FT 755 Fundamentals of Global Business

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Question Option1
______ companies are mostly interested in Indian
making higher profits and also get back its
M investments as early as possible.
______ factors include location of production
manufacturing facilities, technology, product
M ingredients, using scarce local resources.
______ companies view the entire world as a local
M single country.
______ is influenced by supply, demand and FDI
M political factors.
_______ at different levels i.e. local, state and Government
national levels offer incentives to attract domestic
M as well as foreign investment.
M _______ founded Buddhism. Janak
_______ is the major religion in the world and is Jains
M the monotheistic religion.
_______ plays viral role while doing business in connection
M various foreign countries.
_______ should identify the cultural variations Businesses
M in foreign countries.
_______ attitudes concerning the presentation of economic
M gifts vary widely across the world.
_______ development of a country depends upon economic
motivation of the people to work hard and desire
M for achievement.
_______ environment has significant and direct cultural
influence on business in general and international
M business in particular.
_______ is one of the significant factors which economic
determine the level of economic development of
M a country.
M _______ is the second largest religion. Islam
_______ is the useful adaptation of science or Increment
knowledge including invention of new products
M or processes.
M _______ was founded in the fifth century. Confucianism
A major macroeconomic area of conflict is the utilization
______ of natural resources of the host country.
An area of conflict between national transfer mission
governments an MNCs is relating to the ______
M policies.
Direct ______ opportunities arise from the good work
M MNCs operations.
Economic Principles of Islam are _______ elements
M enterprise.
Economic Principles of Islam are _______ elements
M enterprise.
Employment of child labor is _______ gallows
M unaccepted in many countries.
FDI helps for the ______ of ancillary industries. development
FDI provides for the production of a number of geographically
M goods and services ______ .
Foreign companies export the ______ great
M technology to the various foreign countries.
Foreign companies repatriate the ______ to their process
home countries that affect the current account.
Hindus believe that they should conduct unethical
themselves in an _______ way in order to protect
M the morals of the society called dharma.
Host countries expect that the entry of MNCs creating
contributes to the economic development to their
M countries by ______ industrial activity.
Host country expects the MNCs to use its ______ richness
M conservatively.
If the costs of ______ are minimum, it would be fermentation
M preferable for the companies to export.
Importing results in a ______ on the current increase
account of the balance of payments of the host
M country.
Individualism and collectivism are the economic
consequences of _______ and affect the
formation of groups , productivity and marketing
MNCs ______ the national resources of the decrease
M home country.
MNC's invest in foreign countries in order to creation
acquire the ______ foreign technological and
M managerial know-how.
MNCs prefer to sell in those geographical higher
locations or to those income groups where they
M can earn a ______ price.
Multinational companies enter various global sparing
economies with a view to produce and market
M those products which are ______ .
People rank the _______ needs differently from janak
M country to country.
Power distances denotes the _______ between team
M superior and subordinates.
Social environment influences the level of foods
M _______.
Some MNC's invest in foreign countries in order action
M to ______ foreign markets.
Some of the host governments fear FDI as it MNC
affects the sovereignty and autonomy of the
M ______.
The ______ industrial activity in the home increased
M country enhances employment opportunities.
The companies which have one or a few FJI
customers select the _______ strategy along with
M their customers.
The conflicting situations in marketing areas groups
mostly include conflicts in promotional
M programmers, pricing and place of ______ .
The fast _______ markets provide better shrinking
M opportunity to MNCs for their business growth.
The firm can go for ______ if the know-how is designing
M not valuable.
The host country government expects the MNCs height
as well as domestic companies to make use of the
M ______ resources more cautiously.
The important area of conflict between the tradition
MNCs and host countries is ______ of profits
M between MNCs and local operations.
The level of _______ is not the same in all the technology
M countries.
Explain the concept of global value chains and
how they illustrate the interconnectivity of the
S global economy.
How does FDI impact the host country's
economy, including factors like employment,
S technology transfer, and economic growth?
How does the product life cycle theory by
Raymond Vernon explain the internationalization
of products and the need for foreign market
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Pakistani sri Lankans foreign

good great bad

transnational national functional


market MNC Small Firm

Jermi Jim Siddhartha

Iyer Nair Christianity

communication collection collision

Team Groups Economic

community culture political

goods cultural Political

technological highly natural

political technology cultural

Hinduism Jainism Buddhism

Interesting Intelligent Innovation

Silver Coal Gold

hindered good grasped

transfer goods transfer pricing transfer design

bad work focused employment

pro-free goods products

pro-free goods products

figurative ethically highly

government marketing degrading

financially globally domestically

bad good outdated

price dividends interest

high ethical low

decreasing boosting grazing

natural resources heavy machinery goods

creation transportation generation

debit credit minus

political goods Culture

increase conserve grow

superior cater new

lower smaller mini

household grazing profitable

deeds motivational goods

relationship jaguar train

goods silver consumption

apply protect goods

country state market

decreased generalized strategized


design markets teams

reducing ignorance growing

marketing liberalizing licensing

scarce good negative

division groupies products

prices goods packaging

Correct Answer True & False Fill in the blanks






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