Can Bus Protocol Description 220419

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Description CAN Bus

Version Description Date
220419 Added Total Charged (SPN 6169) 19-04-2022
220407 Added Intellic Tacho messages and info 07-04-2022
211123 Squarell EV Parameters 0 added 23-11-2021
210506 PGN FFF9 and PGN FF70 added 06-05-2021
201223 FD05 Engine brake active lamp added 23-12-2020
201208 EV av consumption 2 byte reading 08-12-2020
200708 EV totals name change + EV motor RPM offset applied 08-07-2020
200701 Layout change 01-07-2020
200623 EV parameters added 23-06-2020
200504 Changed description SPN 524 Current gear selection 04-05-2020
200219 Added SPN 1241 Gas flow rate 19-02-2020
191023 Added gaseous fuel (PGN FEAF & SPN 1040) 23-10-2019
191008 Added SPN 900 08-10-2019
190916 Corrected minor typo in FFD6 and FFD7 17-09-2019
190805 Corrected FF62 SPN 6009 explanation 05-08-2019
190502 Tire Condition / Tire Pressure message added (FEF4) 02-05-2019
Port Diagnostic message added (FFD6 & FFD7)
181231 Format change 31-12-2018
180703 Tacho Times messages added (FF80+FF81+FF82) 03-07-2018
180131 Appendix 7 Packetization added 31-01-2018
180115 FD7D message added (Tell-tale) 15-01-2018

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photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form,
in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Squarell B.V., the Netherlands, except in
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does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Anyone using the information does so at their
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3.1 Standard CAN Messages 6
3.2 Squarell device specific CAN Bus messages 41
3.3 Squarell additional CAN Bus messages 47
3.4 Squarell calibration set/reset messages 58
3.5 Set/reset stored values 60
3.6 Device diagnostics and advanced functions 64


4.1 Tacho download 75
4.2 Tacho remaining driving time 76



This document describes all the data the Squarell FMS interfaces send onto their FMS CAN Bus port.
This document contains a complete description of all the supported messages and parameters as well
as the Squarell CAN Bus hardware setup.

With this CAN Bus protocol, a full functioning Telematic interface can be built within hours.
Customer specific needs to the CAN Bus protocol or extra functionality can be added by the Support

Important: 1. Not all parameters from the list may be available. This availability of the data depends
on the brand, model, year and configuration of the vehicle. Therefore, you can find the
latest version of the Vehicle Support Matrix on our support portal. Click here to visit the
Vehicle Support Matrix.

2. Reused Squarell devices must be cleared before they are used again. Data from old
vehicles can stayed store on the devices and create strange data when installed again.
You can erase the stored data in 3 ways:
a) Upload a Reset DCF file (see iUpload manual for more information),
for more information),

Most of the Squarell devices have 2 CAN Bus ports.

CAN Bus 1 send out CAN data in FMS-standard and can be connected to a Telematics device CAN Bus.

CAN Bus 1 Setup:

 Protocol J1939
 CAN Bus Speed 250 Kb

CAN Bus 2 is Squarell device dependant. It can be a CAN Bus port with:

- A Listen Only CAN Bus; which can only be connected to the direct vehicle CAN Bus.
- Terminated CAN Bus; which can be connected to a FMS interface.
- Non Terminated CAN Bus; which can be connected to a FMS interface.

CAN Bus 2 Setup (Vehicle dependant):

 Protocol
 CAN Bus Speed

The Squarell FMS interface messages, described below are predefined messages implemented
standard in all Squarell FMS interfaces.

3.1 Standard CAN Messages

The standard CAN Bus messages are CAN Bus messages that contain the vehicle data.
Below are all the standard CAN messages listed.

PGN E000 Cab Message 1 CM1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

4,7 2 bits Seat belt switch 1856
5,7 2 bits Vehicle limiting speed governor enable switch 1653
6,5 2 bits Automatic gear shifting enable switch 1666

SPN1856 Seat belt switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Not buckled
Operating high range 2 01 Buckled
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN1653 & SPN1666

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Disabled
Operating high range 2 01 Enabled
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN F000 Electronic Retarder Controller 1 ERC1

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bits Retarder torque mode 900
2,1 1 byte % Retarder torque 520

SPN900 Retarder torque mode

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Low Idle Governor/no request
Operating high range 14 0001 Accelerator Pedal
0010 Cruise Control
0011 PTO Governor
0100 Road Speed Governing
0101 ASR Control
0110 Transmission Control
0111 ABS Control
1000 Torque Limiting
1001 High Speed Governor
1010 Brake System
1011 Remote Accelerator
1100 Service Procedure
1110 Other

SPN520 % Retarder torque

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1% per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125 %

PGN F001 Electronic Brake Controller 1 EBC1

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 1 byte Brake pedal position 521

SPN521 Brake pedal position

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

PGN F002 Electronic Transmission Controller 1 ETC1

Transmission repetition rate 0.25 s

Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits Driveline engaged 560
1,5 2 bits Shift in progress 574

SPN560 Driveline engaged

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 States 00 Driveline disengaged
Operating high range 2 01 Driveline engaged
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN574 Shift in progress

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 States 00 Shift is not in process
Operating high range 2 01 Shift in process
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN F003 Electronic Engine Controller 2 EEC2

Transmission repetition rate 0.05s

Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,3 2 bits Kickdown switch 559
2,1 1 byte Accelerator pedal position 91
3,1 1 byte Engine load 92
7,1 1 byte Max available % torque 3357

SPN559 Kickdown Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 States 00 Kick down passive
Operating high range 2 01 Kick down active
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN91, SPN92 & SPN3357

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

PGN F004 Electronic Engine Controller 1 EEC1

Transmission repetition rate 0.25 s

Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bits Engine retarder torque mode 899
2,1 1 byte Requested engine torque 512
3,1 1 byte % torque 513
4,1 2 bytes Engine speed 190
7,1 4 bits Engine starter mode 1675

SPN899 Engine torque mode

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Low Idle Governor/no request
Operating high range 14 0001 Accelerator Pedal
0010 Cruise Control
0011 PTO Governor
0100 Road Speed Governing
0101 ASR Control
0110 Transmission Control
0111 ABS Control
1000 Torque Limiting
1001 High Speed Governor
1010 Brake System
1011 Remote Accelerator
1100 Service Procedure
1110 Other

SPN512 & SPN513 Requested engine torque & % torque

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1% per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125 %

SPN190 Engine speed

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/8 rpm per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 8031 rpm

SPN1675 Engine starter mode

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Start not requested
Offset No offset 0001 Starter active, gear not engaged
0010 Starter active, gear engaged
Operating high range 15
0011 Start finished; starter not active after having been
actively engaged (after 50ms mode goes to 0000)
0100 Starter inhibited due to engine already running
0101 Starter inhibited due to engine not ready for start
0110 Starter inhibited due to driveline engaged or other
transmission inhibit
0111 Starter inhibited due to active immobilizer
1000 Starter inhibited due to starter over-temp
1001-1011 Reserved
1100 Starter inhibited, reason unknown
1101 Error (legacy implementation only, use 1110)
1110 Error
1111 Not available

PGN F005 Electronic Transmission Controller 2 ETC2

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Transmission selected gear 524
2,1 2 bytes Transmission actual gear ratio 526
4,1 1 byte Transmission current gear 523

SPN524 Transmission selected gear

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 gear value per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125. 0 = Neutral, 251 = Park

SPN526 Transmission actual gear ratio

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1000 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 64

SPN523 Transmission current gear

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 gear value per bit*
Offset -125
Operating high range 125. 0 = Neutral, 251 = Park

* Depends on gearbox configuration. When the gearbox has Low and high gearing count different:
0x7F = 1 low, 0x80 = 1 high, 0x81 = 2 low, 0x82 = 2 high Etc.

PGN F00A Engine Gas Flow Rate EGF1

Transmission repetition rate 0.1 s

Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

3,1 2 bytes Mass air flow rate 132

SPN132 Mass air flow rate

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/20 kg/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 3212 kg/h

PGN FD05 Direct Lamp Control Data 1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 2 bits Engine Brake Active Lamp Data 5097

SPN5097 Engine Brake Active Lamp Data

Data length 2 bits
Resolution 4 states/2 bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 3

PGN FD09 High Resolution Fuel Consumption


Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

5,1 4 bytes Total fuel used (high resolution) 5054

SPN5054 Total fuel used

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1000 L per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4211081 L

PGN FD7D FMS Tell Tale Status 1 FTTS1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bits Tell-tale block ID 44990
1,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44901
2,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44902
2,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44903
3,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44904
3,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44905
4,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44906
4,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44907
5,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44908
5,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44909
6,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44910
6,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44911
7,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44912
7,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44913
8,1 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44914
8,5 3 bits Tell-tale status XX 44915

SPN44990 Tell-tale block ID

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 1/1 0000 Block 0
Operating high range 3 0001 Block 1
0010 Block 2
0011 Block 3

SPN44901 to 449915 Tell-tale status XX

Data length 3 bits Status:
Resolution 1/1 000 off
Operating high range 7 001 Condition red
010 Condition yellow
011 Condition info
100 110 Reserved
111 Not available

PGN FDA4 PTO Drive Engagement PTODE

Transmission repetition rate 0.1 s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

7,1 2 bits One PTO engaged 3948

SPN3948 One PTO Engaged

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 No PTO drive is engaged
Operating high range 2 01 At least 1 PTO drive is engaged
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN FDA5 Door Control 2 DC2

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits Lock status door 1 3412
1,3 2 bits Open status door 1 3413
1,5 2 bits Enable status door 1 3414
1,7 2 bits Lock status Door 2 3415
2,1 2 bits Open status door 2 3416
2,3 2 bits Enable status door 2 3417
2,5 2 bits Lock status Door 3 3418
2,7 2 bits Open status door 3 3419
3,1 2 bits Enable status door 3 3420
3,3 2 bits Lock status Door 4 3421
3,5 2 bits Open status door 4 3422
3,7 2 bits Enable status door 4 3423
4,1 2 bits Lock status Door 5 3424
4,3 2 bits Open status door 5 3425
4,5 2 bits Enable status door 5 3426
4,7 2 bits Lock status Door 6 3427
5,1 2 bits Open status door 6 3428
5,3 2 bits Enable status door 6 3429

SPN3412, 3415, 3418, 3421, 3424 & 3427 Lock status door X
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Unlocked
Operating high range 2 01 Locked
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN3413, 3416, 3419, 3422, 3425 & 3428 Open status door X
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Closed
Operating high range 2 01 Open
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN3414, 3417, 3420, 3423, 3426 & 3429 Enable status door X
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Disabled
Operating high range 2 01 Enabled
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN FDCC Operators External Light Controls

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,5 4 bits Main light switch 2872
2,1 4 bits Turn signal switch 2876
2,5 2 bits Hazard light switch 2875
2,7 2 bits High-low beam switch 2874

SPN2872 Main light switch

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Off
Operating high range 14 0001 Park on
0010 Headlight on
0011 Headlight and park on
0100-0111 Reserved
1000 Delayed off
1001-1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available

SPN2876 Turn signal switch

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Off
Operating high range 14 0001 Left turn to be flashing
0010 Right turn to be flashing
0011-1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available

SPN2875 Hazard light switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Hazard lamps to be off
Operating high range 2 01 Hazard lamps to be flashing
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN2874 High-low beam switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Low beam selected
Operating high range 2 01 High beam selected
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN FDCD Operator Wiper and Washer Controls OWW

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,5 4 bits Front wiper switch 2863

SPN2863 Front wiper switch

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Off
Operating high range 14 0001 Low
0010 Medium
0011 High
0100 Delayed 1
0101 Delayed 2
0110 Mist
0111-1110 Reserved
1111 Not available

PGN FDD1 FMS-standard Interface ID/Capabilities


Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 7

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits FMS Diagnose support 2804
1,3 2 bits FMS Request support 2805
2,5 4 bytes FMS Software support 2806

SPN2804 FMS Diagnose support

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Diagnostics is not supported
Operating high range 3 01 Diagnostics is supported
10 Reserved
11 Not available

SPN2805 FMS Requests support

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 On request mode is not supported
Operating high range 3 01 On request mode is supported
10 Reserved
11 Not available

SPN2806 FMS Software support

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No high range

PGN FE4E Door Control 1 DC1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bits Position of doors 1821
1,5 2 bits Ramp/wheel lift 1820
1,7 2 bits Status of doors 3411

SPN1821 Position of Doors

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 At Least 1 door is open
Operating high range 2 0001 Closing last door
0010 All doors closed
1110 Error
1111 Not available

SPN1820 Ramp/Wheel Lift

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Inside bus
Operating high range 3 01 Outside bus
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN3411 Status of Doors

Data length 2 bits Status:

Resolution 4 states 00 All bus doors disabled
Operating high range 3 01 At least 1 bus door is enabled
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN FE56 Tank Information 1 TI1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Catalyst tank level 1761

SPN1761 Catalyst tank level

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100%

PGN FE58 Air Suspension Control 4 ASC4

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Bellow pressure front axle left 1725
3,1 2 bytes Bellow pressure front axle right 1726
5,1 2 bytes Bellow pressure rear axle left 1727
7,1 2 bytes Bellow pressure rear axle right 1728

SPN1725 to SPN1728 Bellow pressure front/rear axle left/right

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/10 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 6425.5 kPa

PGN FE6B Driver's Identification DI

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 17 bytes Driver 1 ID 1625
18,1 17 bytes Driver 2 ID 1626
36,1 3 bytes Land code, driver 1 ID*1 41927
39,1 3 bytes Land code, driver 2 ID*1 41928

SPN1625 & SPN1625 Driver 1 & 2 ID

Data length 17 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

SPN41927 & SPN41928 Land code, driver 1 & 2 ID

Data length 3 bytes
Resolution ASCII *2
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

*1. Optional Parameters. These parameters can be activated with a specific set message. See FFD4 message for more

*2. VDO Tachograph will give the land code as follow:

0x32 0x36 = 26 : Code for Netherlands

Stoneridge Tachograph will give the land code as follow:

0x4E 0x4C = NL : Code for Netherlands

PGN FE6C Tachograph TCO1
Transmission repetition rate 0.05s
Default priority 3

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 3 bits Driver 1 work state 1612
1,4 3 bits Driver 2 work state 1613
1,7 2 bits Drive recognize 1611
2,1 4 bits Driver 1 time related states 1617
2,5 2 bits Driver card, driver1 1615
2,7 2 bits Vehicle over speed 1614
3,1 4 bits Driver 2 time related states 1618
3,5 2 bits Driver card, driver 2 1616
4,1 2 bits Tacho event code 1622
4,3 2 bits Handling information 1621
4,5 2 bits Tacho performance 1620
4,7 2 bits Direction indicator 1619
5,1 2 byte Tacho shaft speed 1623
7,1 2 byte Tacho vehicle speed 1624

SPN1612 & SPN1613 Driver 1 & 2 work state

Data length 3 bits Status:
Resolution 8 states 000 Rest, sleeping
Operating high range 4 001 Driver available, short break
010 Work, loading, unloading, working in an office
011 Drive, behind wheel
100-101 Reserved
110 Error
111 Not available

SPN1611 Drive recognize

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Vehicle motion not detected
Operating high range 2 01 Vehicle motion detected
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN1617 Driver 1 time related states

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Normal/No limits reached
Operating high range 7 0001 Limit #1 15 min before 4 ½h
0010 Limit #2 4 ½h reached
0011 Limit #3 15min before 9h
0100 Limit #4 9h reached
0101 Limit #5 15min before 16h (not having 8h
rest during the last 24h)
0110 Limit #6 16 h reached
0111-1100 Reserved
1101 Other
1110 Error
1111 Not available

SPN1615 Driver card, driver 1

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Driver card not present
Operating high range 2 01 - Driver card present
10 - Error
11 - Not available
SPN1614 Vehicle over speed
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 No over speed
Operating high range 2 01 Over speed
10 Error
11 Not available

SPN1618 Driver 2 time related states

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 16 states 0000 Normal/no limits reached
Operating high range 7 0001 Limit #1 15 min before 4 ½h
0010 Limit #2 4 ½h reached
0011 Limit #3 15min before 9h
0100 Limit #4 9h reached
0101 Limit #5 15min before 16h (not having 8h
rest during the last 24h)
0110 Limit #6 16h reached
0111-1100 Reserved
1101 Other
1110 Error
1111 Not available

SPN1616 Driver card, driver 2

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Driver card not present
Operating high range 2 01 - Driver card present
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN1622 Tacho event code

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - No tachograph event
Operating high range 2 01 - Tachograph event
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN1621 Handling information

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - No handling information
Operating high range 2 01 - Handling information
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN1620 Tacho performance

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Normal performance
Operating high range 2 01 - Performance analysis
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN1619 Direction indicator

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Forward
Operating high range 2 01 - Reverse
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN1623 Tacho Shaft Speed
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/8 rpm per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 8031 rpm

SPN1624 Tacho Vehicle Speed

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/256 km/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250 km/h

PGN FE70 Combination Vehicle Weight


Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 byte Powered Vehicle Weight 1585
3,1 2 byte Gross Combination Vehicle Weight 1760

SPN1585 Powered Vehicle Weight

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 10/1 kg per bit
Operating high range 642550 kg

SPN1760 Gross Combination Vehicle Weight

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 10/1 kg per bit
Operating high range 642550 kg

PGN FE92 Engine Information EI

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 7

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 2 byte Exhaust Gas Pressure 1209
5,1 2 byte Engine Gas Mass Flow Rate 1 1241

SPN1209 Exhaust Gas Pressure

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 1/128 kPa per bit
Offset -250kPa
Operating high range 251 kPa

SPN1241 Engine Gas Mass Flow Rate 1

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 0.05 kg/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 3212.75 kg/h

PGN FEAC Wheel Brake Lining Remaining Info

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 7

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Front Axle, Left Wheel 1099
2,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Front Axle, Right Wheel 1100
3,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 1, Left Wheel 1101
4,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 1, Right Wheel 1102
5,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 2, Left Wheel 1103
6,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 2, Right Wheel 1104
7,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 3, Left Wheel 1105
8,1 1 byte Brake Lining Remaining Axle 3, Right Wheel 1106

SPN1099 to SPN1100 Brake Lining Remaining Front Axle, left/right wheel

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

SPN1101 to SPN1106 Brake Lining Remaining Axle X, left/right wheel

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

PGN FEAE Air Supply Pressure


Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Pneumatic Supply Pressure 46
2,1 1 byte Park/Trailer Air Pressure 1086
3,1 1 byte Air Brake Pressure Circuit 1 1087
4,1 1 byte Air Brake Pressure Circuit 2 1088
5,1 1 byte Auxiliary Equipment Supply Pressure 1089
6,1 1 byte Air Suspension Pressure 1090
7,1 2 bits Air Compressor Status 1351

SPN46 & SPN1086 to SPN1090

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 8 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2000 kPa

SPN1351 Air Compressor Status

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Compressor not active
Operating high range 2 01 Compressor active
10 Error indicator
11 Not available

PGN FEAF Fuel Consumption (Gaseous) GFC

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

5,1 4 bytes Total Fuel CAN Bus (Gaseous) 1040

SPN 1040 Total Fuel CAN Bus

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/2 kg per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2105540607 kg

PGN FEBF Wheel Speed Information EBC2

Transmission repetition rate 0.1 s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Front Axle Speed 904

SPN904 Front Axle Speed

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/256 km/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250 km/h

PGN FEC0 Service Information


Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 2 bytes Service Distance 914

SPN914 Service Distance

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 5 km per bit
Offset -160635
Operating high range 160640 km

PGN FEC1 High Resolution Vehicle Distance

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Odometer 917
5,1 4 bytes Trip Distance 918

SPN917 & SPN918 Odometer & Trip Distance

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/200 km per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 21055406 km

PGN FEC3 Electronic Transmission Controller 5 ETC5

Transmission repetition rate (Default on request) Squarell setting is 1 s

Default priority 7

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 2 bits Reverse Direction Switch 767
2,3 2 bits Neutral Switch 604

SPN767 & SPN604

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - OFF
Operating high range 2 01 - ON
10 - Error
11 - Not available

PGN FECA Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes DMI1

Transmission repetition rate On Event

Default priority 6
Source Address Source Address of the ECU the message came from

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits Protect Lamp 987
1,3 2 bits Engine Amber Warning Lamp 624
1,5 2 bits Engine Red Stop Lamp 623
1,7 2 bits MIL Lamp 1213
3,1 4 bytes Error Code 1214

This message can contain multiple error codes. When there are 2 or more error codes the errors are
appended (Error 2 is located on byte 7 to 10, Error 3 is located on byte 11 to 14, etc.).

SPN987, SPN624, SPN623 & SPN1213

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - OFF
Operating high range 2 01 ON
10 - Error
11 - Not available
SPN1214 Error Code

Data length 4 bytes

Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4294967295

This parameter represents the actual error code. The 4 bytes can be split up in the following parameters
(when the Conversion Method = 0):
1,1 8 bits Least significant bits of the error code
2,1 8 bits Second byte of the error code
3,6 3 bits 3 Most significant bits of the error code
3,1 5 bits Failure Mode Identifier
4,1 7 bits Occurrence Count
4,8 1 bit Conversion Method

PGN FED5 Alternator Speed AS

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

3,1 2 bits Alternator Status 1 3353
3,3 2 bits Alternator Status 2 3354
3,5 2 bits Alternator Status 3 3355
3,7 2 bits Alternator Status 4 3356

SPN3353 to SPN3356 Alternator Status x

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Not Charging
Operating high range 2 01 Charging
10 Error
11 Not available

PGN FEDC Idle Operation IO

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Engine Total Idle Fuel 236
5,1 4 bytes Engine Total Idle Hours 235

SPN236 Engine Total Idle Fuel

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/2 L per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2105540607 L

SPN235 Engine Total Idle Hours

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/20 Hour per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 210554060 Hours

PGN FEE0 Vehicle Distance VD

Transmission repetition rate 0.1 s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

5,1 4 bytes Total Vehicle Distance 245

SPN245 Total Vehicle Distance

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/8 km per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 526385151 km

PGN FEE3 Engine Configuration 1 EC1
Transmission repetition rate 5s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 1 188
3,1 1 byte Engine Torque Point 1 539
4,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 2 528
6,1 1 byte Engine Torque Point 2 540
7,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 3 529
9,1 1 byte Engine Torque Point 3 541
10,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 4 530
12,1 1 byte Engine Torque Point 4 542
13,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 5 531
15,1 1 byte Engine Torque Point 5 543
16,1 2 bytes Engine Speed Point 6 532
20,1 2 bytes Ref Engine Torque 544

SPN188, SPN528 to SPN532 Engine Speed Point X

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/8 rpm per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 8031 rpm

SPN539 to SPN543 Engine Torque Point X

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 % per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125 %

SPN544 Reference Engine Torque

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1 Nm per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 64255

PGN FEE5 Engine Hours, Revolutions


Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Engine Hours 247

SPN247 Total Engine Hours

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/20 hr per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 210554060 hours

PGN FEE6 Time/Date TD

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Seconds 959
2,1 1 byte Minutes 960
3,1 1 byte Hours 961
4,1 1 byte Month 963
5,1 1 byte Day 962
6,1 1 byte Year 964
7,1 1 byte Local Minute Offset 1601
8,1 1 byte Local Hour Offset 1602

SPN959 Seconds
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/4 sec per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 59 sec

SPN960 Minutes
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 min per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 59 min

SPN961 Hours
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 hr per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 23 hr

SPN 963 Month

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 month per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 12 month

SPN962 Day
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/4 days per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 31 day

SPN 964 Year

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 year per bit
Offset 1985
Operating high range 250 year

SPN 1601 Local Minute Offset

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 min per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range -59 to 59 minute

SPN1602 Local Hour Offset

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 hr per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range -23 to 23 hr

PGN FEE7 Vehicle Hours VH

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Vehicle Hours 246
5,1 4 bytes Total PTO Hours 248

SPN246 & SPN248 Total Vehicle Hours & Total PTO Hours
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/20 hr per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 210554060 hours

PGN FEE9 Fuel Consumption (Liquid) LFC

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes CAN Bus Trip Fuel 182
5,1 4 bytes Total Fuel CAN Bus 250

SPN182 CAN Bus Trip Fuel

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/2 Litre per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2105540607 Litre

SPN250 Total Fuel CAN Bus

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/2 Litre per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2105540607 Litre

PNG FEEA Vehicle Weight VW

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,5 4 bits Axle Location 928
2,1 2 bytes Axle Weight 582
4,1 2 bytes Trailer Weight 180
6,1 2 bytes Cargo Weight 181

SPN928 Axle Location

Data length 4 bits
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10

SPN582 Axle Weight

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/2 kg per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 32,127 kg

SPN180 & SPN181 Trailer Weight & Cargo Weight

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 2 kg per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 128,510 kg

PGN FEEC Vehicle Identification VI

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 17 bytes Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 237

Data length 17 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

PGN FEED Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed Setup CCSS

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Max Vehicle Speed 74

SPN74 Max Vehicle Speed

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 km/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250 km/h

PGN FEEE Engine Temperature 1 ET1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Engine Coolant Temperature 110
2,1 1 byte Fuel Temperature 174
3,1 2 bytes Engine Oil Temperature 175

SPN110 & SPN174 Engine Coolant Temperature & Fuel Temperature

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 deg C per bit
Offset -40
Operating high range 210 deg C

SPN175 Engine Oil Temperature

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/32 deg C per bit
Offset -273
Operating high range 1735 deg C

PGN FEEF Engine Fluid Level/Pressure 1 EFL/P1

Transmission repetition rate 0.5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

3,1 1 byte Engine Oil Level 98
4,1 1 byte Engine Oil Pressure 100
7,1 1 byte Engine Coolant Pressure 109
8,1 1 byte Engine Coolant Level 111

SPN98 Engine Oil Level

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

SPN100 Engine Oil Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 1000 kPa

SPN109 Engine Coolant Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 2 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 500 kPa

SPN111 Engine Coolant Level

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

PGN FEF1 Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed CCVS
Transmission repetition rate 0.1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,3 2 bits Park Brake Switch 70
2,1 2 bytes CAN Bus Speed 84
4,1 2 bits Cruise Control Switch 595
4,5 2 bits Brake Switch 597
4,7 2 bits Clutch Switch 598
5,5 2 bits Cruise Resume Switch 601
5,7 2 bits Cruise Acceleration Switch 602
6,1 1 byte Cruise Set Speed 86
7,1 5 bits PTO State 976

SPN70 Park Brake Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Parking brake not set
Operating high range 2 01 - Parking brake set
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN84 CAN Bus Speed

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/256 km/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250 km/h

SPN595 Cruise Control Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Cruise control switched off
Operating high range 2 01 - Cruise control switched on
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN597 & SPN598 Brake Switch & Clutch Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - pedal released
Operating high range 2 01 - pedal depressed
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN601 Cruise Resume Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Cruise control activator not in the position
Operating high range 2
01 -
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN602 Cruise Acceleration Switch

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 - Cruise control activator not in the position
Operating high range 2
01 - Cruise control activator in position
10 - Error
11 - Not available
SPN86 Cruise Set Speed
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 km/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250 km/h

SPN976 PTO State

Data length 5 bits Status:
Resolution 32 states 00000 Off/Disabled
Operating high range 19 00001 Hold
00010 Remote Hold
00011 Standby
00100 Remote Standby
00101 Set
00110 Decelerate/Coast
00111 Resume
01000 Accelerate
01001 Accelerator Override
01010 Preprogrammed set speed 1
01011 Preprogrammed set speed 2
01100 Preprogrammed set speed 3
01101 Preprogrammed set speed 4
01110 Preprogrammed set speed 5
01111 Preprogrammed set speed 6
10000 Preprogrammed set speed 7
10001 Preprogrammed set speed 8
10010 PTO set speed memory 1
10011 PTO set speed memory 2
10100-11110 Not defined
11111 Not available

PGN FEF2 Fuel Economy (Liquid) LFE

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes CAN Bus Actual Fuel 183
3,1 2 bytes Instantaneous Fuel Economy 184
5,1 2 bytes Average Fuel Economy 185
7,1 1 byte Throttle Position 51

SPN183 CAN Bus Actual Fuel

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/20 L/h per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 3212 L/h

SPN184 Instantaneous Fuel Economy

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/512 km/L per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 125 Km/L

SPN185 Average Fuel Economy

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/512 km/L per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 125 Km/L

SPN51 Throttle Position

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

PGN FEF4 Tire Condition
This parameter is copied from the input to the output without any modification.

Transmission repetition rate Depending on reading frequency

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Tire Location 929
2,1 1 byte Tire Pressure 241
3,1 2 bytes Tire Temperature 242
5,1 2 bits CTI Wheel Sensor Status 1699
5,3 2 bits CTI Tire Status 1698
5,5 2 bits CTI Wheel End Electrical Fault 1697
6,1 2 bytes Tire Air Leakage Rate 2586
8,6 3 bits Tire Pressure Threshold Detection 2587

SPN929 Tire Location

Data length 8 bits
Resolution 256 states/8 bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255
Identifies which tire is associated with the parametric data in this PGN.
The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of
normal vehicle travel (forward). The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back
on the vehicle. The value 0xFF indicates not available.
Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.
Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd
axle, 4th tire).

SPN241 Tire Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4kPa/bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 1000 kPa

SPN242 Tire Temperature

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/32 deg C/bit
Offset -273 deg C
Operating high range 1735 deg C

SPN1699 CTI Wheel Sensor Status

Indicates whether the wheel is being monitored by the CTI controller.
Data length 2 bits
Resolution 4 states/2 bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0-3
Status 00 Off / isolated from CTI Pressure Controller
01 On (tire is polled)
10 Not Defined
11 Not Supported

SPN1698 CTI Tire Status
Indicates the status of the tire.
Data length 2 bits
Resolution 4 states/2 bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0-3
Status 00 Ok (no fault)
01 Tire leak detected
10 Error
11 Not Supported

SPN1697 CTI Wheel End Electrical Fault

Indicates the status of electrical fault on CTI wheel interface.
Data length 2 bits
Resolution 4 states/2 bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0-3
Status 00 Ok (no fault)
01 Not Defined
10 Error
11 Not Supported

SPN2586 Tire Air Leakage Rate

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 0.1 Pa/s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0 Pa/s to 6425.5 Pa/s

SPN2587 Tire Pressure Threshold Detection

Data length 3 bits
Resolution 8 states/3 bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0-7
Status 000 Extreme over pressure
001 Over pressure
010 No warning pressure
011 Under pressure
100 Extreme under pressure
101 Not defined
110 Error indicator
111 Not available

IMPORTANT: -05-2019.

PGN FEF5 Ambient Conditions

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Barometric Pressure 108
4,1 2 bytes Ambient Air Temperature 171
6,1 1 byte Engine Air Inlet Temperature 172

SPN108 Barometric Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/2 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 125 kPa

SPN171 Ambient Air Temperature

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/32 deg C per bit
Offset -273
Operating high range 1735 deg C

SPN172 Engine Air Inlet Temperature

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 deg C per bit
Offset -40
Operating high range 210 deg C

PGN FEF6 Inlet/Exhaust Conditions 1 IC1

Transmission repetition rate 0.5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 1 byte Turbo Pressure 102
3,1 1 byte Intake Air Temp 105
6,1 2 bytes Exhaust Gas Temp 173

SPN102 Turbo Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 2 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 500 kPa

SPN105 Intake Air Temp

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 deg C per bit
Offset -40
Operating high range 210 deg C

SPN173 Exhaust Gas Temp

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/32 deg C per bit
Offset -273
Operating high range 1735 deg C

PGN FEF7 Vehicle Electrical Power 1 VEP1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Battery Current 114
5,1 2 bytes Battery Voltage 168

SPN114 Battery Current

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1 A per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125 A

SPN168 Battery Voltage

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/20 V per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 3212 V
PGN FEF8 Transmission Fluids 1 TRF1

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN
2,1 1 byte Transmission Oil Level 124
4,1 1 byte Transmission Oil Pressure 127
5,1 2 bytes Transmission Oil Temperature 177

SPN124 Transmission Oil Level

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

SPN127 Transmission Oil Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 16 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4000 kPa

SPN177 Transmission Oil Temperature

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/32 deg C per bit
Offset -273
Operating high range 1735 deg C


Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Brake Application Pressure 116

SPN116 Brake Application Pressure

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/1 kPa per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 1000 KPa

PGN FEFC Dash Display DD

Transmission repetition rate 1s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

2,1 1 byte Fuel Level 96
7,1 1 byte Fuel Level 2 38

SPN96 Fuel Level

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

SPN38 Fuel Level 2

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 4/10 % per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100 %

3.2 Squarell device specific CAN Bus messages

The Device Specific CAN Bus messages are CAN Bus messages that contain information about the
installed Squarell device. For instance: The serial number and the DCF version of the device are sent.
Below are all the Device Specific CAN Bus messages defined by Squarell listed.

PGN FF50 Device Code SDC

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 7 bytes Device Code 9950

SPN9950 Device Code

Data length 7 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

PGN FF51 Device Settings SDSO

This message gives the Device Hardware Version, Firmware Version and the DCF Version of the current Squarell

Transmission Repetition Rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Device Hardware Version 9951
3,1 2 bytes Device Software Version 9952
5,1 4 bytes DCF Version 9979

SPN9951 & SPN9952 Device Hardware Version & Device Software Version
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN9979 DCF Version

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

PGN FF52 Device Status SDST

This message gives the status of the current Squarell Device.

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Device Temperature 9930
3,1 1 byte Device Error 9931
4,1 2 bytes Device Diagnostics 9932
6,1 1 byte Device Cycle Time 9940

SPN9930 Device Temperature

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN9931 Device Error

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

SPN9932 Device Diagnostics

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN9940 Device Cycle Time

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

PGN FF53 Device Serial Number SDSE

This message gives the Serial Number of the current Squarell Device.

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Device Serial Number 9953
5,1 2 bytes Firmware Version* 9956

SPN9953 Device Serial Number

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4211081215

SPN9956 Firmware Version*

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

*Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series

PGN FF54 Software Profile SDSE

This message gives the Software Profile of the current Squarell Device.

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 40 bytes Software Profile 9957

SPN9957 Software Profile

Data length 40 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series


This message represents the Trip Report and contains the status of the LEDs. The DAP makes a trip analysis
over the last 15 trips (a trip is ignition on - drive at least 3 Km - ignition off/50 km driven). The result of the
analysis is the 6 LED colors.

Transmission repetition rate On time on Ignition ON & Engine OFF

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits LED High RPM 45860
1,3 2 bits LED Unsteady Drive 45861
1,5 2 bits LED Engine Power 45862
1,7 2 bits LED Hash Accelerate 45863
2,1 2 bits LED Eco Drive 45864
2,3 2 bits LED Tot Anticipate 45865

SPN45860 to SPN45865 LED

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 3 states 00 - Green
Operating high range 3 01 - Orange
10 Red

-01-2016 and with a connected DAP

device, running firmware version 2.04 and higher.

PGN FFA9 Set/Reset the Tacho Initialization SQ9

This message sets the Tachograph type of the Squarell Device.

To restart the initialisation process automatically, send the following message:

PGN 18FFA9FA: 00 01 00 20 00 00 00 00

To force the device to VDO (version 1.4, 2.0 & 2.0a, 2.2 & 2.2a) settings, send the following message:
PGN 18FFA9FA: 05 01 00 20 00 00 00 00

To force the device to Stoneridge (with data validation) settings, send the following message:
PGN 18FFA9FA: 05 02 00 20 00 00 00 00

To force the device to Actia settings, send the following message:

PGN 18FFA9FA: 05 03 00 20 00 00 00 00

To force the device to VDO (version 2.1) settings, send the following message:
PGN 18FFA9FA: 05 04 00 20 00 00 00 00

To force the device to Stoneridge (without data validation) settings, send the following message:
PGN 18FFA9FA: 05 05 00 20 00 00 00 00

Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series on DCFs from version 09-04-2015

PGN FF79 Status Tacho Initialization SQTI9
This message shows the Tachograph settings of the Squarell Device.

Transmission repetition rate On request (See PGN FFAA)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Attempt Counter 41880
2,1 1 byte K-Line 1 Active 41881
3,1 1 byte Tacho Message Received 41882
4,1 1 byte Tacho Type 9111
5,1 4 bytes K-Line errors 41099

SPN41880 Attempt Counter

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 5

SPN41881 K-Line 1 Active

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 1

SPN41882 Tacho Message Received

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 1

SPN9111 Tacho Type

Data length 1 byte Status:
Resolution 1/1 s per bit 1 = VDO (version 1.4, 2.0 & 2.0a, 2.2 & 2.2a)
Offset No offset 2 = Stoneridge (with data validation)
Operating high range 7 3 = Actia
4 = VDO (version 2.1)
5 = Stoneridge (without data validation)
6 = Intellic
7 = Unknown tacho contact Squarell support

SPN41099 K-Line errors

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series on DCFs from version 130109

PGN FFAA Request Status Tacho Initialization SQTI

This message requests the Status of the Tacho initialization configured by current Squarell Device (FF79

To quest the Device IDs, send the following message:

PGN 18FFAAFA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series

PGN FFD4 Set ON/OFF Tacho Land Code Parameters SOTLC

This message activates or deactivate the Driver Card Land Code Parameters on the FE6B message.

To activate the Driver Cards Land Code, send the following message:
PGN 18FFD4FA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

To activate the Driver Cards Land Code, send the following message:
PGN 18FFD4FA: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Note: Only applicable to 8000 Series


This message gives the active channels and its IDs used by current Squarell Device.

Transmission repetition rate On Request (See PGN FFD1)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 51 bytes Device ID 9899

SPN9899 Device ID
Data length 51 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Operating high range 255

Note: This is a Package message. Each ID is sent in package. Time between packages: 50ms.
Available on DCFs from 160729. Only applicable to 8000 Series.
Depending on the actual size of this message, the reply can be fragmented. Please see PGN ECFF and PGN EBFF
for more information about fragmentation.

Warning: It a big amount of data can be expected.

Note: Available on DCFs from 190508.

PGN FFD1 Request Device IDS SQIDs1

This message requests the active channels and its IDs used by current Squarell Device (FF55 message).

To quest the Device IDs, send the following message:

PGN 18FFD1FA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Note: Available on DCFs from 160729. Only applicable to 8000 Series.

3.3 Squarell additional CAN Bus messages

The following CAN Bus messages are special Squarell CAN Bus messages and are not supported on
the Vehicle CAN Bus. These messages contain values that are calculated by Squarell devices
according to the supported parameters in the vehicle CAN Bus.
Below are all the Extended CAN Bus messages listed.

PGN FF61 Squarell Parameters 1 SQP1

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Time Drive 6003
5,1 4 bytes Total Time Cruise 6013

SPN6003 & SPN6013 Tot Time Drive & Tot Time Cruise
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF62 Squarell Parameters 2 SQP2

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Idle Time 6008
5,1 4 bytes Total Fuel Idle 6009

SPN6008 Total Idle Time

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

SPN6009 Total Fuel Idle

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/10 l per bit
Offset No offset
Operating High Range 400000000

PGN FF63 Squarell Parameters 3 SQP3

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Time PTO 6022
5,1 4 bytes Total Fuel PTO 6021

SPN6022 & SPN6021 Total Time PTO & Total Fuel PTO
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF64 Squarell Parameters 4 SQP4

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Brake Application 6023
5,1 4 bytes Brake Applications > Threshold 1*1 6028

SPN6023 & SPN6028 Total Brake Applications & Brake Applications > Threshold 1
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

*1 This parameter is calculated with Threshold 1. See Chapter 6 for more information.

PGN FF65 Squarell Parameters 5 SQP5

Transmission repetition rate 5s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Clutch Applications 6019
5,1 4 bytes Total Idle Applications >Threshold 2*1 6010

SPN6019 & SPN6010 Total Clutch Applications & Total Idle Applications > Threshold 2
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF66 Squarell Parameters 6 SQP6

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Time Torque >Threshold 3*1 6057
5,1 4 bytes Total Time Speed > Threshold 4*1 6047

SPN6057 & SPN6047 Total Time Torque > Threshold & Total Time Speed >Threshold 4
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF67 Squarell Parameters 7 SQP7

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Time RPM >Threshold 5*1 6053
5,1 4 bytes Harsh Acceleration Applications*1 6043

SPN6053 & SPN6043 Total Time RPM >Threshold 5 & Harsh Acceleration Applications
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF68 Squarell Parameters 8 SQP8

Transmission repetition rate 5s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Coupled or decoupled status of trailer 1 6812
2,1 2 bytes Weight of the axle of trailer 1 6530
4,1 2 bits State of the EBS amber fault warning T1 42114
4,3 2 bits State of the EBS red fault warning T1 42113
5,1 4 bytes Amount of VDC active for trailer 1 6580
9,1 4 bytes Amount of ABS active for trailer 1 6510
13,1 1 byte Coupled or decoupled status of trailer 2 6814
14,1 2 bytes Weight of the axle of trailer 2 6531
16,1 2 bits State of the EBS amber fault warning T2 42124
16,3 2 bits State of the EBS red fault warning T2 42123
17,1 4 bytes Amount of VDC active for trailer 2 6590
21,1 4 bytes Amount of ABS active for trailer 2 6520

SPN6812 Coupled or decoupled status of trailer 1

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 = Decouple
Operating high range 3 1 = Couple

SPN6530 Weight of the axle of trailer 1
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 2/1 Kgs per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 128510

SPN42114 & SPN42113 State of the EBS amber & red fault warning T1
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 = No
Operating high range 3 1 = Yes

SPN6580 & SPN6510 Amount red VDC & ABS faults for trailer 1
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

SPN6814 Coupled or decoupled status of trailer 2

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 = Decouple
Operating high range 3 1 = Couple

SPN6531 Weight of the axle of trailer 2

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 2/1 s per Kg
Offset No offset
Operating high range 128510

SPN42124 & SPN42123 State of the EBS amber & red fault warning T2
Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 = No
Operating high range 3 1 = Yes

SPN6590 & SPN6520 Amount red VDC & ABS faults for trailer 2
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 400000000

PGN FF69 Squarell Parameters 9 SQP9

Transmission repetition rate 5s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 9 bytes ID number of connected trailer 1 6811
10,1 9 bytes ID number of connected trailer 2 6813

SPN6811 & SPN6813 ID number of connected trailer 1 & 2

Data length 9 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range 16777215

PGN FF70 Squarell Parameters 10 SQ10
Transmission repetition rate 5s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Supply /Battery Voltage 168
3,1 2 bytes AUX1 Voltage 33064
5,1 2 bytes AUX2 Voltage 33065
7,1 1 bit Supply Voltage / battery volt trigger 33058
7,3 1 bit AUX1 / IO #01 Trigger 701
7,5 1 bit AUX2 / IO #02 Trigger 702

SPN168 Battery Potential

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 0.05V/bit,
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN33061 AUX1 Voltage

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 0.05V/bit,
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN33062 AUX2 Voltage

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 0.05V/bit,
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN33058 Supply volt trigger

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 Supply volt trigger off
Operating high range 2 01 Supply volt trigger on
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN701 AUX1 / IO #01 Trigger

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 AUX1 / IO#1 trigger off
Operating high range 2 01 AUX1 / IO#1 trigger on
10 - Error
11 - Not available

SPN702 AUX2 / IO #02 Trigger

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 4 states 00 AUX2 / IO#2 trigger off
Operating high range 2 01 AUX2 / IO#2 trigger on
10 - Error
11 - Not available

PGN FF90 Vehicle Registration Number (License plate) VRN
Transmission repetition rate 5s or on Event
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 14 bytes Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) 239

Data length 14 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

PGN FF94 Squarell EV Parameters 0 SQEV0

Transmission repetition rate 0.1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes State of Charge (SoC) 6149

SPN6149 State of Charge (SoC)

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/0.1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 100 %

PGN FF95 Squarell EV Parameters 1 SQEV1
Transmission repetition rate 0.1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Electromotor RPM 6141
5,1 1 bytes EV motor torque 6142
6,1 2 bytes AV. trip consumption 6143
8,1 2 bits eco mode enabled 6144

SPN6141 Electromotor RPM

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.125 per bit
Offset -50000
Operating high range 50000

SPN6142 EV motor torque

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset -125
Operating high range 125%

SPN6143 AV. trip consumption

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 1/0.1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 250 kWh/100km

SPN6144 ECO mode enabled

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 1/1 00 = Off
Operating high range 3 01 = On
11 = N/A

PGN FF96 Squarell EV Parameters 2 SQEV2
Transmission repetition rate 0.1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Traction battery current 6147
3,1 2 bytes Traction battery potential 6148
5,1 2 bytes Remaining battery range 6150
7,1 2 bytes Remaining battery time 6151

SPN6147 Traction battery current

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/0.05 per bit
Offset -1600
Operating high range 1612 A

SPN6148 Traction battery potential

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 65000 V

SPN6150 Remaining battery range

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 km

SPN6151 Remaining battery time

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 Minutes

PGN FF97 Squarell EV Parameters 3 SQEV3
Transmission repetition rate 0.1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bits Charging cable status 6152
1,3 2 bits Charging status 6153
2,1 2 bytes EV remaining charging time 6154
4,1 1 byte EV motor temperature 6146
5,1 2 bytes Actual kW used 6158
7,1 2 bytes Actual kW regenerated 6159

SPN6152 Charging cable status

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 1/1 00 = Off
Operating high range 3 01 = On
11 = N/A

SPN6153 Charging status

Data length 2 bits Status:
Resolution 1/1 00 = Off
Operating high range 3 01 = On
11 = N/A

SPN6154 EV remaining charging time

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 Minutes

SPN6146 EV motor temperature

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset -40
Operating high range 210 C °

SPN6158 Actual kW used

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/0.1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 kW

SPN6159 Actual kW regenerated

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/0.1 per bit
Offset -2000
Operating high range 0 kW

PGN FF98 Squarell EV Parameters 4 SQEV4
Transmission repetition rate 1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Discharged Energy 6160
5,1 4 bytes Total Discharged Energy Driving 6161

SPN6160 Total Discharged Energy

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.001 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 kWh

SPN6161 Total Discharged Energy Driving

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.001 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 kWh

PGN FF99 Squarell EV Parameters 5 SQEV5

Transmission repetition rate 1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Regenerated Charge 6163
5,1 4 bytes Total ignition on time 6164

SPN6163 Total Regenerated Charge

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.001 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 kWh

SPN6164 Total ignition on time

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.05 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 hours

PGN FFA0 Squarell EV Parameters 6 SQEV6
Transmission repetition rate 1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total ignition on idle 6165
5,1 4 bytes Total ignition time in Park 6166

SPN6165 Total ignition on idle

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.05 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 hours

SPN6166 Total ignition time in Park

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.05 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 hours

PGN FFA1 Squarell EV Parameters 7 SQEV7

Transmission repetition rate 1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total engine brake distance 6167
5,1 4 bytes Total engine brake time 6168

SPN6167 Total engine brake distance

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.005 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 km

SPN6168 Total engine brake time

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 seconds

PGN FFA2 Squarell EV Parameters 8 SQEV8

Transmission repetition rate 1s
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Total Charged Energy 6169

SPN6169 Total Charged Energy

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/0.001 per bit
Offset 0
Operating high range 400000000 kWh

3.4 Squarell calibration set/reset messages

The following CAN Bus messages are special Squarell CAN Bus messages. They can be used to
change the calibration factors in the Squarell device or read the current calibration factors.
Below are all the Calibration CAN Bus messages listed.

PGN FFF0 Set Speed & Fuel Calibration Factors SCF

This message can set/reset the calibration factors.

Transmission repetition rate On Request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Speed Calibration Factor 9920
3,1 2 bytes Fuel Calibration Factor 9921

SPN9920 & SPN9921 Speed Calibration Factor & Fuel Calibration Factor
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10000
Default Value 1000

When setting the Calibration Factors, keep in mind that the CAN Values are in Hex and that they are
LSB (Least Significant Byte first).

Setting the Calibration Example:

If you want to set the Default Speed Calibration Factor 1000 and the Default Fuel Calibration Factor
1000, then you can send: E8 03 E8 03

If you want to set the Speed Calibration Factor to 1000 and the Fuel Calibration Factor to 500, you can
E8 03 F4 01

If you want to set the Speed Calibration Factor to 1200 and the Fuel Calibration Factor to 1500, you
can send: B0 04 DC 05

For more information about how to calculate the calibration factors please see chapter 5.

PGN FFF1 Set Voltages Thresholds SVT

This message can set/reset the calibration factors.

Transmission repetition rate On Request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bit Supply voltage threshold 33052

SPN9920 & SPN9921 Speed Calibration Factor & Fuel Calibration Factor
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10000
Default Value 1000

PGN FFF8 Calibration Factors for Speed & Fuel CF

FFF8 message is a special message defined by Squarell. This message gives the Status of the Calibration factors.
Default values are Speed is 1000 and Fuel is 1000.

Transmission repetition rate 5s

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Speed Calibration Factor 9920
3,1 2 bytes Fuel Calibration Factor 9921

SPN9920 & SPN9921 Speed Calibration Factor & Fuel Calibration Factor
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10000
Default Value 1000

3.5 Set/reset stored values

The following CAN Bus messages are special Squarell CAN Bus messages that can be used to change

Below are all the Set / Reset CAN Bus messages listed.

PGN FFF1 Set Odometer SDF

You can set the Total Distance Travelled with this message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Set Odometer 6000

SPN6000 Set Odometer

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/200 km per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 21055406

Keep in mind that the CAN Values are in Hex, that they have a resolution (1/200 for Total Distance
Travelled) and that they are LSB (Least Significant Byte first).

If you want to set the Total Distance Travelled to 0, you can send:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If you want to set the Total Distance Travelled to 1, you can send:
C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If you want to set the Total Distance Travelled to 10000, you can send:
80 84 1E 00 00 00 00 00

After setting or Resetting, the values will be changed in message PGN FEC1.

PGN FFF2 Set Total Engine Hours SEH

You can set the Total Engine Hours with this message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes Set Total Engine Hours 6002
5,1 4 bytes Set Total Engine On Seconds 6222

SPN6002 Set Total Engine Hours

Data length 4 byte
Resolution 1/20 hr per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 210554060 hours

SPN6222 Set Total Engine On Seconds

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 s per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 21055406

Keep in mind that the CAN Values are in Hex, that they have a resolution (1/20 for Total Engine Hours
in minutes and 1/1 for Total Engine Hours in seconds) and that they are LSB (Least Significant Byte

If you want to set the Total Engine Hours in minutes and Total Engine Hours in seconds to 0, you can
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If you want to set the Total Engine Hours in minutes to 1 minute and Total Engine Hours in seconds to
60 seconds, you can send:
14 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00

If you want to set the Total Engine Hours in minutes to 10000 minutes and Total Engine Hours in
seconds to 60000 seconds, you can send:
40 0D 03 00 60 EA 00 00

After setting or Resetting, the values will be changed in message PGN FEE5.

PGN FFF3 Reset Tot Fuel Used STFU

You can set the Total Fuel Used with this message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

5,1 4 bytes Set Total Fuel Used 6001

SPN6001 Set Total Fuel Used

Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 mL per bit
Offset No offset

Operating high range 4294967 mL
If you want to set the Total Fuel Used to 0, you can send:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If you want to set the Total Fuel Used to 5000 L, you can send:
00 00 00 00 40 4B 4C 00

*3 After setting or Resetting, the values will be changed in message PGN FEE9 and FD09.

PGN FFA5 Configure Tot Fuel Used TFUR

With this message, you can configure the source of the TFU parameters.
Note: calculated Total Fuel Used is default setting.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes TFU Config Setting 9215

SPN9215 TFU Configure Setting

Data length 1 byte Status:
Resolution 5 states 001 TFU is calculated by Squarell (1/2 resolution)
Operating high range 255 010 TFU is calculated by Squarell (1/100
011 Read TFU from CAN (1/2 resolution, if
100 Read TFU from CAN (1/100 resolution, if
101 TFU is calculated by Squarell (1/10

If you want to set the Total Fuel Used read from the CAN:
03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If you want to know what is the actual setting:

FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

PGN FFA3 Receive RTC (Time Stamp) RTC

With this message, you can set the date & time of the device.
Note: This message can be use only if the date & time is Not available on the vehicle. If the date & time are available
on the vehicle, the Set RTC message will not have effect.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Year 9641
3,1 1 byte Month 9642
4,1 1 byte Day 9643
5,1 1 byte Hours 9644
6,1 1 byte Minutes 9645
7,1 1 byte Seconds 9646

SPN9641 Year
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65535

SPN9642 Month
Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 12

SPN9643 Day
Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 31

SPN9644 Hours
Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 23

SPN9645 & SPN9646 Minutes & Seconds

Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 59

3.6 Device diagnostics and advanced functions

PGN FFE5 Response Parser Configuration 1 SRPC1

This message shows the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more information.
Note: This is a package message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PGN FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes Tot Dist Parse Indicator 9201
2,1 1 bytes TFU Parse Indicator 9211
3,1 1 bytes Engine Hours Parse Indicator 9221
4,1 1 bytes Vehicle Speed Parse Indicator 9231
5,1 1 bytes Engine Speed Parse Indicator 9241
6,1 1 bytes % Torque Parse Indicator 9251
7,1 1 bytes Kickdown Switch Parse Indicator 9261
8,1 1 bytes Acceleration Pedal Parse Indicator 9271
9,1 1 bytes Break Switch Parse Indicator 9281
10,1 1 bytes Clutch Switch Parse Indicator 9291
11,1 1 bytes Cruise Active Parse Indicator 9301
12,1 1 bytes PTO 1 Parse Indicator 9311
13,1 1 bytes Fuel Level Parse Indicator 9321
14,1 1 bytes Engine Temp Parse Indicator 9331
15,1 1 bytes Turbo Press Parse Indicator 9341
16,1 1 bytes Axle Weight Parse Indicator 9351
17,1 1 bytes Service Distance Parse Indicator 9361
18,1 1 bytes TR WGHT Parse Indicator 9371
19,1 1 bytes RTC Parse Indicator 9381
20,1 1 bytes RET Parse Indicator 9391

SPN9201 to 9391
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE6 Response Parser Configuration 2 SRPC2

This message shows the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more information.
Note: This is a package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE5

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes VIN Parse Indicator 9401
2,1 1 bytes Tacho Parse Indicator 9411
3,1 1 bytes PTO 2 Parse Indicator 9421
4,1 1 bytes Fuel Rate Parse Indicator 9431
5,1 1 bytes Engine Torque Mode Parse Indicator 9441
6,1 1 bytes Engine Load Parse Indicator 9451
7,1 1 bytes Trans Selected Gear Parse Indicator 9461
8,1 1 bytes Throttle Parse Indicator 9471
9,1 1 bytes Trip Distance Parse Indicator 9481
10,1 1 bytes Trip Fuel Parse Indicator 9491
11,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9501
12,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9511
13,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9521
14,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9531
15,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9541
16,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9551
17,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9561
18,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9571
19,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9581
20,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9591

SPN9401 to 9591
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE7 Response Parser Security Flags 1 SRPSF1

This message shows the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more information.
Note: This is a Package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE6

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes Tot Dist Security Flag 9200
2,1 1 bytes TFU Security Flag 9210
3,1 1 bytes Engine Hours Security Flag 9220
4,1 1 bytes Vehicle Speed Security Flag 9230
5,1 1 bytes Engine Speed Security Flag 9240
6,1 1 bytes % Torque Security Flag 9250
7,1 1 bytes Kickdown Switch Security Flag 9260
8,1 1 bytes Acceleration Pedal Security Flag 9270
9,1 1 bytes Break Switch Security Flag 9280
10,1 1 bytes Clutch Switch Security Flag 9290
11,1 1 bytes Cruise Active Security Flag 9300
12,1 1 bytes PTO 1 Security Flag 9310
13,1 1 bytes Fuel Level Security Flag 9320
14,1 1 bytes Engine Temp Security Flag 9330
15,1 1 bytes Turbo Press Security Flag 9340
16,1 1 bytes Axle Weight Security Flag 9350
17,1 1 bytes Service Distance Security Flag 9360
18,1 1 bytes TR WGHT Security Flag 9370
19,1 1 bytes RTC Security Flag 9380
20,1 1 bytes RET Security Flag 9390

SPN9200 to 9390
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE8 Response Parser Security Flags 2 SRPSF2

This message shows the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more information.
Note: This is a Package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE7

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes VIN Security Flag 9400
2,1 1 bytes Tacho Security Flag 9410
3,1 1 bytes PTO 2 Security Flag 9420
4,1 1 bytes Fuel Rate Security Flag 9430
5,1 1 bytes Engine Torque Mode Security Flag 9440
6,1 1 bytes Engine Load Security Flag 9450
7,1 1 bytes Trans Selected Gear Security Flag 9460
8,1 1 bytes Throttle Security Flag 9470
9,1 1 bytes Trip Distance Security Flag 9480
10,1 1 bytes Trip Fuel Security Flag 9490
11,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9500
12,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9510
13,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9520
14,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9530
15,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9540
16,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9550
17,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9560
18,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9570
19,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9580
20,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9590

SPN9400 to 9590
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE4 Request Parameters Parser Configuration SRPC

This message requests the Parameters Parser configuration and security flags used by current Squarell Device
(FFE5 to FFE8 message).

To quest the Parameters Parser Configuration, send the following message:

PGN 18FFE4FA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

PGN FFE0 Set Parser Configuration 1 SPC1

With this message, you can configure the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more
Note: This is a Package message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes Tot Dist Parse Indicator 9201
2,1 1 bytes TFU Parse Indicator 9211
3,1 1 bytes Engine Hours Parse Indicator 9221
4,1 1 bytes Vehicle Speed Parse Indicator 9231
5,1 1 bytes Engine Speed Parse Indicator 9241
6,1 1 bytes % Torque Parse Indicator 9251
7,1 1 bytes Kickdown Switch Parse Indicator 9261
8,1 1 bytes Acceleration Pedal Parse Indicator 9271
9,1 1 bytes Break Switch Parse Indicator 9281
10,1 1 bytes Clutch Switch Parse Indicator 9291
11,1 1 bytes Cruise Active Parse Indicator 9301
12,1 1 bytes PTO 1 Parse Indicator 9311
13,1 1 bytes Fuel Level Parse Indicator 9321
14,1 1 bytes Engine Temp Parse Indicator 9331
15,1 1 bytes Turbo Press Parse Indicator 9341
16,1 1 bytes Axle Weight Parse Indicator 9351
17,1 1 bytes Service Distance Parse Indicator 9361
18,1 1 bytes TR WGHT Parse Indicator 9371
19,1 1 bytes RTC Parse Indicator 9381
20,1 1 bytes RET Parse Indicator 9391

SPN9201 to 9391
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE1 Set Parser Configuration 2 SPC2

With this message, you can configure the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more
Note: This is a Package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE5

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes VIN Parse Indicator 9401
2,1 1 bytes Tacho Parse Indicator 9411
3,1 1 bytes PTO 2 Parse Indicator 9421
4,1 1 bytes Fuel Rate Parse Indicator 9431
5,1 1 bytes Engine Torque Mode Parse Indicator 9441
6,1 1 bytes Engine Load Parse Indicator 9451
7,1 1 bytes Trans Selected Gear Parse Indicator 9461
8,1 1 bytes Throttle Parse Indicator 9471
9,1 1 bytes Trip Distance Parse Indicator 9481
10,1 1 bytes Trip Fuel Parse Indicator 9491
11,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9501
12,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9511
13,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9521
14,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9531
15,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9541
16,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9551
17,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9561
18,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9571
19,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9581
20,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9591

SPN9401 to 9591
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE2 Set Parser Security Flags 1 SRPSF1

With this message you can configure the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more
Note: This is a Package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE6

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes Tot Dist Security Flag 9200
2,1 1 bytes TFU Security Flag 9210
3,1 1 bytes Engine Hours Security Flag 9220
4,1 1 bytes Vehicle Speed Security Flag 9230
5,1 1 bytes Engine Speed Security Flag 9240
6,1 1 bytes % Torque Security Flag 9250
7,1 1 bytes Kickdown Switch Security Flag 9260
8,1 1 bytes Acceleration Pedal Security Flag 9270
9,1 1 bytes Break Switch Security Flag 9280
10,1 1 bytes Clutch Switch Security Flag 9290
11,1 1 bytes Cruise Active Security Flag 9300
12,1 1 bytes PTO 1 Security Flag 9310
13,1 1 bytes Fuel Level Security Flag 9320
14,1 1 bytes Engine Temp Security Flag 9330
15,1 1 bytes Turbo Press Security Flag 9340
16,1 1 bytes Axle Weight Security Flag 9350
17,1 1 bytes Service Distance Security Flag 9360
18,1 1 bytes TR WGHT Security Flag 9370
19,1 1 bytes RTC Security Flag 9380
20,1 1 bytes RET Security Flag 9390

SPN9200 to 9390
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE3 Set Parser Security Flags 2 SRPSF2

With this message you can configure the source of specific parameters. Please contact Squarell Support for more
Note: This is a Package message.
This message is sent 50ms after FFE7

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFE4)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes VIN Security Flag 9400
2,1 1 bytes Tacho Security Flag 9410
3,1 1 bytes PTO 2 Security Flag 9420
4,1 1 bytes Fuel Rate Security Flag 9430
5,1 1 bytes Engine Torque Mode Security Flag 9440
6,1 1 bytes Engine Load Security Flag 9450
7,1 1 bytes Trans Selected Gear Security Flag 9460
8,1 1 bytes Throttle Security Flag 9470
9,1 1 bytes Trip Distance Security Flag 9480
10,1 1 bytes Trip Fuel Security Flag 9490
11,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9500
12,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9510
13,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9520
14,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9530
15,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9540
16,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9550
17,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9560
18,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9570
19,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9580
20,1 1 bytes Future Implementation 9590

SPN9400 to 9590
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFF9 Set Voltage Thresholds Parameters SVTP

With this message you can configure the voltage thresholds (FF70). Please contact Squarell Support for more

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Threshold Supply Volt 33052
2,1 1 byte Threshold AUX1 33053
3,1 1 byte Threshold AUX2 33054

SPN33052 to 33054
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFE9 Reset Stored Variants and reset device SRDV

This message Reset all stored variants to defaults and It gives a device RESET.

To Reset the Stored variants and device send the following message:
PGN 18FFE9FA: 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
To Reset the device without clearing the Stored variants send the following message:
PGN 18FFE9FA: 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00

PGN FFD3 Diagnostic message SDG

This message is a diagnostic tool for the device. Please contact Squarell Support for more information.
Note: This is a Package message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFD2)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Reset Counter 9121
3,1 4 bytes Uptime Counter 9122
7,1 4 bytes Uptime Previous Counter 9123
11,1 4 bytes Uptime 2nd Previous Counter 9124
15,1 2 bytes Power on Reset Counter 9125
17,1 2 bytes Low voltage inhibit counter 9126
19,1 2 bytes Access illegal address counter 9127
21,1 2 bytes Watchdog counter 9128
23,1 2 bytes Clock monitor counter 9129
25,1 2 bytes Xms power dip counter 9130
27,1 2 bytes DCF updated counter 9131
29,1 2 bytes FW updated counter 9132
31,1 2 bytes Key updated counter 9133
33,1 2 bytes Reset variant written counter 9134
35,1 2 bytes CAN com (0x88) counter 9135
37,1 2 bytes Exit interface mode counter 9136
39,1 2 bytes Exit sleep mode counter 9137
41,1 2 bytes DCF update failed counter 9138
43,1 2 bytes Firmware upload failed counter 9139
45,1 2 bytes Key upload failed counter 9140

SPN9121, SPN9126 to SPN9140

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65500

SPN9122 to SPN9124
Data length 4 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4294967260

SPN9125 Power on Reset Counter

Data length 2 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65500

PGN FFD2 Request Diagnostic message RSDG

This message requests the Squarell Diagnostic message.

To request the Diagnostic message the following message should be sent:

PGN 18FFD2FA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

PGN FFD6 Request Port Diagnostic message RPDG

This message requests the Squarell Port Diagnostic message.

To request the Diagnostic message the following message should be sent:

PGN 18FFD6FA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

The response to this message will be in PGN FFD7.

PGN FFD7 Port Diagnostic message SDG

This message show what SFD device is connected to your FLEX or SOLID device and is reading and processing
information on the DCF.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request (See PNG FFD6)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Status CAN 1 ID 101 (Blue/White CAN Bus) 8901
2,1 1 byte Status CAN 2 ID 102 (CANcliQ or Green/Yellow CAN Bus) 8902
3,1 1 byte Status DatacliQ CAN ID 180 (DatacliQ for CAN Bus) 8903
4,1 1 byte Status DatacliQ CAN ID 181 (DatacliQ for CAN Bus) 8904
5,1 1 byte Status DatacliQ ISO ID 190 (DatacliQ for ISO11992) 8905
6,1 1 byte Status J1708 ID 201 (Direct connection) 8906
7,1 1 byte Status DatacliQ J1708 ID 280 (DatacliQ for J1708) 8907
8,1 1 byte Status K-Line ID 301 (Direct connection) 8908

SPN8901 to SPN8908
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating range 0-3
0 = Firmware detects no activity and DCF received no messages
1 = Firmware detected activity but DCF received no messages
2 = Firmware detects no activity but DCF received messages
3 = Firmware detected activity and DCF received messages

Note: If firmware detects no activity and DCF received no messages, SFD device may not be connected or is
If firmware detects activity and DCF receive no messages, DCF could not be programed to receive messages from
that specific SFD device. Please contact Support department.

IMPORTANT: -05-2019.

PGN FFC0 Request Logbook Data RLOG

You can request Logbook from the device with this message.
Warning: Big amount of data is expected

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bytes Start Log 60001

SPN60001 Start Log

Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4294967

PGN FFC1 Send Logbook Data RLOG1

This message sends the requested Logbook from the device.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 4 bytes LogReadID 9195
4,1 100 bytes LogReadData 9196

SPN9195 LogReadID
Data length 4 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4294967

SPN9196 LogReadData
Data length 100 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 4294967


4.1 Tacho download

-Through solution to all customers that use CAN Bus

connection to their modems when their modem has only 1 CAN port available.
All your tacho download messages will be send to the Squarell device, it will forward them all to the
tachograph and the answers back to you. CAN messages implemented in the Tacho Pass-Through:
18DAEEFB – CAN message to the Digital Tachograph
18DAFBEE – CAN message from the Digital Tachograph
Tacho Pass-Through is

PGN FFA8 Set Baud rate settings CAN2 RTDCAN2

With this message, you can configure the speed of the CAN2 port.
Note: the default setting is set to 250 kbps, the device will try and set automatically to the correct baudrate
when connecting to the tachograph C-connector.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bit TDL Baud rate 9905

SPN9905 TDL Baud rate

Data length 1 bit Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 CAN2 port set to 250 kbps
Operating high range 2 1 CAN2 port set to 500 kbps

Device will not response to this message. To request the Baud rate configuration, see PGN FFB0

PGN FFB0 Request Baud rate settings CAN2 RTDCAN2

With this message, you can request the status from the speed of the CAN2 port.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bit Request TDL Baud rate 9904

SPN9904 Request TDL Baud rate

Data length 1 bit
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 2 states

PGN FF59 Status Baud rate settings CAN2 RTDCAN2
With this message, you can see the status from the speed of the CAN2 port.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 bit TDL Baud rate 9905

SPN9905 TDL Baud rate

Data length 1 bit Status:
Resolution 2 states 0 CAN2 port set to 250 kbps
Operating high range 2 1 CAN2 port set to 500 kbps

4.2 Tacho remaining driving time

To activate the Tacho Remaining Driving Time in a Flex or Solid a special profile is needed. The profile

ordered by contacting

PGN FF80 Request Tacho Times RTDT

Transmission Repetition Rate request
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN


This PGN is available only when Tacho Drive Time has been activated.

PGN FF80 Tacho Times Error TDTE

Transmission Repetition Rate on request (after receiving PGN FF80)
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Error -

Data length 1 byte Status:
Resolution 1/1 per bit 01 - No Data. The tachograph does not reply on the
Offset No offset parameter requested
Operating high range 255 02 - No Card Inserted
03 - Not Supported. The tachograph does not
support the parameter requested
04 - Conditions not correct. The tachograph is busy
(you should try again after a short break)

This PGN is available only when Tacho Drive Time has been activated.

PGN FF81 Tacho Times 1 TDT1

Transmission Repetition Rate on request (after receiving PGN FF80)

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes Total Time Of The Current Work State -
3,1 2 bytes Total Drive Time Of The Current + The Previous Week -
5,1 2 bytes Remaining Drive Time Of The Current/Next Period -
7,1 2 bytes Remaining Time Before The Next Break *4 -
9,1 2 bytes Time The Next Break Should Be *4 -
11,1 2 bytes Remaining Time Of The Current Break *6 -
13,1 2 bytes Cumulative Break Time *5 -
15,1 2 bytes Cumulative Rest Time *5 -
17,1 2 bytes Remaining Time Before The Next Drive Period *4 -
19,1 2 bytes Duration Next Drive Period -
21,1 2 bytes Remaining Daily Drive Time -
23,1 2 bytes Remaining Time Before The Next Daily Rest Period -
25,1 2 bytes Time The Next Daily Rest Period Should Be -
27,1 2 bytes Remaining Drive Time Of The Current Week -
29,1 2 bytes Remaining Time Before The Next Weekly Rest Period -
31,1 2 bytes Time The Next Weekly Rest Period Should Be -
33,1 2 bytes Open Compensation Time In The Previous Week *4 -
35,1 2 bytes Open Compensation Time In The 2nd Previous Week *4 -
37,1 2 bytes Open Compensation Time In The 3rd Previous Week *4 -
39,1 1 byte Remaining Extended Driving Days -

Total Time Of The Current Work State

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Total Drive Time Of The Current + The Previous Week

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Time Before The Next Break *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Time The Next Break Should Be *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255
Remaining Time Of The Current Break *6
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Cumulative Break Time *5
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Cumulative Rest Time *5

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Time Before The Next Drive Period *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Duration Next Drive Period

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Daily Drive Time

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Time Before The Next Daily Rest Period

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Time The Next Daily Rest Period Should Be

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Drive Time Of The Current Week

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Time Before The Next Weekly Rest Period

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Time The Next Weekly Rest Period Should Be
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Open Compensation Time In The Previous Week *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Open Compensation Time In The 2nd Previous Week *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Open Compensation Time In The 3rd Previous Week *4

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 minutes per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 255

Remaining Extended Driving Days

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 days per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 7

*4 Only supported on VDO Tachographs

*5 Only supported on Stoneridge Tachographs
*6 Only supported on Stoneridge Tachographs with version 7.5 or higher and VDO

This PGN is available only when Tacho Drive Time has been activated.

PGN FF82 Tacho Times 2 TDT2

Transmission Repetition Rate on request (after receiving PGN FF80)
Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 1 byte Remaining Reduced Daily Rest Periods -
2,1 1 byte Maximum Daily Period *5 -
3,1 1 byte Tacho Type -
4,1 3 bits Tacho work state -
4,5 4 bits Tacho time state -
5,1 19 bytes Driver 1 ID -

Remaining Reduced Daily Rest Periods

Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 days per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 7

Maximum Daily Period *5
Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1/1 hours per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 24

Tacho Type
Data length 1 byte Status:
Resolution 2 states 000 VDO Tachograph
Operating high range 255 001 Stoneridge Tachograph

Tacho Work State

Data length 3 bits Status:
Resolution 8 states 000 Rest - sleeping
Operating high range 4 001 Driver available short break
010 Work loading, unloading, working in an office
011 Drive behind wheel
100-101 Reserved
110 Error
111 Not available

Tacho time state

Data length 4 bits Status:
Resolution 12 states 0000 - no time-related warning detected
Operating high range 15 0001 - continuous driving time pre-warning active
(15 min before 4h30)
0010 - continuous driving time warning active
0011 - daily driving time pre-warning active (daily
driving time above 9h or above maximum
allowed daily driving time)
0100 - daily driving time warning active (daily
driving time above 9h or above maximum
allowed daily driving time)
0101 - daily/weekly rest pre-warning active
0110 - daily/weekly rest warning active
0111 - weekly driving time pre-warning active
1000 - weekly driving time warning active
1001 - 2 weeks driving time pre-warning active
1010 - 2 weeks driving time warning active
1011 - driver 1 card expiry warning active
1100 - next mandatory driver 1 card download
warning active

Driver 1 ID
Data length 19 bytes
Resolution ASCII
Offset No offset
Operating high range No High Range

This PGN is available only when Tacho Drive Time has been activated.


Some vehicles have incorrect Speed and Fuel data on their CAN Bus. This will result in wrong output
from the Squarell Device. To solve this problem Squarell uses Calibration Factors.
The Standard factors are 1000 which means that no calibration is done. The output can be calibrated
by changing these factors, which results in correct speed and fuel output.

In order to calculate the Calibration Factors, the real Speed and Fuel data must be known!

Calculating a Calibration Factor:

If the CAN Bus Speed of the vehicle is 1.5 times higher than the Real Speed there is a Calibration
Factor needed. This can be calculated by:

Speed Calibration Factor = 1000 / (CAN Bus Speed / Real Speed)

So if the CAN Bus Speed is 1.5 times to high we can make the following calculation:

Speed Calibration Factor = 1000 / (1.5 / 1.0) = 667

You can also make the calculation with Speed values (km/h). If the CAN Bus Speed is 75 km/h and the
Real Speed is 50 km/h we can make the following calculation:

Speed Calibration Factor = 1000 / (75 / 50) = 667

Calculating the Fuel can be done the same way. The factor can be calculated by:

Fuel Calibration Factor = 1000 / (CAN Bus Fuel / Real Fuel)

If the CAN Bus Fuel Used is 20 litres but the Real Fuel Used is 34 litres than we can make the following

Fuel Calibration Factor = 1000 / (20 / 34) = 1700

The default Calibration Factors are 1000. The value 1000 will not have any calibration effect on the
Speed and Fuel values (CAN Bus Speed = Real Speed and CAN Bus Fuel = Real Fuel).

Thresholds are used to calculate the parameters from the CAN Bus messages FF61 to FF67.

The default threshold settings for Trucks and Buses are:

THR Harsh Brk = 150 (100=1m/s2, 150=1.5m/s2, 200=2m/s2)

THR Idle Dura = 60 (60=1min)
THR % Trq = 90 (90=90%)
THR Spd = 23040 (23040=90km/h)
THR RPM = 13600 (13600=1700rpm)
THR Harsh Acc = 100 (100=1m/s2, 150=1.5m/s2, 200=2m/s2)

The default threshold settings for Cars and Vans (Only for 8000 series with DCF from 150117) are:

THR Harsh Brk = 150 (100=1m/s2, 150=1.5m/s2, 200=2m/s2)

THR Idle Dura = 60 (60=1min)
THR % Trq = 90 (90=90%)
THR Spd = 25600 (25600=100km/h)
THR RPM = 20800 (20800=2600rpm)
THR Harsh Acc = 100 (100=1m/s2, 140=1.4m/s2, 200=2m/s2)

The following CAN Bus messages are special Squarell CAN Bus messages that can be used to change
the thresholds values in the Squarell device.
Below are all the Set / Reset CAN Bus messages listed.

PGN FFAB Request Thresholds RQTH

You can request the thresholds describe above.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

To request the Diagnostic message the following message should be sent:

PGN 18FFABFA: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

PGN FFAC Set Thresholds 1 STH1

You can set the Thresholds with this message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes THR Harsh Break 9800
3,1 2 bytes THR Idle Dura 9801
5,1 1 bytes THR % Trq 9802
6,1 2 bytes THR Spd 9803

SPN9800 THR Harsh Break

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/100 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10

SPN9801 THR Idle Dura

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65000

SPN9802 THR % Trq

Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100

SPN9803 THR Spd

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/256 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250

PGN FFAD Set Thresholds 2 STH2

You can set the Thresholds with this message.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes THR RPM 4 9804
3,1 2 bytes THR Harsh Acc 9805


Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/8 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 8013

SPN9805 THR Harsh Acc

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1000 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10

PGN FFAB Response Thresholds RSTH

This message is send on request or when a threshold has been set.

Transmission Repetition Rate On request

Default priority 6

Start position length Parameter name SPN

1,1 2 bytes THR Harsh Break 9800
3,1 2 bytes THR Idle Dura 9801
5,1 1 bytes THR % Trq 9802
6,1 2 bytes THR Spd 9803
8,1 2 bytes THR RPM 9804
10,1 2 bytes THR Harsh Acc 9805

SPN9800 THR Harsh Break

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/100 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10

SPN9801 THR Idle Dura

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 65000

SPN9802 THR % Trq 4

Data length 1 bytes
Resolution 1/1 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 100

SPN9803 THR Spd 4
Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/256 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 250


Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/8 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 8013

SPN9805 THR Harsh Acc

Data length 2 bytes
Resolution 1/1000 per bit
Offset No offset
Operating high range 10

If you require technical support for Squarell products, you can create a ticket on our support portal
( Our technical department will then help you with your problem as soon as
possible. If your problem has a higher priority, you can call our support department with the following
phone number: +31 (0) 252 42 02 39.


Squarell Technology
Oude Weerlaan 27 | 2181 HX Hillegom | The Netherlands
T +31 (0)252 42 03 11 | F +31 (0)252 41 36 29
E |

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