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This research work focuses on "Impact of Basic Office Skills needed for effective Job
Performance by the Office Technologist in Federal Polytechnic, Mubi". The objectives
of this study are to ascertain the types of basic office skills needed by the Office
Technologists for the effective job performance in Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, to
determine the importance of Basic Office Skills Needed by the Office Technologists for
Effective Job Performance in Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, to identify the problems
faced by the Office Technologist in the acquisition of basic office skills, to suggest
ways of solving the identified problems. Data for this research work was collected
using primary and secondary sources of data. The primary source was the
questionnaire while the secondary source were textbooks, journal and internet, the
data was analyzed using mean statistical tools, because of the descriptive nature of the
work. Based on the analysis of data obtained, the following findings where made:
good communication skills, speed and accuracy skills, maintenance skills, human
relations skills, and touch-typing skills, etc. are some of the skills needed by Office
Technologists. Acquiring the needed skills enhances Office Technologists job
performance, its importance include increase in productivity, achievement of much
within little time, increase in speed and accuracy, increase in quality of work.
Inadequate working equipment, inadequate professional training, irregular power
supply, and lack of good working conditions and environment can be a treat to Office
Technologists job performance. Based on the above findings, the researcher
concluded that; an Office Technologist cannot carry out his/her job effectively without
the basic office skills needed. In every organization, the Office Technologist is an
important personnel and officer and more is expected of him/her. This implies that
Office Technologist should possess the needed basic office skills to carry out his/her
duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently. The researcher recommends
among others that, organization should make provision for machines/equipment
needed by an Office Technologist to carry out duties effectively and efficiently, Office
Technologists should be motivated towards training and development either through
workshop, conference, there should be provision for good working condition and



1.1 Background of Study

Office Technologists have always been a vital link between those who make

decisions at the management level and those who react to and implement the

decisions. In the present role of administrative assistant, however, competent and

responsible Office Technologists serve not only as a link between management and

staff but also a key support person for the executives. The word Secretary/Office

Technologist has been understood in different ways by deferent people. Some see it

as a typist or a receptionist or even as an office clerk.

According to Azuka and Agomuo (2006) an Office Technologist is a person

employed by another person, society or corporation for the purpose of conducting

correspondence, keeping business records and transacting other business. He/she acts

as an aide and the close assistant to the boss. He/she is the vehicle through which the

boss or organization's actions are conveyed to the public in readable and discernable

form. An Office Technologist is therefore a person overseeing business

confidentially, usually for powerful individuals. An Office Technologist can also be

seen as a person, whose work consists of supporting management, including

executives using a variety of project management, communication and organizational

skills. These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or

may be for the benefit of more than one.

More to this, an Office Technologist is an officer of an organization who deals with

correspondence, admits new members and organizes official meetings and events.

According to Merriam Webster secretarial Handbook, (2008) the administrative

expansion of the Office Technologist function is reflected in the definition of an Office

Technologist provided by professional Technologists international. An Office

Technologist is also defined as an executive assistant who demonstrates the ability to

assume responsibility without direct supervision, who exercises initiative and

judgment; and who makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority. From the

definition, the real office technologist is an assistant to the executive who undergoes

training process, mastery of basic office skills, discharges his duties unsupervised and

displays initiative resulting from a good knowledge of his organization.

John (2011) describes job performance as an individual level variable, or something a

single person does. This differentiates it from more encompassing constructs such as

organizational performance or national performance, which are higher-level variables.

Additionally, to conscientiousness, generalized validity for job performance has been

found for emotional stability.

While head as cited in Elendu (2001) observed that “behind every successful

executive, there is a first-class private secretary/Office Technologist who acts as an

alter ego or other self” For this reason, Office Technologist should possess some

qualities and skills to enable them act as alter ego to their executives. These

requirements include: business knowledge, technological skills, language skills and

many more. The duties of secretaries/office technologist have contributed to the

growth and fast changing of' the organizations. The quality of secretaries/Office

Technologist in this modern era has made it easy to meet social, political, economic

and educational needs of the society, (Onwuka, 2005).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The technological changes that are taking place in different disciplines are also being

witnessed in some offices today. New technologies or machines have been developed

to make Office Technologist more efficient or improve working conditions. But

certain questions need to be raised, do Office Technologist have the basic office skill

competence in using office technology in every working environment or office? In

what ways have these basic office skills been used by secretaries/Office Technologist

where applicable and affected the productivity and efficiency of such organization?

Seeking answers to them constituted the major problem of this study on impact of

basic office skills needed for effective job performance by the Office Technologist

Federal Polytechnic Mubi.

1.3 Purpose/Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to assess the Impact of Basic Office Skills Needed

for Effective Job Performance of an Office Technologist in Federal Polytechnic Mubi.

The specific objectives of the study include the following:

1. To ascertain the types of Basic Office Skills Needed by the Office Technologists

for effective Job Performance in the Organization.

2. To determine the benefits for acquiring the Basic Office Skills Needed by the

Office Technologists in the Organization.

3. To identify problems faced by the Office Technologist in the acquisition of Basic

Office Skills.

4. To suggest ways of solving the identified problems.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study will be of benefit to office managers/secretaries, student, salesgirls/sales

boys, Banks, cashiers and future researchers.

This study will be of immense importance to the Office manager/secretaries of Federal

Polytechnic Mubi, because it will help them appreciate the need for the acquisition of

necessary skills for the effective utilization of the available office technologies.

This study will also be of benefit to students as they may learn more on the Impact of

Basic Office Skills required in the operation of Office Technologies that they may

likely meet in the world of work after graduation. And also, sales girls/boys and a

cashier in the bank will benefit from this study because they will develop the

necessary skills for the effective job performance on the available Office

Technologies. This study will also serve as a reference material to other researchers

who will embark on related topics and the general reading public.

1.5 Research Questions

In line with the purpose/objectives of this research, the following research questions

were formulated.

1. What are the Basic Office Skills Needed by the Office Technologist in their work


2. What are the benefits of acquiring Basic Office Skills by the Office Technologist?

3. What are the problems faced by the Office Technologist in the acquisition of Basic

Office Skills?

4. What are the ways of solving the identified problems?

1.6 Scope/delimitation of the Study

This study covers the Impact of Basic Office Skills Needed for Effective Job

Performance of an Office Technologist in Adamawa State University.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The researcher faced difficulties in collecting relevant data and information for the

study. The researcher also encountered difficulties in some of the respondents’ attitude

towards responding to the questionnaires but this did not discourage the researcher.

1.8 Definitions of Terms

For better understanding of this research work the following terms were operationally


IMPACT: Implies changes in people's lives. This might include changes in

knowledge, skill, behavior, health or living conditions for children, adults, families or


BASIC SKILLS: is considered fundamental or elementary in a particular field, or to

enable a person to function in a society; the minimum level of literacy or numeracy.

OFFICE: this is a room or building where people work. An Office as a place where

clerical works are taken place.

SKILLS: it is an ability to do something well; expertise.

JOB PERFORMANCE: it is way an employee performs tasks assigned to him/her.

Job Performance as an effort that is being expected of an employee towards the

attainment of' the set goals or objectives of an Organization.

OFFICE TECHNOLOGIST: An Office Technologist is a custodian of information,

a reservoir of ideas and a model of modesty, who has the ability and training in taking

notes in shorthand transcribes it on the word processing machine.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter dealt with review of related literature on the Impact of Basic Office Skills

Needed for Effective Job Performance of Office Technologists Federal Polytechnic

Mubi. The review was done under the following sub-headings: Conceptual

Framework, the types of Basic Office Skills Needed for Effective Job Performance of

the Office Technologists, the importance of Basic Office Skills for Effective Job

performance by the Office Technologist, problems faced by the Office Technologist in

the acquisition of basic office skills and ways of solving the identified problems and


2.2 Definition of Concept.

The major concepts were reviewed based on different authorities in order to gain more

understanding of the concepts from their views. They are as follows:

For better understanding of this research work the following terms were operationally


IMPACT: Implies changes in people's lives. This might include changes in

knowledge, skill, behavior, health or living conditions for children, adults, families or

communities. Such changes are positive or negative long-term effects on identifiable

population groups produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly,

intended or unintended. These effects can be economic, socio-cultural, institutional,

environmental, technological or of other types??

BASIC SKILLS: is considered as a fundamental or elementary in a particular field, or

to enable a person to function in a society; the minimum level of literacy or numeracy.

OFFICE: according to Elendu O. (2001) as an organization or investment over a

given period of time. Office is a location usually a building or portion of building,

where a company conducts its business. An Office as a place where clerical works are

taken place. Office as a place or room where official work take place.

JOB PERFORMANCE: Job Performance is an act of carrying out task or an action

for payment. Job Performance: as a responsibility or duty taken.

Job Performance is an effort rendered by and employee for money. Job Performance

as an effort that is being expected of an employee towards the attainment of the set

goals or objectives of an Organization. The researcher defined, Job Performance as a

unit of hard work of effort carried out by employee or personnel in a working

environment for the attainment of set objectives.

OFFICE TECHNOLOGIST: According to Ukonu (2000) an Office Technologist is

a custodian of information, a reservoir of ideas and a model of modesty, who has the

ability and training in taking notes in short-hand transcribes it on the word processing

machine. From the above explanations, it means that the Office technologist are

employees with vast knowledge in operating machines/equipment.

Joseph (2002) posit an Office Technologist as one of the universal knowledges whose

rules are indispensable to any profession. Therefore, Office Technologist is one that

competently uses machines/equipment in carrying their duties and tasks for the


According to Edun (2004), An Office Technologist is a person employed, who is

concerned with preparation, presentation and transmission of all types of

communication location either mechanically or electronically by the use of computer,

internet links and so on. An Office Technologist is the image maker on the

development of an organization and has to be used and practically examined and

assessed. This is because an Office Technologist is the development of an organization

and also one of first contacts within and outside the organization.

Office Technologist is a person that attends directors meeting and ensure that the

effects of the organization or company are carried out in accordance with the

requirements of the organization. Office Technologist as seen by the researcher is also

on employee in an Office who deals with correspondence for a particular member or

staff. A high skilled Office Technologist is the one who has all the secret of the

organization, because he is the one who has general knowledge of all the activities in

the organization.

Robert (2008) affirmed that job performance is the ability to cause some desired result

or getting result. Job performance can be defined as the result or effort of an employee

which he/she put toward the organization set

Pranky (2006) viewed job as the responsibility or duty taken. Therefore, the researcher

is of the view that job is a particular responsibility given to a person to execute for

some period of time. Encarta (2002) defined performance as the manner in which

something or someone functions operate in a successful way.

OFFICE SKILLS The office activities have witnessed tremendous innovation in

information technology especially with the introduction of word processors/computers

that now replaced the traditional typewriters which dominated the office operations

previously. The acquisition of word processing/computer skills will lead to reduction

in the length of time required to do work, ensure accuracy, and efficiency and also

ensure standardization of work done etc.

According to Foster (2010) Office skills may be used comprehensively to cover a

variety of routine and non-routine activities in a business office, office activities

are clustered as word processing skills, communication office skills,

management/supervisory office skills, interpersonal/human relation office skills

and bookkeeping office skills. For clarity of this study, the following concepts

were explained or defined as follows:

Word Processing Office Skills, Word Processing is the handling of alphabetical

and alphanumeric information electronically. According to Kantos (2001), the

term was coined to emphasize the manipulation of certain types of data, characters

combined to form words, sentences, paragraphs, memos, letters and reports. A

word processing system comprises equipment, procedures, and people whereby

thought and ideas are expressed and distributed in hard copy (paper) and/or soft

copy Cathode Ray Tube Screen (CRT) form. The equipment itself (the word

processor) consists of •a keyboard, an electronic memory, a display screen and a

printer. Text is typed on the keyboard, but instead of being printed, it is entered

into the machine’s electronic memory.

The Office Technologist can see the material on the screen and check it as she types it

in. She can also use the keyboard to display the text on the screen and to enter

corrections and amendments. Once the document is entered and corrected, it can be

printed out on the printer. Text can be held in the machine's memory and printed out

later with or without amendments. Azuka (2007) lists word processing functions as

standard editing functions (insert, delete, amend) text enhancement (centering, bold,

fonts) block operations (copy, re-copy, move, deletion) text manipulation (search and

replace, arithmetical

Office Skills 1 5) described an

office to be a place of work. It is defined as a place where business is carried on. One

would want to ask what kind of business? The offices, shops and railway premises act

(2010) defined an office as a building or a part of a building the sole or principal use

of which is an office or for office purposes. Michael (2011) stated that an office is

primarily an information processing centre, linking all the various sections within an

organization together and linking outside world to the organization. Similarly, the

office can be described as any place where clerical work is normally carried on i.e.

processing information from the point of receiving to the point of dissemination.

While Shaw (2008) defined an office as any place where procedures concerned with

the receipt, transmittal, production, reproduction, processing, storage and retrieval of

information are carried out. It is the nerve Centre of any organization where actions

are initiated, inflow of information to the organization and outflow passes through the

office; hence even road construction companies still set aside a building called office

here as their major activities are always on the road site where they are running

contracts. Among the personnel required in an office is a secretary/Office

Technologist, which is primarily responsible for the typing of the documents in the

office in addition to other office routine.

The concept of skills has been explained by many authors. Hornby (2002) defined

skill as the dexterity in doing things or in performance or in application to practical

purpose, an ingenuity, wisdom and knowledge in carrying out a function.

Osuala (2005) referred to skill as an activity that requires controlled physical

movements to be made under the guidance of the mind, which receives its stimulus

through sensory input. Therefore, skill is acquired attitudes and behaviors after an

exposure to theories and practices in the field of study. Skill is the ability to do

something with a degree of proficiency resulting from certain behavior pattern in

respect to smoothness, speed and accuracy. Okorie and Ezeji (2008) explained that

possession of skill is to demonstrate the habit of acting, thinking or behaving in a

specific activity which has become so natural to the individual through repetition or

practice such that it becomes automatic. The Webster Encyclopaedic Dictionary

(2004) defined skill as the ability coming from one’s knowledge, practice, and aptitude

etc. to do something well. Central among these definitions is the idea that skill could

be regarded as ability, which is an outcome of learning and practice to the point of

perfection, which could be applied subsequently by the learner. The result is accuracy

in carrying out a task through organized learning and repetitive practice. Acquisition

of skills exposes the learner to the specific skills or relevant activities embodying the

skills. Okorie (2008) stated that skills are required when procedural instructions are

matched with performance activities. Repetition is the watchword. For skills to be

acquired and developed there must be opportunity for participation and practice of

such skills under real life condition. To acquire and develop skills, Okorie and Ezeji

(2008) further stated that 3 factors are involved namely imitation, repetition and

participation. Similarly, Hauston (2010) listed among others processes of skill

acquisition (a) observation students watch the skill operation performed by the teacher

I real life to enable them form concept. Observation is invaluable in the development

of skills; (b) imitation students follow example of what the teacher has done through

demonstration and learning by doing; (c) manipulation —this means to operate, handle

for example the act of receiving or attending to visitors and clients. This is

demonstration practices; (d) performing carry out the activities taught and would be

guided on what to do; (e) perfecting this is the highest form of skill acquisition

process. After much practices, the students become conversant with the demands and

tasks of the operation. They become expert and saleable. Olaitan (2010) opined that

instructions are not completed until students have used the abilities and skills being

taught. Okorie (2011) stated that if education is preparation for life and if practically

every one's life and opportunities for self-expression and fulfilment include work and

skills possessed, then only the successfully employable are successfully educated and

skilled. Thus, acquisition and development of work skills would help the learner

among others to cultivate a right attitude to work, have a good sense of duty and

respect for the dignity of labour, be self -sufficient and self-reliant, that is, prepare the

learner to be worthwhile business owner, acquire saleable skills, prepare the learners

to be effective employees in the business world. A skill is a learnt response in actions,

words or deeds to objects, situations and issues. Once learned, the skills are relatively

permanent and people become efficient in performing these skills in everyday living.

Office work skills can therefore be referred to mean those abilities to carry out the

office functions very well. These office work skills are as varied as the office activities

vary too.

2.3 Types of Basic Office Skills Needed by the Office Technologist for the

effective Job Performance.

http// there are key skills an Office Technologist should possess in

order to carry out his/her duties and responsibilities effectively and with

professionalism. These skills are listed below:

Communication skill:

Office Technologist performs lots of duties including communication with Other

employees and people outside the organization. He/she needs solid knowledge on

English Language and good Manner of approach in a soft and understandable tune.

Communication Skills are those skills which are needed to speak and write properly.

One should have the ability to listen carefully and write and speak clearly in any

situation. Therefore, good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential

for effective communication.

Communication skills are the abilities one use when giving and receiving different

kinds of information. Some examples include communicating new ideas. Feelings or

even an update on your project. Communication skills involve listening, speaking,

observing and empathizing.


Office Technologist most has deep computer knowledge and skills to operate

different software package, how to access the internet and how to efficiently

handle/use the computer with ease.

Elendu (2005), stated that Office Technologists are usually trying new methods

since changes are constant in their daily activities. If there are any growths, Office

Technologist should adjust unusual schedule to expected need of the day to day

changes. Documents to be produced by them must be error proof, accurate neat

and attractive.


Internet skill is important in any profession: An internet skill is essential to the

Office Technologist in communication and research of information towards the

progress of the organization. Therefore, Office Technologist needs internet access

skill such as searching, downloading and sending of information via

communication gadget.


Wikipedia free encyclopaedia (2010) posited that since Office Technologists are

experts in technology and uses modern technology often the Office Technologists

are to maintain these machines because that are valuable asset to the organization.

The Office Technologist must ensure the servicing of these machines and report to

technicians when faulty.

Human Relation Skills:

Onasanya (2009) defined Human relations skill as the relationship between one

person and another; person and a group of persons or between groups of people

within a community, whether at work, place of worship or social gathering. This

skill is an office basics skill because the Office Technologist meets with all calibre

of people in the office all the time.

Organizational skills: This is the mission, vision, values, culture and core skills of

the organization that sets the tone and context in which the work of the

organization is carried out (e.g. customer driven, risk taking and cutting edge).

How we treat the client/customers is part of what keeps the client/customers with

the organization. This skill enables the Office

Technologist to maintain good relationship with the outside world.


www.acaÅemiqiournals.orgl@ib11)/pdf/D(20J2: 1 5) affirmed that the basic

office skill that the Office Technologist needs to possess are touch-typing

keyboard skills and application of software's packages skills. Dauda (2007) saw

that an Office Technologist increasingly requires extensive knowledge of software

application such as words processing, Spread sheet, Database Management

Presentation etc. The author further states that proficient in keyboarding, good

spelling check. Punctuation and grammar is necessary as a basic Office Skill for

the office Technologist to enhance his/her job performance.

2.4 Importance of Acquiring the Basic Office Skills for effective Job Performance

of the Office Technologist

Skills models can help organizations align their initiatives to their overall business

strategy. By aligning skills to business strategies, organizations can better recruit and

select employees for their organizations. Skills have become a precise way for

employers to distinguish superior from average or below average performance.

The reason {Or this is because skills extend beyond measuring baseline characteristics

and or skills used to define and assess job performance. In addition to recruitment and

selection, a well sound competency models will help with performance management,

succession planning and career development (Kinney, 2013).

For the office duties or functions to progress appropriately, the professional Office

Technologist has to be abreast with current trends with reference to office machines,

office technology, office terminologies such as teleconferencing, Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) as well as others, and be able to respond to them in

the right manner, and in a proactive manner. The followings are some of the

importance of basic office


Basic office skills acquired through the concept and process of human capital

development helps in increasing the productivity of employees which, in turn,

contributes to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

 Speed and Accuracy

It enhances speed, accuracy, diligence in operating and processing data there by

eliminating the set back and difficulties previously encounter using manual.

 Time Saving: With the aid of Basic Office Skills, mathematical task such as

computation of figures, tables and graphs can be handled easily using Ms-Excel

Packages. Office Technologist needs no calculators or graph books to do that.

Office - Technologist with Basic Office skill perform his/her duty within a limited

time, for example Office Technologist with the Basic Office Skill of computer and

keyboarding skills will produce documents and save it for future reference. He/she

can make edition of the document when the need arises.

 Organizational climate. The knowledge of the Basic Office Skills therefore,

helps the Office Technologist to build a positive perception and feelings about

and within the organization. It is pertinent to state that, the Office Technologist

gets these feelings from the organizational leadership, colleagues and


 Quality of work: The quality of work covers a wide spectrum; it helps in

improving the quality of work and of work

2.5 Problems Faced by the Office Technologist in the acquisition of Basic Office


According to Abinide (2006), the Office Technologist is faced with several problems

in the performance of their duties which hinders their performance in the organization

which include the following:

1. Lack of Machines/Equipment’s

Inadequate equipment affects an Office Technologist in performing his/her duties to the

marginal levels. This has been recognized as one of major cause of low-level

performance of an Office Technologist.

Dauda (2007) affirmed that lack of machines/equipment gadget to be ed by the Office

Technologists for effective and efficient production makes competent office

technologists, ineffective inputting his/her best towards the success of the Federal

Polytechnic Mubi. Technology has really changed the nature in which the Office

Technologist performs office activities to a stress free one while these technologies are

available. When the Office Technologist lack the basic office skills, it becomes a

problem for him or her to handle the new office machines/equipment.

2. Professional Inequality: there is lack of sense of dignity for labour as regards

misconception, assumption and disposition. Office Technologist is erroneously seen as

nothing more than a helper to his/her boss. Moreover, an Office Technologist does not

attend meeting just to partake in decision making and policy execution rather he/she

attends as a recorder of deliberations. This in facts suggests that their skills will not

show forth. This tends to affect the morale of the Office Technologist.

3. Inadequate Professional Training: The job of the Office Technologist requires

several skills which include both professional, interpersonal, language and ICT

skills. These are some of the necessary skills that the Office Technologist needs.

The absence of any of the abovementioned skilled will lead to inefficiency of the

secretary/Office Technologist and will in turn affect the productivity of the

organization adversely.

4. Irregular Power supply: Most of the modern machines/equipment used by the

Office Technologist in the office today cannot be operated without power supply.

Therefore, irregular electricity supply has affected the productivity of the Office

Technologists in Federal Polytechnic Mubi. Electricity in other words has a great

impact in the use of information technology machines/equipment because without

electricity work cannot be carried out. (Tiva, 2008).

5. Lack of Maintenance Culture

Negligence in maintaining office technological gadget is one of the problems faced by

the Office Technologist in the office today. Machines/equipment’s used by the Office

Technologist are not serviced from time to time and are been over used leading to its

damage. Federal Polytechnic Mubi, may install office machines/equipment’s but leave

these machines without proper maintenance. Some of these machines/equipment’s are

over used thereby it functions not as expected to meet the requirement for which it was

meant for.

6. Dependency

Dependency on the Federal Polytechnic Mubi, to retain the Office Technologist is

another problem of the Office Technologist, Office Technologists tend not to use their

income to acquire knowledge, but solely depend on the Federal Polytechnic, Mubi to

retain them.

7. Innovation of Technology

New technologies are being introduced from time to time: therefore, acquiring of skills

in using these technologies needs an expertise.

Edwin (2008) says technology has improved the work production of the Office

Technologist but in spite of that, the rapid release of latest versions of some of these

technologies and how to acquire the skills to make proper use of the

machines/equipment’s, within a short time constitute a problem.

8. Unequipped Cyber Café

According to Solomon (personal discussion .5ül August, 2013) saw that ill-equipped

cyber café is another problem faced by the Office Technologist. Cyber Café is where

Office Technologists can make research on net, send information or communicate with

the outside world, but most of them are not equipped for such purposes. It becomes a


11. Security: This is always a problem for any organization that uses information

communication technology. New viruses are released nearly everyday. Olayinka

(2012). So securing information/data becomes a big problem.

2.6 Ways of Solving the Identified Problems

Hygiene (2007) suggested the following ways of solving the problems of basic office

skills of the Office Technologists:

1. Provision of adequate machines/equipment and facilities: the job Of the Office

Technologist can be made easier if adequate equipment and facilities alongside the

Training on how to handle them are provided and the organization should ensure

that these equipment and facilities are in good conditions at all times.

2. Recognition of the importance of the office technologist: the Office

Technologist should be accorded the required recognition that is due to him or her

in the organization.

3. This should include the training and retraining of the Office Technologist.

4. Steady Power Supply: Federal Polytechnic, Mubi is to ensure steady power

supply by providing standby generator at an appropriate voltage so as to avoid

damage of some of these machines. When there is a steady power supply more will

be achieved within a little time and will enhance Office Technologists in

discharging their duties towards the attainment of Adamawa State University


5. There should be provision for good working condition and suitable environment.

Maintenance culture should be encouraged so as to avert the machine/equipment

from getting damaged. Periodic servicing should be carried out from time to time

so as to maintain the machines and keep them in good shape.

6. Independency: Office Technologists needs to develop interest personally to be

effective and develop new skills through personal training such as attending

conferences, seminars, sourcing information from internet etc., to meet up with

rapid advances in technology.

7. Self-training of the Office Technologist: Office Technologists should try as much

as they can to develop themselves without waiting for the organization. This will

help them in the acquisition of new and necessary offices skills that is needed for

effective job performance. This will make them to be up to date with their skill and

be more efficient in their assigned tasks.

8. Innovation of Technology: Office Technologist are expected to develop zeal on

making research on latest technology and meet expertise to learn to be effective in

the office skills and to operate them with ease.

9. Workshops/Seminar should be conducted for the Office Technologist whenever

there is new innovations in technology. This is to create awareness of latest

versions of new technology and to start on time to learn how to use and operate


10. Equipped Cyber Café: According to Solomon (personal communication 5th

August 2013) cyber cafe should be equipped for Office Technologists within their

organization so as to easily communicate, make research and source for

information for growth of the organization.


This chapter dealt with review of related literature on the topic: Basic office skills

needed for Effective Job Performance for Office Technologist in Federal Polytechnic,


It looked at the conceptual frame —work on the basic office skills needed for effective

job performance, types of basic office skills needed for effective Job Performance by

the Office Technologists, the importance of Basic Skills Needed for Effective Job

Performance of the Office Technologist such as planning, improve employer

satisfaction, improve team work and increase in productivity. It further stated the

qualities of an Office Technologist; honesty, punctuality, integrity, loyalty, and

confidentiality, duties perform by the Office Technologist; handling correspondence,

preparing reports, answering office telephone, teleconference, filling documents and

many more. It also emphasize on the problems faced by the Office Technologist in the

acquisition of Basic Office Skills, such as lack of machines/equipment, inadequate

professional training to carry out office responsibilities and inequality.

And ways of solving the

identified problems; provision of adequate machines/equipment, self-training and

recognizing the importance of Office Technologist.



3.1 Research Methodology

This chapter contains information on Research Design, Population, sample population,

Instrumentation, validity, method of data collection, method of data analysis and

decision rule.

3.2 Research Design

The design adopted for this study is the survey design. The design is appropriate for this

study because the opinions of the Office Technologists are required to solve the

problem at hand.

3.3 Population of the Study

The population for this research work is made up of 69 Office Technologists in Federal

Polytechnic Mubi.

3.4 Sample Population

The researcher studied the entire population of Office Technologist in Federal

Polytechnic Mubi which are sixty nine (69) in number because of the small size of the

entire population,

3.5 Instrumentation

The instrument used for the collection of data is a twenty items self-developed

questionnaire to elicit information from the respondents.

3.6 Validity of the Study

For the validity of the instrument, the researcher used the supervisor and three (3) other

experts/professionals in the field for face and content validity.

3.7 Method of Data Collection

Data for this research work was collected using primary and secondary -sources. The

primary source was the questionnaire while the secondary sources include text books,

journals and the internet.


Data for this study was analyzed using simple mean statistical method. The data

obtained using 5 point scale to analyze questions which values were attached thus; each

mean was interpreted according to scale used for data collected.

∑ fx
X= N


X = mean

∑ = summation

F = frequency of observation

x = assigned values

N = number of respondents


The decision rules for this method of data analysis of this study was that any mean from

3.5 above will be accepted as having effect on the problem at hand, while any mean

below 3.5 will be unaccepted and having no effect on the problem at hand.



4.1 Summary OF Questionnaire Distributed

A total number of sixty-nine (69) questionnaires were distributed to the

respondents. Sixty-nine (69) of the questionnaires where returned, representing

100% all were returned.

4.2 answering research question

Questions formulated by the researcher for this research work was answered

using mean statistical tool to analyze the data.

Research question one: what are the types of Basic Office Skills needed by

Office Technologist for effective job performance in Federal Polytechnic Mubi?


5 4 3 2 1 X
Communication 35 20 5 5 4 284 69 4. Agreed
skills office 1
performs lot of
duties including
Speed and 30 28 8 2 1 291 69 4. Agreed
accuracy skills: 2
must have deep
knowledge and
Internet skills; 45 20 3 1 0 315 69 4. Agreed
internet skill is 6
important is
any profession.
Maintenance 59 8 2 0 0 333 69 4. Agreed
skills: office 8
technologist are
experts in
Human relation 45 15 5 4 0 308 69 4. Agreed
skills: office 5
needs human
relations skills.
Source field survey: (2022) Average mean (x) 22.2 = 4.4 ə0.31 0.062
5 5

From the above table one, variable one and two with a mean score of 4.1 and 4.2 each
respectively and a standard deviation of 0.06 each. The respondents agreed that good
communication and customer service skill is needed by the Office Technologist, item
two with a mean score of 4.2 shows that an Office Technologist need speed and
accuracy skill.
variable “Three and Four with a mean score of 4.6 and 4.8 each respectively and
standard deviation of 0.07 and 0.07 each. The respondents agreed that an Office
Technologist need the internet skills. In the same vein, a mean score of 4.8 and 0.07
each show that the respondents agreed that maintenance skill is a necessity for Office

Technologist, the respondents agreed in item five with a mean score of 4.5 and 0.05
each. The respondents agreed that human relation skill is needed by the Office
Technologist for effective job performance. From the above table, respondents
accepted all the statement which shows that they agreed with all the opinions given by
the researcher with the average mean score of 4.4 and a standard deviation 0.062

Research question two: what are the importance of Basic Office Skills needed by
an Office Technologist for effective job performance?
Table Two
5 4 3 2 1

Productivity: 40 20 5 2 2 301 69 Agreed

Basic Office
Skills acquired
through the
concept and
process of
human capital
helps in
increasing the
productivity of
Speed and 50 10 5 4 0 313 69 Agreed
Accuracy: it
enhance speed
diligence in
operating and
processing data
there by
elimating the
set back and
encounter using
Time saving: 35 20 5 5 4 284 69 Agreed
with the aid of
Basic Office
task such as
computation of
figures tables
and graphs can

be handeld
easily using
needs not
calculators or
graphs books to
do that.
Organizationa 45 10 10 3 1 302 69 Agreed
l climate: the
knowledge of
Basic Office
Skills therefore
helps the
40 20 5 2 2 301 69 Agreed

Source field survey: (2022) Average mean (x) 21.8 = 4.4

From table two above, variable one and two with the mean score of 4.4 and 4.5 each

respectively each shows that the respondents agreed that productivity is among the

importance of basic office skills to an Office Technologist, the respondents agreed that

with the basic office skills there is increased in productivity.

Variable three and four also with a mean score of 4.1 and 4.4 each respectively and

also each also shows that the respondents agreed with the statement that speed and

accuracy is another importance, the mean score of 4.4 and time that time saving is an

importance of basic office skills, the mean of 4.4 agreed that it leads to organizational


With the average mean of 4.4 and 0 0.062 shows that the respondents agreed with the

opinion of the researcher.

Research question three: what are the problems faced by the Office technologist in

the acquisition of basic office skills

Statement S A U D S Ʃ N - REMA

A 4 D 2 D F X RKS

5 3 1 X

Inadequate 5 1 2 1 0 3 6 4 Agreed

machines/equi 5 0 2 9 .

pment: lack of 4 7


affects office

technologist in


their duties to



Professional 5 1 3 2 1 3 6 4 Agreed

inequality: 0 3 1 9 .

there is lack of 6 6

sense of

dignity for

labour as



, assumption



Office 4 1 7 5 2 2 6 4 Agreed

technologist is 0 5 9 9 .

erroneously 3 2

seen as

nothing more

than a helper

of his/her


Inadequate 3 2 5 6 3 2 6 4 Agreed

professional 5 0 8 9 .

training: the 5 1

job of the




several skills

which include




language and

ICT skills.

Irregular 3 2 5 3 3 2 6 4 Agreed
power supply: 3 9 9 .

most of the 1 2




used by office

technologist in

the office

today cannot

be operated

without power

supply. Lack

of good


condition and



Source field survey: (2022) Average mean (x) 21.8 = 4.4


From the table three above, variable one and two shows that the respondents agreed

that inadequate machine/equipment is a problem faced by An Office Technologist with

the mean score of 4.7 and 4.6 each respectively and a standard deviation 0.07 each

respectively, agrees that inadequate professional training is a problem faced by the

Office Technologists on the job performance.

Statement three and four 4.2 and 4.1 each respectively each shows that with a mean

score of respondents agreed that professional inequality is another problem of Office

Technologist job performance, so also a mean score of 4.1 agreed that inadequate

professional training is a problem too and with the mean of 4.2 respondents agreed that

lack of good working conditions and conducive environment is another problem.

Respondents agreed with the data presented above with the average mean of 4.4

Research question four: what are the possible ways of solving the identify problems?

Statement SA A U D S ƩF N - REMAR
5 4 D 2 D X X KS
3 1
Provision of 55 1 1 1 0 32 6 4.8 Agreed
adequate 2 8 9
equipment and
facilities: the
job of office
can be made
easier if
equipment and
alongside the
training on how
to handle them
are provided.
Recognition of 57 9 2 1 0 32 6 4.8 Agreed
the importance 9 9
of the office
the office
should be
accorded the
recognition that
is due to him or
her in
Self-training for 35 2 5 5 2 29 6 4.2 Agreed
office 2 0 9

should be given
training in all
areas that can
help them
develop their
skills. This
should include
the training and
retraining of the
Steady power 30 2 1 5 4 27 6 3.9 Agreed
supply: federal 0 0 4 9
mubi is to
ensure steady
power supply
by providing
generator at an
voltage so as
avoid damage
of some these
There should be 40 1 5 3 3 29 6 4.3 Agreed
provision for 8 6 9
good working
condition and
Source field survey: (2022) Average mean (x) 22 = 4.4
From the table four above, variable one and two shows that the respondents agreed to

the statement with a mean score of 4.8 and 4.8 each respectively. The mean of 4.8 and

4.8 each respectively agreed that an Office Technologist should be provided with

adequate machines/equipment and facilities, the mean of 4.8 and 4.8 shows that an

Office Technologist should undergo specialized training, the respondents also agreed

that an Office Technologist should be accorded an adequate reward for their job with

the mean of 4.2 0with the mean of 3.9 and 4.3 respondents agreed that an Office

Technologist should be recognized with importance, respondents also agreed with the

mean score of 4.3 and 39 that there should be provision for a conducive working


The average means score of 4.4 and shows that respondents have agreed with the

statements and opinions given by the researchers.

4.3 Summary of Findings.

The findings revealed that some of the basic office skills needed by the Office

Technologist are; communication skills, team works skills, computer skills, record

management skills etc. The importance of basic office skills include: improve team

work, increase in productivity, improve employee satisfaction, accomplishment of

much within little time. The problems affecting an Office Technologist job

performance are; inadequate machines/equipment, inadequate professional training

and professional inequality. Solutions to the identified problems can be achieved in the

following ways; provision of adequate machines/equipment and facilities, self-training

should be given to the Office Technologist, an Office Technologist should be accorded

an adequate reward, recognition of the importance of an Office Technologist.




This research work was centered on "Impact of Basic Office Skills Needed by the

Office Technologist for Effective Job Performance". The general objectives of the

study were to examine the basic office skills needed by an Office Technologist for

effective job performance, to assess the importance of basic office skills needed by the

Office Technologist, to identify the problems militating against the acquisition of basic

Office skills of the Technologist and also ways of solving the identified problems.

Literature review was done using the primary and secondary source of data collection.

The sample population for the study was made up of all the sixty-nine (69) Office

Technologist in Federal Polytechnic, Mubi.

The entire population was used because of the small size of population. The

methodology adopted for the research work was the survey method. The method was

appropriate because the opinions of the respondents was needed to solve the problem

at hand. A five-point likert scale was used to present the data collected while the mean

statistical tool was used to analyze the data because of the descriptive nature of the

study. Tables were used to present the data in order to enhance the prospective

understanding of readers. The major findings of the research were also presented

together with well thought out recommendations.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the above findings of the research work, the researcher concluded that; an

Office Technologist cannot carry out her job effectively without the basic office skills

needed. In every organization, the Office Technologist is an important personnel and

officer and more is expected of him/her. This implies that Office Technologist should

possess the needed basic office skills to carry out his/her duties and responsibilities

effectively and efficiently.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings obtained, the following recommendations were made;

1. An Office Technologist should possess the needed basic office skills before going

into the work system.

2. Organizations should make provision for machines/equipment needed by an Office

Technologist to carry out duties effectively and efficiently.

3. Organizations should send their Office Technologist on training to update their

basic office skills ability so that they give the organization their best for better


4. An Office Technologist should be rewarded accordingly as this can serve as a

motivation to them.

5.4 Areas for Further Studies

Due to some circumstance that surrounds this research work, the researcher could not

exhaust the topic in question and therefore, suggest that the future researchers should

carry out research on the following topics;

 An appraisal on basic office skills as a tool for quality work.

 Ways of training an Office Technologist to acquire the needed basic office skills

for effective job performance.

 Impact of office machines/equipment's on the effective job performance of office

technologists in an organization


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