Inceptionresnetv2 Anpr

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wal ie 7 Steps to Build Automatic Number Plate Recognition in Python a, 27 eu (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote 4 Devi G article CF Fallow > Machine Lerring Engineer efoto arch 28,2021 open immense Reader For Complete Video Explanation Enroll to the Couse on Udemy Image Processing and Object Detection is one of the areas, of Data Science and has a wide variety of applications in the industries in the current world. Many industries looking for a Data Scientist with these skill This article explains how to develop a number plate object, detection model from scratch. We developed even developed an API using Flask. However, in this article, we explained how to train e customize object detection model from scratch. For building the license plate recognition we need data. For that, we need to collect the vehicle images where the number plate appears on it. Here is the sample data that | used for building this project. You can also download it from my google drive out tria conputeonaicumbar caspian tapgple ng ane ots naa canpaaatunberlcng (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote Project Architecture: Now, let's look into the project architecture of the number plate recognition and OCR we follow to build ae In the above architecture, there are six modules. Labeling, Training, Save Model, OCR and Pipeline, and RESTIul API But this article limits to only the frst three modules. The process is as follows. First, we will collect the image. Then wwe have to label images for object detection of License Plate or Number Plate using Image Annotation Tool which s open-source software developed in python GUI. Then after labeling the image we will work on date preprocessing, build and train a deep learning object sien ane ots naa canpaaatunberlcng (2077 Sep Bs Astra Number Pi Recon ne Lian detection model (Inception Resnet V2) in TensorFlow 2. Once we have done with the Object Detection model training process, then using this model we will crop the image which contains the license plate which is also callec the region of interest (ROI), and pass the ROI to Optical Character Recognition API Tesseract in Python (PyTesseracti. In this module, we will extract text from mages. Now, we will put it ll together and build a Pipeline Deep Learning model. Inthe final module, we will learn to create a web app project using FLASK Python. With that, we are finally ready with our App Step -1: Labeling For building the license plate recognition we need data. For that, we need to collect the vehicle images where the number plate appears on it. Here is the sample data that | Used for building this project. You can also download it from my google drive. For label images, | used the Labelimg image annotation tool. Download the labellmg from GitHub and follow the instruction to install the package. After that open, the GUI as give the instruction sien os (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote and click on CreateRectBox and draw the rectangle box as shown below and save the output in XML. This is a manual process and you need to do it forall the images. Be careful while doing labeling because the ots naa canpaaatunberlcng saucy, 13760 (07 abt rane Resa mbes labeling process has a direct impact on the accuracy of the model, Click here for a video tutorial Step-2: Parsing Information from XML Once you are done with the labeling process now we need, to do some data preprocessing, “ennoton wfolder>d “flenome> NL jpeg path> [home /deviDesktop/ windows_projects; giniose>nknown Ssire> “th 1920<;/ eth ‘height 1080 “depths dedopth> <(size> “segmented>O “Enamne> number_plate poss> Unspecified ‘truncated o«/truncated> “enon ‘Sxmin>1093 Syminso4/yin> ‘Sama 1396 Since the output of the label is XML in order to use this for the training process we need data in array format. For that, ‘we will tke the useful information from the label which are the diagonal points of the rectangle box or bounding box which are xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax respectively as shown ir figure 3. This is available in XML. So we need to extract the information and save it in any convenient format, here | will convert bounding information into CSV and later on, | wil convert that into an array using Pandas. Now let's see how to parse the information using Python Parsing data from XML and Converting it into CSV Here | am using xml.etree python library to parse the datz from XML and also import pandas and glob. Using glob let first get all the XML files that are produced during labeling In the above code, we individually take each file and parse into xml.etree and find the object -> bndbox which is inline 2to 7. Then we extract xminxmaxymin ymax and savec those values in the dictionary which isin lines 8 to 17. After then we convert it into a pandas data frame and save that into CSV file as shown below. flepath_smin_xmve_ymin_ymos Aageanixnl 1098 EBM Ta imagesst00smt 134 301382350 FmagessiOraml 31198201 fmageaitO2amt 812 1067 6H 728 With the above code, we successfully extract the diagonal position of each image and convert the data from an unstructured to a structured format Now also extract the respective image filename of the XML Step-4: Verify the Data A tll now we did the manual process itis important to verify the information is we got is valid or not. For that just verify the bounding box is appearing properly for a given image. Here | consider the image N1 jpeg and the corresponding diagonal position can found in df Step -5: Data Processing: This is a very important step, in this process we will take each and every image and convert it into an array using OpenCV and resize the image into 224 x 224 which is the standard compatible size of the pre-trained transfer learning model. Aer that, we will normalize the image just by dividing with maximum number as we know that the maximum number for an 8-bit image is 255. That the reason we will divide our image 255.0. The way of diving an array with the maximum value is callee Normalization {Min-Max Scaler) We also need to normalize our labels too. Because for the deep learning model the output range should be between 0 to 1. For normalizing labels, we need to divide the diagonal points with the width and height of the image. ‘And finally values in a python list. n the next step, we wil convert the lst into an array using Numpysplit the data into training and testing set using sklearn. Step -6: Build and Train Transfer Learning Now we are ready to train a deep learning model for object detection. Here we will use the InceptionResNetV2 mode: with pre-trained weights and train ths to our data, Let's start this by importing necessary libraries from TensorFlow 23.0 The model we are building is an object detection model and the number of output expected from the is model 4 which are the diagonal points. Hence we will add an embedding neural network layer to the transfer learning model which is shown in lines 5 to 9, Now compile the model and train the model That's it with that we trained the model. This process usually takes 3 to 4 hours depends upon the speed of the computer. Here | showing you the loss of the model in ‘TensorBoard, It seems that the model converged after 100 epochs Note: For better reduction in loss we need to train model with lots of data at least 10000 images Step-7: Make Bounding Box Prediction This isthe final step in object detection. n ths step, we wil put it all together and get the prediction for a given image. aan 27 (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote That's itl! This is how we can develop license plate detection from Scratch. This article explains just 50% of the project architecture. The next process involves extract text from the number plate and developing RestfulAPl in Flask. Here is the output of the project ots naa canpaaatunberlcng ots naa canpaaatunberlcng (20) ea als trate andr Pia Recopton nye Lites Numberplate OCR Click here for 3 hr Video Project Explanation and building Number Plate Web App from Scratch abled by 4 2h eens trie GFFaow) (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote uke Deomment 3} sare 02cm Reactions Ge Oee@ee ot 2 Comments Nest la @ | 282coomen ez & ‘Ajay Prakash «21d oe Tis is someone se project Le | ety Lead more comments a Devic Machine eaming Engineer (20/7 ep ls trate Mantra Recszton ye Lote

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