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Wash-in leptogenesis after the evaporation of primordial black holes

Kai Schmitz1, ∗ and Xun-Jie Xu2, †
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Münster, 48149 Münster, Germany
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
(Dated: November 3, 2023)
Wash-in leptogenesis is a powerful mechanism to generate the baryon asymmetry of the Uni-
verse that treats right-handed-neutrino interactions on the same footing as electroweak sphaleron
processes: as mere spectator processes acting on the background of chemical potentials in the
Standard Model plasma. Successful wash-in leptogenesis requires this chemical background to be
CP -violating, which can be achieved by violating any of the more than ten global charges that are
conserved in the Standard Model at very high temperatures. In this paper, we demonstrate that
arXiv:2311.01089v1 [hep-ph] 2 Nov 2023

the primordial charge asymmetries required for wash-in leptogenesis can be readily produced by
evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs). Our argument is based on the fact that the Hawking
radiation emitted by PBHs contains more or less any state in the particle spectrum. Therefore, if
heavy states with CP -violating decays are present in the ultraviolet, PBH evaporation will unavoid-
ably lead to the production of these states. We illustrate this scenario by means of a simple toy
model where PBH evaporation leads to the production of heavy particles that we call asymmetrons
and whose decay results in a primordial charge asymmetry for right-handed electrons, which in turn
sets the initial conditions for wash-in leptogenesis. We focus on the parameter region where the
decay of the initial thermal asymmetron abundance occurs long before PBH evaporation and only
results in a negligible primordial charge asymmetry. PBH evaporation at later times then serves as
a mechanism to resurrect the asymmetron abundance and ensure the successful generation of the
baryon asymmetry after all. We conclude that PBHs can act as asymmetry-producing machines
that grant access to whatever CP -violating physics may be present in the ultraviolet, rekindling it
at lower energies where it can be reprocessed into a baryon asymmetry by right-handed neutrinos.

I. INTRODUCTION state is bounded from below, M1 ≳ 109 GeV [8, 9]. Sim-
ilarly, the Yukawa interactions that couple RHNs to SM
The Standard Model (SM) fails to provide an explana- lepton–Higgs pairs must not be too strong, since other-
tion for the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe, wise wash-out effects will erase any previously generated
usually expressed in terms of the baryon-to-photon ratio, asymmetry and hence spoil the success of leptogenesis.
= n0b /n0γ ≃ 6.1 × 10−10 [1, 2], which hence provides There are numerous proposals for alternative lepto-
clear evidence for new physics. A popular scenario for genesis scenarios at lower energies, notably resonant
the dynamical generation of the baryon asymmetry in the leptogenesis [10–12] and leptogenesis via RHN oscilla-
early Universe consists of thermal leptogenesis [3], which, tions [13, 14] (see Refs. [15, 16] for recent work on the
in its simplest form, is based on the charge–parity (CP ) relation between these two models). These scenarios par-
and baryon-minus-lepton number (B −L) violating out- tially rely on special choices of parameter values (e.g., a
of-equilibrium decays of heavy right-handed neutrinos highly degenerate RHN mass spectrum) and continue to
(RHNs). These decays first generate a primordial B −L exploit the CP violation in the RHN sector in order to
asymmetry, which is subsequently partially converted to generate a B −L asymmetry. By contrast, the recently
a baryon asymmetry by the chemical transport in the SM proposed mechanism of wash-in leptogenesis [17, 18] fol-
plasma, including electroweak sphalerons [4]. Baryogene- lows a different approach; it dispenses with CP violation
sis via leptogenesis is an attractive scenario that links the in the RHN sector altogether and separates the energy
generation of the matter–antimatter asymmetry in the scales of CP violation and B −L violation.
early Universe to new physics in the neutrino sector that Wash-in leptogenesis generalizes thermal leptogenesis
may be within the reach of laboratory experiments [5–7]. to nontrivial chemical background configurations in the
Thermal leptogenesis in its standard formulation, how- early Universe and treats RHN interactions on the same
ever, comes with several restrictions that render its ex- footing as electroweak sphalerons: as mere spectator pro-
perimental exploration very challenging. For instance, in cesses that reprocess the chemical potentials of the SM
order to achieve a sufficient amount of CP violation in particle species in the thermal bath. The action of the
RHN decays, the mass of the lightest RHN mass eigen- electroweak sphalerons on the chemical composition of
the SM plasma then results in the usual violation of
baryon-plus-lepton number B+L, while the action of the
RHN interactions results in the violation of B −L. To-
∗ kai.schmitz@uni-muenster.de gether, these two effects are sufficient for the generation
† xuxj@ihep.ac.cn of a primordial baryon asymmetry.

CP violation in the RHN sector is irrelevant for wash- Given a population of very light PBHs in the early Uni-
in leptogenesis. Instead, wash-in leptogenesis is based verse, the evaporation of these PBHs will unavoidably
on the idea that new CP -violating dynamics at high en- result in the production of asymmetrons, whose inter-
ergies are responsible for the generation of primordial actions then yield the charge asymmetries required for
charge asymmetries, which are then reshuffled in a B−L- wash-in leptogenesis. In our scenario, PBH evaporation
violating fashion by RHN interactions at low energies. In thus plays the role of the chargegenesis mechanism that
this sense, the idea of wash-in leptogenesis denotes a gen- serves as the UV completion of wash-in leptogenesis.
eral mechanism that can be used as a building block in a Our scenario is related to baryogenesis [23–28] and lep-
complete model of baryogenesis; but it does not represent togenesis [29–34] models that rely on PBH evaporation
a complete baryogenesis scenario on its own. In other in order to produce an abundance of particles whose de-
words, wash-in leptogenesis requires an ultraviolet (UV) cays either violate baryon number B or lepton number
completion that provides an explanation for the origin of L (i.e., RHNs in the latter case). Meanwhile, our sce-
the nontrivial chemical background that the RHN inter- nario is more general than these earlier proposals. In our
actions are supposed to act on — a mechanism for charge- case, we merely need to assume that the CP -violating
genesis in the language of Refs. [18]. An interesting and asymmetron interactions produce any of the eleven global
viable scenario for such a UV completion of wash-in lepto- charges in Eq. (1), which are conserved in the SM at high
genesis is axion inflation [18–21], i.e., models of inflation temperatures; we do not need to identify the asymmetron
where inflation is driven by a pseudoscalar axion field with, say, a RHN and we do not need to assume that the
that spontaneously breaks CP invariance by means of asymmetry produced in asymmetron interactions corre-
its nonzero and time-dependent background field value. sponds to B or L right away. Instead, PBHs play the role
If the axion field couples to the SM hypercharge gauge of generic asymmetry-producing machines in our scenario
field, the CP violation induced by the dynamics of the that provide a portal to whatever CP -violating physics
rolling axion field is reflected in the dual production may be present at high energies. PBH evaporation grants
of (A) maximally helical hypermagnetic fields and (B) access to these CP -violating dynamics and leads to a
fermionic charge asymmetries in accordance with the chi- nontrivial chemical equilibrium in one form or another,
ral anomalies of the SM fermion currents. These charge which is all it takes to realize wash-in leptogenesis.
asymmetries then provide the necessary initial conditions In this paper, we will illustrate the basic idea of wash-in
for wash-in leptogenesis at lower temperatures. leptogenesis after PBH evaporation by means of a simple
Wash-in leptogenesis after axion inflation is, however, toy model, in which PBH evaporation gives rise to an
only one example scenario among countless other possi- abundance of asymmetrons whose decays result in a pri-
bilities. In fact, wash-in leptogenesis only requires that mordial asymmetry between right-handed electrons and
at least one of various global charges that are conserved left-handed positrons. We expect that this toy model can
in the SM at high temperatures be violated. Depending be easily generalized to more complex scenarios, involv-
on the temperature scale of wash-in leptogenesis, there ing other primordial charge asymmetries or even com-
are up to eleven suitable charges whose violation can set binations thereof. The rest of the paper is organized as
the right initial conditions for wash-in leptogenesis, follows: We begin in Sec. II by introducing our toy model.
Then, in Sec. III, we provide a few analytical estimates,
qe , q2B1 −B2 −B3 , qu−d , qd−s , qB1 −B2 , (1) before we study the full system of Boltzmann equations
qµ , qu−c , qτ , qd−b , qB , qu , in Sec. IV. In Sec. V, we perform a systematic scan of
parameter space, before we finally conclude in Sec. VI.
see Refs. [17, 18] for more details. This characteristic
feature of wash-in leptogenesis renders it an extremely
flexible and general mechanism that can lead to the suc- II. A SIMPLE SCENARIO
cessful generation of the baryon asymmetry in a plethora
of models. The purpose of this paper is to highlight one
The idea of wash-in leptogenesis can be illustrated by
such class of models, which has not yet been discussed in
considering a particularly simple scenario in the early
the literature: wash-in leptogenesis after the evaporation
universe when the temperature is above O(100) TeV, at
of primordial black holes (PBHs) [22].
which the electron Yukawa interaction is not equilibrated.
The key observation behind this scenario is that the
Therefore, any primordial asymmetry of the right-
Hawking radiation emitted by evaporating PBHs con-
handed electron (eR ) produced at higher temperatures
tains particles across the whole particle spectrum, in-
can be retained until O(100) TeV. If the wash-out effect
cluding heavy states that are potentially never produced
due to for example RHN interactions is strong, the B − L
thermally or that already freeze out at very high tempera-
asymmetry is then mainly determined by wash-in lepto-
tures. In order to generate the baryon asymmertry of the
genesis, which generates [17]
Universe, it is then enough to assume that there is at least
one state in the particle spectrum whose interactions re- 3
sult in a sufficient amount of CP violation, such that it qB−L = − qe , (2)
can generate the right initial conditions for wash-in lepto-
genesis. We shall refer to this particle as the asymmetron. where qe = neR − neR with neR and neR the number
P (f )
densities of eR and eR , and qB−L = f QB−L (nf − nf ) 10−10

with nf and QfB−L the number density and the B − L strong washout ←−
charge of particle f .

nX /nγ or 10−4 qe /nγ

Equation (2) implies that if there is a mechanism at 10−12
high temperatures giving rise to nonzero qe , there should
be B − L asymmetry at low temperatures. To generate 10−13
nonzero qe , we consider PBHs which can emit particles
PBH mass
via Hawking radiation quite generically, independent of 10−14
the particle interactions. In particular, they can emit
extremely heavy particles that could otherwise not be 10−15
nX /nγ
produced in the early universe due to the finite reheating qe /nγ
temperature. For a given PBH of mass mBH , the rate of 10−16
10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104
emission is mX /T
d 2 Ni gi vi
≈ · , (3)
dtdE 2π exp(E/TBH ) ± 1 Figure 1. Evolution of the asymmetron number density,
nX , and the electron asymmetry, qe , for the benchmark in
TBH = , (4) Eqs. (7)-(8). Note that here nX and qe denote only the
8πmBH contributions of asymmetrons produced from PBHs, while
the thermal asymmetron abundance is also present (the
where d2 Ni /dtdE denotes the number of particle i emit- dashed line), though it leads to negligible asymmetry due to
ted within the differential time dt and the differential strong washout. The dotted curve represents the value of
energy dE; gi and vi are the multiplicity and graybody 10−14 mBH /mBH0 .
factor of particle i; and mpl = 1.22 × 1019 GeV is the
Planck mass. The “±” sign takes + or − for fermions
and bosons respectively. than the environmental temperature. For heavy asym-
The Hawking radiation of a PBH in general emits par- metrons produced at a relatively late epoch of the uni-
ticles and antiparticles equally. To generate the asym- verse when T ≪ mX , their decay is highly out-of-
metry of eR , we introduce a heavy particle X that can equilibrium, which is important for the produced asym-
decay asymmetrically to eR and eR . For this reason, we metry to evade thermal washout. Due to this feature,
dub it “the asymmetron”. The asymmetron can be either within a certain range of the parameter space, the asym-
a Majorana fermion or a real scalar, as it needs to be metry qe would predominantly depend on the yield of X
its own antiparticle. We assume that it is a Majorana from PBH evaporation.
fermion with the following interaction: This is the scenario we will concentrate on in what
L ⊃ yXeR S , (5) follows. To make the discussion more concrete, let us set
a benchmark:
where S is a scalar with the opposite SM charges of
eR , i.e., eR and S possess hypercharges YeR = −1 and mBH0 = 10 g , mX = 1012 GeV , (7)
YS = +1. As an asymmetron, X needs to decay asym- y2
metrically. Hence we introduce the parameter of asym- y = 1 , β = 10−6 , ϵ = −0.017 × , (8)

metric decay:
ΓX→eR S − ΓX→eR S ∗ where mBH0 is the initial mass of PBHs, and β ≡
ϵ≡ , (6) ρBH0 /ρtot with ρBH0 the initial energy density of PBHs
ΓX→eR S + ΓX→eR S ∗
and ρtot the total energy density of the thermal bath.
where Γ denotes the decay width of the process indicated For simplicity, we assume that all PBHs have the same
in the subscript. The asymmetric decay can be attained mass. The numeric factor for ϵ is set at 0.017 such that
by for example assigning a flavor structure to Eq. (5) with the produced asymmetry meets the observed value, as we
CP phases, similar to the asymmetric decay of right- will see later.
handed neutrinos. In general, we expect ϵ ≲ y 2 /(8π) if Figure 1 shows the evolution of the number density of
all Yukawa couplings in the flavorful generalization are X produced from PBHs for this benchmark. The result
O(y). Much smaller ϵ is possible by tuning down the CP is obtained from our numerical calculation in Sec. IV.
phases in the flavor structure. Analytically, we can also understand the behavior of the
curve well and provide a quite accurate estimate of the
III. LOW TEMPERATURE, HIGH MASS According to Eq. (4), the initial temperature of the
— AN ANALYTICAL ESTIMATE PBHs in Eq. (7) is TBH0 ≈ 1.06 × 1012 GeV, which is
comparable to mX . Hence they can efficiently emit X
One of the most prominent features of PBHs is that particles. As the PBHs keep evaporating, the PBH tem-
they can emit heavy particles with masses much higher perature and hence the emission rate keeps increasing.

Eventually the PBHs will fully evaporates with the life- nX /nγ ≈ 4.7 × 10−14 , agreeing well with the flat part of
time given by1 the blue curve in Fig. 1.
At high temperatures (mX /T ≲ 30), the number den-
m3BH0 sity nX in Eq. (13) is much lower than its thermal equi-
τBH = , (9)
3gBH m4pl librium value, neq
X , which is plotted in Fig. 1 as the black
dashed curve. In this regime, any asymmetry produced
where gBH ≈ 7.5 × 10−3 if all SM degrees of freedom via X decay can be very efficiently washed out by ther-
are included. By comparing τBH with the time of the mal processes (eR S ↔ X ↔ eR S ∗ ). Therefore, we regard
universe, t ≈ 1/(2H) where H is the Hubble parameter, the gray region encompassed by the dashed curve as the
we obtain that the PBHs should fully evaporate when strong washout region. Within this region, the asymme-
the universe cools down to try qe generated from X decay is strongly suppressed.

10 g
3/2 Only when nX stretches out of the gray region, the gen-
Teva ≈ 109 GeV × . (10) erated asymmetry can be effectively retained, as can be
mBH0 seen from the orange curve in Fig. 1.
The formation of PBHs is related to cosmological per- Therefore, the final contribution of PBH evaporation
turbations at the horizon scale (H −1 ), leading to mBH0 ∝ to the asymmetry can be estimated by
4πH −3 ρtot /3 ∝ T −6 · T 4 ∝ T −2 . Hence smaller PBHs Z teva
are formed at higher temperatures. More specifically, the qe ≈ nBH ϵ ΓBH→X dt , (14)
temperature of the universe at which the PBHs with ini- teq
tial mass mBH0 are formed is given by [32]
where teq and teva denote the moments when the blue
 1/2 curve crosses the dashed curve and when the PBHs fully
10 g
T0 ≈ 1.35 × 1015 GeV × . (11) evaporate, respectively. The result is
qe m2pl T0
So the entire PBH life for the given benchmark spans ≈ 0.0073ϵβ , (15)
nγ eq 2
from T0 ∼ 1015 GeV to Teva ∼ 109 GeV. mBH0 (TBH )
Despite that these PBHs keep evaporating during the eq
period from 1015 to 109 GeV, their masses stay almost where TBH denotes the PBH temperature at t = teq .
static until the very last moment shortly before Teva —see Taking the benchmark values in Eqs. (7)-(8), we obtain
the dotted curve in Fig. 1. Consequently, the emission qe /nγ ≈ −1.6×10−7 , agreeing well with the orange curve
rate of X is almost a constant at T ≫ Teva . This leads in Fig. 1.
to the flatness of the blue curve in Fig. 1 for mX /T ∈ To account for the observed baryon asymmetry, ηB ≡
[4 × 10−2 , 7 × 102 ]. (nB − nB )/s ≈ 8.6 × 10−11 where s ≈ 7.04nγ for the
The flat part of the curve can be estimated by assuming present universe or 192.2nγ when all SM species are rela-
the balance between the production of X from PBHs and tivistic, wash-in leptogenesis requires qe /nγ = 192.2ηB ×
the depletion due to X decay: (−10/3) × (79/28) = −1.6 × 10−7 . Therefore, the above
benchmark produces exactly the observed baryon asym-
mX metry.
nBH ΓBH→X = nX ΓX , (12)
2TBH If the asymmetron mass is well above the initial tem-
where nBH denotes the number density of PBHs, ΓBH→X perature of the PBHs, mX ≫ TBH0 , then we also need to
denotes the emission rate of X per PBH, and ΓX = take into account that the emission of X becomes sig-
y 2 mX /(16π) is the decay rate of X at rest. The PBH nificant only when the PBH temperature increases to
number density nBH is determined by rescaling its initial TBH ≳ O(mX ). In practice, we find that it is a good
eq eq
value, nBH = nBH0 a30 /a3 with nBH0 = βρtot /mBH0 . For approximation to replace TBH → max(TBH , mX /3.6) in
ΓBH→X , we take ΓBH→X ≈ 0.012 TBH —see Appendix A Eq. (15) to account for the heavy mass suppression.
for details. The mX /(2TBH ) factor accounts for the time Here we would like to compare our calculation to a
dilution effect of relativistic X decay, since the average similar calculation in Ref. [32], which also analytically
value of mX /E is around 0.46 mX /TBH . estimated the production of heavy generic particles (X)
Solving Eq. (12) with respect to nX , we obtain from PBHs and the associated asymmetry. In Ref. [32],
the authors assume that all X particles decay only after
nX βm4pl T0 the PBHs fully evaporate, while here we assume that the
≈ 0.28 3 , (13) decay is rapid, causing a balance between the production
nγ mBH0 m2X y 2
and depletion of X. The two different scenarios corre-
where nγ = 2ζ(3)T 3 /π 2 is the photon number density. spond to small and large y. While we do find that there
For the benchmark values in Eqs. (7)-(8), Eq. (13) gives is a limited space (see Sec. V) for the former scenario
to generate the required asymmetry predominantly from
PBHs, we mainly focus on the latter as the viable pa-
rameter space is significantly larger. In fact, our Eq. (15)
1 See Appendix A for a review of the basic aspects of PBH. can be readily applied to the scenario with small y and

long-lived X, because Eq. (14) does not involve any as- In the left panels, we set mBH0 = 1 gram, β = 10−4 ,
sumptions on the evolution of nX . As we have checked, mX = 1013 GeV, y = 1 and ϵ = y 2 /(8π). The K value
Eq. (15) approximately reproduces the analytical result of this example is large, K ≈ 1.4 × 103 ≫ 1. As is
of Ref. [32] in the weak washout regime. shown in the plot, the large coupling y leads to strong
washout within O(0.1) ≲ mX /T ≲ O(10).2 The thermal
production of the asymmetry is washed out rapidly af-
IV. THE BOLTZMANN APPROACH ter X enters equilibrium and before neqX is exponentially
suppressed, while the PBH production of the asymme-
Our analytical approach in Sec. III allows us to under- try can avoid this strong washout if the evaporation lasts
stand the evolution of the PBH-produced asymmetron X sufficiently long.
qualitatively, and to estimate the resulting asymmetry ■ (ii): strong washout with early PBH evaporation.
accurately within certain ranges. Nevertheless, a numer- For comparison, in the middle panels we show another
ical approach based on solving Boltzmann equations is example with mBH0 = 1 gram, β = 10−3 , mX = 1011
desirable for more accurate and comprehensive calcula- GeV, y = 1 and ϵ = y 2 /(8π). Due to the smaller mX , the
tions. PBHs fully evaporate within the strong washout regime.
The Boltzmann equations governing the evolution of Hence the PBH production of the asymmetry is almost
X and the electron asymmetry read entirely washed out.
dY1 ΓX r1 eq ■ (iii): weak washout.
= [Y − Y1 ] , (16) If the coupling is sufficiently weak, X cannot reach
da Ha
dY2 1  3  thermal equilibrium at temperatures relevant for the pro-
= a nBH ΓBH→X − Y2 ΓX r2 , (17) duction of asymmetry. This is in the weak washout
da Ha  regime. In the right panels, we plot an example with
r1 neq

d∆1 ΓX mBH0 = 1 gram, β = 10−4 , mX = 1013 GeV, y = 10−3
= ϵr1 (Y1 − Y eq ) − X
∆ 1 , (18)
da Ha 2 neq
eR and ϵ = y 2 /(8π). The K value of this example is small,
r1 neq K ≈ 3.5 × 10−4 ≪ 1, leading to only weak washout
d∆2 ΓX X
= ϵr2 Y2 − ∆ 2 , (19) of the thermal and PBH contributions to the asymme-
da Ha 2 neq
try. As is shown in the lower right panel, the asymmetry
where Y ≡ nX a3 and ∆ ≡ qe a3 with a the scale fac- |qe | produced from PBHs is many orders of magnitude
tor. The subscripts 1 and 2 denoting the thermal and higher than the thermal one. This is a noteworthy dif-
PBH contributions, respectively. The superscript “eq” ference, given that the thermal and PBH productions
indicates equilibrium values. The relativistic factors of nX shown in the upper panel are roughly comparable.
r1,2 ≡ ⟨mX /E⟩1,2 account for the time dilution of rel- The reason for this substantial difference is that the PBH
ativistic X decay. curve for nX deviates more from the equilibrium curve
The last terms in Eqs. (18) and (19) are the so-called than the thermal one.
washout terms. They are proportional to ∆1,2 and im- From the three examples, we can see that the PBH life-
pose exponential suppression on the produced asymme- time is crucial for the asymmetry produced from PBHs
try until the coefficient neq eq to evade strong washout and to dominate over the ther-
X /neR becomes negligibly small.
Equations (16) and (18) can be solved analytically by mal production. Note, however, that their lifetime can-
making a few approximations in the strong and weak not be too long if PBHs are employed in wash-in lep-
washout regimes and combing the results via analytical togenesis, which requires that some SM yukawa interac-
interpolation [35]. The result is tions are not equilibrated. For wash-in leptogenesis via
|qe |, it requires that the PBHs should evaporate before
∆1 3 the electron yukawa interaction reaches equilibrium, i.e.
= ϵκf , (20) Teva ≳ 100 TeV, corresponding to mBH0 ≲ 4.6 kg.
nγ a 8

where κf is a complicated function of K ≡ ΓX /H|T →mX .

Its full expression is given in Appendix B. In the weak V. FULL SCAN OF THE PARAMETER SPACE
washout regime (K ≪ 1), κf reduces to 9π 2 K 2 /64.
Equations (20) with the full expression of κf can provide To identify the viable parameter space, we numerically
a rather accurate estimate of the thermal contribution solve the Boltzmann equations for mBH0 ∈ [0.1, 103 ]
to qe —see the black dashed lines in the lower panels of gram, mX ∈ [107 , 1016 ] GeV, and y ∈ [10−3 , 1]. This
Fig. 2. allows us to perform a scan of the parameter space. The
Numerically solving the Boltzmann equations is results are presented in Figs. 3 and 4, where the col-
straightforward. Figure 2 shows the numerical solutions
for three examples representing three different regimes,
as discussed below.
2 The sharp drop at mX /T ≈ 0.4 is caused by qe crossing zero.
■ (i): strong washout with late PBH evaporation.

strong washout+late evaporation strong washout+early evaporation weak washout

−1 −1
10 10
10 10−3

10−5 10−5 10−3

nX /nγ

nX /nγ

nX /nγ
10−7 10−7

10−9 10−9

10−11 10−11
TH 10−7
10−13 PBH 10−13
10−15 10−15 10−9

10−3 10−3 10−11

|qe |/nγ

|qe |/nγ10−5

|qe |/nγ
10−7 TH 10−7 10−15
10−9 TH-ana 10−9 10−17

10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103
mX /T mX /T mX /T

Figure 2. Numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equations. From left to right panels, we select three three representative
examples to demonstrate i) strong washout with late PBH evaporation; ii) strong washout with early PBH evaporation; iii)
weak washout. The labels “TH” and “PBH” denote thermal and PBH contributions, and “TH+PBH” denotes their sum. The
black dotted and dashed lines in the lower panels are analytical estimates given by Eqs. (15) and (20).

ored/gray regions produce sufficient/insufficient baryon regime (i) discussed in Sec. IV. However, for mBH0 = 0.1
asymmetry. gram, there is a small yellow region around y ∼ 2 × 10−2
The upper bound of mBH0 is set at 103 gram according and mX ∼ 3 × 1014 GeV. This regime actually corre-
to the discussion at the end of Sec. IV. The lower bound sponds to the weak washout regime. Note that as mBH0
is set at 0.1 gram because the formation of lighter PBHs increases, the viable parameter space for weak washout
would require T0 ≳ 1016 GeV, which would be above the quickly vanishes, while the viable parameter space in the
energy scale of inflation constrained by the Planck 2018 strong washout regime remains robust.
data [36]. In Fig. 4, we fix y at given values and scan over mX
The asymmetry produced by PBHs is proportional to β and mBH0 . The left panel in Fig. 4 implies that for
and ϵ. For β, we set β = 2×10−5 ×(1 g/mBH0 ) so that the y = 1, late PBH evaporation generally leads to sufficient
universe is always radiation dominated during PBH evap- production of qe . For example, X emitted from PBHs
oration. Larger β is possible but the evolution involves with mBH0 = 103 g can have a quite broad mass range,
PBH domination—see e.g. [32]. If one further increases β mX ∈ [107 , 1011 ] GeV, to support sufficient and domi-
to values above 1.1 × 10−6 × (104 g/mBH0 )17/24 , it would nant PBH production of qe . This mass range shrinks as
lead to an overly large contribution to the cosmological mBH0 decreases, which is expected since smaller mBH0
Neff parameter via gravitational waves [37]. As for ϵ, we implies earlier PBH evaporation. When y is below cer-
only require that it is below y 2 /(8π). In practice, we set tain values, the region favored by the regime of strong
ϵ at this upper limit and compute the resulting asymme- washout with late PBH evaporation vanishes quickly, as
try. If it is above the required value, then we consider it is shown in the right panel in Fig. 4. This is caused by the
as a viable sample point, since the produced asymmetry suppression of the asymmetric decay parameter ϵ which
can be readjusted to the desired value by reducing ϵ. is proportional to y 2 .
In Fig. 3 we present the parameter space in the the
y-mX plane with mBH0 fixed at 0.1, 1, 10 and 1000
gram. In these plots, there are some red or yellow re- VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
gions in which the asymmetry is dominantly produced by
PBH. Typically these regions are in the regime of strong Wash-in leptogenesis offers a novel mechanism for gen-
washout with late PBH evaporation, corresponding to erating the baryon asymmetry of the universe by utiliz-

mBH0 =0.1gram mBH0 =1.0gram

2.0 2.0
100 100

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
10−1 10−1
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

−0.5 −0.5
10−2 10−2

−1.0 −1.0

−1.5 −1.5
−3 −3
10 10
−2.0 −2.0
10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103
mX /(1012 GeV) mX /(1012 GeV)

mBH0 =10.0gram mBH0 =1000.0gram

2.0 2.0
100 100

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
10−1 10−1
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

−0.5 −0.5
10−2 10−2

−1.0 −1.0

−1.5 −1.5
−3 −3
10 10
−2.0 −2.0
10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 10−5 10−3 10−1 101 103
mX /(1012 GeV) mX /(1012 GeV)

Figure 3. The viable parameter space in the y-mX plane. The gray and colored regions lead to insufficient and sufficient
production of the qe asymmetry, respectively. The color bars indicate the value of log10 (∆2 /∆1 ) where ∆1,2 denote the TH
and PBH contributions to the asymmetry.
y=1 y = 0.1
103 2.0 103 2.0

1.5 1.5

102 1.0 102 1.0

0.5 0.5
mBH0 /gram

mBH0 /gram

101 0.0 101 0.0

−0.5 −0.5

100 −1.0 100 −1.0

−1.5 −1.5

10−1 −2.0 10−1 −2.0

10−5 10−3 10−1 101 103 10−5 10−3 10−1 101 103
mX /(1012 GeV) mX /(1012 GeV)

Figure 4. The viable parameter space in the mBH0 -mX plane. The color coding is the same as Fig. 3.

ing possible primordial charge asymmetries not necessar- bined with an initial mass of 103 g for the PBHs can eas-
ily limited to the commonly considered cases of B, L or ily lead to sufficient primordial asymmetry before wash-in
B − L charges. The primordial charge asymmetries re- leptogenesis, if the asymmetron mass is within [107 , 1011 ]
quired for wash-in leptogenesis can be readily produced GeV.
by evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs). In conclusion, our research demonstrated that PBHs in
To demonstrate the viability of this idea, we consider joint with wash-in leptogenesis can act as a very generic
a rather simple scenario, in which PBHs emit heavy par- and efficient “asymmetry-producing machine”, since any
ticles (dubbed as the asymmetrons) that can asymmetri- asymmetry injected by PBHs into the SM thermal bath
cally decay to electrons and thus generate the primordial at a sufficiently early epoch would eventually be re-
electron asymmetry, qe . If the asymmetrons are emitted processed by wash-in leptogenesis and converted to the
by PBHs at a relatively late epoch of the universe, the baryon asymmetry. Our novel approach features invul-
generated asymmetry can effectively evade strong wash- nerability to strong washout and the capability to employ
out, as illustrated by Fig. 1 for a specific benchmark. more generic CP violating sources. This opens new av-
By solving the Boltzmann equations with both PBH enues for exploring the origin of the baryon asymmetry.
and thermal contributions taken into account, we find
that there are three very different regimes: (i) strong
washout with late PBH evaporation, (ii) strong washout ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with early PBH evaporation, and (iii) weak washout.
For each regime, we demonstrate an example in Fig. 2. The authors would like to thank the organizers of the
Our results reveal that the PBH lifetime is crucial for CERN Neutrino Platform Pheno Week in March 2023,
the asymmetry produced from PBHs to evade strong where this project was initiated. The work of K. S.
washout and to dominate over the thermal production. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
We further conduct a full scan of the parameter space (DFG) through the Research Training Group, GRK
(see Figs. 3 and 4) and find that strong washout with late 2149: Strong and Weak Interactions — from Hadrons to
PBH evaporation is the most favored regime. The former Dark Matter. X.-J. X. is supported in part by the Na-
only requires that the coupling of the asymmetron with tional Natural Science Foundation of China under grant
the electron is not suppressed, while the latter requires No. 12141501 and also supported by CAS Project for
relatively large PBH masses, corresponding to longer life- Young Scientists in Basic Research (YSBR-099).
times. For instance, an O(1) asymmetron coupling com-

Appendix A: Basic formulae for PBH evaporation

Schwarzschild PBHs radiate particles at the rate given by Eq. (3). The graybody factor vi in Eq. (3) is suppressed
for TBH ≪ mi where mi is the mass of the particle emitted. For TBH ≫ mi , it behaves like blackbody radiation. The
actual dependence of the graybody factor on the energy and the mass can be quite complicated (see e.g. [38–40] for
recent discussions). In this work, we approximate the graybody factor as follows [32]:
27E 2
vi = 2 · Θ,
64π 2 TBH

1 mi /TBH < xcri.
Θ≡ , xcri. ≈ 3.6 . (A2)
0 mi /TBH > xcri.

With the graybody factor in Eq. (A1), we can compute the energy loss rate of a PBH:
dmBH X Z d 2 Ni m4pl
=− EdE = gBH 2 , (A3)
dt i
dtdE mBH

where gBH ≈ 7 × 10−5 g⋆ and g⋆ counts all bosonic (×1) and fermionic (×7/8) degrees of freedom that are lighter
than TBH . The PBHs considered in this work typically have TBH ≫TeV so all SM particles should be included as
massless degrees of freedom. Assuming the dominance of the SM contribution to gBH , we can treat gBH as a constant:
gBH ≈ 7.5 × 10−3 .
For constant gBH , Eq. (A3) has the following analytical solution:
t − t0

mBH = mBH0 1 − 3gBH m4pl 3 . (A4)

where t0 and mBH0 = mBH (t0 ) denote the initial time and mass of the PBH. Eq. (A4) implies that the PBH mass
vanishes at t − t0 = τBH with
τBH = , (A5)
3gBH m4pl

which is the lifetime of the PBH.

The emission rate of X from a PBH, according to Eqs (3) and (A1), is given by
Z 2
d NX 81ζ(3)
ΓBH→X ≡ dE ≈ TBH · Θ ≈ 0.012TBH · Θ . (A6)
dtdE 256π 3
If X decays rapidly after the emission, then the energy spectrum is proportional to Eqs (3).
If X is sufficiently long-lived, then the energy spectrum is computed by
Z 2 Z ∞ 2
dNX d NX d NX 8πm4BH
= dt = 6 dTBH . (A7)
dE dtdE TBH0 dtdE gBH mpl

Assuming the Boltzmann statistics and TBH ≳ mX /xcri. , we obtain

h  2 3
dNX 81m 2
pl 1 − e −x
1 + x + x2 + x6 + 24
= 3 , x ≡ E/TBH0 . (A8)
dE 8192π 6 gBH TBH0 x3
2 3 4
Note that 1 + x + x2 + x6 + x24 = ex + O(x5 ) so at small x, Eq. (A8) is proportional to x5 e−x /x3 ≈ x2 e−x . At x ≫ 1,
Eq. (A8) implies

dNX 81m2pl
≈ 3 , (for x ≫ 1) . (A9)
dE 8192π 6 gBH TBH0 x3

Therefore, unlike usual thermal distributions which is suppressed by e−x at large x, Eq. (A8) features a very “hard”
spectrum at high energies.
In Sec. IV, we introduced the r2 factor, which is evaluated as follows:
R mX 3 (
Dm E
X E fd p 0.46 mX for short-lived X
r2 ≡ = R 3 = 1 mXTBH . (A10)
E 2 fd p 3 TBH0 for long-lived X

d2 NX dNX
Here f takes dtdE in Eq. (3) for short-lived X, or dE in Eq. (A8) for long-lived X.

Appendix B: Analytical solutions of the Boltzmann equations

The Boltzmann equations considered in this work can be written into the following form
dY (a)
= X(a) − F (a)Y (a) , (B1)
where X(a) and F (a) denote some generic functions of a. It is known that differential equations in the form of
Eq. (B1) has the following solution:
Z R a′
Y (a′ ) = G(a′ ) da , G(a′ ) ≡ e− 0 F da . (B2)
0 G

In principle, Eq. (B2) can be used to analytically solve the Boltzmann equations. In practice, one has to take various
approximations when applying it to specific processes. For the thermal production of asymmetry considered in this
work, we can adopt results from a similar calculation in Ref. [35]—see Eqs. (62), (63), (68), and (69) therein. The
result is
qe 3
= ϵκf , (B3)
nγ 8

where the full expression of the κf function is given by

1 − e− 3 zB KN 2
κf (K) ≈ 2 − 2e− 3 N e 3 N − 1 , (B4)
zB K
" 5 #
πK 2 3125πK 2

zB ≈ 1 + log 1 + log , (B5)
2 1024 1024
N= , (B6)
N= p 2 .
1 + 4N/3

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