Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents a discussion on how the study was conducted. The research

design, instrumentation, statistical treatment of data used, description of respondents,

schedule of activities, programming language to be used, and hardware specifications

utilized in this study are discussed in this part. This chapter will further show the steps

that the proponents made to carry out the objectives of this project.

Research Design

The proponents utilized the descriptive-survey method in this study. The data

were gathered through interviews and questionnaires. A series of interviews were

conducted to the different colleges of CNSC more particularly to the CEIT and CAS to

gain profound insights about the manual process of faculty loading and to gather

necessary data that the proponents need to complete the study. In addition, content

analysis was used to analyze the existing system and to determine the extent of

effectiveness of CNSC Faculty Loading System. Library and online research were also

conducted to enrich the content of the study.

Research Instrument

Survey questionnaire was used as the data gathering instrument in this study.

Written and oral interviews were conducted to the faculty responsible in faculty loading

and scheduling process. Questionnaires were distributed to the faculty of different


The first part of the questionnaire seeks information about the respondents such as

the name, gender, Department, position and the number of years in service.

The second part is about the process of faculty loading and scheduling as well as

the persons involved. Problems and possible solutions are also included.

All information gathered served as a bulk of information to present a consolidated

reference for researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data, weighted mean, frequency and ranking were used to derive

the degree by which they perceived the effectiveness or if they agree to the

implementation of the existing system.

The Weighted Mean Formula is presented below:

Weighted Mean:

X =∑ (WX)


X = weighted mean

∑ = symbol of summation

W = frequency

X = mark

N = total number of respondents



The respondents of this study were the College Secretary, College Dean and the

Department Heads of CEIT and CAS who were selected through Random Sampling.

Random sampling is used to arrive at the specific number of respondents that will be

surveyed. The persons who will use the proposed Computerized Faculty Loading System

were also considered as primary source of information regarding the faculty loading


Schedule of Activities

The activities undertaken for the completion of the project is found in the table

below. It presents the predecessor, activity and the duration. The Table 1 is supplemented

by the Pert Diagram and a Gantt chart. Critical path was computed based on the schedule

given. The duration of the research project is from November 30 to March 1 2008.

Table 1. Schedule of Activities

Activities Predecessor Duration

A. Project Identification None 7
B. Conduct Interviews A 2
C. Gather Forms & Reports A 1
D. Analyze Gathered Forms, Reports & Flow of the System B,C 5
E. Draw the DFD D 2
F. Construct & Gather Administrative Questionnaires E 6
G. Analysis & Interpretation of the data gathered from Questionnaires F 2
H. Determine the Problems & Plan for the Possible Solution G 5
I. Cost & Benefit Analysis H 2
J. Proposed Project Design I 10
K. Prototyping J 40
L. Evaluate Prototype K 5
M. Implementation L 3
TOTAL 89 days

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