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Haramaya University Institute of Technology

Department of Food Science and Post-Harvest

Mid exam for Agricultural Marketing and Value Chain Management

Exam date 10/02/22 Worth of the exam: 30%

Allowed time: one hour only

General Instructions:

Please read each question carefully and write your answers in the space provided or on the
attached paper (Answer sheet)

Do not forget that your answers should be readable

The use of electronic devices such as iPod, cell phones, etc. is prohibited during the exam

Any form of cheating or an attempt to cheat will nullify your work

Please, make sure that you have received 7 pages and don’t detach any of the exam pages

Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ID-----------------

I. Say True, if the statement is correct or false, if it’s wrong. (5 points)

1. Possession utility means obtaining a good or service and having the right to use or

consume it

2. In a market economic system, government planners decide what and how much is to be

produced and distributed by whom, when, to whom and why.

3. Wholesalers are those merchant middlemen that buy products for resale directly to the

ultimate consumer of the goods.

4. The functional approach describing the marketing of a specific commodity from farm to


5. Standardization is concerned with the establishment and maintenance of uniform

measurements of produce quality and/or quantity.

II. Choose the answer at most fitted (15 points).

1. -----------are thus wants for specific product that are backed by an ability to buy them?

A. Supply’s C. Wants
B. Needs D. Demands

2. --------- Utility means having the product available when the customer wants It.?

A. Possession C. Place
B. Time D. Form

3. Which one of the following is not under the physical handling of the product?

A. Storage D. Transportation
B. Grading E. None
C. Packaging

4. ---------Middlemen’s are those who take title to products with the major purpose of
profiting from price movements?
A. Broker C. Speculative
B. Retailer D. Commission men

5. If the manger of a business owner perceived that consumers will prefer products that are
widely available and inexpensive, then which marketing management strategy concept is
applied for?

A. Product D. Consumer
B. Production E. None
C. Marketing

6. Packaging function has a positive contribution on marketing except one?

A. Reducing bulk
B. Facilitating handling
C. Increasing cost of marketing
D. Reducing shrinkage and spoilage
E. Facilitating quality identification and product selection by consumers

7. ---------is accessing information about the product or service in marketing.

A. Record-keeping C. Selling
B. Buying D. Market intelligence

8. If the farmers of Haramaya district grows more by switching varieties or applying

fertilizer; or if they may reduce pest attacks and save costs through integrated pest
management rather than spraying, which methods of upgrading system are they applied?
A. Product upgrading
B. Intra chain upgrading
C. Process upgrading
D. Inter chain upgrading
9. ----------is a set of statements and guidelines at chain level with the purpose to guide the
future development of the chain and its links, and based on the shared ultimate goal of the
A. Chain formation
B. Chain strategy
C. Chain improvement
D. Chain development
10. If we have diversified customer demand in the market which is elastic behavior for our
product, which one of the following strategy is more suited for?
A. Chain optimization
B. Low cost strategy
C. Chain differentiation
D. Integral chain care
III. Justify the following questions clearly upon your view and understandings (10 points)
1. What is the essence of marketing in economic growth and development?(3pts)
2. Elaborate the concepts of achieving customer’s need, want and satisfaction in marketing
efficiency? (3pts)
3. Differentiate selling and marketing concepts of company’s orientation towards the
marketplace, using contextual example? (4pts)

Answer sheet
I. True/false
8. --------
9. --------
II. Choice
10. --------
1. --------
11. --------
2. --------
12. --------
3. --------
13. --------
4. --------
14. --------
5. --------
15. --------
6. --------
7. --------

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