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Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


CGP 6.0


RASTA Competitive Grants Programme for Policy-oriented Research
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


RASTA Competitive Grants Programme for Policy-oriented Research
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad

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With these objectives, the programme seeks to

CGP 6.0 CALL FOR develop local thought communities and
RESEARCH PROPOSALS generate knowledge. Substantial outputs will
be completed in critical areas of public policy
The ‘Research for Social Transformation and
that will produce insightful research and
Advancement’ (RASTA) is the largest economics
facilitate goals that the Government wants to
and public policy research grants programme in
achieve according to its vision. So far, RASTA
Pakistan. RASTA’s mission is to develop an
has awarded 64 research projects in five
extensive research network of academia and think
rounds of the Competitive Grants Programme
tanks across Pakistan producing high-quality,
(CGP) worth PKR 159 million; of these, 48
evidence-based policy research to inform
research projects have been completed. More
Pakistan’s public policy process. Started in October
information about RASTA is available at
2020, today RASTA Network is comprised of 60+
universities and think tanks, 10+ international
institutes, and 2,300+ researchers, academicians, This is the Sixth Call for Research Proposals under
practitioners, and professionals. the Competitive Grants Programme (CGP 6.0).
Research proposals are invited on five broad
The objectives of RASTA programme are to:
themes around “Islaah” ‫( ا�ح‬means reform,
Reduce research-policy gap by correction). It is an intellectual drive by PIDE that
i stimulating economic and social science encapsulates the ideals of “Rethink, Reform, and
research and debate across Pakistan. Revive”. It is a conscious effort and rigorous
drive to engage in critical reflection, share
Provide a knowledge-sharing/generating
insights, and propose pragmatic
ii platform where different actors can
recommendations for fixing socio-economic
present and share evidence-based
and public policy problems the country is facing,
research to inform decision-making in
leading it to the path of progress and prosperity.
the government.
The themes/sub-themes of this call, detailed
Revisit the public policy agenda in line
grant description, application guidelines, and
iii with the evidence produced in this
review process are presented in the following
Build capacity and improve
iv policymaking and implementation by
involving and enagingS local
universities, think tanks, policymakers,
practitioners, and other stakeholders.
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

RASTA CGP 6.0 CALL FOR Higher Education: Expansion,

RESEARCH PROPOSALS Technology, Training, and Quality

RASTA Competitive Grants Programme (CGP) 6.0 Local Social Safety Networks
invites research proposals on the following
themes/topics V. GIG ECONOMY
Online Freelancing: Experience and
Public Expenditure Review &
Internet for All
Tech Skills for Freelancing Opportunities
Debt Management: Immediate
Interventions Policy Communication and Influence
through Social Media
Circular Debt Management: Immediate
Fiscal Decentralisation: Strengthening research proposals on the above-listed research
the 18th Constitutional Amendment themes/sub-themes. Proposed studies must
Agenda identify key policy issues and public policy
Evaluations of PSDP/ADP Development decisions in Pakistan; assess the outcomes of those
Projects/ Programmes/ Government decisions empirically; evaluate constraints to policy
Initiatives reform; and examine alternative policy
recommendations to enhance their impact. The
II. PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT proposal submission is due by 10th December
Governance Reform – Permission 2023, midnight PST.

Restructuring State-owned Enterprises

Public Private Partnerships

Government Footprint This is the RASTA Competitive Grants

Programme’s (CGP) sixth call for research
III. BUSINESS, INVESTMENT AND EXPORTS proposals. Submissions will be thoroughly
Domestic Commerce reviewed, and the progress of award studies will
be closely monitored by the ‘Research Advisory
Investment Opportunities
Committee’ (RAC) of RASTA. The following are
Compliance & Regulations the broad principles of the programme:

Tech for Competition and Growth 1 The maximum duration to complete a

project will be 12 months. Shorter
duration studies are encouraged.
Elections and Democracy: National,
Provincial, and Local 2 The maximum grant available for a project
is PKR 5.0 million; PKR 3.5 million for desk
Making Parliament Relevant:
Constitution, Amendments, Debates,
Standing Committees, Public Interest, 3 Proposals will be evaluated by the choice
and Participation of the problem and expected knowledge
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

outcomes for countrywide or local encouraged from Pakistani university students

development. enrolled in PhD and thesis-based MS/MPhil
degree programmes at Pakistani and foreign
4 Applications will be thoroughly reviewed
universities, and/or from faculty members to
and discussed by the members of the RAC
support the research of these students.
and the Review Panel before reaching the
Award decision. To keep the competition fair and transparent,
RAC Members and their family members
5 Reviewers’ comments on the research
(including parents, spouse and children) are
proposals will be shared with all applicants
NOT eligible to participate in CGP. Read FAQs
regardless of the outcome.
for more details.
6 Mentor(s) will be assigned to provide
technical assistance on each award study INCLUSION POLICY: In light of the RASTA
and M&E Desk at RASTA will facilitate the objectives, three Tiers have been defined to give
research process. equal opportunities to applicants from less
developed areas. Tier 1 includes
7 All data collected and work produced
applicants/institutes in the North and Central
under RASTA will have to be submitted for
Punjab, Karachi and all foreign institutes; Tier 2
authenticity checks.
includes applicants/institutes in the South of
8 Multiple conferences/workshops/webinars Punjab, Sindh (except Karachi) and Khyber
will be organized allowing all reviewers, Pakhtunkhwa; while Tier 3 includes
award winners and sector specialists to applicants/institutes in Balochistan,
see progress and develop network Gilgit-Baltistan, and Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
learning. Proposals from each of the three tiers will be
evaluated in separate competitive categories.
9 Evaluation of government initiatives, Outstanding proposals from each category are
policies and processes, and assessment of anticipated to be funded. Proposals may be
institutions and their performance in submitted by individual applicants or by teams
broader socio-economic and development of up to four investigators. Collaborative
contexts are encouraged. proposals by teams based at multiple
10 Female applicants, postgraduate institutions and/or involving practitioners from
university students, and researchers from the relevant policy sector organization are
less developed areas of Pakistan are encouraged.
encouraged to participate in the RASTA
proposals are solicited from qualified ELEMENTS OF THE GRANT APPLICATION:
individuals (and/or groups of individuals) English is the language to be used in the RASTA
interested in the economic development and Competitive Grants Programme. However,
public policy issues of Pakistan, including faculty applicants may articulate their research
members and staff at international and local argument/problem in Urdu if they find it difficult
universities and research institutes within and to express it in English. All CGP applications
outside Pakistan. Freelancers, policy specialists must include the following:
and/or practitioners may also submit proposals
to win the CGP Awards. Research proposals are 1 RASTA Form A-1 (Cover Sheet)
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

2 RASTA Form A-2 (Research Proposal - maximum of 70% of the total announced grant,
Technical) i.e., Rs. 3.5 million can be availed under RASTA
CGP. A research team can be comprised of a
3 RASTA Form A-3 (Proposed Budget) maximum of four members, including the PI.
The Co-PIs may not be paid more than the PI.
4 Additional Documents: Income tax on remuneration will be deducted
at source as per FBR rules. For field visits/ data
For professional applicants: A brief
collection, TADA/accommodation costs can be
curriculum vitae (CV) (1-3 pages) for
included as per the Federal Govt rules. A
Principal Investigator/ Co-Principal
maximum of 03% contingency and 10%
institutional overhead of the calculated budget
For university student applicants: (i) are permissible; to be included within the upper
Official transcript of graduate limit of the grant.
coursework completed and a list of
planned additional course enrolment, DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS: The disbursement
and (ii) A letter of recommendation from
of award money will occur in three tranches
the applicant’s research supervisor.
linked to the deliverables:
30% upon selection of the proposal for
Download the RASTA Application Forms (A-1,
an award and submission of the
A-2 and A-3) from the RASTA website.
Inception Report
Complete forms (in MS Word format) must
be submitted electronically to 30% upon satisfactory acceptance by the before the deadline. review panel of an Interim Report &
Complete applications will be acknowledged presentation at the Mid-Term Review
by return email within 14 days after the Workshop; and finally
submission deadline.
40% upon satisfactory acceptance by the
Do NOT mention your name and/or review panel of the project’s final
organisation anywhere except in Form Research Paper & presentation at the
A-1 (Cover Sheet). The application will RASTA Conference.
not be processed in case of
non-compliance. There is no need to
submit a hard copy of the application. NOTE: There is No provision for any
hardware/software purchases including
The deadline for application data, books, laptops, software,
submission is 10th December 2023 by equipment etc. Publishing, printing and
midnight, Pakistan Standard Time dissemination of the study is the
(PST). Incomplete applications and responsibility of RASTA. All CGP
applications received after the Awardees (RASTA Fellows) shall provide
deadline will not be considered. duly verified receipts of all expenses. If
there is any unspent balance, it will be
adjusted in the 3rd instalment. Detailed
BUDGET GUIDELINES: The maximum grant
accounting procedures of RASTA will be
available for a project is 5.0 million.
shared afterwards.
Remuneration of maximum Rs. 150,000 per
month for each member of the research team; a
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

creativity of the proposed research; (iii) the

CGP PROCESS Research design and technical feasibility of the
proposed research approach and analysis; (iv)
SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCESS:All value of expected research outcomes for public
complete grant applications will be reviewed by policy; and (v) qualifications of the Principal
a scholarly review panel comprised of members Investigator(s) for undertaking the proposed
of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC). study. Only top-ranked proposals will be invited
Proposals will be evaluated based on (i) The for oral presentation (in person or online)
importance of the topic and relevance to the before the RASTA review panel. The complete
given research themes; (ii) the Cohesion and CGP Process is illustrated below:

Review Process Research Process Completion &

Launch CGP Round Dissemination
& Awards and M&E

Initial Review Mentoring (of Final

RAC Meeting:
Detailed Review approved Report/Paper
Decide CGP
Review Workshop projects) submission
themes / topics
Consultative Inception report RASTA
‘Call for Research
Meetings Progress Review Conference/
Awards Decision (M&E Desk) Workshop
Meeting Interim Report RAC Final Review
Approve timeline
Announce CGP (Mid Term Review Publish &
of the CGP Round
Awards Workshop) Dissemination

Inception Report: Interim Report: Final Report/Paper:

Release 30% award Release 30% award Release 40% award
money money money

EXPECTED OUTPUTS & RASTA Policy Briefs for wider research


RASTA Fellows are expected to present their The RASTA programme will organise multiple
papers at the RASTA Conference and other research conferences/workshops. RASTA
national and/or international Fellows are expected to make two
conferences/research events. There will be presentations of their work: (i) a presentation
three types of publications: (a) RASTA corresponding to their interim research report
Conference Papers, (b) RASTA: Local Research, at the Mid-Term Review Workshop, and (ii) a
Local Solutions Volumes, and (c) Journal articles final presentation corresponding to their
to be published in the Special Issue of the research paper at the RASTA Conference.
Pakistan Development Review (PDR). Members of the RAC and other invitees from
the public and private sectors will participate in
All Fellows will be asked to produce one or two these events.
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

RASTA PROJECT monitors the progress, and mentors some

MANAGEMENT TEAM awarded research studies during the course.
For more details about the RAC, visit the RASTA
The RASTA programme is managed by the website.
Project Management Team (PMT) at PIDE,
Islamabad. The RASTA PMT manages all RASTA EVENTS &
programme activities under the leadership of Dr
Nadeem Ul Haque, Chairman RAC / Vice
Chancellor, PIDE Islamabad and Dr Faheem Visit RASTA Events & Knowledge Hub to find out
Jehangir, Project Director, RASTA / Chief (Policy), more about RASTA events, research videos,
PIDE Islamabad. The PMT, stationed at an RASTA publications, and policy briefs. As per the
independent Project Management Unit, is RASTA Open Access policy, all research material
responsible for the administration of the grant is available on the web free of cost. For more
selection procedure made by the scholarly details about the RASTA events and knowledge
Research Advisory Committee (RAC), the hub, visit the RASTA website.
disbursement of funds based on the fulfilment
of the grant requirements by recipients, and
other operational aspects of the programme. RASTA SOCIAL MEDIA
For more details about the RASTA PMT, visit the & CONTACT
RASTA website.
For queries and/or correspondence related to
the RASTA programme, write to
For the latest updates and activities, follow
The RASTA is guided by a scholarly RAC, chaired
@RASTA_PIDE on Twitter.
by Dr Nadeem Ul Haque, Vice Chancellor, PIDE
Islamabad. The members of the RAC are
well-reputed national and international
researchers, academics, practitioners,
international economic development scholars,
and senior federal and provincial government
officials. The role of RAC is critical from the call
for applications stage to the final submission of
the research paper. Each member of RAC
critically reviews research proposals,
participates in the decision to award funds,

RASTA Project Management Unit

Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
Email: | URL: | Twitter: @RASTA_PIDE
Tel. +92 51 9248144, 9248 026

RASTA Open Access

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