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Ideas for Polish-Ukrainian joint project of language tandems

The joint projects for Ukrainian and Polish students to learn English can be an excellent opportunity
to foster collaboration, cultural exchange, and language skill development. Here are several topics
that could be suitable for such projects:

1. Cultural Heritage and Traditions: Students can work on projects that explore and
present their respective cultural heritages and traditions to their counterparts. This
could include folk stories, traditional music, cuisine, and holidays.
 Share techniques and patterns in traditional crafts, like Ukrainian pysanky (egg decorating)
or Polish wycinanki (paper cutting).
 Create a digital lookbook of traditional Ukrainian and Polish attire, discussing the occasions
for different types of clothing and the meanings of patterns and colors.
 Cultural Representation in Games: A comparative study on how Ukrainian and Polish
cultures are represented in computer games, and how these games can be used to promote
cultural awareness and understanding.

2. Contemporary Social Issues: Joint research projects on social issues like environment,
sustainability, education systems can provide insights into each country’s societal
challenges and policies.
 Education and Employment: Research how the education system prepares students for the
job market in both countries and the success rate of graduates in finding employment within
their field of study.
 Analyze and compare the strategies for waste management and recycling in both countries,
identifying best practices and areas for improvement
 Discuss the role of young people in political activism, comparing historical and
contemporary movements in Ukraine and Poland
 Research the presence of Ukrainian communities in Poland and Polish communities in
Ukraine, focusing on integration, cultural preservation, and contributions to the host
 Explore how sports can be a vehicle for social change, integration, and healthy living.
 Civic Engagement and Volunteering: Planning and implementing a joint community service
project or a social campaign, documenting the process, and sharing outcomes.
3. Language and Identity: Exploring the influence of language on national identity,
including how English as a foreign language affects self-expression and cultural
 Literary and Film Projects: Reading and discussing literature or watching and reviewing
films from each country can help students understand narrative, themes, and cultural context
while practicing English.
 Comparative Mythology: Reading and discussing mythological and folk tales from both
cultures, understanding the archetypes and moral lessons.
 Adaptation Analysis**: Compare and contrast a literary work and its film adaptation,
discussing the choices made in the adaptation process and the effectiveness of storytelling in
different media. OR Choose a short story or a play from Ukrainian or Polish literature and
work together to adapt it into a screenplay or a theatrical script in English.
 Creative Writing Workshops: Engage in workshops where students attempt to write short
stories or poems that incorporate elements from both cultures. OR Film Reviews and
Blogging: Create a joint blog where students post reviews of the films or books they have
explored, highlighting their learning experiences.

4. Digital technologies and AI in language learning.

 Students can team up to create a prototype for an AI-driven language tutor, which could
address specific language learning challenges they've identified. This could involve coding
simple AI algorithms and testing their efficiency in language practice.
 Engage in a collaborative study to compare the effectiveness of different AI-powered
language learning apps. Students could use these apps for a set period and share their
learning outcomes and experiences.
 Predictive Text and Language Learning: Investigate how predictive text technology can be
harnessed to improve writing skills in English. Students can experiment with different
software and analyze their impact on learning.
 Ethical Implications of AI in Language Learning**: Engage in a discussion and presentation
project exploring the ethical considerations and potential biases in AI-driven language
learning tools.

5. Social and Educational Potential of Computer Games.

Students can collaborate to analyze the elements that make computer games effective educational
tools. They could evaluate existing educational games and propose design improvements based on
their findings.
A project to design and develop a computer game that teaches elements of English, Ukrainian, and
Polish, focusing on vocabulary, grammar, and cultural nuances.
Social Interaction in Gaming Communities: Research how social interactions in gaming
communities, especially in English-speaking environments, can lead to improved language skills
and cultural exchanges.
Gaming as a Motivational Tool: Investigate how computer games can be used to motivate students
to learn English, looking at gamification elements that increase engagement and reward progress.
Evaluating Language Learning Apps with Game Elements: Students can compare and evaluate
different language learning apps that incorporate gamification, providing insights into which
elements are most effective.
Game Development as Language Practice: Creating a bilingual glossary of game development
terms, working collaboratively to translate game interfaces, or writing game narratives in English.
Streaming for Language Learning: Students could explore the role of English-language game
streaming in language learning, including how explaining games, commenting, and interacting with
viewers can improve language skills.

6. The ideas for integrated projects. The focus on integration of different topics such as
history and digitalization, culture, digitalization and environment, etc.
 Historical Diets: A project exploring the historical diets of Ukraine and Poland, looking at
how traditional foods have evolved over time.
 Fashion Evolution: Research and present on how historical events have influenced
traditional clothing and modern fashion in both countries
 Work on creating educational materials that raise awareness about cybersecurity threats and
best practices among youth, deciphering and counteracting of fake news and propaganda
 Social media and personal development
 Virtual Exchange on Social Causes: Create a virtual platform where students discuss and
exchange ideas on social causes they are passionate about. This could result in a joint virtual
conference presented in English, discussing the different social challenges faced by their
 Peer-to-Peer Language Exchange Platform: Develop an online platform that uses AI to
match students with language exchange partners based on their learning preferences,
proficiency levels, and interests.
Each project should be designed to encourage the use of English as the medium of communication,
allowing students to practice their language skills in a context that is meaningful and engaging.
Additionally, the projects can be tailored to suit online exchanges depending on the resources and
circumstances of the participants.

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