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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

Chapter 09
Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The case of Ross Cheit (who had forgotten, and later remembered, being abused at a camp) is
an example of
A. denial.
B. repression.
C. sublimation.
D. reaction formation.

2. Freud lived most of his life in

A. London.
B. Munich.
C. Vienna.
D. New York.

3. Before psychoanalysis, Freud did research in the field of

A. neurology.
B. spiritualism.
C. geology.
D. philosophy

4. Freud published his first book, "The Interpretation of Dreams," in

A. 1900.
B. 1885.
C. 1910.
D. 1925.

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

5. The Freudian idea of _____ is basic to most psychotherapies.

A. dream analysis
B. the talking cure
C. free association
D. case studies

6. José spends most of his time thinking about Sheila, the love of his life. This had led to José
neglecting his course work. From a Freudian perspective José's neglect of his school work most
likely is due to
A. his very strong libido.
B. sublimation of his aggressive thoughts.
C. his lack of interest in the courses.
D. his fixed amount of psychic energy.

7. The death instinct is also called

A. Eros.
B. thanatos.
C. wham.
D. Zeus.

8. The life instincts are typically called

A. libido.
B. Eros.
C. lustatos.
D. catharsis.

9. The _____ is the part of the mind about which the conscious mind has no awareness.
A. ego
B. superego
C. conscious
D. unconscious

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

10. According to Freud, the amount of psychic energy in a person

A. changes when personality changes.
B. increases with age.
C. decreases with age.
D. always remains constant.

11. Freud's idea of instincts was probably most influenced by

A. Darwin.
B. Galileo.
C. Jung.
D. Helmholtz.

12. Freud's two basic instincts are _____ and _____.

A. yin; yang
B. ego; id
C. sex; aggression
D. love; sex

13. _____ refers to the instinct for aggression and destruction.

A. The unconscious
B. Libido
C. Thanatos
D. The superego

14. If a man invests most of his death instinct in a socially acceptable behavior (like football),
Freud would expect that person to be
A. less aggressive in other ways.
B. more aggressive in other ways.
C. fixated in the oral stage.
D. fixated in the anal stage.

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

15. Which of the following is NOT part of Freud's model of the mind?
A. Conscious mind
B. Preconscious mind
C. Unconscious mind
D. Metacognitive mind

16. According to Freud, the _____ mind is the part of the mind that contains thoughts and
feelings of which you are currently aware.
A. conscious
B. preconscious
C. unconscious
D. metacognitive

17. According to Freud, the _____ mind is the part of the mind that contains all the information
that you are not currently thinking about, but could easily bring to mind.
A. conscious
B. preconscious
C. unconscious
D. metacognitive

18. You are answering this question. Therefore, Freud would say the information is in the
_____ (mind.)
A. conscious
B. preconscious
C. unconscious
D. metacognitive

19. I ask you to recall your mother's maiden name. This information resides in the _____ mind,
according to Freud.
A. conscious
B. preconscious
C. unconscious
D. metacognitive

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

20. Freud used the metaphor of a(n) _____ to describe the three parts of the mind.
A. glacier
B. iceberg
C. forest
D. mountain

21. According to Freud, the _____ mind is the part of the mind that contains unacceptable
information that can only be brought into awareness with great effort.
A. conscious
B. preconscious
C. unconscious
D. metacognitive

22. Freudian slips are

A. a motivated loss of coordination.
B. a result of the motivated unconscious.
C. true accidents that are usually socially unacceptable.
D. only observed in heterosexual men.

23. Freud believed that _____ occurred by accident.

A. nothing
B. everything
C. superego development
D. embarrassing things usually

24. As unconscious thoughts, feelings, and urges can take on a life of their own, Freud called
this part of the mind the _____ unconscious.
A. collective
B. motivated
C. universal
D. emotional

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

25. Freud believed that when his female patients reported being sexually seduced as children,
the patients were probably
A. telling the truth.
B. repressing the truth.
C. fulfilling unconscious wishes with fantasies.
D. engaged in sublimation.

26. Which of the following would most likely be an indicator of the id operating on an
individual's behavior?
A. David has to have it, and have it right now.
B. Andrew knows he has to wait for his turn.
C. Mike will wait to have twice as much later.
D. James will wait to find out what his parents think.

27. If the id cannot find the external object to satisfy its desires, it will
A. search until finds the appropriate object.
B. create a fantasy object to replace the object.
C. use reason and logic to substitute an alternate object.
D. delegate finding the appropriate object to the superego.

28. The most primitive part of the mind is the

A. ego.
B. preconscious mind.
C. id.
D. superego.

29. Which part of the mind operates on the pleasure principle?

A. Ego
B. Preconscious
C. Id
D. Superego

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

30. Thinking without the logical rules of conscious thought is known as

A. primary process thinking.
B. secondary process thinking.
C. moral reasoning.
D. defense mechanisms.

31. The process whereby an image of something unavailable is used to satisfy an urge is known
A. the id.
B. secondary process thinking.
C. wish fulfillment.
D. projection.

32. Which part of personality redirects energy from potentially problematic and unacceptable
outlets into more appropriate outlets?
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. Sublimator

33. The ego operates

A. on the pleasure principle.
B. on the reality principle.
C. on the anxiety principle.
D. with primary process thinking.

34. Which part of the mind engages in secondary process thinking?

A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. Conscious

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

35. _____ involves developing strategies for problem solving and satisfying urges.
A. Secondary process thinking
B. Primary process thinking
C. The phallic stage
D. The superego

36. The _____ is concerned with making a person do what is morally right.
A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. preconscious

37. Which of the following parts of the mind is bound by reality?

A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. Conscious

38. Which of the following statements about the id, ego, and superego is true?
A. The id, ego, and superego are always interacting.
B. The id, ego, and superego operate completely independently.
C. The superego must manage the demands of both the ego and the id.
D. The ego is always subservient to both the id and superego.

39. According to Freud, _____ is unpleasant and indicates that the control of the ego is
A. projection
B. anxiety
C. reality
D. sublimation

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

40. A person who has a well-balanced mind, one that is free from anxiety, will typically have a
A. strong superego.
B. weak collective unconscious.
C. strong ego.
D. very weak id.

41. According to Freud, anxiety is typically the result of the control of the _____ being
A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. archetype

42. Which of the following is NOT a type of anxiety described by Freud?

A. Objective
B. Moral
C. Neurotic
D. Inferiority

43. You are walking down the street and encounter a large, angry dog that growls and bares its
teeth at you. You are experiencing _____ anxiety.
A. objective
B. canine
C. traumatic
D. neurotic

44. Yang is lost in a major city and will likely be late for an important job interview. He is most
likely experiencing _____ anxiety.
A. geographic
B. objective
C. neurotic
D. moral

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

45. A conflict between the superego and the ego is experienced as _____ anxiety.
A. objective
B. neurotic
C. moral
D. social

46. Jessica tries to be the perfect business woman. She works extraordinarily long hours, is
extremely conscientious, and tries to be a good role model to her employees. However, no
matter how many kudos she earns, raises she receives, and professional awards she earns
Jessica feels _____ anxiety about her performance and is constantly worried about getting
A. objective
B. moral
C. social
D. neurotic

47. Mark is a deacon at his church, but feels guilty that he is setting a bad example for the
congregation by enjoying an occasional beer. He is suffering from _____ anxiety.
A. objective
B. neurotic
C. moral
D. histrionic

48. A conflict between the id and the ego results in _____ anxiety.
A. objective
B. neurotic
C. moral
D. social

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

49. Anxiety that is experienced in response to an external threat was called _____ anxiety by
A. objective
B. neurotic
C. moral
D. histrionic

50. The _____ is responsible for balancing the demands of reality and the other parts of the
A. superego
B. ego
C. id
D. Oedipal conflict

51. The ego uses _____ to deal with anxiety.

A. fantasy
B. reality
C. defense mechanisms
D. wish fulfillment

52. Defense mechanisms have all of these properties EXCEPT they

A. operate unconsciously.
B. require psychic energy.
C. are the result of ego functioning.
D. are secondary processes.

53. _____ is the defense mechanism that prevents unacceptable thoughts, feelings, and urges
from reaching consciousness.
A. Repression
B. Projection
C. Denial
D. Sublimation

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

54. Diana refuses to believe that her boyfriend broke up with her. From a Freudian perspective
what defense mechanism may be operating?
A. Repression
B. Denial
C. Projection
D. Reaction formation

55. A person who ignores some unpleasant part of his or her environment is exhibiting
A. repression.
B. denial.
C. projection.
D. reaction formation.

56. Daydreaming can be an expression of

A. repression.
B. denial.
C. sublimation.
D. projection

57. _____ describes channeling an unacceptable impulse to a more acceptable target.

A. repression
B. denial
C. projection
D. displacement

58. A person has no memory of a horrible accident. What defense mechanism may be at work?
A. repression
B. reaction formation
C. regression
D. projection

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

59. An 8-year-old girl's hatred of a mean teacher would most likely be _____ to a toy.
A. projected
B. rationalized
C. displaced
D. regressed

60. If a woman consciously redirected anger she felt toward her boss to the family dog, it would
be an example of
A. projection.
B. displacement.
C. reaction formation.
D. sublimation.

61. Making excuses or acceptable explanations for unacceptable behavior is an example of

A. reaction formation.
B. displacement.
C. rationalization.
D. projection.

62. A person sitting next to you in class gets a low grade on this exam. When you discuss the
exam results, the person blames their performance on the difficulty of the material, their lack of
belief in psychoanalytic theory, lack of the necessity to have this knowledge in the future, belief
that the material is irrelevant, etc. This student may be using the Freudian defense mechanism
of _____ to explain his or her poor behavior.
A. repression
B. reaction formation
C. regression
D. rationalization

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

63. A man who crusades against pornography even though his id loves pornography
A. sublimation.
B. reaction formation.
C. projection.
D. repression.

64. Recent empirical studies of repression have defined repressors as _____ in anxiety and
_____ in defensiveness.
A. low; low
B. high; high
C. high; low
D. low; high

65. Recent studies of repression have shown that repressors report _____ levels of subjective
anxiety and _____ levels of physiological arousal when exposed to sexual or aggressive
A. low; low
B. high; high
C. high; low
D. low; high

66. Recent studies of repression have been _____ Freud's ideas.

A. unrelated to
B. generally inconsistent with
C. generally consistent with
D. in complete agreement

67. Repressors tend to have _____ memories of emotional events compared to nonrepressors.
A. better
B. worse
C. similar
D. more detailed

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

68. Curtis is romantically infatuated with his favorite pop singer. He has all of her recordings,
has made his apartment into a shine for her, and reads everything he can about her. One day he
happens to see her on the street and he tries to talk to her, only to be coldly rebuffed by her.
Curtis goes home and throws out everything having to do with her. The defense mechanism
Curtis is experiencing is
A. displacement.
B. projection.
C. reaction formation.
D. denial.

69. Someone replaces one impulse with its opposite (e.g., love for hate). What defense
mechanism may be at work?
A. Repression
B. Reaction formation
C. Projection
D. Sublimation

70. When we see negative qualities that we possess in others, it could be the result of
A. displacement.
B. projection.
C. reaction formation.
D. denial.

71. Freud might explain people engaging in anti-homosexual campaigns as an example of

A. moral anxiety.
B. projection.
C. sublimation.
D. denial.

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

72. Miasha looks around her apartment and sees her clothes scattered about, her lunch dishes
sitting in the sink, and her bed unmade. When her roommates complain about her lack of
cleanliness, she calls them all slobs and leaves quite angry. Miasha is using the defense
mechanism of
A. sublimation.
B. reaction formation.
C. projection.
D. repression.

73. Jerry loves to party and thinks everyone else enjoys partying as much as he does. He is
demonstrating the _____ effect.
A. Zeigarnik
B. false consensus
C. social facilitation
D. object relations

74. According to Freud, the most adaptive defense mechanism is

A. sublimation.
B. reaction formation.
C. projection.
D. repression.

75. _____ refers to the channeling of unacceptable urges into socially desirable activities.
A. subcortical
B. subjugation
C. sublimation
D. substitution

76. Freud thought that the skyscrapers of New York City might be the result of
A. sublimation.
B. reaction formation.
C. projection.
D. repression.

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

77. A defense mechanism is probably a problem if it

A. exists at all.
B. interferes with one's relationships or ability to be productive.
C. uses psychic energy.
D. is in the conscious mind.

78. According to Freud, if a child does not fully resolve a conflict in the oral stage, that child
will become
A. repressed.
B. fixated at the oral stage.
C. especially messy in adulthood.
D. excessively cleanly

79. The term _____ refers to getting stuck in a given stage of development.
A. "identification"
B. "symbolism"
C. "fixation"
D. "displacement"

80. According to Freud, which stage focuses on the sexual gratification on the mouth, lips, and
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency

81. The main conflict during the _____ stage is excessive pleasure versus dependency.
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

82. According to Freud, a person who smokes and overeats is probably fixated at the _____
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency

83. According to Freud, a child who is fixated at the biting part of the oral stage will be _____
as an adult.
A. dependent
B. messy
C. hostile
D. stingy

84. During the _____ stage, a child receives pleasure from expelling or retaining feces.
A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. latency

85. The psychosexual stage most associated with control is the _____ stage.
A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. genital

86. Max is very messy and refuses to clean up after himself. He may be fixated at the _____
stage of development, according to Freud.
A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. latency

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

87. In which stage does a child discover that he has, or she does not have, a penis?
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Genital

88. According to Freud, children first begin to direct sexual desire outward during the _____
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Genital

89. During the phallic stage, little _____ fall in love and want to have sex with their _____.
A. boys; mothers
B. girls; mothers
C. boys; fathers
D. All of these.

90. According to Freud, the main reason little boys give up on their sexual desire for their
mother is
A. identification.
B. castration anxiety.
C. that Oedipus did too.
D. a sexual attraction to the father.

91. _____ is the process in which boys imitate and take on the values of their father.
A. Identification
B. Castration anxiety
C. Fixation
D. Penis envy

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

92. (p. 288) According to Freud, little girls blame _____ for the fact that they do not have a penis.
A. Oedipus
B. Electra
C. their mothers
D. their fathers

93. According to Freud, girls are _____ to resolve their conflict in the phallic stage.
A. more motivated than boys
B. less motivated than boys
C. equally motivated to boys
D. more or less motivated than boys depending on penis envy

94. Freud believed that _____ occurred during the latency period.
A. very little
B. superego development
C. ego development
D. the Electra complex

95. Puberty begins about the same time as the _____ stage.
A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. genital

96. The _____ stage is unique in that it is not accompanied by a specific conflict.
A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. genital

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

97. If a person is fixated at a particular stage, he or she

A. has less psychic energy for other activities.
B. will resolve that stage in adulthood.
C. will be schizophrenic.
D. will be better adjusted as an adult.

98. The goal of psychoanalysis is

A. to make people happy.
B. to make the unconscious conscious.
C. to regress patients to the phallic stage.
D. dream analysis.

99. Which of the following is NOT a technique for revealing unconscious conflict?
A. Free association
B. Dream analysis
C. The inkblot test
D. Identification

100. _____ involves letting one's mind wander and saying everything that comes to mind
without censorship.
A. Free association
B. Dream analysis
C. The inkblot test
D. Identification

101. Freud called _____ the royal road to the unconscious.

A. free association
B. the inkblot test
C. dreams
D. the id

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

102. In dream analysis, Freud would interpret the _____ for the hidden _____.
A. latent content; manifest content
B. manifest content; latent content
C. latent content; id impulses
D. free association; projective hypothesis

103. Tracey dreams that a giant panda bear is chasing her through the mall. The giant panda
bear is part of the _____ content of the dream.
A. manifest
B. latent
C. projective
D. maladaptive

104. According to Freud, dreams function to

A. reduce anxiety.
B. allow a person to release unconscious tension.
C. fulfill unconscious desires.
D. clarify preconscious thoughts.

105. _____ is the idea that people reveal their personalities by their responses to ambiguous
A. Insight
B. Projection
C. The projective hypothesis
D. Thanatos

106. All of these are goals of projective techniques EXCEPT to

A. bypass conscious censorship.
B. reveal unconscious motives.
C. assess personality.
D. unleash pent up psychic energy.

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

107. When a patient in psychoanalytic therapy understands his or her unconscious conflicts,
that person has
A. libido.
B. insight.
C. transference.
D. secondary process thinking.

108. _____ is a psychoanalytic therapist's attempts to describe a patient's unconscious conflict.

A. Interpretation
B. Transference
C. Projection
D. Insight

109. According to Freud, when patients hamper their own therapy, they demonstrate
A. transference.
B. insight.
C. resistance.
D. reaction formation.

110. A patient in psychoanalytic therapy may avoid understanding their unconscious conflicts
by engaging in the process of
A. resistance.
B. projective techniques.
C. insight.
D. sublimation.

111. _____ occurs when a patient in psychoanalysis treats the therapist as someone in the
patient's life.
A. Resistance
B. Insight
C. Transference
D. Primary process thinking

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Chapter 09 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

112. In psychoanalysis, transference

A. is counterproductive to psychoanalysis.
B. can reveal a patient's unconscious.
C. is unethical.
D. reduces psychic energy.

113. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of psychoanalysis?

A. Little current research relates directly to psychoanalysis.
B. Psychoanalysis relies too much on the case study method.
C. The emphasis on childhood sexuality is inappropriate.
D. Freud's writings influenced sociology, literature, and the arts.

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