the tensor flow backend. The perfor­
mance of the proposed concatenated model is measured using accuracy, confusion matrix, pre­
cision, recall, f1-score, and Matthews correlation coefficient metrics of the classification. The whole
image dataset before augmentation (10,662 images) or after augmentation (47,398 images) is
partitioned into training, validation, and testing. Image augmentation is required to enable the
trained model to extract a large number of important features. After augmentation, we used
a dataset of 70% (33,944 images) for training, 20% (9610 images) for testing, and 10% (3844
images) for validation, with no overlap from the original images. The same splitting method was
also applied to the dataset for the experiments which were performed before augmentation. For
this study, we used an anaconda environment, python programming language, a free-source Keras
and a free-source CNN library using Tensor Flow which served as the backend. The python code
was written using Jupiter Notebook. The designed prototype was tested on the Windows 10 Hp
Pavilion laptop with 64-bit operating system. The laptop is an Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-8145UMQ with
2.30 GHz CPU processor, with 8 GB RAM and 700 GB hard disk capacity.

4.2. Experiments before augmentation

In this stage, we trained the proposed concatenated model for 75 epochs, a batch size of 32, and
an initial learning rate of 0.001. With the end-to-end proposed concatenated CNN model using
a softmax classifier, we performed seven experiments; the first experiment was performed to
obtain the result before noise filtering and segmentation techniques; the second and third experi­
ment was performed to compare the three filtering techniques (gaussian filtering, median filtering,
and adaptive median filtering). We have achieved 70.8%, 68.6%, and 72.7% accuracy, when we
used GF, MF, and AMF, respectively. Since AMF achieves superior results, we employed AMF for the
rest of the experiments and the last three experiments were performed for viewing the effect of

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Table 3. Accuracy of the proposed model with resized data using noise filtering and segmentation techniques
Experiment Model Noise filtering Segmentation Classifier Test accuracy (%)
Number technique technique
Experiment 1 VGGNet-InceptionNet No No Softmax 71.8
Experiment 2 VGGNet-InceptionNet Gaussian filter No Softmax 70.8
Experiment 3 VGGNet-InceptionNet Median filter No Softmax 68.6
Experiment 4 VGGNet-Inception Adaptive median No Softmax 72.7
Net filter
Experiment 5 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter Otsu Softmax 54.7
Experiment 6 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter Thresholding Softmax 52.3
Experiment 7 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter Kmeans Softmax 56.3

the three segmentation techniques (we compared the otsu, adaptive thresholding, and kmeans
segmentation techniques). We achieved 54.7%, 52.3%, and 56.3% accuracy when we used otsu,
adaptive thresholding, and k-means, respectively. Since both segmentation techniques achieved
low accuracies, we did not use segmentation techniques for the rest of the experiment. The results
are shown in Table 3.

4.3. Experiments after augmentation

In this stage, we conducted 14 experiments. We trained the proposed concatenated model using 75
epochs, a batch size of 32, and an initial learning rate of 0.001. The first four experiments were
performed to compare the classifiers using the VGGNet feature extraction method. The results show
that 93%, 93.2%, 93.3%, and 93.4% accuracy was achieved when we used Softmax, KNN, RF, and
SVM, respectively. The second four experiments were performed to compare classifiers using the
InceptionNet feature extraction method. The results show that 84%, 84.5%, 84.7%, and 85% accu­
racy was achieved when we used Softmax, KNN, RF, and SVM, respectively. The third and fourth
experiments were performed to compare classifiers using concatenated VGGNet-InceptionNet fea­
ture extraction method. We achieved 94%, 95.4%, 95.7%, and 98% accuracy when we used Softmax,

Table 4. Comparison of classifiers based on the proposed feature extraction methods

Experiment Number Model Noise filtering Classifier Test accuracy (%)
Experiment 8 VGGNet Adaptive median filter Softmax 93
Experiment 9 VGGNet Adaptive median filter KNN 93.2
Experiment 10 VGGNet Adaptive median filter RF 93.3
Experiment 11 VGGNet Adaptive median filter SVM 93.4
Experiment 12 InceptionNet Adaptive median filter Softmax 84
Experiment 13 InceptionNet Adaptive median filter KNN 84.5
Experiment 14 InceptionNet Adaptive median filter RF 84.7
Experiment 15 InceptionNet Adaptive median filter SVM 85
Experiment 16 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter Softmax 94
Experiment 17 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter KNN 95.4
Experiment 18 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter RF 95.7
Experiment 19 VGGNet-InceptionNet Adaptive median filter SVM 98
Experiment 20 Pre- trained VGGNet16 Adaptive median filter - 89
Experiment 21 Pre-trained Inceptionv3 Adaptive median filter - 91

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Table 5. The precision, recall, training accuracy, validation accuracy, training loss, validation
loss, Matthews correlation coefficient, and f1-score of the proposed concatenated CNN model
with SVM classifier
Class Precision Recall F1-score
Barrett’s 0.98 0.94 0.96
Barrett’s short-segment 0.97 0.98 0.98
Bbps 0–1 0.99 0.99 0.99
Bbps 2–3 0.99 0.99 0.99
Dyed-lifted-polyps 0.99 0.93 0.96
Dyed rection margins 0.98 0.98 0.98
Esophagitis a 0.98 0.97 0.97
Esophagitis b-d 0.92 0.99 0.95
Hemorrhoids 0.99 1.00 1.00
Ileum 1.00 0.99 0.99
Impacted-stool 0.99 1.00 1.00
Cecum 0.97 0.97 0.97
Pylorus 0.95 0.99 0.97
Z-line 0.92 0.99 0.95
Polyps 0.98 0.99 0.99
Retroflex-rectum 1.00 0.98 0.99
Retroflex-stomach 0.99 0.98 0.98
Ulcerative-colitis-grade 0.99 0.98 0.99
Ulcerative-colitis-grade-1 0.98 0.98 0.98
Ulcerative colitis-grade 0.99 1.00 1.00
Ulcerative-colitis-grade-2 0.98 0.97 0.97
Ulcerative-colitis-grade 1.00 1.00 1.00
Ulcerative colitis-grade-3 1.00 0.94 0.97
Training accuracy 0.987
Testing accuracy 0.98
Validation accuracy 0.982
Training loss 0.107
Validation loss 0.071
Matthews_correlation 0.978

KNN, RF, and SVM, respectively. The last two experiments were used to demonstrate the performance
of the pre-trained VGGNet16 and pre-trained Inceptionv3. The models achieve an accuracy of 89%
and 91%, respectively. The results are shown in Table 4.

4.4. Performance of the proposed concatenated model using the SVM classifier
The results of the experiments performed to measure the training accuracy, validation accuracy,
testing accuracy, and Matthews’s correlation coefficient of the proposed concatenated CNN model
with SVM classifier are presented in Table 5. The experiments were performed using the concatenated
model with a resized and a filtered (AMF technique) image dataset and SVM classifier. The experi­
ments were performed using 75 epochs with a batch size of 32. We train the model with 33,944
training images and 3844 validation images, and we test with 9610 images. The model validation is

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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

Figure 6. The training and vali­

dation accuracy of the pro­
posed ensemble- CNN model
with SVM classifier with epoch
size of 75.

Figure 7. The training and vali­

dation loss of the proposed
ensemble- CNN model with
Softmax classifier for epoch
size of 75.

done at the end of each epoch, while the model trains per epoch. At the end of the last epoch (epoch
75), our proposed concatenated model with SVM classifier obtains a training accuracy of 98.7%,
validation accuracy of 98.2%, testing accuracy of 98%, and Matthews correlation coefficient of 97.8%.
These results are shown in Figures 6 and 7.

4.5. Result discussion

The dataset was split into training, validation, and testing dataset for the proposed concatenated
model training and the performance of the proposed concatenated model was tested using the
dataset samples. To classify the gastrointestinal images into 23 classes, we have concatenated
VGGNet and InceptionNet features for feature extraction and SVM for classification. During our

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Table 6. Comparison of proposed study with existing researches related to gastrointestinal disease
Author Method End Goal Classifier Strength Weakness Accuracy/MCC
Borgli et al. (2020) Averaged ResNet- Classification of GI Multiclass They use the Misclassification MCC = 0.902
152 + DenseNet- diseases power of two between class
161 models
Khan, Khan et al. (RNN,pre-trained detection of ulcers Multiclass Accuracy is high fail for the 99.13%
(2020) ResNet101) +SVM and classification segmentation of
of gastrointestinal polyp and bleeding
diseases regions and not
rely on the
correctness of
ground truth data
Limited number of
Gamage et al. combining pre- predicts anomalies Multiclass combining pre- predicts eight- 97%
(2019) trained DenseNet- of the digestive trained models as class anomalies of
201, ResNet-18, tract diseases the Feature the digestive tract
and VGG-16 CNN extractors diseases only
Takiyama et al. GoogleNet Anatomical Multiclass High classification The Limited 97%
(2018) classification performance number of classes
of GI images Computationally Only used for
efficient anatomical
Owais et al. (2019) CNN (ResNet) + Classification of Multiclass Computationally Cascaded training 92.57%
LSTM multiple efficient of CNN and
GI diseases High classification LSTM requires
performance more time
Cascaded training
of CNN and
LSTM requires
more time
Sharif et al. (2019) (VGG16, VGG19) gastrointestinal Multiclass merging deep Limited dataset 99.42%
+K-Nearest tract diseases convolutional and number of
Neighbor detection and neural networks classes
classification (CNN)
Shichijo et al. CNN H. pylori Multiclass Comparable CAD performance 83.1%
(2017) infection detection performance should be
of second CNN enhanced.
with the clinical A limited number
diagnosis of classes
reference standard
Segu et al. (2016) CNN Small intestine Multiclass High classification the limited 96%
movement performance number of classes
Li et al. (2012) K-nearest neighbor Distinguish lymph Binary combines several insufficient 96.33%
classifier node metastasis feature selection number of clinical
from non-lymph algorithms and cases
node metastasis metric learning
methods to get
high efficiency
Wang et al. (2015) Edge cross-section detecting polyps in - Performance is They did not 97.7%
profile (ECSP) colonoscopy high classify polyps into
features different types
Souaidi et al. texture patterns detection of ulcers Binary conduct several Limited dataset 93.88%
(2019) (LBP, Laplacian) + experiments to and number of
SVM show comparison classes
with the state-of-
the-art methods


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Haile et al., Cogent Engineering (2022), 9: 2084878

Author Method End Goal Classifier Strength Weakness Accuracy/MCC

Li & Meng (2012) Texture features Tumor recognition Binary Invariant to Limited dataset 92.4%
(LBP, wavelet) + in the digestive illumination and number of
SVM tract change and classes
extract multi-
resolution features
Yuan & Meng Texture features Polyp classification Binary Extract scale- Limited dataset 92%
(2014) (SIFT, Saliency) + invariant features and number of
SVM classes
Karargyris & Log Gabor filter, Small bowel polyps Binary Computationally Limited dataset, -
Bourbakis (2011) SUSAN edge det- and ulcers efficient number of classes,
ection and SVM detection and Low detection
Li & Meng (2012) Texture features Polyp detection in Binary Robust to Limited dataset 91.6%
(ULBP, wavelet) + GI tract illumination and number of
SVM change and scale- classes
Hirasawa et al. CNN Gastric cancer Binary High sensitivity Limited dataset -
(2018) detection Computationally and number of
efficient classes
The overall low
positive prediction
Proposed method VGGNet- Classification of GI Multiclass We concatenate It uses an average Accuracy = 98%,
InceptionNet + diseases the feature of two Training Time and MCC = 0.978
SVM model

experiment, we confirmed that the prediction ability of the model is increased when we used the
concatenated features of the proposed VGGNet and InceptionNet models. Before using noise filtering
and augmentation techniques, the accuracy of the model is 71.8%, and after noise removal, the
accuracy of the model increased by 0.9% (72.7%). We obtained the best classification accuracy with
the adaptive median noise filtering technique. We also applied the augmentation technique to
control overfitting and to learn different features of images for the proposed concatenated model
that helps to increase its classification ability. After augmentation, the accuracy of the proposed end-
to-end model is 94%. We also applied different segmentation techniques to identify regions of
interest in the image; however, these segmentation techniques result in the low classification
performance of the model. Also, when the accuracy of each model was examined with the SVM
classifier after the features were extracted with each of the feature extractors individually, the results
show that VGGNet and InceptionNet have accuracies of 85% and 93.4%, respectively. Afterwards, the
features of VGGNet and InceptionNet were concatenated which results in an improved classification
performance of 98% accuracy. In this study, satisfactory results were obtained after we conducted 21
experiments. Finally, a comparison of state-of-the-art classifiers was performed using the proposed
concatenated model. Our proposed concatenated model with SVM classifier achieves a training
accuracy of 98.7%, validation accuracy of 98.2%, testing accuracy of 98%, and Matthews’s correlation
coefficient of 97.8%. The results of the proposed concatenated model outperformed the proposed
VGGNet, the proposed InceptionNet, and the state-of-the-art pre-trained VGGNet16 and Inceptionv3
models. Generally, based on the experiments, our proposed model improves Matthews’s correlation
coefficient of the previous work by 7.6%. This indicates that the proposed concatenated model is
effective for gastrointestinal disease diagnosis from endoscopy images. A comparative analysis of our
proposed method with existing works is presented in Table 6. The results show that the proposed
method achieves a high accuracy as compared to other methods.

5. Conclusion
The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs which help the body to
break down and absorb food. The gastrointestinal tract is affected by a variety of diseases which

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makes it not to function properly. The domain of gastrointestinal endoscopy includes the endo­
scopic diagnosis of various digestive diseases using image analysis and various devices. Endoscopy
is currently the preferred method for examining the gastrointestinal tract; however, its effective­
ness is severely limited by the variation of the models performance. This study presents
a concatenated model by concatenating features of VGGNet and InceptionNet for the classification
of multiple gastrointestinal diseases from endoscopy images. The proposed model was trained and
tested using a publicly available dataset from the HyperKvasir database. Extracted features were
used to train the Softmax, KNN, RF, and SVM classifiers. The model achieves a test accuracy of 98%
using the SVM classifier, which is an incredible performance when compared to state-of-the-art
approaches. It outperforms the previous similar works by 7.6%, with Matthews’ correlation coeffi­
cient of 90.2%. As a result, the proposed model is one of the best gastrointestinal disease
classification models. Based on the experimental outcomes of this study, we suggest the following
recommendation as future work:

● Segmentation plays a critical role in the early and accurate diagnosis of various diseases using
computerized systems. For the future, we recommend that a new simultaneous segmentation method
can be used by taking advantage of MASK-RCNN for detection of the disease location and GRABCUT for
segmentation to improve the performance of the model.
● This study was performed for only 23 gastrointestinal disease types; therefore, other types of gastro­
intestinal disease can also be considered.
● In future works, it is important to evaluate different feature selection algorithms that can help to
determine the smallest subset of features that can aid in the accurate classification of gastrointest­
inal disease types.

Funding Citation information

The authors have no funding to report. Cite this article as: Detection and classification of gastro­
intestinal disease using convolutional neural network and
Author details SVM, Melaku Bitew Haile, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Belay
Melaku Bitew Haile1 Enyew & Abebech Jenber Belay, Cogent Engineering
E-mail: (2022), 9: 2084878.
Ayodeji Olalekan Salau2,3
E-mail: References
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