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1. Write a dialogue describing your school holiday to a friend.

It’s the first time in a few months

you see this friend. Say hello and ask her how she is. Ask about her holiday. Use Wh questions -
who, what, where and when.
2. Write a dialogue telling a friend your daily routine. Say hello and ask her how she is. Tell her
that you need to change your routine so you can be a more successful student in the new year and
ask her what she does.
3. Tell a friend you need to change your study habits to be a better student and improve your
grades. Say hello and ask her how she is. Use Wh questions - what, where, when and how to ask
for ideas.
4. You see a friend and she wants to invite you to a dinner party at her home. Say hello and ask
her how she is. She is planning the food, music and entertainment. Use Wh questions and the
modal should - who, what, where, when and how to ask about the number of guests, the amount
of food, the kind of food and the location for the party.
5. You invite an American friend to a party and he/she wants to know what Kazakh parties are
like. Say hello and ask her how she is. Use the frequency adverbs - sometimes, always, often,
never, rarely, frequently, usually to describe the customs at Kazakh parties for young people.
6. Tell a friend you have to change your diet to eat better when you have exams. Say hello and
ask her how she is. Ask “do” and “be” verb questions to learn what you should eat for better
health at exam time.
7. You are looking for a job and your friend tells you there is one available at her job. Say hello
and ask her how she is. Use Wh questions - who, what, where, when and how. Ask this about the
job - the days you work, the hours - morning or afternoon, and the amount of money it needs to
8. Interview a friend to be your roommate and share a flat at the university. Say hello and ask her
how she is. Use “do” verb questions to ask her about her habits. Use the frequency adverbs -
sometimes, always, often, never, rarely, frequently, usually for her to tell you her habits.
9. You are planning a dinner party and you invite a friend to help you. Say hello and ask her how
she is. Write a conversation describing what food you want for the party. Describe what you
need to buy in a grocery store. Tell her how she will help you to cook, prepare the food and
where to buy the food.
10. You are new in Almaty and need a place to live. You are talking to a realtor (their job is to
help people find an apartment or house to live in). Introduce yourself. Tell the realtor you are a
student and you are looking for an apartment. Ask “do and be” verb questions about the number
of bedrooms, the price. Ask if it’s more expensive to live in the city or the country.
11. Your friend is having a birthday party and she is planning the event. Say hello and ask her
how she is. She wants to know the number of people and who she should invite, the kind of
music she should play and the kind of food she should serve. Ask Wh and “do” or “be” verb
12. Your friend, an American, is getting married and she is planning the event. She wants your
help to plan the event. Say hello and ask her how she is. Use “Wh” questions to ask these
questions: kind of food to serve; number of people to invite; location for the party; place to shop
for decorations and food for this very special event in Kazakhstan.
13. Your friend asks you to help her plan an American Halloween party. Use “Wh” questions -
who, what, where, when and how. Say hello and ask her how she is. Ask about the number of
guests, the kind of food, the kind of music to play, the activities and the location for the party.
14. Your friend asks you to help her plan an American Thanksgiving dinner. Say hello. Ask her
how she is. Use “Wh” questions - who, what, where, when and how to ask about the number of
guests, the kind of food, and the location for the party.
15. You meet an American friend at your school and she tells you about life at an American
university. Say hello and introduce yourself. She asks “Wh” questions - who, what, where, when
and how about the number of classes, the location, her class schedule, and about the class books.
16. You meet an exchange student at your school. She wants to know about student life at your
university. Say hello and introduce yourself. Write the “Wh” questions - what, where, when and
how she asks, about activities for students at your school and around Almaty.
17. You are ice skating at Medeu and a friend introduces you to an American. Say hello and
introduce yourself. She is interested in outdoors and winter sports in Kazakhstan. Use “Do”
questions to ask and talk about the kinds of sports she wants to do in Almaty.
18. You meet a friend you haven’t seen in a long time and you tell her you just got a job. She
asks you questions: what, where, when and how about your new job. Say hello and ask her how
she is. Use the frequency adverbs - sometimes, always, often, never, rarely, frequently, usually to
describe what you do at your new job.
19. You are looking for a job in a restaurant and you tell a friend. Say hello and ask her how she
is. Use sometimes, always, often, never, rarely, frequently, usually to describe the job you want.
Talk about the days of the week, the number of hours and the things you can do. Tell her how
often you want - to cook, prepare food or serve the customers.
20. You are traveling to visit a friend in Alaska, U.S.A. You call her on the phone. Say hello and
ask her how she is. Ask her questions to find out what you should pack. Use “Do and Does”
questions to ask about the seasons, the activities, the weather and what things to bring to Alaska.
21. You are at a fast food place and you want to order food. Say hello. There is no menu. Use “
do and be” verb questions to ask what kind of food they serve. Use a “wh” question to ask the
price of the food. You only have your phone to pay so ask a “do” question to know if they take
22. You are going to live at a new school, and you have a new roommate. They want to know
about your habits. Say hello and ask her how she is. Write the “Do and Wh” questions they ask
you to learn about your daily routines. They ask about the time you wake up, the time you leave
the apartment to go to school, and if you cook. Use frequency adverbs - sometimes, often,
always, never, rarely.
23. You meet a new friend in your class. Say hello and introduce yourself. She lives on the same
street you live on. She wants to know how you get to school and the price of transportation. Tell
her how you go to school and ask her if she wants to take the bus, walk or take a taxi to school.
Ask about the time and place to take this transportation. Tell her the price of the different
24. You meet an American friend in your class. Say hello and introduce yourself. You talk about
your families. Ask about the number of family members', their names. Ask if she lives with her
family. Ask the name of the state they live in the U.S. Tell her about your family here in
Kazakhstan and where they live.
25. Your friend tells you about her dad and his job, but he wants to get a better paying job. Say
hello and ask her how she is. Use “do and does” to ask her if he likes his job. Ask Wh and Do
questions to talk about his job and his responsibilities.
26. Your friend tells you about her mom. She doesn’t work. She is a stay at home mom. She tells
you her mom wants to get a job someday, but she needs to go to school to finish her studies. Say
hello and ask her how she is. Ask “Wh and Do” questions to talk about how she takes care of the
family now and what she needs to do to get a job someday.
27. Your American friend asks you about traditions and customs in your family. Say hello and
ask her how she is. Ask “Wh and Do” questions to describe how you celebrate the Nayruz
holiday. Tell her the details about the tradition - the food, the decorations, the daily routine. Use
frequency adverbs to describe the people that come, the food that is served or the activities at this
28. Your American friend asks you about traditions and customs in your family. She asks “Wh
and Do” questions to know how you celebrate the New Year’s holiday. Say hello and ask her
how she is. Describe the details about the tradition - the food, the decorations, the daily routine.
Use frequency adverbs to describe the people that come, the food that is served or the activities
at this celebration.
29. Your American friend asks if you celebrate the Christmas holiday. Say hello and ask her how
she is. Talk about holidays you celebrate. You tell her Christmas is not a holiday you celebrate.
She then asks you “Wh and Do” questions to talk about the holiday your family celebrates in
30. Your friend shares that she misses being at home with her family on the holidays. Say hello
and ask her how she is. She tells you that she likes to help her mother prepare the dinner and set
the table. Ask “Do and Wh” questions to find out what she does to help her mother get ready for
dinner on the holidays
1. Do you like to listen to music? You should say: What kind of music do you listen to? Do you
dance to this music? Is it fun to dance? Where do you dance? Do you dance with your friends or
your family?
2. Do young people dance in KZ? You should say: Where do they go to dance? Is there a name
for a dance that Kazakh people like? Do you know the name of a dance Americans like? Have
you heard of square dancing?
3. Do you have a hobby? or Is there a sport you like to do? You should say: What is your hobby?
What sport do you do? How old were you when you started this hobby/sport? Do you compete
with this sport or hobby? Do you go places to show your love of this hobby?
4. Do you have a job? You should say: Are you working now? Do you want to get a job? What
kind of job do you want to have some day? Where will you work? Will you work in Almaty or
your hometown?
5. Describe someone’s job in a restaurant. You should say: Do you know someone who works in
a restaurant? What is their job? Do young people in the U.S. work in restaurants? Do you like the
idea of working in a restaurant? Would you work in a fast food place?
6. Describe what you do for your birthday. You should say: When is your birthday? Do you have
a party? Does someone cook your favorite food? Who will cook? How many people do you
invite? Who will you invite?
7. Describe your food tastes. You should say: What is your favorite food? Do you get take
out/“subway”? When do you eat out? What is the name of your favorite restaurant? How often
do you eat out?
8. Describe the weather? You should say: Do you have a favorite season? Why do you like this
season? What is your favorite thing to do in this weather? Do you have outdoor activities you do
with friends in this kind of weather?
9. Describe your favorite activity to relax. You should say: Do you have a hobby? What is your
hobby? Do you play a musical instrument? What do you do for relaxation?
10. Who cooks dinner at your place? You should say: Do you cook? Do you do the shopping?
What is the name of the store you shop at? Who cooks in your apartment? Who cooks at home?
How often do you/they cook?
11. Describe your morning routine. You should say: What’s the first thing you do in the
morning? What do you do after this? Do you eat breakfast? Do you drink tea or coffee? Who
makes the tea/coffee?
12. Describe how you go to school. You should say: How do you get to school in the morning?
Do you go by taxi? Do you walk? Do you take the bus? Where do you wait for the taxi or the
bus? What time do you leave to take the bus/ walk/ take a taxi to school?
13. Describe the members of your family. You should say: How many brothers and sisters do
you have? How old are they? Do they go to school? Do they work? What days do they go to
school/to work?
14. Describe someone in your family. You should say: Do you live at home with your family?
Tell me about someone in your family? Your dad, mom? What do they do at home? At work?
15. Describe what happens at dinner time. You should say: Who does the cooking? Do you help
prepare the food? Who sets the table? Who clears the table? Who cleans up the kitchen? Who
does the dishes?
16. Describe your daily school routine. You should say: Where is your school? How many
classes do you have? How do you go to class? What days do you have classes?
17. Describe where you live at home. You should say: In what city do you live? On what street
do you live? Do you live in the city? Do you like to live in the country/city? Do you like the city
or the country better? Why?
18. Describe what you do when you are sick. You should say: When you get sick do you go to
the pharmacy for medicines? Who works at a pharmacy? What can they give you in a pharmacy?
Do you need a prescription for cold medicine?
19. Describe the people who work at a pharmacy. You should say: Who works at a pharmacy?
What is their job? What does a pharmacist do? What is the pharmacist assistant’s job? What do
you need to buy medicine at a pharmacy?
20. Describe the people who work in a restaurant. You should say: What are their job titles?
What do they do? Are restaurants and fast food places the same in Kazakhstan and the U.S.?
What is a restaurant in Almaty that you want to go to? What is your favorite fast food?
21. Describe a state in the United States. You should say: What is the name of this state? What
do you know about this state? What is the weather like there? What kind of food do they grow
there? What’s interesting about this state?
22. Describe where your family lives. You should say: Where does your family live? What’s the
weather like there in summer/in winter? Do you want to live there someday?
23. Describe where your family lives. You should say: Do they live in the city? Do they live in
the country? Do you visit them? When do you visit them? How often do you visit them? Do they
have pets? Do you miss the pets?
24. Do you like to read? You should say: What do you like to read? What kinds of stories do you
read? What is the name of a book, magazine you like to read or you are reading now? What
language is the book in?
25. Use Wh words “Who, What, Where” to ask me questions. You should say: Ask me questions
about - my home, my family, my favorite season, my favorite food, my hobby, the languages I
26. Do you use the internet? You should say: What do you search on the internet? What is your
favorite website to search for English language help? Where do you go to read about news in
27. Use the verb “do” to ask questions. You should say: Ask me where I live. Ask me if I have
brothers or sisters. Ask me if I have a pet. Ask me if I do a sport of have a hobby.
28. Describe a special holiday. You should say: What is your favorite holiday? What time of
year is this holiday? When do you celebrate this holiday? Where do you celebrate? Who do you
celebrate with?
29. Describe your breakfast routine. You should say: Do you have breakfast everyday? Do you
cook breakfast? What do you drink? What do you eat for breakfast?
30. Describe where you want to live someday. You should say: Where do you want to live when
you graduate and get a job someday? Do you want to live in the city? Why or why not? Do you
want to live in the country? Why or why not? Is it better to live in the country? Why or why not

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