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VAMPIRE DICE Test = Dice pool vs target difficulty Typically for Rouse the Blood
or vs opposing dice pool • Single Vampire Dice rather than pool
= (1-5) Failure
• Cannot use Willpower to re-roll checks
= (6-9) Success • Dice pool: Total ● (dots) in; Attribute + Skill,
= (10) Success, potential critical win (pair is worth Attribute + Discipline, or Attribute + Attribute
• Criticals: Any roll with at least 2x HUNGER
4 successes)
• Messy Critical: Success with Critical that contains at • Failure on Rouse check increases
• Willpower: Up to 3 Vampire Dice may be rerolled
• Waking each night
per Willpower spent, any number of times least one either leads to completing the task but
• Lowered by feeding, based on Generation
• Blood Surge: Rouse the Blood to add Blood Surge with ‘help’ from the Beast (typically massive overkill
• Minimum value by Generation, unless draining mortal
value to dice pool. Cannot trigger Automatic Wins resulting in Stains) or in Compulsions
to death
HUNGER DICE • Bestial Failure: Failed roll which contains leads to
• Substituted for Vampire Dice on pools, based on Compulsion, Clan Bane, Damage or Hunger increase
and potential Stains • Awaken early: Humanity vs 1-4 to wake during the
current Hunger value
• Margin: Difference between result and day, instead of at night
• Do not use on Checks, Willpower or Humanity dice
difficulty/opposition indicates damage, power of effect, • Activate Discipline: Based on Discipline used
pools etc. • Blush of Life: Appear human for 1 scene and can
= (1) Failure, bestial failure if test fails • Automatic Success: Storyteller may allow dice pool breathe, blink, emit warmth, eat, drink, and have sex
= (2-5) Failure twice difficulty to auto succeed (dice added from Blood • Blood Surge: Adds Blood Surge value of dice to the
Surge do not count), in which case Margin = 0 dice pool. Cannot trigger Automatic Wins
= Success (6-9)
• Win at a cost: If success(es) rolled but roll still a • Healing: Heal Superficial Health Damage based on
= (10) Success, messy critical if part of pair with failure Storyteller may offer success with drawback e.g., Blood Potency
either Vampire Dice or Hunger Dice damage, attract unfriendly notice, lose something etc. • Blood Bond: Vampire feeds from vampire, see Blood
• Retrying: Must be justified in fiction Bond section below
• Willpower: Cannot be used to reroll Hunger Dice
Difficulty of Action Difficulty Number • Total Failure: No successes at all results in worst • Make Ghoul: Rouse check’s worth of blood provides
case failure for 1 month.
Routine 1 success • Teamwork: Roll largest pool +1 dice if at least one ▪ First ● dot from one Discipline and power the
Straightforward 2 successes dot in relevant Skill. If no Skill involved anyone can master knows
assist ▪ Aging process halts or reverts slightly
Moderate 3 successes
• Taking Half: Storyteller may allow half dice pool of ▪ Wounds heal twice as fast, unless caused by fire
Challenging 4 successes
Hard 5 successes PC or SPC and assume that number of successes
Very Hard 6 successes rather than roll
Nearly Impossible 7+ successes
□ = tracker box ■ = unusable tracker box SPENDING WILLPOWER • Stains: Superficial damage for Humanity
• Superficial Damage: Marked with / Suffer 1 Superficial Willpower damage to: • Remorse: At end of session roll unmarked Humanity
• Aggravated Damage: Marked with X • Reroll 1-3 Vampire Dice: Can suffer multiple boxes (minimum 1), each success removes 1 stain
Willpower damage to roll more than 3 dice and can • Degeneration: Full Stains Impairs, prevents further
TRACKER FULL OF SUPERFICIAL DAMAGE reroll-a-reroll with further Willpower damage intentional Stains, and forced Stains cause Aggravated
Health Impaired: -2 Physical pools for vampires, • Control Self: Control 1 turn during Frenzy, Willpower Damage and a Difficulty 4 Frenzy check
mortals become unconscious at Storyteller’s discretion Dominate, Presence, Mind Control etc. HUMANITY STAINS
Willpower Impaired: -2 Social and Mental pools for • Ignore Impairment: No penalties for 1 turn • Stains are gained for actions which break the vampire’s
vampires and mortals • Overcome Stake: Minute movement while staked personal Convictions, harm their Touchstones, or go
• Further damage converts existing Superficial damage SUPERFICIAL WILLPOWER DAMAGE
against the Coterie’s Tenets
into Aggravated damage 1-for-1 • Using Special Traits as above
TRACKER FULL OF AGGRAVATED DAMAGE • Embarrassment, bruised ego, temporary anger Action Stains Gained
Blood Bonding a mortal +1
Embracing a mortal +2
Torpor: Vampires in Torpor (see Torpor section) • Start of Session: Roll Composure or Resolve
Touchstone damaged +1
mortals enter coma or perish, Sunlight or Fire damage at (highest) and recover Superficial Willpower damage
full Aggravated Health Damage causes Final Death Touchstone damage by your +2
equal to successes
WILLPOWER • Further Desire: Acting on characters Desires
Touchstone destroyed +2
• No effect outside Social Conflict • Impressive Portrayal: Heal 1 after good roleplaying
Touchstone destroyed by your +3
• In social conflict defeated completely; exiled, loses of Bestial Failure, Messy Critical, Compulsion, etc.
Status or other Merits, or story consequences / death AGGREVATED WILLPOWER DAMAGE
HEALTH TRACKER • Social attacks from close friends or trusted figures
• Secrets revealed or flaws called out publicly
• Half incoming Superficial damage (round up) before AGGREVATED WILLPOWER RECOVERY
applying it unless specified • Further Ambitions: Acting on characters Ambitions
Mortals: Non-lethal weapons and damage; punches, • Uphold Touchstone or Conviction: Heal 1+ after
bruises, tasers acting to significantly benefit Touchstone or uphold
Vampires: Any damage except for fire, sunlight, or Conviction against own best interests
certain powers
Mortals: Any potentially lethal damage
Vampires: Fire, sunlight, damage from supernatural
creatures or powers
• Unarmed combat: Strength + Brawl COVER ATTITUDE
• Bite: Unarmed called shot at -1. On win inflict 2 Cover Dodge Modifier Attitude Difficulty Modifier
Aggravated damage and foe grappled; second turn foe No cover -2 Loyal/Devoted -1
can escape with an Unarmed roll, but vampire no Concealment only -1 Friendly/Weak +/- 0
longer at -1. Can feed at this point, see Feeding section. Hard cover +/- 0 Indifferent +1
• Nimble weapon: Dexterity + Melee Entrenchment +1 Suspicious +2
• Heavy weapon: Strength + Melee Murder hole or total cover +2 Aggressive/Unfriendly +3
• Ranged weapon (gunfight): Composure + Firearms Hostile/Violent +5
• Ranged (quickdraw): Dexterity + Firearms Weapon Damage Value SOCIAL POWER DIFFERENTIAL
• Ranged (sniper-shot): Resolve + Firearms Improvised, stake +0 Circumstances Difficulty Modifier
• Dodging (one sided combat/instead of Light impact (brass knuckles) +1 Target of higher rank/power +1 or higher
attacking*): Dexterity + Athletics (with Cover Heavy impact (club) +2 Target of lower rank/power -1 or lower
modifier), with a -1 for each additional Dodge this turn Light piercing (crossbow, Valuable trade or favour -2
* In two-sided combat use opposed rolls instead switchblade) offered
INITIATIVE Light gunshot (.22 pistol) Boon offered -1 per level of boon
PRIORITY SYSTEM Heavy melee (broadsword, fire +3 Fits target’s conviction/agenda -1 or -2
1. Surprise attackers (following rest of priority order) axe) Request is easy/safe/profitable -1
2. Close combat already engaged Medium gunshot (.308 rifle, Request is complex/risky +2
3. Ranged combat 9mm pistol, effective range Request is +3 or more
4. Newly initiated physical combat shotgun) unknown/dangerous/costly
5. Everything else Heavy gunshot (close range +4 Skill or speciality fits target -1 or -2
• Break ties by highest Dexterity + Wits total shotgun, Skill or speciality poorly +1 or +2
.357 magnum) chosen for target
• Conflicts are resolved as a single opposed roll
Huge melee (claymore, steel
• In a one-sided conflict only attacker can inflict damage AUDIENCE
MULTIPLE OPPONENTS Audience Damage Value
ARMOUR Opponents only +0
May split attacking dice pool between multiple Armour Type Armour Value Your coterie +1
opponents, prior to rolling any dice Reinforced clothing/leathers 2 (0 vs. bullets) Kindred whose opinions you +2
DAMAGE Ballistic cloth 2 value; sire, malwa, lover
• Winner applies their Margin plus Weapon Damage Kevlar vest/flak jacket 4 Socially important figures; +3
Value or Audience Damage Value Tactical SWAT/military* 6 Primogen, Harpies, additional
• In a tie both sides inflict weapon/audience damage to * -1 penalty to Dexterity rolls serious rivals
each other Powerful figure; Prince, Baron +4
Humanity Dice Added to Torpor Length
Resist Frenzy
CALLED SHOTS Humanity 9 3 Three days FURY FRENZY
• Range from -1 to -4, subtracting successes on the roll. Humanity 8 2 One week • Effect: Bestial violence against cause, and often anyone
These cause narrative effects, never damage Humanity 7 2 Two weeks or anything nearby
• Decapitation: -2 with bladed weapon, causing 10+ Humanity 6 2 One month • End: Once cause destroyed Willpower test Difficulty 3
damage of either type (before halving for Superficial) Humanity 5 1 One year (or 5 if other enemies still present)
• Stakes: -2 with stake weapon of 5+ damage of either Humanity 4 1 One decade Provocation Difficulty to Resist
type (before halving for Superficial) Humanity 3 1 Five decades Friend killed 2
TORPOR Humanity 2 0 One century Lover or Touchstone hurt 3
• Coma like sleep, vampire as shrivelled corpse Humanity 1 0 Five centuries Lover or Touchstone killed 4
• May enter torpor voluntarily, from failing Rouse Check Physical provocation or 2
at sunset with Hunger 5, or by filling Health tracker FRENZY harassment
with Aggravated Damage (healing 1 point per night Insulted by inferior 2
• Resist: Roll Willpower + 1/3 Humanity against
which may force torpor from failed Rouse Check at Public humiliation 2
difficulty depending on Frenzy Type charts
Hunger 5)
• Ride the Wave: Intentionally fail Resist test to have HUNGER FRENZY
• Duration based on Humanity, or if staked lasts until
PC play out Frenzy rather than Storyteller • Effect: Vampire seeks fresh human blood from closest
stake removed
FRENZY EFFECTS source, including Touchstones
• After duration roll Resolve + Awareness test (Difficulty
• End: Hunger 1 or below
2) every time victim is present, to awaken from torpor • Immune to Health-based penalties
Provocation Difficulty to
at Hunger 5 and feed, likely with Hunger Frenzy • Can only use physical Disciplines
• Blood of vampire of higher generation which slakes 1 • +3 dice to resist mental Disciplines (or +2 difficulty to
Sight of open wound or overpowering 2
Hunger or more ends torpor early effect frenzied vampire)
smell of blood while at Hunger 4+
FINAL DEATH • Cannot be provoked into further Frenzy or gain
Taste of blood while at Hunger 4+ 3
• Complete destruction, reduced to corpse/skeleton/ash Compulsions
Fail Rouse Check while at Hunger 5 4
depending on time since embrace • Willpower: Spend Willpower to regain control for 1
turn but may not use Willpower to re-roll dice TERROR FRENZY (RÖTSCHRECK)
• Additional damage from fire, sunlight, or extreme
• Ending Frenzy: Scene ends, or frenzy type end • Effect: Flees from source, without regard to anyone
conditions (acid bath, deep sea pressure, explosion
or anything in the way
etc.) while Health Tracker filled with Aggravated
• End: Can no longer perceive any danger
Damage causes Final Death.
Provocation Difficulty to Resist
Danger Armour Value
Bonfire 2
Sunlight Bane Severity in Aggravated Health Damage per turn (slower if source obscured)
Inside a burning building 3
Fire 1-3+ Aggravated Health Damage
Being burned 2
Extreme Cold Stamina + Resolve (Difficulty 2) to keep moving. Test every hour (or half hour in icy water)
increasing difficulty by +1 each check Obscured sunlight 3
Fully exposed to direct sunlight 4
• Cause: Bestial Failure or Messy Critical • Hurt and destroy – not to feed or win, but to revel in • Experiences truths or portents, but what others call
the pain of others figments of imagination, dredged up by Hunger.
• Effect: Roll (or Storyteller chooses) Compulsion and
Player best decides how to act it out • Effect: -2 on actions which do not immediately result • Effect: -2 on Dexterity, Manipulation, Composure,
in someone/something getting harmed Wits, and resist terror frenzy rolls. While still
• Reward: Reward good roleplaying of Compulsions by
• End: Incapacitates, destroys, or drives away a target. If functional, mind and perception skewed.
restoring a single Willpower
object, must hold serious value to someone the • End: End of scene
• Willpower: Unlike Frenzy cannot spend Willpower to
vampire ordinarily values, such as themselves NOSFERATU: CRYPTOPHILIA
ignore Compulsion – behaviour feels utterly natural
PARANOIA • Consumed with hunger for secrets and refuses to
Random Compulsion Roll
Hunger 1-3 • Full-blown paranoia as the Hunger reminds the Blood share secrets, except in strict trade for greater ones
Dominance 4-5 of its vulnerability • Effect: -2 on actions not spent toward learning a
Harm 6-7
• Effect: -2 on actions which do not disengage from any secret, no matter how big or small
Paranoia 8-9
Clan Compulsion 0* perceived threat, suspecting everyone and everything • Ends: Learns secret big enough to be considered
* Re-roll for Caitiff or Thin-Blood vampires • End: Spends at least an hour in a ‘safe spot’ e.g., useful. Sharing this secret is optional
rooftop with good visibility, their haven, or buried RAVNOS: TEMPTING RATE
deep underground • Driven by their Blood to court danger
CLAN COMPULSIONS • Effect: -2 on actions on any actions to solve a problem
• Will do anything to slake Hunger; violence, subterfuge,
that aren’t the most daring or dangerous (may merit
out-right begging BRUJAH: REBELLION
• Makes stand against status quo, whether person, idea bonus dice if suitably flashy or risky)
• Effect: -2 on actions not conductive to immediately
or what they are meant to be doing right now • Ends: Problem is solved, or further attempts become
• Effect: -2 on actions that don’t go against impossible
• End: Slake 1 Hunger
expectations, perceived or real SALUBRI: AFFECTIVE EMPATHY
• Ends: Made someone change their mind (by force if • Overwhelmed with empathy for a personal problem
• Makes next interaction into competition, taking any
necessary) or done the opposite of what was expected that afflicts someone in the scene, no matter scale
means to be ‘victor’ and rub the nose of the ‘loser’.
• Effect: -2 on actions not taken toward mitigating
• Effect: -2 on actions which avoids establishing GANGREL: FERAL IMPULSES
• Regresses so speech is hard, clothes uncomfortable, another’s personal tragedy
dominance or challenging authority. Cannot use
and arguments best settled with teeth and claws • Ends: Sufferer’s burden is eased, a more immediate
• Effect: -3 on Manipulation or Intelligence based rolls. crisis supersedes it, or end of scene
• End: ‘Won’ and gloated over it
Can only speak in one-word sentences
• End: End of scene
• Temporarily obsessed with a singular gorgeous thing, • Bonding Process: 3 separate nights of drinking
able to think of nothing else ‘regnant’ vampire’s blood for the ‘thrall’ to be bonded
• Drinking blood lowers Hunger based on Blood Potency
• Effect: -2 on actions. Can only stare at and talk about – with no more than a year between each time
• Only Draining to death reduces Hunger to 0
the subject of their obsession • Max Bonded Thralls: Regnant’s Blood Potency
• Ends: Scene ends or beloved object no longer able to • Bond Strength: Number of times regnant’s blood has
• Bite: Unarmed at -2, 2 Aggravated damage; second
be perceived turn success 1 Aggravated damage and -1 Hunger been consumed, max 6. Decreases by 1 per month

TREMERE: PERFECTIONISM • Very messy, dangerous to the victim and they remain without consuming the regnant’s blood
aware of the attack
• Anything less than exceptional performance instils • Defiance: Resolve + Intelligence contest vs. Bond
profound sense of failure Strength (once per Turn if in sight, once per Scene
• Draining blood safely takes a whole scene, see Feeding
• Effect: -2 on actions, reduced to -1 on first repeat otherwise)
Table below
action and removed entirely on repeat of same action • Breaking Blood Bond: Reduce Bond Strength to 0,
• Euphoric to victim, closes wound entirely afterwards
• Ends: Scores a critical win on a Skill roll or end of making a Defiance roll once per Session to not go
scene seeking the regnant for more blood
• Unless very large animal, animal is killed from feeding
unless great care and little blood taken
• Becomes obsessed with possessing something in the • Takes a Scene; only one vampire can benefit
scene, anything from an object, property to a person FEEDING FROM BAGGED BLOOD
• Multiple Strength + Resolve tests (Difficulty 3) equal to
• Most blood stored is processed and useless without
• Effect: -2 on actions on any actions not taken to victim’s Blood Potency. If one fails, the attempt fails
the Iron Gullet merit
obtaining the thing
• Unprocessed blood never has Resonances, but
• Ends: Ownership is established, or the object • Diablerist loses -1 Humanity
Tremere and Thin-blood alchemy works with it
becomes unattainable • Contested roll of Humanity + Blood Potency against
VENTRUE: ARROGANCE victim’s Resolve + Blood Potency
• Stop at nothing to assume command of a situation • Slakes 1 Hunger per Hunger inflicted on victim, instead
▪ +5 experience points to spend on increasing
• Effect: -2 on actions not directly associated with of inflicting Aggravated Health damage
Blood Potency (max of victim’s) per success
leadership, someone must obey an order from you • Victim of 2+ Blood Potency: slakes 2 Hunger per
rolled, even on failure
• Ends: Order has been obeyed, though not through Hunger inflicted
▪ Failure: Lose Humanity for each success by
supernatural means such as Dominate discipline • Victim of -2 Blood Potency: slakes 1 Hunger for 2 which failed. If reduced to 0 victim’s mind
points of Hunger inflicted replaces the diablerist’s
• Risk of Blood Bond ▪ Success: Diablerist lowers their Generation by
1 if victim was lower generation
Predator Type Check Source Hunger Slaked Time Notes
Alleycat Strength + Brawl Multiple small animals 1 One scene Slakes no Hunger for vampires above
Bagger Intelligence + Streetwise (three to four cats, a dozen or more rats) Blood Potency 2
Blood Leech Full Scene Medium-sized animal (racoon, dog, coyote) 1 One turn
Animal Resonance; No Dyscrasia
Cleaver Manipulation + Subterfuge Large animal (horse) 2 One scene
Consensualist Manipulation + Persuasion Blood bag 1 One turn Slakes no Hunger for vampires above
Farmer Composure + Animal Ken Blood Potency 2
Osiris Manipulation + Subterfuge
Intimidation + Fame No Resonance or Dyscrasia
Sandman Dexterity + Stealth Sip from human 1 Three Includes licking wound closed
Scene-Queen Manipulation + Persuasion turns
Siren Charisma + Subterfuge Maximum non-harmful drink from human 2 One scene
Harmful drink from human that risks death 1-4 One turn Aggravated damage equals Hunger
Hunting Ground Difficulty unless treated per slaked; Human rolls Strength +
Hunger Stamina against Hunger slaked to
Slum neighbourhood, Skid Row, public 2 slaked survive
housing projects or banlieues, the Rack Human drained and killed 5 5 turns Only way to reach Hunger 0
Bohemian or hipster neighbourhood, 3
gentrifying or blighted working-class Jungian
neighbourhood Humour Element Function Hormone Emotions and Conditions
Healthy working-class neighbourhood, 4 Choleric Fire Feeling Adrenaline Angry, violent, bullying, passionate, envious
downtown business district, tourist Melancholy Earth Thinking Thyroid Sad, scared, intellectual, depressed, grounded
district, airport, or casino Phlegmatic Water Intuition Pituitary Lazy, apathetic, calm, controlling, sentimental
Manufacturing, warehouse, or port 5 Sanguine Air Sensation Testosterone / Estrogen Horny, happy, addicted, active, flighty, enthusiastic
district; urban parkland; middle class
suburban sprawl Resonance Disciplines TEMPERAMENT
Wealthy neighbourhood 6 Choleric Celerity, Potence
• Indication: Slaking 1 or more Hunger reveals
Melancholy Fortitude, Obfuscate
Tainted Blood Effect Phlegmatic Auspex, Dominate Resonance and if Dyscrasia present
Alcohol Dexterity and Intelligence -1 Sanguine Blood Sorcery, Presence • Duration: Ends at Hunger 5 or next feed
Cocaine/Meth/Speed 2 Willpower to re-roll Messy Animal Blood Animalism, Protean
Critical or Bestial Failure.
Frenzy difficulties +1 Random EFFECTS
Hallucinogens Wits, Resolve, and Manipulation Temperament Random Resonance • Fleeting: Narrative, thin-blood alchemy and buying
-2 1-5: Well-balanced, 1-3: Phlegmatic associated Discipline dots
Heroin/Morphine/Ox Physical attributes -2. Frenzy negligible Resonance
y/Opiates difficulties -1 • Intense: +1 for pools on associated Disciplines
6-8: Fleeting 4-6: Melancholy
Marijuana Wits -1. Frenzy Difficulties -1 9-0: Intense, potentially 7-8: Choleric • Acute: As Intense, plus Dyscrasia if mortal completely
Poison -1 all pools, 1-3 Superficial Acute; roll again below
damage per Scene/Turn drained to death – or fed upon for three nights
1-8: Intense, 9-0: Acute 9-0: Sanguine
• Blood Potency increases by one dot every 100 active • Gaining experience:
years up to the generation limit ▪ +1 per Session (or +2 in shorter Chronicles)
• Intense experiences or extremely potent blood can ▪ +1 per Story completed
speed the process • Spending experience:
• Torpor lowers Blood Potency by one dot every 50 ▪ Cost varies depending on dot type and current
years, to the vampire’s Generation minimum dots in the trait, see table below
Minimum Maximum ▪ Cannot ‘skip’ ahead, must buy all dots between
Generation Blood Potency Blood Potency current trait and desired dots
4th 5 10
• Gaining and Losing Advantages:
5th 4 9
6th 3 8 ▪ Should be able to get back/replace lost
7th 3 7 Advantages that have been gained during
8th 2 6
9th 2 5 Character Creation or with Experience
10 -11th
1 4 ▪ Advantages gained without expenditure of
12th-13th 1 3
Experience should be temporary at best
14th-16th 0 0
• Increasing Traits: Advantages should be justified
THIN-BLOODS with in character action. Storyteller may decide this
• Thin-Blood: 14 -16 Generation vampire
th th
applies to other, or all, Trait types
• Blood Potency: Thin-Bloods cannot improve their Trait Experience Points
Blood Potency without Diablerie Increase Attribute New level x 5
Increase Skill New level x 3
• Damage: Take damage like mortals
New Speciality 3
• Mending Damage: 1 Superficial damage per Rouse Clan Discipline New level x 5
check Other Discipline New level x 7
Caitiff Discipline New level x 6
• Clan Bane: None Blood Sorcery Ritual Ritual level x 3
• The Blood: Cannot create Blood Bonds or Ghouls. Thin-Blood Formula Formula level x 3
Advantage 3 per dot
Cannot Embrace with certainty Blood Potency New level x 10
• Frenzy: Only supernatural means can cause Frenzy
• Sunlight: 1 Superficial damage per turn
Blood Blood Damage Mended (Per Discipline Power Discipline Rouse Bane Feeding Penalty
Potency Surge Rouse Check) Bonus (Use or Resist) Check Re-Roll Severity

0 Add 1 die 1 point of Superficial damage None None 0 No effect

1 Add 2 die 1 point of Superficial damage None Level 1 2 No effect

2 Add 2 die 2 points of Superficial damage Add 1 die Level 1 2 Animal and bagged blood slakes half Hunger

3 Add 3 dice 2 points of Superficial damage Add 1 die Level 2 and below 3 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

4 Add 3 dice 3 points of Superficial damage Add 2 dice Level 2 and below 3 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

Slake 1 less Hunger per human

5 Add 4 dice 3 points of Superficial damage Add 2 dice Level 3 and below 4 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

Slake 1 less Hunger per human

Must drain and kill a human to reduce Hunger below 2

6 Add 4 dice 3 points of Superficial damage Add 3 dice Level 3 and below 4 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

Slake 2 less Hunger per human

7 Add 5 dice 3 points of Superficial damage Add 3 dice Level 4 and below 5
Must drain and kill a human to reduce Hunger below 2
8 Add 5 dice 4 points of Superficial damage Add 4 dice Level 4 and below 5 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

Slake 2 less Hunger per human

9 Add 6 dice 4 points of Superficial damage Add 4 dice Level 5 and below 6
Must drain and kill a human to reduce Hunger below 3
10 Add 6 dice 5 points of Superficial damage Add 5 dice Level 5 and below 6 Animal and bagged blood slakes no Hunger

Slake 3 less Hunger per human

Must drain and kill a human to reduce Hunger below 3

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