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Answer all the questions

a) Discuss why adolescents are likely to suffer more stress than other
populations (10 marks)

Because adolescents are confronted with a diverse set of obstacles throughout

this time of life, they are more prone to experience high levels of stress than
other populations.

During this stage of development, several changes take place, including fast
physical growth, adjustments in cognitive skills, and the beginning of puberty.
Hormonal changes also take place during this time. As a result of these changes,
teenagers may experience increased levels of stress as they try to adapt to and
manage the effects of their maturing bodies and brains.

Concurrently, teenagers need to learn to assume a greater level of personal

responsibility for their own choices and behaviors. This may cause parents and
teachers to have higher expectations of their children, which may add to the
stress that the children already feel.

External demands on teenagers, such as academic accomplishment,

interpersonal interactions with classmates and family, and the possibility of
encountering prejudice due to ethnicity or gender, can all contribute to an
increase in stress levels.

In addition, going through these changes during the years of adolescence can
make it challenging for teens to recognize and comprehend the feelings that they
themselves are experiencing. Because of this, they may have trouble recognizing,
controlling, and managing their stress, which can contribute to their overall
levels of stress.

Because of the wide variety of physiological, psychological, and social shifts that
occur throughout this stage of teenagers' lives, this age group is likely to
experience higher levels of stress than other groups as a whole.

b) Explain the importance of teaching life skills of knowing and living with
others to learners (10 marks)

Life skills are essential for effectively navigating all aspects of life, including
maintaining good relationships and friendships, finding and keeping a job, and
being able to take care of oneself physically and mentally. Learners need to be
equipped with the skills necessary to begin creating connections that will last a
lifetime, become positively active and responsible members of society, and
become independent and successful persons. It is crucial to teach learners life
skills that involve knowing and living with other people.

The ability to know and live with other people requires a variety of life skills,
such as having excellent manners and knowing how to behave correctly with a
variety of people, being able to negotiate and understanding how to handle
problems, amongst other things. By teaching students these abilities, you provide
them with the information necessary to construct and maintain meaningful
connections. Because of this, they are better able to comprehend others, interact,
and work together. Learners are more likely to develop a feeling of empathy and
respect for other people as a result of their increased self-confidence and
improved social skills.

In addition to this, students should be taught the value of collaboration and how
to collaborate well with their peers as an essential life skill. Working in an
atmosphere that requires teamwork, problem solving, and leadership might be
beneficial for one's professional development in the future. In addition, it is
useful to have an understanding of the dynamics and communication that exist
between the various members of a team.

Learning how to control and communicate one's emotions is another ability that
is extremely useful. Learners become more emotionally literate when they
acquire the abilities necessary to detect a range of feelings and build strategies
for coping with those feelings. This learning also assists learners in improving
their self-awareness and perspective, two essential skills that will assist them in
developing connections that are both profound and significant.

In general, educating students in the life skills of knowing and living with other
people helps them acquire the abilities necessary to engage and form healthy
connections with other people. These skills include knowing and living with
other people. In addition to this, it helps kids develop a healthy sense of self-
confidence, enables them to identify a range of emotions and develop emotional
literacy, and prepares them for the future.

c) Discuss five ways that can assist the learners improve their personal
relationships with others (10 marks)

1. Take part in activities together: One of the best ways to strengthen

relationships is to spend quality time with one another in a variety of settings.
This might entail doing anything like going for a stroll, playing a game, or
anything else that involves having fun while engaging with one another.

2. seek for similarities - When you are trying to find methods to develop a
connection with another person, it can be good to seek for parallels between the
two of you, such as shared experiences or hobbies.

3. Commit to making time for one another Doing things like actively participating
in talks and getting to know one another better can facilitate the formation of a
strong relationship between two individuals.
4. Engage in active listening. Paying attention to what another person has to say
and providing comments that demonstrate thinking can contribute to the
development of a sense of connection and understanding.

5. Respect one another's boundaries and feelings Relationship partners should

constantly respect one another's personal space and emotional needs. This
includes refraining from making personal comments, engaging in snide
conversation, and putting undue pressure on one another to do anything.

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