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Nama: Husna

Nim: 201823006

Unit/semester: 1/4

Student’s Work Sheet and Journal

Instruction: Step 1. Before you listen to the aural text given by the lecturer,
predict some words that you think might be in the recording. Write down the
words below. you may write the word in your first language if it is necessary and
do it in pairs.


1. Need
2. When
3. Can
4. While
5. Would
6. Word
7. First
8. Second
9. Take
10. Could
11. Notes
12. Good
13. About
14. Sentence
15. Example
16. Topic
17. Important
18. Remember
19. Better
20. Writing
21. Learning
22. Paragraph

Step 2. While you listen to the recording, underline or circle those words or
phrases (including those equivalents in your first language) that you have
predicted above while you are listening to the text; write down some new
information in the following space below. Do it individually!

Some words that I have predicted above while I am listening to the text;

1. need
2. When
3. Word
4. Second
5. Take
6. Notes
7. About
8. Example
9. Important
10. Learning
11. Can
12. Writing
13. Better
14. Remember
The information that I got in the recording is notes taking is a valuable life skill
that does not lose its when you graduated.

Step 3. Now you’ll listen to the text one more time. This time, in pairs, compare
what you have understood so far. Explain how you can arrive at the understanding.
Indentify the part that cause confussion and disagreement. Note the part of the text
that require special attention.
Step 4. Now you’ll listen to the text one more time. As the recording played again, pay
attention to those parts that have caused confussion and disagreement. Note more of
any new information you hear.

Step 5. Now, after you finish task at step 4, answer the following questions. You
might write in Bahasa Indonesia if it is necessary.
a. What is the conclussion of the text given?
b. Have you done this kind of note-taking before?
c. Did it work? Why? Why not?


a. Note taking is important but what we note is only the important part,
because if we record the whole we will be far behind.
b. Yes, I have.
c. Yes it did, because it makes it easy for us to understand.

Student’s Work Sheet and Journal

Independent Reinforcement

Instruction: Step 1. Before you listen to the aural text given by the lecturer,
predict some words that you think might be in the recording. Write down the
words below. you may write the word in your first language if it is necessary and
do it in pairs.


1. Learn
2. Identify
3. Topic
4. Can
5. Tidy
6. Notes
7. When
8. Method
9. Word
10. Concluding
11. Subject
12. Object
13. Space
14. Take
15. Better
16. Material
17. Question
18. Period
19. Good
20. Paper
21. Title

Step 2. While you listen to the recording, underline or circle those words or
phrases (including those equivalents in your first language) that you have
predicted above while you are listening to the text; write down some new
information in the following space below. Do it individually!


Some words that I have predicted above while I am listening to the text;
1. Lear
2. Topic
3. Can
4. Notes
5. When
6. Method
7. Word
8. Listening
9. Take
10. Better
11. Material
12. Queation
13. Good
14. Paper
15. Title

The information that I got in the video is how to take notes using the cornell
method. This method is very easy. We are not actually using our brain to interpret
what we listening to, and we not actively listening we just copy word for word. We
are not actually doing anything active with the material we listening to. This
method really help us to remember the keyword, question, and main idea what we
learning. The other great thing about this method is it’s so easy when our study
for a test or an exam.

Step 3. Now you’ll listen to the text one more time. This time, in pairs, compare
what you have understood so far. Explain how you can arrive at the understanding.
Indentify the part that cause confussion and disagreement. Note the part of the text
that require special attention.

Step 4. Now you’ll listen to the text one more time. As the recording played again, pay
attention to those parts that have caused confussion and disagreement. Note more of
any new information you hear.
Step 5. Now, after you finish task at step 4, answer the following questions. You
might write in Bahasa Indonesia if it is necessary.
a. What is the conclussion of the text given?
b. Have you done this kind of note-taking before?
c. Did it work? Why? Why not?


a. Take notes using the cornell method is very good for organizing with help
us. This method really help us to remember the materials we organize in
thing. This method can also help you find the ideas very quickly.
b. No. I have not
c. Yes it did, because it makes it easy for us to study and remember the

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