Coding Training Cost

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Hours Aproxx
SR # Training Name Our Cost
Training Market Cost

BlockZone Basic
Introduction to Scratch
1 30 4000 1000
Blocks, Sprites, Contorls
Basic Game Design

BlockZone Advanced
Basic Design and Coding
2 30 6000 1000
Advanced Games Design
Visual Effects

C++ Basic
Introduction to C++
3 30 5000 1000
Functions, Classes, Concepts
Data Types, Variables, Basic Coding

C++ Advanced
Good Class Design, Public Inheritance
4 30 5000 1000
Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction
Headers, Class Definition

JAVA Basic
Java Basic Syntax
5 30 10000 1000
Datatypes & Identifiers
Variables, Arrays, Loops, Function

Python Basic
Basics, I/O, Data Types
6 30 8000 1000
Variable, Operators
Control Flow, Functions

Python Advanced
Basic Design and Coding
7 30 10000 1000
Collections an Functions
Metaclass, Decorators

Introduction to HTML
8 30 5000 1000
Elements & Attributes
Media, Graphics, API

App Making by Programming
9 30 12000 1000
Build Basic Games
Make Changes in Apps

P-RoboCodix, Marketed by Bombay Book Company, 9326390488,

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