Nivelacion Grado NOVENO

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NIT No: 804017477-0
COD. DANE 268190000209


Area and Subject: English________________________ Grade: 9 Year: 2023

Student’s name: ________________________________________________________

Students who have obtained a performance assessment at the end of the school period under two (2)
areas of the curriculum and have attended at least 75% of academic activities can be promoted with
programming complementary support activities, which will be presented in previously scheduled and
informed session before starting the next school period. They will have a maximum term for their
reinforcement during the first academic period.

General remarks:
Develop the corresponding worksheet where you presented academic weaknesses, as it is shown by
the final report delivered to your parents at the end of the school period.

The worksheet must be submitted by hand completely filled with APA standards and it be supported
on the _____ and ______, where the student will realize his/her knowledge and skills.

 What traditions or customs are common in the American and the British culture?
 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good?
 How can you read more effectively?
 Why use the internet?
 What are new societies made of?

1. There will be a traditional celebration in your country. You want to invite your friend from English
speaking country. Write him/her a letter and
• Invite your friend
• Explain what happens at the party
• Describe the traditional and why it is important in your country
• Say why it is important for your friend to be there, tell him about your culture and give
him reasons to visit your country.

2. Draw a comic strip and write a dialogue for it. Use imperatives, express feelings and emotions, and
make request or ask for permission?

3. Watch the following video about progress and answer the questions:

According to the video:

 What is modern schooling and what does it teach? (Write a paragraph to answer to this
 What is called the Western world? (Write a paragraph to answer to this question)
 Write your opinion about progress. (Remember to follow the paragraph structure).

4. Explain what a paragraph is and what the structure to write an effective paragraph is. Use a
graphic organizer.

5. Write a paragraph that explains techniques and strategies to read more effectively.

6. Use ‘will’ to make predictions about your life. Write a paragraph about how you imagine your life
will be in 10 years. Talk about your professional, academic and family life.

7. Write a text to a magazine and tell how the internet has changed student´s life. Talk about the
advantages and disadvantages.

8. Design a manual to tell people how to surf safety on the Net base on the tips provided in class.

 Cover page.
 Title
 Drawing with color.
 Good grammar.
9. Imagine that you can design the laws of a new country how will this new society be?

Keep in mind the following aspects: Questions Which political system will the country have? What will
the official language(s) be? Will there be censorship? What industries will your country
try to develop? Will citizens be allowed to carry a gun? Will there be the death penalty?
Will there be a state religion? What kind of immigration policy will there be? What will the
educational system be like? Will there be compulsory education to a certain age? Who
will be allowed to marry?

10. Complete the crossword about societies and using the vocabulary provided there to answer the
next question:

 What are new societies made of?


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