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Media Imperialism – accepted media

Globalization – interconnection of different
c. Mcdonaldization
d. Globalization
METAPHORS OF GLOBALIZATION 2. Heterogeneity – associated with the creation
of local inputs leading to a variety of cultural
1. Solid – barriers that may prevent free hybrids.
movement; can be natural or man-made
2. Liquidity – increasing ease of movement of PERSPECTIVE IN GLOBAL CULTURAL FLOW
people, things, information, and places in the
1. Cultural Differentialism – can’t ignore
global age.
differences; immutable; different from one
3. Flows – movement of people, things, ideas,
culture may clash if they get to interact
and culture across the globe due to the
2. Cultural Hybridization – politics of
advances in technology, economic and
integration without the need to give up
political integration, and establishment of
cultural identity
global policies that lessens and eliminates the
3. Cultural Convergence – supports the idea of
existing borders.
global cultural homogeneity; adopt the
PERSPECTIVES ON THE ORIGIN OF culture ideas and practices.
1. Hardwired – motivation of human beings to
Economic Globalization – refers to the increasing
seek a better life.
interdependence of world economics as a result of
2. Cycles – no single point of origin in
the growing scale of cross-border trade of
globalization but it is a long-term cyclical
commodities and services, flow of international
process wherein the current global age today
capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
is only modification of the global age in the
3. Epochs – waves of globalization that took GLOBALIZATION
place in the past and each of them has its own
1. Capital – total assets a company needs to stay
4. Events – it specifies the event that is
2. Communication and Technology – allows
somehow responsible for the origin of
the integration of economies worldwide
through increases in trade, investment flows,
5. Broader – the origin of globalization has
and technology transfer
taken place during the recent changes that
3. Market Exchange – which goods and
happened in the 2nd half of the 20th century.
services are produced, distributed, and
THEORIES OF GLOBALIZATION exchanged by the price, supply and demand
4. Goods and Services – goods are tangible
1. World System Theory – believes that
objects that satisfy people’s wants
capitalism spread around the world for the
last five centuries. The key structure is the ECONOMIES ASSOCIATED WITH ECONOMIC
three division of labor: GLOBALIZATION
a. Core – countries that are not as rich as
Protectionism – refers to government policies that
the core countries usually depend on
restrict international trade by imposing tariffs,
these core countries.
quotas, product standards, and subsidies.
b. Peripheral – countries that are
dependent on core countries for capital Primary Policy Tools:
and have an underdeveloped industry.
c. Semi-Peripheral – countries that share a. Tariffs – form of money of goods; serves as a
characteristics of both core and periphery payment for allowing its international
countries. product to be sold in the local market.
2. World Polity Theory – it was developed as b. Import Quotas – lessen the number of
an analytical frame for interpreting global products that can be imported for certain
relations, structures, and practices. period of time.
3. World Culture Theory – particular c. Product standards – kind of barrier that
interpretation of globalization that focuses on imposes strict standards in imported
the process become conscious of and give products; quality of product
meaning to living in the world as a single d. Government Subsidies – financial assistance
place. Trade Liberalization – process of removing or
IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION reducing the barriers or restrictions in the exchange
for goods between and among nations.
1. Homogeneity – increasing sameness as
information and ideas flow across MAIN ACTORS OF ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION
boundaries. - Multinational Companies
a. Cultural Imperialism – influence of - State
particular culture
- Regulatory Institutions
- Laborers - Agreement was enacted during the post-
- Consumer world wars
- It is the USA who was at that time owned the
ECONOMIC INTEGRATION – discriminatory removal
2/3 of world’s gold had led this conference in
of all trade impediments between at least 2
July 1944 with 44 countries
participating countries. Arrangement among nations
that typically includes the reduction or elimination of Representatives of PH in Bretton Wood System
trade barriers.
1. Hon. Andres Soriano
3. Mr. Joseph Foley
1. Preferential trading area – discounted
4. Mr. Ismael Mathay
tariffs; allow member countries to have
access to some of their products 2 INSTITUTIONS WERE ESTABLISHED AS PART OF
2. Free trade – aimed to reduced the tariff BRETTON WOODS AGREEMENT IN 1945
significantly between or among partnered
1. International Monetary Fund (IMF) – goal
of fostering global monetary cooperation,
3. Custom union – implying that the same
establishing financial stability, maintaining
tariffs are applied to third countries
international trade, and promoting growth
4. Common market – member countries are
able to move their capital and services within
2. The World Bank – two main goal of the
their organization
world bank are to end extreme poverty and
5. Economic union – usually called as a single
increase overall prosperity.
market for several reasons; tariffs are
eliminated within the member countries by THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND
which they are able to exercise free trade TRADE (GATT)
between and among countries
6. Political union – member countries abide by - Signed into law on January 1, 1948 with 23
the rules presented by a common government countries
in which the member country’s sovereignty is - Its main objective was to eliminate barriers in
reduced significantly. international trade by either reducing or
removing tariffs and quotas.
- Resolve trade disputes between and among
Notable Explorers; The different voyages its member countries.
1. Vasco Da Gama - Its goal is to ensure trade flows as smoothly
2. Christopher Columbus and predictably as possible.
3. Ferdinand Magellan Market Integration – used to identify phenomenon
Different global powers during that time: in which markets of goods and services that are
related to one another is experiencing similar
- Spain patterns of increase or decrease in terms of the prices
- Portugal of those products.
- Britain
Types of Market Integration
- Italy
1. Negative Integration – elimination of
- The international trade expanded 2. Positive Integration – government policy
significantly as did cross-border flows of adjustment
financial capital and labor
- Technological advancement in this year can
be seen from the replacement of the sail and 1. Preferential agreement
railroads by the steam power. 2. Free trade
- The opening of Suez Canal has helped to 3. Custom union
reduced travel times between Europe and 4. Common market
Asia 5. Economic union
Major powers of those times: 1. Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD)
- The United States
- Works to build better policies for better lives.
- Western Europe
- Their goal is to shape policies that foster
- Japan
prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-
2. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC)
- Intergovernmental organization, created at - Regional Organization challenging state
the Baghdad Conference on September 10-14, autonomy: coming from different
1960 international organizations
- It was established to monitor and stabilized
Challenges from National/Identity Movements
the price of OIL that is both beneficial and fair
with the stakeholders such as producer and - Different people with different identities and
consumer beliefs who live in different states may
3. Association of South East Nations (ASEAN) challenge the government to recognize their
- Was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, unique ideologies and identity all over that
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand state.
- to promote political and economic
cooperation and regional stability Global Economics
- the Economic, Political-Security, and Socio- - It demands the states to conform to the rules
Cultural Community are the three pillars of of free-market capitalism
ASEAN Community - Example: government have to comply with
4. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) global or regional agreements (e.g., WTFO,
- Its goal is to ensure the sustainability of NAFTA, EU, ASEAN)
growth and development of the region for the
goods of its people. Global Social Movements
5. European Union - Movement of people that are spontaneous or
- is the largest trade block in the world. that emerge through large grassroots
- One of the largest exporters of goods and organization; how organization moves
services and considered to be the biggest together.
import market for over hundred countries - They usually operate across the world and
6. North America Free trade Agreement can be seen in different nations
(NAFTA) - Example: human rights movement,
- Formed in 1995 by the Canada, Mexico and environmental movement, women rights
America for the reason of elimination of movement
barriers when it comes to trade and
- This organization has also given importance
- Can be defined as political activities and other
to the protection of intellectual property
kinds and aspects of interactions among
rights, environments and rights of workers or
states, inter-governmental organizations,
non-government organizations and
GLOBAL CORPORATIONS multinational corporations.

- Also known as Global Company, which means

all around the world
Types of Global Corporations
1. International Companies – single country
but has some exposure to foreign markets;
these are basically importers and exporters
2. Multinational Companies – more than one
country; controlled by management based in
a single country, cater to markets in
individual countries
3. Transnational Companies – very largest
multinational businesses with separate Peace Treaties and Military alliances
divisions that operate with a significant
independence in their assigned markets; - UN: was founded in 1995 and has 193
decision-making capabilities members states. The UN has four functions,
4. Global Companies – operate on a worldwide which include military, economic,
scale, but it would not be tied legally to any environmental issues, and human protection.
nation - North Atlantic Treaty Organizations
(NATO): is a defensive treaty or a military
alliance among the United States, Canada, and
EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON GOVERNMENT other European Countries. The member
countries have agreed to combine their
Traditional Challenges military power against the other nation who
- External Intervention by other countries: would be raising their arms against anyone of
powerful nations intervene with the issues its members.
and affairs of other nations 1. Social and Economic Growth
- Internal Political Challenges: state’s own - Red Cross: they are organized in 1863 to
internal nonconformists help those wounded by wars. They are an
independent and neutral organization that
would be sent to areas affected by war, integration to have a just system for conflict
conflict, and disasters. resolution.
- Doctors without Borders: they are an
1. Permeability of nation-state to vast flow of
independent, global movement providing
things – fake news, cyberbullying, invasion of
medical aid where it’s needed most and was
privacy and other digital fraudulent activities
founded 1971
are the result of easy, fast and difficult to
- Oxford Committee for famine relief
control flow of digital information through
(OxFam): fighting inequality to beat poverty;
social media
they are also concerned with social
2. Mass migration of people and the flow
inequalities that make and keep people.
criminal elements – unlawful activities such
- Save the Children: helps children across the
as transport of drugs, sex trafficking
world; it gives children a healthy start of life,
3. Internal events or problems which nation-
the opportunity to learn, and protection from
state either instigate or are unable to
control on their own – extrajudicial killings
- Amnesty International: it is a global
in the Philippines; war on drugs
movement was to appeal in Britain with aim
4. Global problems that a single nation-state
of acquiring amnesty for prisoners of
is unable to tackle on their own – covid19
conscience all over the world

- World Trade Organization (WTO)

- North American Free Trade Agreement
Internationalism – principle of cooperation among
nations, for the promotion of their common good; can
be define as the idea that cooperation among
countries is beneficial for everyone. General Assembly – it is where all member-state
come together to discuss and resolve various global
> Hegemonic Internationalism – belief that
the world is being integrated is based on
unequal terms with the dominance of one Security Council – primary responsibility for the
nation or nation-state over others maintenance of international peace and security
> Revolutionary Internationalism – belief
Economic and Social Council – principal body for
that conflicts within societies ascend due to
coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and
international factors and alliances
recommendations on economic, social
> Liberal Internationalism – belief that
environmental, and other related concerns
certain goals such as peace and prosperity
can be attained through cooperation and Trusteeship Council – provides international
collaboration between and among countries. supervision for eleven trust territories to ensure that
adequate steps were taken to prepare to territories
GLOBALISM – national policy of treating the whole
for self-government and interdependence.
world as a proper sphere for political influence.
International Court of Justice – is the principal
> Economic Globalism – flows of goods,
judicial body of the United Nation
services and capital and the information and
perceptions that accompany market exchange Secretariat – assists the other bodies and
> Environmental Globalism – transport committees while performing varied tasks.
materials in the atmosphere or oceans or of
biological substances such as pathogens or
genetic materials that affect human health
and well-being - Indistinct and diffused authority
> Military Globalism – long-distance networks - Vast disparities in power and influence
in which force, and the threat or promise of among state and non-state actors
force, are deployed - Lack of resources of the UN and other actors
> Social and Cultural Globalism – movements - Incoherent policies of global governance
of ideas, information, images and people, who actors
of course carry ideas and information with - Decentralized and informal self-regulatory
them groups
Global Governance – is a continuous process of 1. Nationalistic Interests
balancing different interests and initiating 2. Lack of Consensus or General Agreement
cooperative action between different countries. 3. Indistinct and diffused authority
Government in countries need cooperation and 4. Incoherent policies on emerging trends

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