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10 ways to have a better conversation

Celeste Headlee
IN ORDER TO - aby coś zrobić; w celu
zrobienia czegoś; żeby coś zrobić

-> She arrived early in order to get a good seat.

Trivial - trywialny, błahy

I know it sounds trivial, but I'm worried about it.

Polarise - , podzielić ,
dokonać podziału rozłamu na zwalczające się grupy

-> The issue has polarized the .

Key issue - kluczowa sprawa

-> Education is the key issue in every peron's maturation process.

Require - wymagać

-> These pets require a lot of care and attention.

-> be required of somebody What exactly is required of a receptionist (= what are they
expected to do)?
Due to - dzięki komuś / czemuś / z powodu czegoś , ze względu na coś

-> The train was late due to .

Come to realise something - zdać sobie sprawę z czegoś , uświadomić sobie coś

-> He came to the realization that he was adding up the wrong numbers.
Overlooked - zapomnieć o, puścić płazem ,
puścić w zapomnienie

-> We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence.

Hone - doskonalić

-> This is an opportunity for you to hone your skills .

Make / earn your living - zarabiać na życie

-> I hardly earn my living at this job.

In advance - z wyprzedzeniem , z góry

-> You need to book your ticket at least 14 days in advance.

Pontificate - wypowiadać się autorytatywnie , perorować , rozprawiać

pontificate (about/on something) to give your opinions about something in a way that
shows that you think you are right

-> he always pontificates about politics

Take one’s cue from - brać wskazówki

-> Take a cue from the experts and get your taxes done early this year. We should take
our cue from their example.
Equate - identyfikować, przyrównywać

-> equate something (with something) to think that something is the same as
something else or is as important

-> Some parents equate education with exam success.

-> Many people equate wealth with happiness .

Boil down to something - sprowadzać się do

-> The problem boils down to one thing - lack of money .

-> In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.
Come over to someone - wpaść do kogoś

Fancy coming over to me later?

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