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Kellogg’s K-values guide the way the

Introduction company interacts with all of its

stakeholders. Stakeholders are
The Kellogg Company is the world’s individuals, groups and organizations
leading producer of cereals. For more that have an interest in the decisions a
than 100 years, Kellogg’s has been a company makes and the products that it
leader in health and nutrition through produces. They also, depending on their
providing consumers with a wide variety power, affect how businesses perform.
of food products. Kellogg’s market Kellogg’s products are manufactured in
leading position and reputation is built 18 countries and are sold in more than
on its commitment to ethical business 180 countries. This means Kellogg’s has
practices and its values-based culture. to manage its relationships with a variety
Business values identify the beliefs that of stakeholders around the world. The
the company holds to be the most diagram identifies Kellogg’s key
important. These values then guide stakeholder groups.
decision making and shape the way the
organization behaves. For Kellogg’s,
these are referred to as K-Values.

Kellogg’s long-term business plans,

known as strategies, focus onengaging
with its stakeholders to ensure their
needs are being met. For Kellogg’s, this relationships with its stakeholders. For
means ensuring the highest ethical example, Kellogg’s commitment to its
standards and sustainable business stakeholders and ethical practices is
practices. Kellogg’s has a Global Code of demonstrated through its Corporate
Ethics governing how it deals with Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
stakeholders across the world. A CSR focuses on improving the lives of
sustainable business is one which focuses communities in which the organisation
on minimising any negative impact to the operates. Kellogg’s has identified four
environment to ensure future pillars to its Corporate Responsibility
generations can prosper. Kellogg’s vision strategy:
and core purpose outline what the
company wants to achieve. They guide
the organisation’s decision making
processes to help meet the expectations
of its stakeholders. Kellogg’s vision,
which was refreshed in 2012, sets out the
company’s main aim: ‘To enrich and
delight the world through foods and
brands that matter.’ This is supported by
Kellogg’s purpose of ‘Nourishing
families so that they can flourish and
thrive.’ Every Kellogg’s employee, no
matter where in the world, is working • Marketplace ambition - meeting the
towards achieving these every single day. needs of customers. Selling them
safe, high quality products whilst
Interacting with stakeholders engaging in ethical and responsible
Stakeholder engagement, building two- • Environment ambition - using scarce
way relationships with its stakeholders, resources carefully whilst also
is a key aim for Kellogg’s. Two-way reducing environmental impacts and
relationships help build trust between supporting sustainable agriculture.
Kellogg’s and its stakeholders. Each • Community ambition - contribution
stakeholder group has different needs. to the communities in which the
Engaging with each group individually company operates, concentrating on
helps Kellogg’s ensure these needs are nutrition and physical fitness.
met. As with any business, its owners are
• Workplace ambition - supporting a
a major stakeholder group. However,
talented and diverse workforce
Kellogg’s does not focus on pleasing
which values diversity and inclusion,
shareholders at the expense of other
abiding by best practice labor
stakeholders. Kellogg’s uses a variety of
strategies to maintain positive
Kellogg’s focuses its CSR activity on Internal Stakeholders
initiatives that benefit stakeholders
across these pillars. For example, Internal stakeholders are those within an
Kellogg’s Breakfasts for Better Days organization who have a key interest in
campaign communicates important the organization’s decisions. Kellogg’s
information about the benefits of starting key internal stakeholders include
the day with a healthy breakfast. It employees at all levels, all over the world,
engages stakeholders across three of and shareholders. Both groups are
these pillars – customers, suppliers that integral to the success of the
provide the ingredients so Kellogg’s can organization. Employees carry out the
guarantee the nutritional content of its day-to-day activities which enable the
products and also the communities in company to operate globally.
which it operates where the campaign’s Shareholders invest the capital that
messages are communicated. A key part makes this possible.
of the campaign is Kellogg’s support for
school breakfast clubs to ensure that Kellogg’s seeks to make a profit to secure
every child in the UK gets a good start to high returns for its shareholders.
the day. Shareholders invest money into the
business in return for a stake in the
An important part of managing the needs company. If the company makes a profit,
of stakeholders understands that its shareholders receive a share of these
different stakeholder groups can profits in the form of dividends. At the
sometimes have conflicting interests. It is same time shareholders take a keen
therefore essential for Kellogg’s to interest in the company’s strategies and
consider how it can best balance different seek to influence decision making to
stakeholder aspirations. Examples of safeguard their investment.
conflicting stakeholder needs include:
• Government requirements for food
content and consumer preferences.
Kellogg’s recently changed the
formula of Honey Loops to reduce the
sugar content but this had an impact
on consumer’s perceptions of the
• Different interests of charity groups
requesting Kellogg’s support.
Kellogg’s current CR strategy focuses Kellogg’s invests heavily in its employees
on breakfast clubs for children so and future employees. Kellogg’s Global
conflict will occur when charities Employer Brand communicates the K-
supporting other causes cannot be a Values and the wide range of benefits
focus for Kellogg’s at this time. that Kellogg’s employees receive.
Kellogg’s refreshed company vision and • Monthly business huddles - the
purpose were a direct result of feedback leadership team talks to the whole
from employees. A company’s vision and UK business about performance
values must be ‘lived’ by its employees for against business goals, employee
them to incorporate them into their development initiatives and new
decisions and actions. marketing campaigns.
• Kellogg’s global intranet enables
Kellogg’s seeks to manage its employer communication between employees
brand in the same way that it manages its across the globe, as well as
product brands. Just as the company celebrating employee achievements.
uses market research to identify what its • Quarterly team talk webcasts - global
consumers want, it uses employee and European leaders talk to
research to find out the needs and employees across Europe about the
opinions of its employees through, for performance of the business via a
example, an employee survey. webcast.

The 2015 survey involved 20,000 External Stakeholders

employees across the globe (with a 75%
response rate). This information was External stakeholders are ones who are
used to improve processes to engage outside of the organization. Kellogg’s key
employees. For example, employees external stakeholders include customers,
requested to be able to communicate suppliers, communities and charities.
more openly so Kellogg’s created a Kellogg’s uses a variety of
feedback training programme for all communications approaches to engage
employees. with its different external stakeholders.
For example, regular case studies in The
Times 100 help the company to engage
with young people through educational
materials that help to explain the values
and goals of the organization.

Kellogg’s engages with communities

through its breakfast clubs. Independent
research shows that children who have
breakfast at the start of the day are able
In keeping with Kellogg’s K-Values,
to concentrate for longer by maintaining
employees are encouraged to listen to
their energy at school. Kellogg’s therefore
and learn from each other. There are a
supports, through donations of cereals
range of ways that employees interact
and money, breakfast clubs in schools
with each other, these include:
across the UK to make sure that all
children have a healthy and nutritious particularly successful in giving rural
breakfast. women a means to earn incomes for their
Kellogg’s engages with customers and
potential customers through its
advertising campaigns. For example, TV
and print adverts and the use of social
media such as Face book and Twitter.
These are all platforms used to create
two-way engagement with customers
about its products as well as its CSR

Another important stakeholder group is

suppliers. Kellogg’s is committed to an Engaging with and improving the
ethical supply chain and has a Supplier communities in which it operates is an
Code of Conduct that all its suppliers integral part of Kellogg’s operations. The
must abide by. This code requires all Kellogg Company prides itself in its
Kellogg’s suppliers to comply with fair legacy of behaving ethically and
labor practices and ethical business supporting CSR initiatives. Kellogg’s
standards. These particularly focus on founder, W.K.Kellogg, used his fortune
environmental and health and safety for the benefit of mankind. Kellogg’s
issues. seeks to continue this legacy by making a
difference in the communities in which it
Kellogg’s has a number of farmer operates. The focus is on projects where
development programmes to engage the company can make a real impact on
suppliers. A key objective of these issues close to its heart, namely food
programmes is to reduce poverty and poverty and sustainable agriculture.
promote economic development, thus
supporting Kellogg’s K-Values and Kellogg’s food bank initiatives across the
vision. For example, in rural regions of world help engage communities and
Mexico Kellogg’s supports the communicate food poverty messages.
sustainable production of amaranth, an Kellogg’s central objective ‘is to convert
ancient grain thought to be a staple in the every kilo of grain that they buy into food
diets of the Incas and Aztecs. Kellogg's is that can be sold.’ However, occasionally
one of several funders of Mexico Tierra during the process of warehousing and
de Amaranto (MTA), which teaches transporting, packaging can become
community members how to grow and creased or crumpled. This prevents it
harvest amaranth, use the plant in being sold through supermarkets and
cooking and baking, and sell the foods other traditional outlets. Kellogg’s
they make. The programme has been donates these products, plus annual cash
donations, to food banks around the In 2012 Kellogg’s developed its breakfast
world. The food bank then redistributes clubs initiative with Seeds for Africa in
these items to charities, voluntary Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. Three
organization and breakfast clubs. In breakfast clubs were set up. Researchers
2016, the Guardian newspaper reported evaluated each pupil’s attendance and
that a quarter of a million people in the punctuality as well as records of their
UK were dependent on food supplied by marks in Maths, English and Science
food banks. exams before and after the clubs were set
up. The results were impressive with the
average attendance amongst the 30
children who attended the breakfast club
increasing from 64% before the breakfast
club to 94% after it was established.
Exam marks increased from 47% to 57%.

In addition, the teachers in each of the

schools were asked to give each child a
‘wellbeing’ assessment from A to D – A
Kellogg’s is committed to working with being the highest. Before the breakfast
farmers to achieve ‘sustainable club was established none of the pupils
agriculture’. This occurs when farmers were given an A by their teachers and
are able to grow crops year after year 20% got a B. After the club was set up
without negatively affecting future 47% were assessed as an A and 43% as a
generations. The yield from their land B. These results were similar across the
improves as does their income. If farmers three breakfast clubs. Given the success
fail to grow enough to sell they are forced of all of the projects, Kellogg’s is
to eat more of their own crops, giving continuing to support Seeds for Africa.
them less to sell. Sustainable agriculture
helps guarantee security to farmers and Conclusion
their families.
Kellogg’s business strategy is
Kellogg’s started working with the stakeholder-focused. The company’s
charity Seeds for Africa in 2010 to decisions and actions are all made with
develop sustainable agriculture projects the best interest of its stakeholders at the
in Malawi and Kenya. This partnership heart. Engaging with both internal and
was featured on Kellogg’s Corn Flakes external stakeholders creates two-way
packets to helps raise awareness globally. communication that brings benefits to
The charity provides community groups both Kellogg’s and to each stakeholder
with the tools and training they need to group. Although Kellogg’s engagement
produce nutritious food that is secure initiatives have huge cost implications for
and reliable. the company, they yield huge benefits to
the communities and stakeholders as 4. Evaluate the extent to which
well as to Kellogg’s in order to Kellogg’s initiatives to engage with
demonstrate that it’s a responsible communities in countries outside of
business. the UK support Kellogg’s vision and
purpose. You might use
Kellogg’s uses its size as a force for good. information from your own
Its stakeholder engagement focuses on country, through the use of websites
supporting its CSR activity, such as its and local news.
breakfast clubs and support for food
banks around the world. These initiatives
support the company’s vision and,
through living the K-Values, enable its
employees to continue to improve the
lives of its global stakeholders.


1. Identify Kellogg’s key internal and

external stakeholders. Locate them
in a diagram. How would they be
located in the power-interest
matrix? Explain your decision.
2. Explain why employee engagement
is so important to the success of
Kellogg’s. How is engaging with this
stakeholder group strategic for the
3. State two approaches that Kellogg’s
uses to engage with external
stakeholders in the UK. Analyse the
strengths and weaknesses of each

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